Wednesday, December 8th, 2004
5:59 pm - Can't complain
| Tuesday, December 7th, 2004
12:06 pm - mmhmm
| You scored as True Neutral. A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.
True Neutral | | 70% | Chaotic Good | | 60% | Lawful Good | | 55% | Neutral Good | | 55% | Chaotic Neutral | | 55% | Neutral Evil | | 50% | Lawful Evil | | 45% | Lawful Neutral | | 45% | Chaotic Evil | | 40% |
What is your Alignment? created with QuizFarm.com |
As if I know what the other thingies are. I am so not a D&D; player. I lose cool points all around u.u
current mood: bored current music: The Notwist - Day 7
(4 comments | comment on this)
| Saturday, December 4th, 2004
7:09 pm
Well, I got to thinking (as I read everyone else's LJs and saw tons of wishlists) about what I would like for Christmas. And the deal is, I don't expect anyone to get me anything, especially LJ people. Most of my friends are poorer than me, can't really afford to send me anything, and others probably don't even read my LJ enough to give a shit.
But you know what? I am bored as fuck and want to do something to waste your and my time. So, here goes:
Michelle's 2004 Holiday Wishlist
(1) Obviously a paid LJ account would be bad ass, even though the only thing I would do with it is play with icons, make quizzes, and maybe get the gumption to annoy exhumed or hyuga to help me (whip) with a layout that isn't so bland. Probably not gonna happen. (2) Gift certificates to Urban Outfitters would be fun to spend. But then again, that shit is expensive. So expensive that I never buy myself stuff there. But you find cute stuff over there every now and then. I really like these panties and this wallet rocks my socks. Mind you, my ass is big. (3) Gap.com is always safe, cause I am gimp. I dig this scarf and this cute nightie (4) I don't think I have Vol. 13 of Blade of the Immortal yet. I will probably buy that for myself soon anyway. (5) Mmmmmm Pomegranate Juice. Nothing better! (6) Aveda stores make me so happy, so pretty much anything there would cause me to cream my panties (Especially lipglosses, skin care, and caaandles! mmm)
Okay, I am having way too much fun and starting to think of real things I want, so I will shut up now.
I should probably look at all these things after Christmas if I have the bling. Yeah..yeah, right. Time for General Tso's.
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| Friday, December 3rd, 2004
11:59 pm - I update a lot now, huh?
With all this time (finals are always such an easy time for me; the buildup is what kills me) on my hands, I am more capable to post with things other than "OMGOGOMG I H8Z U!" Anyway, things of the day worthy of note:
Car Wreck: I witnessed a car wreck. Hmmm, more appropriately, I saw the after math. One car was still on the road (in the left hand lane facing the right lane traffic, i.e. knocked into that position) while another had skidded on the wet concrete onto grass to the left side. The SUV (grassy area) was smashed in from the side and had a broken axle it seems. The Toyota had the whole front end smashed in, smoke pouring out and into the cab, and smelled nasty. My mother said "Wreck!" I let her jump out of the car while I parked the car at this local bank.
My mother ran to the Toyota while I brought my umbrella from my parked car. She had made sure that the passenger (a white female) was awake and tried to get her up and out of the car. I jogged over to the SUV. The young black woman, in her middle thirties was passed out in her front seat. I began to gently waken her, telling her everything I was doing (turning off the car, turning off the headlights, turning her loud music off...which was so loud, I doubt she could have heard a car horn anyway). When she came to, she began crying. What was comforting to me was to comfort her! I rubbed her shoulders, told her that the woman in the other vehicle was okay, and that she would be just fine. By that time, others had stopped and called the police, 911, and fire department. All was well. I kept talking to the woman. My mother (who had come to check up on me) and I gave her a hug to calm her down (the paramedics DO NOT know how to calm a victim down..especially a woman who needs to be comforted). As she walked to the ambulance to sign release forms, I grabbed her purse, took the keys, shut the door, and said "Here's her stuff. I am still a woman and never leave a place without my purse. I am sure she would want the same."
The deal was I felt happy and excited to help someone who was upset. Not that it really mattered she was in an accident... Just to help her. Let it be noted, however, that my mother and myself were excellent people to see the accident considering we both have a very basic knowledge (she more so than myself) of medical things. Either/or, it was rather exciting. Made my day, oddly enough.
Grandfather: This all happened on the way to my grandfather's (Papa) hotel. Not much to say there other than I feel more of an adult when I talk to him. Like, I can make adult jokes, talk calmly, speak my mind, blah blah blah. It's rather nice to not feel like a kid anymore. And my Uncle Charles made a dirty joke. My Papa said something about me being germaphone for not eating a peanut that fell on the floor (normally I would, but at a place that I know well and not in front of him). I said "Well, you just don't know how clean these places are." My uncle says "Michelle, I am sure they keep these places very clean." Then he kinda grins and sticks his tongue against the inside of his cheek!
My uncle so made a People-Fuck-In-Hotels joke. I am so proud. Gives me hopes for him yet. But then I realize that it's because he's not near Aunt Bitchy.
Nails: I gots them did up real goooorid. Considering I have real nails I was like "Fix 'em up real nice like." I got a French manicure with my REAL nails. So it only totaled up to $10. I gave a $1 (I am not sure what sort of tips you give someone who does your nails...20%? I thought $1 wasn't so bad considering she didn't do something super hard to my real nails. And Phoebe gave the other lady no tip).
Okay, so this was a shitty post; I didn't really have much to say. Sorry. I just really wanted to post about the car accident I helped with. It made me feel really nice to help and comfort someone in their time of need. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Cars fucked to hell? Yes. People's insurances going to go to hell and back? More than likely. But did I see that things could have been worse? Yes.
Now, time for bed. I have 1/3rd of Tom's gift so far, and I love it. I gotta get the second part and decide on exactly what I want the third part to be. Mundane post, yes yes yes!
Maybe I will do one of those wish lists like everyone else is doing because I am bored and some rich person is on my friends list who really likes me (more than likely NOT gonna happen)
current mood: thankful current music: spiritual vibes - from an astronomical observato
(19 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, December 2nd, 2004
10:13 am - I know, I know
| Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
6:04 pm - Like...uh...yeah...whoa?
I have tons of pictures to actually post, but since I want to space them out so I get my full set ot lewd comments, I am going to post my pictures I took yesterday of my badically awesome anime hair. I rolled my hair in curlers and took them down to form giant, anime ringlets. Then I went to Lamarissimo...
So ( enjoy ).
And the new Hidden Cameras album is still up in the air about me liking it lots.
[edit] I promise that I took smiling pictures, but they came out with boogers, pimples, and baggy eyes. I am sure yall would have prefered that I ate up my nasties and didn't post them. Sorries; you only get serious emo Meshell pictures.
current mood: full current music: The Hidden Cameras - Mississauga Goddam
(40 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
1:13 pm - Just sometimes...
I count my blessings that I don't read pitchfork, read really crappy webcomics, really can't count as a hipster because I am much too boring and wear jeans that fit, and can remain cynical to all things.
Because, god damn... Watching my peer group run around being trite makes me really hate my age. I wish I was 30 so I didn't have to watch them.
But then I would have to run around hating my wrinkles. Fuck that game. I am just gonna remain cynical and always dislike the same things I disliked. And heart my boyfriend. Mmmm.
And I heart Joanna Newsom. Please super cool people reading my LJ, please please please go download some. You won't regret it. It's super, harpy emo stuff. Just what the black haired doctor ordered.
Side note: He took pictures of me sleeping that I will demand of him when he gets back. I want to see how much I drool when I sleep.
current mood: bored current music: Joanna Newsom - Bridges and Balloons
(19 comments | comment on this)
12:59 pm - Dizamn
It's been a gogillion years since I posted. That could be because Tom came in Monday evening of last week and left this morning. I will avoid the mundane details and just say that we had lots of fun. I can't wait until I get to go see him in December and run around with him on the East coast (freezing my ass off). Nothing significant really went on (no deaths in my family, unfortunately). Of the list that we took care of, six things got done. You may guess what they are... If you actually go and look at the list, think about it, and tell me (everything tells me that this is highly unlikely).
Other than that, I had a great time. Like I said, Christmas will be great. He keeps telling me I better be ready for his family, but as he saw by my crazy ass family, nothing compares to his. Nothing.
Not even his brother licking his own nipples.. Mmmm.
So, yeah I haven't thought about much other than Tom and how things turn so easily into bullshit. I mean, as we all saw, Jamey blew up at me on my LJ, deleted his comments, proceeded to be irrational on AIM, and blocked me. This probably came out because I remained calm online while he would say things like "Oh my fucking god." Bleh. I seriously didn't take things as bad as he thought I did.
This is where I go into a rant. I am tired of people reading my LJ and taking offense to things. I don't post for you, be you an online friend or a friend that gives me ice cream at her evil ice cream job. I post for myself. I write things when I am very angry, pissed off, and hurt. And I don't edit out what I think and feel. Of course it is public. I leave it that way for several reasons. Yes, I like lists; shut up.
(1) I originally had this LJ with only a few people on it. They included a few online friends and Aimee, and she knew how I felt towards things. I didn't have to bullshit around and avoid writing what I wanted to save people's ears because not many people read the things I wrote anyway. (2) I have put in my profile that I write when I am upset, angry, and childish. I also write crap when I am bored. I never once said that it would be relevant, wonderful posts about how great my life is and how I love everyone. Fuck that game. It is stated that I write in the heat of emotion. (3) I think it is stupid to hide away your posts in friends-only things. The only things that I make friends-only are insanely private thoughts, should they be about sex, drugs, or rock-n-roll. I don't leave things out in the open that could incriminate me of sorts to kids I know at school. That does NOT include bitching about them, so I leave that public too. (On a side note, glaximus I know why you keep it friends-only, so don't think this is an attack on you... Or anyone else friends-only. I don't see a reason for me to have friends-only posts, but I do see reasons why you keep yours friends-only, and I respect that. ^_^). (4) As people should know, my LJ is mostly filled with online friends. That means that my general readership is filled with people that don't know how fat my ass really is. That also means that if I write with any sort of audience, it is them. Yes, I do name drop RL friends (because they like it, unf unf), but I also name drop online friends as well. I don't think about RL friends when I write, so it's not like when I am bitching about you, you are the intended audience. (5) Finally, what is the purpose of a journal? To write out thoughts and release anger through writing (for me it is). What is the purpose of livejournal? To write out thoughts and release anger through writing while feeling vindicated from these negative emotions and receive support from those that read these thoughts. It is not to publicly bitch about someone and let everyone know just what you think of them. Because, frankly... If you use livejournal for that, you are wasting it more than I am.
This is where I say, grow up jameysburning. Me bitching about you isn't new. Neither is everyone else bitching about you. Or you bitching about them. Just because I wrote about it on a semi-public place with only 3-4 of my 84 friends being RL friends that could have possibly read it (if they had the time) doesn't mean I was trying to tell you just what I think about you. I was venting. If you can't take it as that and if you are so offended by something, please stop and think.
How am I any different than when you talk shit on x friend?
Everyone talks shit. If you can't see it coming out of your mouth, then don't come to me being the judge.
With that done, I will now try to avoid any direct "conversations" on LJ towards anyone (i.e. addressing someone publicly on my LJ). I don't really care for it because it is passive aggressive, stupid, and pointless. But sometimes, the only way to feel like you told someone off is to fake it in the first place. Bleh.
Anyway, the new Guilty Gear for PS2 (and the new PS2) is way hot. And I can't wait until Tom plays Prince of Persia on the Gamecube (riiiiight, tom?? <3) for me. And everyone better shut up about me sucking at videogames and begging my boyfriend to play them for me. Just because I suck doesn't mean I don't drool over sexy games. Besides, no one is better at Castlevania:SOTN than me. Muahaha.
I wasn't going to do this... But it came out with this bullshit...
current mood: sleepy current music: Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun (i.e. the stuff I fell asleep to last night)
(13 comments | comment on this)
| Saturday, November 20th, 2004
7:36 pm - Bullshit.
You know what I hate? Having only two options for a Saturday night.
Option one Stay at home, finish cleaning the house and putting things and order, wander around a bit, and possibly do a yoga video, watch my McNair video, and maybe watch Wizards (the animated movie). Go to bed and be ready for church the next morning.
Option two Go over to Jamey's, watch everyone get a bunch of drugs and get fucked up (them, not me), find out that I am really bored because the only thing they can talk about is some band, sit around quiet like on the couch maybe watching tv, go home late because I felt too guilty to leave early, realize that I filled up my gas tank yesterday for $18 and that it is now down to half a tank, realize that I spent $40 yesterday with $18 for gas, $5 for Listerine and snickers bar, $6 for midnight snack, and $4 for dinner earlier that night, know that only amounts to $33 and that somewhere I got screwed out of $7 (probably when I paid for Jamey's beer), go home pissed at my inability to not do everything for others, hate my life and nearly everything involved.
So, who can tell me which one I should choose?
One is the path of loneliness where things get done. The other is the path of faux friendliness and passive aggressive anger towards everyone. And what I hate the most about the second option is that it's not all my fault. Yeah, I don't tell my friend that they suck because they are so unappreciative. I also don't tell them when I get screwed out of money because I know they will put on the act of "OMG, I didn't know." I don't say anything. I just grind my teeth and stare at the road ahead of me while screams of laughter and guitar screeches fill my car.
Is that supposed to be fun?
I do feel lonely in all those situations. And I don't put myself there because I can point out numerous times when I was happy, having fun, and excited about the night... With them years ago and with other people now. Maybe I am in the doldrums or friends stopped acting that way and thought life was a joke.
Half the time I don't say anything other than in here about the shitty attitudes I get from people is because if I say it in person, I get laughed at and ignored. The other part of that is that I am not really comfortable to tell people who I really feel because of the rejection I have had from them in the past.
What I would do for a few friends that were there when you needed them, would come over and watch stupid movies with you late at night, and thought hanging out one-on-one was the best thing in the world. It's times like these that I really miss Aimee. At least she didn't pull this shit of making me horribly uncomfortable for a joke then calling me friend the next day.
For the day you feel the weakest, the saddest, the most insecure, I will not be here. I will be busy helping someone else out that did the same for me.
Caveat: This is not directed at anyone I spoke on the phone with today or at those I don't hang out with regularly. It's not your fault if you aren't super close to me. Please don't be offended.
I hate irfanview.
current mood: hatred current music: pia fraus - 4 and 57
(44 comments | comment on this)
3:16 pm - Yes, this is beyond awesome.
I recently posted in my Myspace blog about why I hate myspace. First off, I want to say I only post in the blog when I am mad at Myspace things (so they are rather pointless). Secondly, nothing said there is meant to be anything but anger and cynicism. With that said, I want to post it in LJ, because I think my awesome LJ friends will read it and go "true dat."
Or at least get on myspace to laugh at people.
Why I hate Myspace 1. Everyone is a fucking scenester on this bitch.
2. Few people actually post any real bulletins. All they do is post all this spam shit that isn't even funny and no one really cares about or reads. What they do is think "Hmm, someone will sympathize with me and read this if I post it." Well, no one does. They just think that, then copy and past without reading your lame ass comment about how your exboyfriend fucked your best friend's dog. Trust me.
3. It's some sort of game where people have all these jokes that would be funny if they weren't "inside jokes." See, inside jokes are for those that have no sense of humor enough to make a joke funny to people outside of their close circle of friends.
4. Everyone changes their pictures every day therefore causing a huge bandwidth burn on the myspace servers. Which sucks, considering all the pictures become big red x's due to this.
5. On the subject of pictures, when everyone changes them, they change good pictures to shitty pictures. Or shitty pictures to more shitty pictures. No one sits there and thinks "Does this picture suck?" No, they think irony will save their asses.
6. Your ironic creation of friend's accounts and made up people accounts was funny on Livejournal 2 years ago. For reals. It's old news.
7. I hate everyone's stupid background.
8. There is no such thing as indie.
9. As much as I am not a hipster/scenester/dumb bitch, I think I am cooler than 87% of the girls on myspace considering I don't have time to pretend like I am fucking 17 and act upon that. Most of my cynicism comes from the fact that I can see how trivial your actions are and I hate them. Trust me, I do see them and see how very pointless they are.
This means, give up. One of the coolest people I know doesn't give a shit and yet he ends up being fucking cool. PR 3 lyfe!
I added HTML to the post to make it much more attractive on LJ.
current mood: happy current music: cLOUDDEAD - Pop Song
(14 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
9:48 pm - Your Lover
I am finally free of an evil research paper. I have to present my research tomorrow in class too...Which is great! I get it all done with so that skipping class when Tom is visiting is possible.
Only, I would be really, really, really happy if this giant zit on my face, huge ulcer on my lip, swollen glands in my throat, and perpetual headache would all go away by Monday so that getting sweet love from Tom wasn't accompanied with "oh dear god i am in pain." There is nothing worse than feeling and looking like shit when you want to show your love muffin the downward dog (yoga plzkthx).
The list of things I want to do with him (besides luvin'): (1) Play and beat Arcus Odyssey (play is a must; beat is a possibility). (2) Go out to eat somewhere cool. (3) Go out to eat at the yummeh Early Bird Cafe. (4) Play DDR with him and not suck so much that we lose all our quarters. (5) Nap together. (6) Go walk in parks or something cute. (7) Hump. (8) Watch Story of O ...unless Alex wants to watch it with us (i.e. Christmas adventure). I knew I would get around to it sometime.
With that said, I have some newish pictures (sans zit and ulcer) to ( share ).
current mood: relieved current music: Film School - Tricky
(53 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, November 14th, 2004
10:47 pm - 20/20
I have to say that after all this election mumbo jumbo, I am glad it is through. My initial disappointment at having the man I voted for lose wore off after hearing people scream bloody murder or masturbate in unison to the sound of a letter between V and X. As dontbelieveme pointed out, we have had worse presidents and Bush's priority is a legacy not fucking over America.
But that's all my opinion is on it. I am rather tired of the heart throbbing, brain numbing convictions one has about these things when in reality I feel that we have all been duped. Call me the conspiracy theorist, but lies are easier to tell than the truth (in concerns to the public from the government).
On another note, I met Carrie Lott at the Copa the other night. I was way too excited to see her. She has fell into the more "hipster" side of dressing, which is alright in my book considering I wish I could dress more hip. She's still the same Carrie. Makes me entirely too happy because I miss having a friend that was as funny, pretty, smart, and witty as me, had great music taste, and liked nearly everything I liked (for serious... And this is no insult to the other people that consider themselves up to that level with me). She is just an old friend from high school that I trusted a lot. Please, please, please don't let this old perception have changed with time. Let Carrie have only changed in a similar fashion as myself. It would make me so happy.
Now, on to better things which are playing on LJ, getting ready for bed, and talking to my dear exhumed, who is watching Alex play Halo 2 right now.
Sometimes I think I don't post enough. Other times I realize it is because I do my introspective jazz all day and don't have an LJ client to tappity tappity tap in when those feelings come over me.
current music: Subtle - Song Meat
(4 comments | comment on this)
| Monday, November 8th, 2004
10:32 am - yo yo yiddely yo
I am bored, not going to any other class than Instrumental Music and my McNair meeting, and have decided to play around on LJ like a lazy bum. So, here goes:
One meme stolen from mick_hale:
(A) First, recommend to me: 1. a movie: 2. a book: 3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
One quiz stolen from elspethdarkrose:
Your Beauty lies in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and never what anyone expects. You appearance and your personality are two opposite things. Even your appearance sends different signals to different people. To some you may look innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious and intimidating at the same time. No one ever knows what to expect with you. You are a little bit of everything all mixed together. You can be watching the football game with the guys one minute and the next out shopping at the mall. You seem to be almost a different person every time you meet someone, but at the same time you know exactly who you are and there is always that one thing that makes you you. You enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how completely unpredictable you are.
( Click to read more and take the silly quiz )
And one memegen stolen from flameswithin
I reply to people's LJs a lot more than they reply to mine. I am such a dork.
[edit] I love fucking with the html on these quizzes so they look better. Jeez.
current mood: bored current music: Hermann & Kleine - Drop
(39 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, November 7th, 2004
8:59 pm - Boom
I was a "bad friend" today. Sherrie called right as I was about to fry up some chicken for dinner (that Jamey was coming over to eat with me on his lunch break). She told me that her step mom was bothering her and being a bitch and wanted to see if she could come over. I told her that she couldn't because I was making dinner for a friend...
And the thing was, I could hear the disappointment in her voice and I didn't particularly care. Maybe it was how she only called me when she wanted something (never just called for friendliness's sake, thanks to kayrun who does so) Maybe it was how she whined to me "I don't want to go to SFA with you..it's so far away!" when I asked her to go to NAMMB. Or maybe it's just because I stopped giving a damn about some of my "friends" feelings when it means I have to forget mine.
Is it selfish to not let her come over when her step mom was bothering her? I mean, I can tell you all what would happen. She would come over, see I was cooking, beg to eat some food, eat a lot, whine a lot, then leave. But that would be after she interrupted my hang out time with Jamey. And the gaming time.
Gah, maybe I just don't care because she is such a cheapskate and has had me pay for so many things more than my half so many times. Or its her inability to leave tips on $11.57 bills
Does one become so tired of their friends that one stops caring like they did before? I don't know. I don't think it's so much that I don't care anymore; it's that I am tired of her bullshit. The whining, the skipping on pulling her own weight financially, the only calling me when she needs me, all of it. That and she is lumped together with Lauren and the rest. I don't have patience for all that jazz anymore. Something about Mc and Nair just gets me going.
With that said, SFA is so much prettier than Lamar. But Lamar has a better music department. I got a ticket in Zavalla on the way home... which blew so many balls. But oh well. I have the bling to cover it.
Besides, Jamey and I pwned Arcus Odyssey hc. And my dearest Tom comes to see me in two weeks. I could give a fuck about Sherrie, Lauren, and the rest of the Lamar population. My real friends actually call me and take time out of their schedules to see me (say wut say wut kayrun/jameysburning).
current mood: horny current music: Cake - Hem of Your Garment
(11 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, November 4th, 2004
10:46 pm - My music fits the feeling.
What irks me is that the one person I would most want to talk to about how I feel is the one person I cannot talk to.
current mood: lonely current music: Rachel's - Water From The Same Source
(6 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004
10:04 am - Oooooh
God damn, I love nighthellcat We make such an excellent tag team against dildos. I would link it, but its friends locked. Just trust me... I got to call a crappy LJ'er on being just that.
And be a sarcastic twit. Who doesn't say that's the perfect Meshell morning.
[edit] Actually, she unfriended it because it was just too beautiful to keep it private. Go check it out if you want to laugh. The game, set, match was right there.
Now I get to go skip through the rain. Tra la la.
And take a PreGre today. Mooooo.
current mood: energetic current music: Cowboy Bebop OST 3 - Mushroom Hunting
(7 comments | comment on this)
8:08 am - A friendly reminder that you have similarly seen across your friends list.
Dear LJ People,
If you do not vote, you must remove all your "Bush looks like a monkey" icons. This also includes pro-Kerry icons, pro-Nader icons, and pro-Naked icons (wait, keep the naked ones).
If you do vote for Bush, you must do the same.
If you vote for Kerry, you cannot make "Kerry looks like Droopy" icons.
Your humor is lost on intelligent people. Morons might think it is funny that you, like a thousand other morons, have pointed out that a president or future president looks like some animal, cartoon character, or pile of feces. However, those of us that dislike Bush or Kerry for our own reasons find those jabs *gasp* moronic.
Please go vote, children. I hate all 18-29 year olds that do not participate in some form of government, be it just donating to a lobby group. All of you kiddos might support that it doesn't matter, that it doesn't count, that the electoral college is bogus, or that you don't have money, however you still embarass the rest of us that have enough knowledge about the government to make an educated opinion on that.
After two semesters of political science classes, I believe my opinion is about fifty times stronger than yours, oh "My college professor says he doesn't vote because it doesn't matter" theorists. Well, my college professor is overweight, balding, and has bad hygiene. You don't see me jumping on that bandwagon.
So, jump on the bandwagon that gives you the bitching right. Otherwise, reside yourself to shutting-the-fuck-up for the next four years. Thanks.
p.s. Remember politics suck ass as well as our lovely politicians.
p.s.s. For those who voted libertarian, what the fuck are you thinking? I know a lot of you are only voting that because you dislike both Bush and Kerry and I appreciate that you are showing some interest in the governement, but at least know what the fuck you voted on. i.e. go get the platform before voting... That way not everyone will think you suck balls.
current mood: awake current music: Cowboy Bebop OST 1 - Tank!
(14 comments | comment on this)
| Friday, October 29th, 2004
9:42 am - I just turned in my personal hell.
I just turned in my little 50+ page project in Instrumental Music. That means I am now free to fill out surveys, play on the internet, be bugged by my mom, and killing people.
Because I haven't told my grandmother that I am going to NH for Christmas yet. MY GOD DAMN MOTHER JUST TOLD HER THOUGH. Thanks, mom. Because now I will receive hell for the next god damn month and a half. Thank you, you fat, stupid, fucking moronic bitch. And you wonder why I get pissed at you.
So, she waddles over to give me a kiss on the head and says "Did you tell grandmother that you are going to NH for Christmas?"
Me: "No...not yet... I was going to tell her about mid-November" (implied: "so she won't give me shit for the next month and a half"). Her: "Oh....well, because I just told her..." Me: ".....what?" Her: "I just told her that you were going. I mean, I told her she probably forgot..." Me: "Thanks...." Her: "Sorry... I mean, I thought you might have told her."
This is where I get to play choose your own adventure and decide on a certain choice of words for her.
Choice 1: "I hope you die, you fucking bitch that fucks up everything!" Choice 2: "What part of DON'T TELL GRANDMOTHER do you not understand?" Choice 3: "Since when did my business become your casual conversation?" Choice 4: Silent treatment with narrowed eyes.
I chose the obvious choice, but that doesn't excuse the fact that my mother (once again) fucked up my plans that I had set forth. She is in there not trying to "fix her mistake" by telling my grandmother even more. And both of them wonder when I get supremely pissed when they freak out at me for not telling them. Well, it's part of growing up. It's called "not telling you anything because since I was young enough to remember you blew a fucking cork whenever I decided to do something that you didn't think was the best idea."
Examples: Going to college somewhere else besides Lamar. Dating any guy I have dated. Not playing piano for all my grandmother's friends like a monkey. Not going to pick up food for my grandmother the minute she asked me.
The list could continue, but I don't think I have the patience for it.
Do these women NOT realize that I hate it when they get involved in my affairs. Where I want to go to school, what I want to major in, what I want to do with my life, who I want to date, how long I want my hair to be, whatever is NOT their fucking concern. I don't give a damn about that "they care" bullshit. They could have let go a long time ago.
For fucks sake...can't I do anything I want without someone sticking their nose in my fucking ass and seeing what I ate for dinner?
Oh well. Prepare for bitching from me for the rest of this month... Hopefully my grandmother will calm down with the idea enough so she doesn't treat me like COMPLETE shit for the rest of the god damn year.
current mood: pissed off current music: K.C. Accidental - Tired Hands
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| Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
11:59 pm - No way.
Wow weeee.
I just got a haircut. And it feels great. I took pictures that kinda suck to show Tom, but I promise I will try to post pictures tomorrow. I got some layers cut into it so that it wasn't just a heavy mass of hair hanging off my head (wait, isn't that what long hair is?).
Lately, I have been knocking some craptastic stress off my back. Or maybe just finishing some homework. Na ja. I am just happy to be rid of some of this stress, be it bad hair or projects out the ass.
There really isn't much to post about. I have a choir concert Saturday which everyone is invited to. There was one small thing I thought about earlier today, but I don't really want to go into it (for various reasons). Maybe its not true or it is true and I am too much of a pussy to post it. In the end, it doesn't really matter.
I can't wait to get Arcus Odyssey. When I do... jameysburning is coming over to rock the Sega. Lovers of Sega unite!
And fuck cutting this cute little hipster quiz.
You're the Artiste! Take What sort of Hipster are you? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.You paint, you draw, you cut up bits of paper, you take digital photographs. You're always on the move and great with your hands. You use words like "Postmodern," "image," "simplicity," and "project." You frequently fuss with your sculpted hair. Your clothes speak to others with their symmetry and color scheme. You spend hours in the studio. You've little money or accomplishment, but aren't concerned one bit. You listen to electronic music. You have friends and roommates who are also devoted to the creative side of life. You don't care if you never get recognized--as long as you've created art, then you'll die happy.
I laugh at guy's that wear tight jeans. Why? Why show off the fact that you are skinnier than most women and are so far below your own weight limit that women can pick you up. And when your package is laughable, don't you think it is time to wear jeans the give it some air?
((I do not laugh at glaximus's friend Christopher, because his tight jeans are cool because Christopher is cool)).
Random sayins, out and over.
Edit: Read this funny tid bit lololoollorloroflforlroflrolflololerzzz!!11!!!
current mood: tired current music: kevin shields - ikebana
(6 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, October 26th, 2004
10:07 am - Thanksgiving.
Good news: Tom is coming to visit. <3
Now, if I can make it through these next few weeks. Seems like I will be working my ass off to get projects done. Time to hit the ground running, right right?
current mood: hopeful current music: my bloody valentine - sometimes
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