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Community Information

Below is information about the "Free Austin" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:freeaustin (1005851) freeaustin
Name:Free Austin
Location:Austin, Texas, United States
About:Welcome to Free Austin!

This is a community for the people of Austin, Texas, and the surrounding areas. While we would appreciate it if what you posted here had something to do with the Austin area, the only real limits are legal ones. So don't threaten to kill anyone or anything like that. Also please keep Livejournal's own Terms of Service in mind when posting. Otherwise, most anything goes, even the kitchen sink. But please let's try to be civil, anyway.

Fair warning: this community will largely not be monitored. Police it yourselves, people!

Want something more specific? Try:

[info]austincommunity for general local happenings.
[info]austin_freaks - you know who you are!
[info]austinforsale if you want bite-sized capitalism.
[info]austinflame if you need to get something off your chest.
[info]austineats to find you some grub.
[info]austinpolitics to talk about, you guessed it, politics.
[info]gayaustin for gay people of all genders and flavors.
[info]austindiscuss to share notes on parcheesi get your debate on.
[info]ut_austin for UT folk.
[info]seu for you St. Eds people.
[info]austintextbooks to trade for textbooks instead of paying an arm and a leg.

If you post something to the community, but wish you hadn't, check this out.

Also check out:

101 Great Things To Do In Austin
Austin Relocation Guide
Austin 360
Austin City Connection
Austin Citysearch

Anything else, let me know!
Interests:35: allergies, arts, austin, barton springs, beer, brandileigh, congress bats, eeyore, eeyore's birthday, frisbee golf, green belt, high-tech-got-no-job blues, hippie hollow, hyde park, kgsr, kut, leslie, live music, mopac, music, politics, railroads, red river, silicon hills, sixth street, smart growth, spamarama, sxsw, texas, the austin chronicle, the drag, the hill country, university of texas, ut, zilker. [Modify yours]
Members:65: agentaa7, alicia_anthro, analsalt, angrystan, animosus, atalantapendrag, bazookajo, beautifulmess__, benisnotfunny, calista, captspastic, chasing, chocotaku, chris2342, cruisergirl, deathwire, diexjuliexdie, disisshyone, dr_martin, dramaticpause, ephemeral_ether, ginagwen, great_white, herfragility, hunny_bunny_, jinnyc, josephnoctum, jt93, kamra, kelley_damnit, lessthanamoment, linearb, lucyloveslave, lunakeil, luviniswhatigot, mizzsoozie, momeloke, nekomouser, nerezzanascosta, nikiyoy, niwi, nnnslogan, nonopinion, nukewolf, ohdaddio, openmynd, orphic_studios, payphone35cents, pearmon, proz, punkboyjustin, rainaraina, ravish_mistress, skipperchong, sonadora, spiffie, swatchie, therealdizzyd, transf0rmer, trididos, truedefinition, universe4254, vegangf, xiuzan, yeuxverts
Watched by:67: _raven_, aethyrflux, alicia_anthro, angrystan, animosus, antisocial_anth, atalantapendrag, bazookajo, beckyms, benisnotfunny, calista, captspastic, chasing, chris2342, cruisergirl, deathwire, dramaticpause, egoiste, ephemeral_ether, gatodesnudo, ginagwen, great_white, hello_dendro, hunny_bunny_, jinnyc, jonqui, josephnoctum, jt93, jzer7, kamra, ketadream, leanda, linearb, lionserpent, lo9ik, lucyloveslave, lulunoelle, majical, mizzsoozie, momeloke, nekomouser, nerezzanascosta, nikiyoy, nukewolf, orphic_studios, pacotelic, pearmon, potentcatharsis, proz, ravish_mistress, reyjames, sactomo, sea_of_sin, skipperchong, solitarypenguin, sonadora, spiffie, swatchie, therealdizzyd, transf0rmer, trididos, truedefinition, universe4254, upaya, vegangf, xiuzan, yeuxverts
Account type:Free Account

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