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Drew Yamashita

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clock tower!@! [02 Aug 2004|10:02pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Pixies - Caribou ]

so Saturday evening i went to that Hollywood Forever thing in the cemetery where they show old movies. it was pretty cool. i went with kimbo and her boyfriend and we met maeve and her new boyfriend at the place. before the movie, we went to Pink's hotdog stand and made lots of wiener jokes. the sound was all echo-y so it sounded like they were all foreigners and there was a big palm tree blocking our view and there was a "suggested donation" of $10, half of which i'm sure the door-person was just pocketing. and the movie was called the "Clock Tower" or something and there were a lot of clocks but i didn't see one fucking tower. and we drank wine at the movie and tried not to make gay jokes about maeve's boy and later we went to a bar and he was hitting on me. and maeve's street was blocked off on both ends by about a billion and 3/4 police officers and they wouldn't let us in. apparently there was a QUADRUPLE homicide right by maeve's apartment. she said that the air smelled strongly of that chemical stuff they put all over to cover up the smell of all the gore and blood and dead stuff.

and that was Saturday.

i leave for the Great Northwest on Friday. still have no one to pick me up from the airport or take my extra tickets for Goodness or Sky Cries Mary.


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oh wow. [02 Aug 2004|09:17pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pixies - Into the White ]

ok, my cable has just paid for itself in laughter.

seeing Bill Maher and Michael Moore on their knees on either side of Ralph Nader, clutching at his coat-sleeves, literally begging him not to run for president, probably induced the most laughter of anything i've seen in a long while.

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what a strange fucking evening. [31 Jul 2004|04:54pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Tones on Tail - Go! ]

well it must have been the full moon because last night was fucking bizarre.

pre-drinking )

club-drinking )

molestation )

mmm... jewish food )

stranger than fiction )

fragrant assault )

the end.

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Franzie Goes to Hollywood [29 Jul 2004|07:24pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Franz Ferdinand vs. Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Take Me Out (Relax) ]

so ever since i first heard the Franz Ferdinand song "Take Me Out" this has been bugging me. one part of it sounds *exactly* like "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. so, in the interest of my sanity, using the shitty .wav editing software that came with my computer, i have created mix of the two. so now you can hear what goes through my head every time i hear that fucking song.

Franz Ferdinand vs. Frankie Goes to Hollywood

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*sigh** [24 Jul 2004|09:03pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticsm ]

i miss her.

nothing to do on a Saturday night except drink whiskey and play guitar.

i went to underground last night with thera. she's always great to talk to. the club was fun, but no maeve and no anthony and it kinda feels a bit empty, even when it is packed. thera had to leave early and i hung out with mikey and [info]sickmodboy for the rest of the night. edgar gave me a ride home and we listened to Transatlanticism and waxed romantic about all the cheesy lyrics and stuff. it's funny how universal this stuff is and yet you still feel like you are the first person ever to feel this way. even if you've felt this way a million times before.

she called me today. she wrote me another letter. i hate how i never have anything to say on the phone. i hate the phone. too impersonal to really communicate. i hate hearing someone but not being able to get the visual cues that go along with it. hell, even IM is better. you can formulate your thoughts better and a pause of 5 seconds doesn't feel like an awkward eternity. but she's not on the internet very much. and i still like to hear her voice. i just wish i could say something interesting. and i hope she doesn't get the impression that i don't want to talk to her, because really, that's all i want to do anymore.

maybe i'll write a song tonight. not that those efforts have been going anywhere at all thus far. at this rate, i'll never be a rock star.

i have no genius. i have no poetry. i have no voice. i have no talent. i have no courage. i have no creativity.

but i have passion. and i have vision. and i have desire in abundance. i have romance. and i have whiskey.

i hope that's enough...

the same lyrics keep repeating, as they have a thousand times before...

i need you so much closer...

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i am the god of all mines!!! [23 Jul 2004|06:54pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Metric - Wet Blanket ]

my life's proudest acheivement

2 seconds, baby! that's almost as fast as i am in the sack.

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ah, the power of beer. [20 Jul 2004|05:22pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pixies - Holiday Song ]

mmm... beer.

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oh, that's rich [19 Jul 2004|09:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Eels - I Like Birds ]

If you and your friends were a Superhero Team
LJ Username
Pick a Hat
Type of Chip
What Kind of costume do you have?
After gaining your powers from eating your own cooking
You joined forces with nfkennedy
and punkrockgrrrl
to get Futurama back on TV
as the Toad Lickers
While Constantly working against the plans of antoniusrex
This cool quiz by unstablist - Taken 1315 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

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stuff slowly getting done. [13 Jul 2004|10:01pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Le Tigre - The Empty ]

so i just made my travel plans for this summer. going up to Seattle on August 6th. my mom's birthday is that weekend (insert joke here [haha, "insert"]). and then we are going down to oregon to see The Kid. you remember last time. it get's easier but whatever.

BUT, let's focus on the good news. and that news is grand! my favorite band to go see in high school, Sky Cries Mary is getting back together for two shows! i am gonna go on Friday the 6th. AND one of my favorite bands of all time, Goodness (fronted by Carrie Akre, the one rockstar i actually know) is also getting back together and playing Saturday!!!! i'm jizzing all over myself with glee.

but there is a downside.
- my flight arrives in seattle at about noon.
- i bought 3 tickets to sky cries mary
- i bought 3 tickets to goodness

and my friend michelle who was gonna pick me up at the airport and go to the shows with me now has to go out of town that weekend. doh. my other friend amanda, who the other tickets are for, will still be around but has to work during the day.

so, i think i need a ride from the airport to somewhere. although i think i can manage taking the bus into the city and hanging out, but i really would like somewhere to stash my bags. and also, i've got 1 ticket to Sky Cries Mary and 1 ticket to Goodness up for grabs.

so would anyone in the seattle area be interested in:
a) picking my ass up from the airport?
b) going to see Sky Cries Mary with me?
c) going to see Goodness with me?

let me know, baby.

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question... [13 Jul 2004|08:02pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Sleater-Kinney - Ballad of a Ladyman ]

i've been hearing rumors that Washington may well be a swing state this year, whereas California is all but locked up for Kerry. so, in the interest of making my vote count for as much as possible, do you think it would be a good plan to not register here in CA and instead vote absentee for WA like i did all through college? i haven't really done any research, but because i'm lazy, i figured i'd ask yall if any of you knew anything that might be helpful in this regard.

pls advise.

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another weekend, another drunken debacle [11 Jul 2004|09:45pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Eels - Spunky ]

god damn, this weekend couldn't have come soon enough. i went to underground (again) with anthony and dave (again) and it was a ton of fun (again). it's nice to have a regular place to go on Friday nights. i saw a billboard for Tanqueray on the way to anthony's (on the 91 i think) and i knew at that moment that my first drink would be gin. and i was right. but that was not to be the last drink of the night, no sir. we had arrived early, so there was plenty of time to get all liquored up and dance. the bartender, johnny, was pouring 'em extra strong that night. and i know i drank more than i paid for. so i win. maeve and i danced to metric, and it had been a few weeks since i'd seen her so that was good. then we got up on the little stage thing with anthony and i think he smacked her on the ass at one point. haha. later on she was all makin' out with this dude on the dance floor, which is a good thing for her. trust me, it is. and i think i turned down some approximation of sex with a number of cute girls between one and two. but of course, there is only one girl i want to have any approximation of sex with, and she is far away. but it never fails. the moment you don't want it anymore, it falls in your lap (sometimes literally). oh well. the girl(s) didn't like maeve anyway, which automatically eliminates them. and then i was drunk and talking to dia about how cool she was and how drunk i was and i think she wants to be friends. yay! and when we were leaving, dave and i could not find anthony for the life of us. we wandered around for a bit and feared that he had been accosted by a tranny hooker from the Yukon diner across the street. he showed up after a bit and explained that he'd been making out with some chick on the lawn of some house. haha, go anthony!

and Saturday i didn't do much. went to see Dodgeball and holy shit, it was fucking hilarious. jon and i were like the only ones in the theater who got half the jokes, and they weren't even that subtle or complicated. are we the only ones who think the german obsession with david hasselhoff is funny?? jeez. and, as numerous other people had instructed, we stayed until the end of the credits, but the fuckers stopped the picture and put up their stupid slide show right when it started to get good! we could hear the audio and everything, but sadly, no love. ah well.

and then i got a call from Alice which made my day, of course. she was sitting in a Waffle House all alone. awwww. which kinda reminds me of this TV show on showtime that jon and i found on On-Demand called Dead Like Me. on the show, they eat at a place called Der Waffle Haus all the time, but it is supposed to be in like seattle or somewhere in the PNW (definitely filmed in Vancouver) and not in the south. but still, i think of alice whenever they go into the waffle house. the show is really sweet and cute but it also has swearing and drugs and people dying all the time. i dig it. and the new season starts soon, woo!!!

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interesting... get it? [07 Jul 2004|05:04pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Mission of Burma - Falling ]

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. music score: 57
2. movies score: 24
3. computers score: 22
4. writing score: 21
5. reading score: 21
6. books score: 21
7. harvey mudd score: 21
8. california score: 21
9. dancing score: 20
10. tattoos score: 19
11. mudders score: 19
12. cheese score: 18
13. art score: 18
14. scripps college score: 17
15. techno score: 17
16. chocolate score: 17
17. fire score: 17
18. photography score: 16
19. coffee score: 16
20. poetry score: 15

Type your username here to find out what interests it suggests for you.

coded by [info]ixwin
Find out more

i'm really glad that "cheese" made the list. along with "scripps college." but "coffee" and "techno" can suck it!
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hehe [05 Jul 2004|09:27pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pixies - Bam Thwok ]


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a dingo took your baby! [05 Jul 2004|08:14pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Clash - Clampdown ]

so *that's* where that came from!

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eat a dick, america! [05 Jul 2004|07:45pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Le Tigre - Deceptacon ]

drunk for 4 days.

thursday )

friday )

saturday )

sunday )

today )

and now i'm home. and i really don't want to go to work tomorrow.

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"i'm on drugs!!!" [30 Jun 2004|05:57pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Le Tigre - Deceptacon ]

personality test

You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you.

You think fast and have a smart mouth, is a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.

Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!

You may be a rock star.

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jeeeezus! [29 Jun 2004|05:32pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Franz Ferdinand - Tell Her Tonight ]

i wish i could have been banging that hot teacher when i was 14!

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porn [28 Jun 2004|07:01pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Shins - So Says I ]

so, armed with $50 worth of Best Buy gift cards, i went shopping. now, the thing about buying music at best buy is that there isn't always very much worth buying. but i found some stuff:

The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
The Clash - London Calling (don't ask me why i'm just getting this now...)
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
Mission of Burma - ONoffON
Peaches - Fatherfucker

i wanted to get the Decemberists and some Le Tigre, but no dice. but a good haul nonetheless, methinks.

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let's all give a warm welcome... [27 Jun 2004|09:37pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Blondie - Dreaming ]

we now have a Holly, back among the living.


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los angeles, i'm yours... [27 Jun 2004|02:30am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Decemberists - Los Angeles, I'm Yours ]

went to the Decemberists show tonight at the el rey. i had only heard half of one cd one time in maeve's car before this, but i will definitely be listening to more. i took the train up to maeve's place and we went for a drink at one of her neighborhood haunts and then headed off to the show. we met up with [info]chunk_manmusk, [info]erinpie, [info]jewelledlights, and this girl melissa from mudd. we got there just in time to see the Long Winters play. they were pretty damn good too. i'm glad i got to see them because i missed them at bumbershoot last year. then the Decemberists came on and amazed. 12-string guitar, upright bass, accordion, keyboards, and a gong were just some of the crazy shit they played on. it was sweet. their songs are really cool and are more like old stories than songs. they have one song about a stolen bicycle that was subsequently found after the song was written. the bike is now all busted up but he said that it was still chained up to the bike rack at 425 SE 3rd Street in Portland. so [info]istar, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to go there and take a picture of it for me. because that would be sweet. it supposedly has no seat and a bent rim (ok is it just me, or does the damage to that bike sound incredibly ass-related?).

and i now realize that the song i always wanted to write about LA has already been written by the Decemberists.

how i abhor this place,
its sweet and bitter taste,
has left me wretched, retching on all fours,
los angeles, i'm yours.

perfect. and they closed with a cover of the Smiths' "Ask" which was just darling. and i never really ever liked morrissey. but yeah. i still sung along with the rest of the crowd. hehe

and through the whole show i was thinking: "i bet alice would really love this." *sigh* it hasn't even been a week and i miss her tons. and i guess this is my passive/aggressive way of telling her this because i'm sure she'll read this entry. i've always fallen fast, but this is ridiculous. but nice.

if there's something you'd like to try,
ask me. i won't say no, how could i?

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