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[04 Jan 2005|07:44pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | jeopardy ]

I got my site back up (thank god).

I also started school today. I take two crim courses and an english course. My crim teacher is insane so it should be a fun semester. He and I have already started taking shots at each other. He had problems with people's names today.

Russel: O...B?
O.B: Yeah
Russel: That's your name?
O.B: [laughing] yeah.
Russel: this things that I buy for my daughter from london drugs?
[OB falls off his chair laughing]

It's going to be a good semester. He also said that we could refer to him as "asshole" when he did something wrong...which is a lot.


Yay! [27 Oct 2004|06:22pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | black sabbath - paranoid ]

I got an A- on my Psych exam! I'm so happy. I got 56% on the last exam so I'm really glad that I saved my own ass on this test.


I'm here waiting for you [13 Oct 2004|06:28pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | anti-flag - school of assassins ]

I held a human brain today. It was awesome. I can officially take forensic anthropology with no problems whatsoever. I didn't do much today or yesterday for that matter. I dyed my hair dark brown, bought new makeup, bought new pants and uh........didn't do my homework :D Blah. Jeremy's working tonight so I'm at home trying to finish my research report. I hate this thing, it's so stupid. Ugh. I feel like shit tonight.

I have absolutely no idea what to write...

3 Droogs%Moloko-Plus

Friends only.kthnxbye. [06 Aug 2002|09:42am]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | les savy fav - hide me from next february ]

Catherine: I just realized that you and I have a very healthy relationship.
Gil: We do?
Catherine: When we have a problem, I don't paint Greg in latex and stick a straw up his nose.
Gil: Good. He'd probably like it.

Amigos only, please.

Add me if:
[x]You are my amigo
[x]You like the Strokes
[x]We have similar interests
[x]You are Jesus.

12 Droogs%Moloko-Plus

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