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LiveJournal for Tre.

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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004

Time:10:32 pm.
Went to doctor today. Got meds. And referals or soemthing. Yeh.... Have to start meds in the morning. yee haa..
11 crossed wires| vent

Thursday, May 27th, 2004

Time:3:27 pm.
Music:Amduscia - seeing you pray.
Im trying to find out more about amduscia. This is proving to be dificult.
2 crossed wires| vent

Monday, May 24th, 2004

Time:4:19 pm.
Music:Amduscia - seeing you pray.
I woke up today and didnt want to get out of bed..More than ussual. But i did. ANd went to work like a good litle dwarf. Call me...grumpy dwarf.
I bring in my bonsai "autumn" to sit out in full sun for the day. She is a damn fine tree.
Work wasnt so bad. We had chineese for lunch and stuff. Had a nap :P
Finished half an hour early so i can drive someoen to the airport later on. Then i am looking at stews car to help decide whats what with his carburetter. Then im going to chill!
Maybe have a shower and go to pilates. And mayeb then finally finish puting the seats back into my car. Driving with the seatas not bolted down was an act formally done by clowns. I am not a clown! I am a wild beast which craves coffee!
I have done 1 000 000 thigns today involving cars.

I think there is either somethign in the cpu cooler or its on its way out by the noise it is eminating. Investigation starts thus..
1 crossed wire| vent

Friday, May 21st, 2004

Time:7:52 pm.
Music:Amduscia - seeing you pray.
I remeber now.
Today i saw a truck t bone a parked lancer. The b pillar roof and both side doors colapsed. :P

Time:5:53 pm.
Music:Code 64 - System failure.
I have been offline for some days now. And was experiencing withdrawls.

Now it is official anika isnt doing club. I Will.
Do to my lack of motivation i will start it off small.
No bands or anything. Just tunes from decent pa.

Work work work. Gheye gheye gheye.

Im sure there was stuff to post about but i seem to ahve forgotten. Shit eh.

I did how ever replace the carpet in my car. Im about to rivet the fire extinguisher in the thing.

Am going to go shave my undercut to gauge 0 :D

Need to go to cats to do shit and stuff.
17 crossed wires| vent

Sunday, May 16th, 2004

Time:2:45 pm.
Nakid kissing...

Sim Ronan on american radio...
2 crossed wires| vent

Saturday, May 15th, 2004

Time:4:09 pm.
Mood:spine spinning.
Music:God Module - Levitation.
Work has taken away my water fountain. I found buying water from next door lame, if i want a cold water i have to pay for it. WHen the tank was there i could drink 5 litres during owrk hours. The best i did yesterday was 750 ml :P

WOrk yesterday was alright. Nothing too exciting. Hired a car to my dad again and forgot to get the cash from him.... Neither did her volunteer it :P

Afterwards i canme home and watched music videos and droped over to cat n jakes. After breifly stopping in for coffee with meli stew and aliya. We stayed at cats till about 12:30am before ehading into faith. I was walking around faith saying "goddamn" quite often. Damn ass strange people go there....Damn ass! Ran into some friends i havent seen in ages. Am trying to pay them a visit tonight.

Came home at like 6am. Droped a key into work and showed meli the car import yards and how they worked.

After doing yoga for a while and stretching (probably too regulary) i hurt my right thy muscle dancing last night without a warm up. Damn electronic beats... Can lure a calm unwarmed up yogi into stompin angrilly and vanguishing many invisable goth adversaries.
6 crossed wires| vent

Thursday, December 25th, 2003

Time:12:00 am.
Merry fucking humbugheye.
44 crossed wires| vent

Thursday, December 11th, 2003

Time:3:25 pm.
Mood: crushed.
They took my dog away.
I have taken the afternoon off.
I am not happy.
9 crossed wires| vent

Sunday, November 23rd, 2003

Time:11:37 pm.
Mood: nauseated.
10 things i like:

1. Wearing pillow cases on my head.
2. Iced coffee.
3. EBM.
4. Buggaluggs.
5. Automotive Industry.
6. Astheticly pleasing people.
7. My Computer.
8. Japanese stuff.
9. My Future.
10. Water.

10 things i dislike:

1. Neusea.
2. Heat.
3. Alarm clocks.
4. Troublesome humans.
5. gheyeness.
6. Not being able to go to sleep.
7. COverups.
8. Being beaten.
9. Eating disorders.
10. feeling lonely.
1 crossed wire| vent

Saturday, November 15th, 2003

Time:7:47 pm.
I got a new oil breather cap.
I hunger tangy foodstuffs. Im currently listening to :W: Ich will dich. Amuse me?
9 crossed wires| vent

Sunday, November 9th, 2003

Time:7:51 pm.
I requre a new computer game. Spmething with stratagy. Preferably something that gies well with funker vogt.
6 crossed wires| vent

Time:7:00 pm.
Who is the girl in sneaker pimps - six underground?
10 crossed wires| vent

Time:5:05 pm.
Music:Apoptigma Berzerk - Kathys song.
The head blob! Think hard enough and there you

which rejected character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, November 7th, 2003

Subject:This next post is in code. An goes out to one person in perticular.
Time:7:25 pm.
My car is never in the right order.
1 crossed wire| vent

Thursday, November 6th, 2003

Time:11:57 pm.
I had a good night tonight.
9 crossed wires| vent

Tuesday, November 4th, 2003

Time:10:22 pm.
Was hanging out wit mah niggahs Bilder and Brodder. We had a few wines and got a bit creative with the camera.
3 crossed wires| vent

Subject:C/O Drjon
Time:6:39 pm.
"the joker, worker, stabilizer"
You are gifted when it comes to protecting yourself
from judgements cast upon you by others. In
fact, you are not easily thrown by external
reality. You have the capacity to work and
play hard and to laugh at yourself. This is
the card of humour and sexuality (it is the
only card with genital symbols).
"Devil" spelled backwards is
"lived", and it is very fitting. You
live with humour and have a stable foothold on
life. Of course, you do love setting the
occasional bit of mischief into play.

which major arcana of the thoth tarot deck are you? short, with pictures and detailed results
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, November 3rd, 2003

Time:8:26 pm.

I hope you know this is my FAVORITE nine inch nails
song. Many people have left your life.. and it
seems that every time you are hurt even more.
Sometimes you consider killing everyone that's
ever hurt you, but deep down you know that you
care too much to do that. You are always there
waiting for them to come back into your life,
and would give them everything you have if they
did.. but you know you're just going to
disappoint them.

What Nine Inch Nails song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
2 crossed wires| vent

Time:5:54 pm.
Had to start at 7am. Two truck sfor Hilton banquet.
Said trucks had a problem with electirc lift. Went to Eagle farm racway to intercept truck. The whole Raceway is getting geared up for Melbounre cup tomorow. The main uber dinning area looks pretty good. Cant half tell merc delt out mega cash on the join. Having A class cars as focal points and signs everywhere. This is where i meet Rowoul. Rowoul is the head caterer for the Hilton. "The trucks broken honey!" "really? Thats gheye!" "Hmmmm?" "oh...Its buggered!"
I get to go in to work at 10am tomorow, and leave at 3pm.
This smiles my face.
DO not expose your penis to direct sunlight any longer than 15 minutes. If you have one or more.
1 crossed wire| vent

LiveJournal for Tre.

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