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Below is user information for amy adoyzie. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:amyadoyzie (550687) amyadoyzie
amy adoyzie at work!
human resource depleting
Name:amy adoyzie

Time theft. Time killing. Unproductive jerk. Whatever you call it, this is my "work" away from work while at work. (i.e. LJ = distraction)
People24:avuncularsmile, chadfu, flipmee, gomijin, heavy_flow, intruder_alert, lewk, mikenapkin, nateschmoe, omasboi, pendaflux, ridiculicious, rolfmcleanie, slanderous, sostark, steve_guzman, subtleransom, superspy, sweetasssweet, tis, tkfour21, torgo10, uberdionysus, witchdoll
Communities3:fake_lj_deaths, the_reviewers, zine_scene
Friend of:31: 10fags, all_reviewers, avuncularsmile, bodhicephus, chadfu, flipmee, gomijin, halcyon_heist, heavy_flow, intruder_alert, justgrey, labrujah, lewk, mikenapkin, mr_sarcastic, nateschmoe, omasboi, pendaflux, revrobby, ridiculicious, rolfmcleanie, slanderous, sostark, steve_guzman, subtleransom, superspy, sweetasssweet, tis, torgo10, uberdionysus, witchdoll
Member of:12: boondocks_comic, diyculture, diymarketplace, diyrevolution, fake_lj_deaths, hipsterbookclub, ohnotheydidnt, stolensharpie, the_reviewers, zine_scene, zinescene, zinesters
Account type:Free Account

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