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The following communities are also interested in "dune".
99 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in dune. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
464 matches:
_malkav_ - quiescence
_studboy_ - ~j~
absolutguy - lunchbox
abstractform - Daniel
aeon - the bitch was all bloody and her name was mary
aerin - Prodigy
aesthitic - ejay
alaanabask - Trillian
alacrity - Damien
alaindan - akesh
alexibear - Anna
aliciam - Alicia
alkangel - jess
analterego - analterego
andragon - Andromeda Dragon
andrewp - andrew
angela - Angela
angelwhispers - Kat
angryprinc3ss - lj user formally known as Phangirl!
antiwesley - The Antiwesley
apatheticdevil - Christian
aralan - Aralan
aspenamy - ~Amy the Wonder Amy~
auraphage - auraphage
autumn_tears - autumn_tears - Aranina
autumndreamer - your name like ice into my heart
avatar_x - Avatar_X
azhure - daughter of the moon
azreal15b - Huitzilopochtli y Tezcatlipoca
azrhey - Azrhey
badlydrawngr1 - MS
bantrobel - Rhiobhan
bastard_king - The Bastard King
beanysucks - cwapface
bete_noire - retrosexual
biagio - Biagio
bigtime - Spaz
bijinda - the softest bullet ever shot
birdmaddgirl - proof that the heart is a risky fuel to burn
bitterglitter - //_synthesize my favorite sin_//
blackwynde - Raven Blackwynde
blark - Thomas White Hates Your Pop Culture
bleh - Bleh
blessedbullet - Another Stupid Journal
bloodeyes - my head weeps bloody tears
bloodyn - Scott
bluecity - ozymandius
bluepaladin - John
bluesunchild - sweet&sour~hermitgyal
bnny - BNNY
bobstackleshop - Corporateslave
bombsonengland - Fucking's Greatest Hits
bosantibe - bos
boxedrobot - james
braceletgirl13 - Gidget
brandielicious - Stone Girl
briege - Briege
broyd - Broyd
bshumor - BS
burgundyrose - angels dance and angels die
butsz - Jordan
butterfly - Butterfly
caestus - BearSir
calamitystar - Calamity Star Child Space Explorer
calaquendi - Arda
cattika - The Problem Slayer
celticacid - Burian Emaradu
che - Michael Drennan
chris1979 - Chris
chunger - chunger
cinder - cinder
cinyc - The Little King
cirruspaxton - cirrus paxton
ckendrick - Fantasies and Delusions
cliff_lemming - Pariah
clinstabaw - Matthew
cloud8 - mumbles
conannd - rolo
corona - GG
counterfeitfake - Sir Pixelot
cowbob - dave
crowriff - St. Patrick
crystain - Crystain
crystalstar - Cynthia
cureforpain - Nick Monkey
curtis - Curtis
cybergothica - :: \ Digital Nyte Chapel / ::
cycleannie - cycle annie
dalbeth - Dalbeth
dalena - Semper, Magdalena
damanique - Damanique
damnsel - Kim
damonbradl - Jason Payne
danzamazon - Lori
darkcity - scot
darksheik - Don
deadblackrose - Joey
decussation - Daniel
deftscythe - Count Rockula
dellenn - Jill
detlev409 - Matt
deux - I Jam in the Key of R O C K
devorahlin - Devorah
di0de - Tyler
digital_decay - Digital Decay
divinemissb - Betse
divinus - Elliot DeKay
djmindwarp - "F" The President (JFK should've won)
dmz - DMZ
doc - Doc
doerofnone - the tara dance
dontchaseme - chase
dorkboat - Wade Zarosinski
doubled - Double D
doze - -[FrA|L]-
drchase - uuintermute
dreamsofxion - Jeff Moody
duhast - Abused For Being Strange
dvoid - DvoId
dwnwthvwls - girl
dylanja - dylanja
earthphoenix - Earth
ecli_pse - ecli_pse
edthepagan - Ed the Pagan
eitri - Neal
ekbat - vincent
elcapitane - Paul Debogorski
elisandra - Do not eat the iPod Shuffle
elite - A Savage Journey to the Heart
elkion - Elke Vogel
emulousx - the emulous-x
engelis - Chaddy from the Block
eoduin - I'll take you beyond heaven and hell
erythros - Meej Sedai of the Gray Plushie Ajah
evdaa - EvDaA
evilluckichrm - Jaya Shali
exizldelfuego - Exizl del Fuego
faeriegeek - Lin, a.k.a. Paxil Queen
fairylilly - Willow
fallenicon - heart of snow
filterzero - Unlined
finnagain - Slowmotion Phoenyx
fireborn - Kassandra Fireborn
fireraven - The Traveler
flibbertigibbet - Liza
flyspeck - Mike
foreverzero - Frazier
frenzied - Ric
frosty - Frosty
funk_rocker049 - Brian
fusionpanda - Fusion Panda
fuzzykiwi - Surprisingly Still Content
ganryu - Tom Duhamel
gargirl - Gargirl
gawain69 - Squire Thomas
genghis_meebo - Alkhannor
ghandiavelli - Il Duce
ghleniii - GHLENIII
givemextc - Aaron
glasseye - Brian
gothgrrl13 - charlene
gothicdarkraven - Dark Raven
grindbastard - Matte Black
grishatyevka - Raven & The Bloody 10
gryffindor_k - Spunky
gurubob - Bob Blanchett
gustergrl03 - Dawn
gypsi - The Gypsi
gypsydancer - Aurora Gabrielle Rhiannon
hellfaerie - Sp00ky Flying Butthole ^*^
hentai - Hentai
hisemphaticleg - ThisMortalCoil
hobbit33 - Linz
hogvader - adam
hulud - sean
icefairie - Sleep-Loving Insomniac
icetray - Joran Dax
ichabod - The editing of my Life
iconoclastplay - NO!
iiviioran - Nate
iloveme32 - Stranded starfish have no place to hide
imnotsatan - MC Angmar
impervious - Sarah
individualist - Steerpike
insaneyjaney - tank grrrl
irreverentangel - KE
isafantasy - Cookie
isomorph - Derek
izzbot - Izzy
jagger - Robert S. Jagger
janusdoa - Fullmetal Gynecologist
jarel - J
jaysunrocks - Jaysun
jazzgoddess - jazzgoddess
jedi_rezboy - jedi_rezboy
jeew - Burn out like a match
jeroenwing - Jado
jesseball - J-Ball
jessi - The Marvelous & Infamous MARSHMELLOW FAIRY!!!
joecloudheart - Joe Cloudheart
joshuaridenour - the agent from....
juliaindisguise - Sebastian's True Heart
juubou - juubou
kahoki - Mr. Bingle
karasunaki - Raven of Irish Faith
karmatrash - Wile E. Peyote
katodsp - DJMSP
kawaiicatty - kay-rue
kebabmint - Glenn Montague
kellydamnit - kelly, damnit!
kg - KG
kiarda - Kerrie
kielle - ¤ Kielle ¤
killingword - Up,Up,Down,Down,Left, Right,Left,Right,B,A,Start
kimberlee - Kimberlee
kisama - Daniel Millage
knight5 - Archer
kodoku - 孤独
krischan - Kris-chan
krow - Brian "Krow" Aker
kyuusai - Joshua
kyzoku - 海賊
ladycorbeau - Nightlily
ladyjj - JJ
ladytetsu - Chiaroscuro
ladywinter - Hope is not my name
lararules - Lara
larna - Suzanne VanCleave
lavajin - lavajin
leokhorn - Monele
lethann - Lethann ingen Aeda
letoofdune - Leto
lianae - Gaelic Coconut
lilarsonist00 - pom
liquidcross - liquidcross
literaltruth - Iain
littlebill - Little Bill
lividheart - Tearing the Veil from Grace
lkchan - Loki Chan
llamascout - Jacob
logovo - logovo
lordraziel - LordRaziel
lpamelaa - L Pamela A
lroberson - Gamegeek
luchog - Hardrock Llewynyth
luna_soul - ジェシカ
luthren - Lauren
lutron - Null Pronoun
lyekka - Lakshmi
macleod - MacLeod
macross - Terry Bogard
mahdi - Michael
malloreigh - delirious baby smile
manjari - manjari
marcosbnpinto - MarcosBnPinto
marquisx - The Noize in my Brain
mars - marsley
martyncomerie - MDC
mathnerd - orbital zen
mcoqueen - Persian Gal
meatpipe - adam
mebird - Marie - Artist - From Otago to Oedo
mel42 - Ruby Journey
melonaise - Melon the Sleeper
meowpurrr - MeowSven
merana - Michael Erana
merovingian - Ted
mikale - Carpe Praedam
minkus122 - Can I be a mongoose dog?
misstrinity - Trinity
misterzen - The Ranimal
mistressoflove - The Mistress of Love
monakasha - Sera Monakasha
monkeygrrl72 - monkeygrrl72
moonlitvixen - Kittie Moo Moo the worlds only mooing cat
morfeusz - The Cat Prince
morgaynne - Ixtha
morguecrawler - MorgueCrawler
mowens - Mark Owens
mrericsir - MrEricSir
munche - MunchE
myko - Ms. Myko
nameless_one - Eron Deleon
nathanblack - Nathan Black
necrodeep - DP
neocubist - Drakula Ikon
neofusion - Steve-o
nesnorb - nesnorb
nikkomega - Nikkomega
ninjahedge - Scott
nivlemodexut - Nivlem
novemberbug - The White Lady of the South Folk
nullstream - NullStream
nytekellyn - Kellyn
octal - octal
oenone - DomoKun
omegared077 - Tom
omikron - Elder Van Quill
oneiroi - OnEiRoi
onward - defunct.
ozjish - Ozjish Kahn
padraicleo - cleopadrai
paladin3 - The Big Old Black Great Dane
palidor - Palidor
pam - pam
pandaemonium - Jennafur
paravion - paravion
paulyscreamer - ipaulbot
paxsenarrion - Girl Goddess No. 9
pazuzu - Le Sequestre
peitso - Kim "The Little" Peitso
perciplex - justin choate
persiphany - The Goddess of the Realm
pezika - ooo lah lune
pguymontag - Guy Montag
pickledkiki - Sue Maran
pinkdramon - Pinkdramon
pinkfaery - crowd shot whore
pixelfish - PixelFish
pixie - Meatie
pizzpot - Alex
plug_in_tomato - la vache qui rit
polluxstl - Pollux
pookstar - Máirín Ní Dhufaigh
posthumoslyhumr - Jebus George Christ
powerrad - Adam
proof - Proof
psifenix - Psyfe
psychousagi - Occam's Razor burn
psykokittin - Karen
pyanfar - Amy
qotcpcf - Chrysilla
raggedy_man - The Raggedyman
rare - Sean
rasp_utin - Rasp.utin
ratbastard - Pseudo Robert Davi
raven1013 - Bethany
ravenstorm - Storm Raven
ravpigeon - The Ravenous Pigeon
recklesswill - monkeybutt
red_peaker87 - Rachel
redsk8r - all your hoodie are belong to me
reify - reify
rev_jo - "The Reverend"
rhestilow - Rachel Hestilow
rhipowered - Rhi
rising_star - This Is The End
rnddaway - Butter
rob_roy - Hollow Rob
ruthlessx - Ruthless X
ryukku - Nineve aka Jess
sacred_atheist - If only I were a placebo...
sagebearz - Shawn
salculd - Christop
sanguinis - nil
sashafinn - Sasha
satanarchist - Jeremy D Smith
satanna - Sin to be forgiven
scoobs - keef
scuzzlebutt - Nick
second_solution - Jackie
serenitywolf - Alisha
shadowboxer70 - Teri
shadowyroses - mulberry skies
shane - Shane McConnel
shari - sharon
shaunj - What's a man supposed to be?
shdwdragon - [E Pur Si Muove]
shinquan - Hannah
shorah - Shorah
shudder2think - nicole
shymog - Robert the Ass
silentsoliloquy - Grandmaster B. (or Brent. whatever)
sillygirlblue - sillygirlblue
silverhawk - Silverhawk
sirandrew - Sir Andrew
sixtwentysix - Frank White
sk - sk
skeets - Sarah Giffrow
skithee - scythe minion
slaught - Chad
slawek - LAF-O
smaugpup - smaugpup
smileywageslave - Joshua
soarjubs - Click here for free sample!
softside - Cassanova Frankenstein
soltice - Tess
soulhakr - Sad Seraphim
soundxplorer - Jabrockson
sovereign - cosmonaut kevin
speaker4thedead - A Dancer In The Rain
spikejonez - Spike Fucking Jonez
spookster - Rad
squidboy - Squid_Boy
stonefly - Ben
storyofmylife - Y Control
stucco - Kevin
stupidboy - 101010101010101101010101010011
suicideking4766 - Cigarette holes for every lost soul
svengali_man - Jarred B. Parrott
swampwater - daniel
symian - Disk Operating Symian
syntheticcloud - Preacher
talshiar - Tal'Shiar
tange - Tangent Thyme
tangentier - Neon Tapir Wonder Durf of Justice
tashkal - Mark Kinney
tavalya_ra - Tavalya Ra
tazzy - Stuart
tenketsu - Matt
teskar - Jern
thatguy_73 - thatguy_73
the_marionette - the_Marionette
theamazingjosh - TheAmazingJosh
theendless - mereditta
themast - [mast]
thermalnoise - The H
theslowblade - TheSlowBlade
thesupercracker - Looking For A Woman Made Out Of Breasts
thewizard - Digital Man
thorne2112 - the red scare
thorshammer - Chris Fairfield
ti_nonso - a naive fool
tick_wonderdog - tick_wonderdog, who is on Madcow; subcluster 9
tigerpenisjello - Schlong Uzi
tommes - Tommes
trackstah - sugar
trekspert1 - Trekspert1
trustnoone - i love norman bates
twentysix - paula
tyche - countless screaming Argonauts
tycho - Anomandarist
uberbitsch - Mistress Uberbitsch: Urban Guerilla
uclangel - PK Tech Girl
ultrabot - Michael
unkle77 - Matthew
unknownj - Jamie
unmisha - Misha
urbanjunglegym - jackass
username7849 - hunchbacks are sexy.
vaguerant - "..."
vaughn - rev. allen valentino hopkins
veazey21 - Captain Mediocrity!
velvetphile - emily
von - Keiper
vrelis - Hazardous rotating beater shaft
walking_zero - walking_zero
wanton_bliss - voices tell me I'm the shit
warewolf - Richard Harman
watchiswaiting - ihatesimon
weeping_angel - Weeping Angel
weezerkicks - Deb
whiterussian3d - Davey Whipwreck
wolve02 - Jess
x0n3 - D
xgray - xgray
xigma - Xigma
xillah - Kid A
xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
xskaboyx - Ben
xxshyexx - -?Not Quite Normal? -
zeph - Mason
zerocool2004 - Julian