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Couple of shows.... [Feb. 9th, 2005|11:42 pm]
I have a couple of Codebase shows happening next week in Seattle. The first is a split live/DJ set at Element on Wednesday. I'll be performing Codebase material with a live percussionist. The second is a show on Saturday at The Lower Level (also on the bill is Perkowitz aka [info]optic) with the band Psychic Emperor. This should be a lot of fun, and it's finally a weekend night. Come by and say hello!
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Mac Mini [Feb. 5th, 2005|11:01 am]
So I received my shiny new Mac Mini yesterday, and so far it's great.

Here are my first impressions... )
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Uh oh [Jan. 16th, 2005|12:02 pm]

I just ordered one of these.
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Modulars [Jan. 8th, 2005|04:22 pm]

I finally fixed my Doepfer A100! The parts came this week, and only today did I have a chance to sit down and mess with it. It turns out I was wrong about the power supply burning up. Instead, just the power switch was broken. So I bypassed it electrically, tested both power supplies, installed my new modules, and it's alive! It's ALIVE!

I'm excited to use it. And now I have an extra power supply should the bigass super duty one fail. Or, I guess I could start building another cabinet. ;-)
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CES [Jan. 6th, 2005|11:07 am]
My company is launching our product Network Magic at CES this week. People really seem to like it so far. I'm glad, because it's been a pretty rough road to get where we are.

Forbes Online is picking up the story...
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Observations, cont'd [Dec. 31st, 2004|04:10 pm]
One of the nice things about not owning a proper set of turntables and DJ mixer is that there's no question I cannot provide them for house parties.

Them Terra "Mediterranean" chips are damned good.

Overclocking the ole crappy Windows computer 15% sure makes it snappier. I hope it doesn't melt.
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iTunes for Windows [Dec. 31st, 2004|11:55 am]
I've been using iTunes for a long time now, but since my wife and I both got iPod's for Christmas this year, I found some irritating behavior I wish Apple could correct. iTunes works just fine on my laptop, but I don't keep my entire MP3 collection on the Powerbook simply for space constraints. So both Erica and I use iTunes on the Windows computer to put music on our iPods.

The first problem we've found is the library. Even if you use a shared library space for your music, iTunes doesn't synchronize imports across its users. So if she rips some CDs and I rip some, we don't see each other's music. I assume this behavior could be related to copyright issues, but even in one household, legally we should be allowed to share music. So the fix here, however ugly, is to manually import to each other's library whenever either of us rips a new CD.

The second issue is more problematic. It seems that under XP fast user switching, iTunes doesn't know how to handle disconnecting an iPod from one session and allowing it to connect in a second. My wife and I don't really log each other out when we use the computer. She and I might have stuff open, and rather than log each other out, we just switch users. If one user is logged in, then another comes along and switches sessions, the second login can't transfer music to the iPod through iTunes. The application gives some dumb error and simply disallows management of the device. I think that if you set up the iPod to automatically sync the library, then perhaps this won't happen, but with much more music in the library than will fit on the device, the automatic sync option isn't viable for us. The weird thing here is that even if iTunes isn't running in the first session, the second session still errors out. The only workaround is to log out of the first session.

Overall, I'm still pretty happy with the iPod, iTunes, and Airport Express devices, but those few iTunes flaws (I have a few others I could list, but they're minor) really make this whole managing a library across devices cumbersome.
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[Dec. 30th, 2004|09:12 pm]
This shit is funny
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Observations [Dec. 29th, 2004|10:10 am]
Drunken late-night food (such as Dick's Drive-In) tastes good when I eat it, but invariably I regret it later.

My throat is sore. I wonder if I was yelling last night?

I probably should have a headache, but I don't.
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[Dec. 24th, 2004|12:15 pm]
Just when I thought I had limited my musical gear-lust, I see something like this. Help!

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I don't normally post this kind of thing, but I got a kick out of this article, which among other things, declares Christmas under attack and the ACLU to be domestic terrorists.

Completely unrelated, but the Funk D'Void remix of New Order's "Someone Like You" is hotttttt.
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The subject of weird [Dec. 2nd, 2004|10:15 am]
I got my car back yesterday, and boy was it expensive. The exorbitant repair fee was one thing, but two other strange things happened when I went to go pick it up. First, I could swear the guy who brought my car around for me expected a tip. He said something trite like "hope you liked our service" or something and then hung out for a minute. Like I'm going to tip some yokel after I drop $992 on repairs. If the guy needs a tip take it out of that! Second, once I got in my car I noticed they had vacuumed out everything and left a feedback card, some candies, and... get this... a box of Capri cigarettes. Do I look like a rich old smoker lady? Why would you give your customers cigarettes, anyway? That was totally weird.

On the subject of weird, I had a dream last night that there was a Moog Source sitting in Safeway. When I went to buy it, there was no price, and they had to do a price check, which lasted until I woke up. Somehow that transitioned into me being in this white trashy field (chain link fence, animals, trailer) with people I didn't know at all for another Thanksgiving dinner.

I think (no, I know) I am stressed out.
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[Nov. 28th, 2004|09:30 pm]
I think "The Wire" is my favorite show on TV right now.
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Andreas Tillander [Nov. 26th, 2004|05:37 pm]
Gil turned me on to the new Andreas Tillander album "World Industries", and it's pretty smokin. You can hear his glitchy influences, but this new one isn't like his minimal stuff at all. For fans of the Kompakt or Thomas Fehlmann sound, check it out. I've had it on for a while, and it's one of the few albums lately that really keeps me from wanting to turn it off.
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Some days [Nov. 26th, 2004|03:53 pm]
My car decided to die yesterday, just in time for the long weekend. I think it's the alternator. Also, I must have screwed up the memory for my camera, because it's messed up too. I think I should stop touching machines of any kind for the moment.
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Vacation [Nov. 24th, 2004|02:34 am]
[music |Circassian]

Okay, I've worked until 9:30 PM but now I'm on vacation and I'm giddy. I am due for some time of not thinking about work or being artistic or any of that shit and just chillin. I'm off work until Monday! *guilty pleasure*

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Micro Preset [Nov. 21st, 2004|05:21 pm]

I recenly picked up this little thing, and it's totally awesome. It's this crappy little Korg synth you can't even sequence. Most of its sounds are presets, but it sounds killer. It has that early-OMD sound or perhaps some of the lead stuff you see in Boards of Canada. Plus, it's probably as old as I am.

There's nothing like a new piece of kit to keep the creative juices going.
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New tunes [Nov. 19th, 2004|10:15 am]
Some recent additions to the ole music collection in rotation:

Triola im Funftonraum (Kompakt)
This is Jorg Burger, back again with another album with his signature sound. This one is less like The Modernist and more ambient, though he does throw in some beats from time to time. His stuff is always top notch, so I was sure I'd like this one.

Morgan Geist Unclassics (mix) (Environ)
Morgan pulls out a slammin mix cd of old Disco tracks, including some special edits. Italo has become a lot more popular recently, but since these tracks are generally more obscure than the big hits, it's refreshing. Plus, you can definitely hear where he gets a lot of his influence for Metro Area and Jersey Devil Social Club.

Various DFA Compilation #2 (DFA)
Tim Goldsworthy and crew return with a 3xCD set of material from DFA. One disc is even a mix cd. I don't keep up with the DFA albums as much (the latest Black Dice is an exception), but I pretty much always pick up the LCD Soundsystem or other singles. It's nice to finally have this material on CD with some tracks I didn't know about before. I think the DFA guys are probably my favorite group of people doing that funky rock-oriented indie-ish sound right now. A lot of stuff like !!! or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is just boring to me. Anyway, if you like The Rapture or LCD Soundsystem, definitely pick this one up.

John Tejada Logic Memory Center (Plug Research)
I haven't really followed John Tejada much until recently, starting with his album with Arian Leviste on Playhouse. He played Decibel this year (local Seattle music festival), and I was pretty impressed. Anyway, this Plug Research album is in the minimal vein with the occasional tasteful vocal. It sounds a bit like the recent Matthew Dear material, only I find Tejada's work more inventive. If I'm not mistaken, he played some of these songs during his Decibel live set.
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[Oct. 29th, 2004|05:50 pm]
Boiling water can burn the fuck out of your hand if you somehow slip while draining it from a pan.
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Year Zero [Oct. 19th, 2004|08:29 pm]

Slam's latest Year Zero was recently released, and it's pretty smokin'... the first track is disposable, but the rest of the album is great analog melodic techno, seemingly inspired from their recent signing Vector Lovers... especially the track "Fast Lane" is working for me.
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