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Below is information about the "de_exotification" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:de_ex (233040)  
About:The De-exotification community wants to challenge the exotification of cultures, ethnicities, women, orientations, etc, through discussion, networking, education, and facilitation of empowerment.

This space hopes to cover a number of interests in this topic from academic frameworks to personal experiences. Please speak up, this space is for you.

Probably unnecessary, but please respect the opinions of those who post. Challenge but do not condescend.

Be sure to check "memories" for links related to this topic.

For questions, comments, suggestions, and suggestions for links or things you think should be included in interests column, please contact or
Memories:7 entries
Interests:41: academia, activism, adbusters, anti-homophobia, anti-imperialism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, bisexuality, bitch magazine, bust magazine, challenging privilege, challenging the status quo, change, civil rights, de-exotification, ecology, education, feminism, feminists, first amendment, free speech, gay, gender studies, grrls, homosexuality, human rights, independent, lesbian, politics, protests, queer, revolution, riot grrls, the nation, trangenderism, transnationalism, voicing out, women, women's studies, womyn, z magazine. [Modify yours]
Members:184: _isthistheend_, _m0rbiidcandyy, accusehistory, aikta, alexibear, amyobsessive, angiereedgarner, anotheryourself, artemii, aufdersuche, b_horror_film, beautifultoxin, biggreenbeacon, black_pearl, blazinsoamazin, blue_lotus, boffo_film, boygrrrlwonder, brephophagist, bridgetester, cannibal_x, carm3nsandi3go, cassidyrose, catchmurphy, catzilla, cd332, chaizzilla, charmenders, chausson, chochinmidori, chocoliz, chr0me_kitten, claudine_c, clytemnestra, compound, crushcore, cynikal, d_k, damavand, darksally, dawnmarissa, debunkingwhite, degeneratemite, denim_queen, digitalchicana, djpekky, donnadelish, easwaran, eck, ed_muffinpants, effinlans, eileenyx, electracide, emli, endoftheaffair, enemyalien, enpassant, erinin3d, evanpoop, eve_l_incarnata, exterra, fancychopstix, fireflyonice, fleeceblanket, freya2332, frozen_amber, fruitpie, fuunany, fyreusjrge, gemalla, gloriajn, grrlie, grrlsvsbois, heaumeau, heiwalove, hermit_crab, heroinefilms, hybrid_beast, i_get_stabby, jadedgyrl23, jenatalia, jenicore, jessicamelusine, jet, jinxremoving, joxn, juneleigh, kornandpeas, kyteroo, ladyjax, lake_awake, languorouslove, lickthespoon, lightningfro, lilituc, lilorphanannie, littlekasino, londontheory, lorrraine, lostintwilight, malver, marginalutility, marymactavish, matariki, megagrrldeth, mehnaz, mereunit, metrochick, mezzanine27, minusbaby, mochali, mofo_x, mungyjung, mysticalone, neitherday, nemesis_hub, nondescriptboy, ntang, oddcellist, oikade, olala, pingpongrevolt, piratejuice, pixiechic, polexa, pooponsteve, priedpeesh, punch_drunk, queenofyerworld, razor_violins, recumbentgoat, retreating, riotnotdiet, roastporkbun, rory, sallygo, sanmiguelmalo, satori1970, shadowfae, shadowlily, shelovesjurgen, shmiggity, sirwilhelm1, sisteroutsider, sittolytic, skratchgrl, slanderous, smoke9mirrors, soddamn_insein, splitpea, stars_and_rain, stellarshiki, stick_figure, stjude, streetdreams, striped, substance1977, superchones, svanny, tartedelune, taurion, thecatsmeoww, theebes, thepublicguy, tinyrevolution, tmkrecords, tomface, trochee, truthcovrdnail, truthinboots, user_lain, vena_cava, viridescent, we_own_america, whirled, wirawarmi, wondergurl_77, wyldchyld, xandi, xxxneptunexxx, yellowy, yourdadsvisa, yourmom, zahyr
Watched by:148: _isthistheend_, _m0rbiidcandyy, accusehistory, aikta, aird_ranter, aliceinfinland, altdrsmoothop, amyobsessive, angiereedgarner, anotheryourself, artemii, aufdersuche, beautifultoxin, biascut, biggreenbeacon, black_pearl, blazinsoamazin, boffo_film, boygrrrlwonder, brephophagist, cassidyrose, catchmurphy, catzilla, chausson, chocoliz, chr0me_kitten, claudine_c, cran_darret, crazymoflo, crushcore, cynikal, damavand, darksally, dawnmarissa, denim_queen, djpekky, ebonbird, ed_muffinpants, eileenyx, endless_spiral, erinin3d, evanpoop, fancychopstix, fireflyonice, fleeceblanket, freya2332, frozen_amber, funk_odyssey, fuunany, fyreusjrge, gemalla, gentlemoose, gloriajn, grrlsvsbois, hadiya, hangrie, heiwalove, heroinefilms, hybrid_beast, i_get_stabby, ide_cyan, jadedgyrl23, jenicore, jessicamelusine, jet, jinxremoving, joxn, juneleigh, kookyfaerie, ladyjax, lake_awake, languorouslove, lickthespoon, lightningfro, lilituc, liliyuki, lilorphanannie, littlekasino, londontheory, lorrraine, lostintwilight, malver, marymactavish, masuerte_ako, matariki, megagrrldeth, mehnaz, mekkah, mezzanine27, minusbaby, mochali, mungyjung, mysticalone, nondescriptboy, oddcellist, oikade, olala, othell, pingpongrevolt, pooponsteve, priedpeesh, punch_drunk, queenofyerworld, rcknrll, recumbentgoat, retreating, riotnotdiet, roastporkbun, rory, rudith, sallygo, sanmiguelmalo, selenie, shadowfae, shadowlily, shelovesjurgen, shmiggity, shutupbetsy, smoke9mirrors, splitpea, stars_and_rain, stellarshiki, stick_figure, substance1977, superchones, svanny, tartedelune, thecatsmeoww, theebes, thepublicguy, tinyrevolution, tmkrecords, tomface, truthcovrdnail, truthinboots, user_lain, vena_cava, vernissage, vijayakumar, we_own_america, whirled, wirawarmi, wyldchyld, xandi, xxxneptunexxx, yellowy, yourmom, zahyr
Member of:2: aliensusa, radicalpinoys
Account type:Free Account

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