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Freindsfriends surfing I came across the The Urban Dictionary where people are allowed to send in their own definitions on words. Of course I had to check out my guys, and man, some people have issues.

It started badly with Nsync but at least these people are equal opportunity haters as they also dislike BSB. So it seems you need to be a faggot to be in a boyband.

So I moved onto individuals and can anyone tell me what a wigger is? I apologise in advance if it's obscene. Wait...sorry I forgot who I'm talking to So, Justin. Lance's seemed to echo fandom's thinking but said in a nastier way. Joey's made me spit with rage. Just grrrrrr I feel the need to kill. Chris didn't have a definition so I sent one in, which says nothing about faggots or weight believe me.

Nick was the only BSB 'lucky' enough to have a definition. I know I've missed someone, and that's because JC managed to get the only positive entry of them all. Go JC and your great hair.

I love friendsfriends so much for throwing up these links.

ETA: I know what one is now, I had no idea that's what it meant.
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I think Corey and I may be just about Simmed out soon, but not yet which is why I present to you my first Sims2 picture story behind the cut. I need to mess with the quality somehow but they'll do for now.

Sims stuff in here )

I'm feeling...: ouchy

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We took Corey to the doctors yesterday, after waiting well over an hour he was in less than five minutes and the doctor said he had a variation of flu and has to rest up, no running about and get plenty of sleep. Which is fine and all but man, I hate that he's missing school and it's his birthday on Fri and we're supposed to be going to the cinema with a few of his friends then on to Maccy Ds. So that's up in the air at the moment, I suppose we could go out next week when the schools are off for half term but he really wanted to celebrate on the actual day.

Anyway, so yesterday as he's supposed to be resting up we ended up playing Sims2, which yeah, we do anyway but work with me here. You all know I had the house of Kirkpatrick love in Sims1? Well I now have the house of Kirkpatrick love in Sims2, sadly my Chris sim is a squint and he looks like Chris sim as I had to do him myself. However, he did prompt this exchange with James.

cut for Sims talk )

I've just read a post on friendsfriends that annoyed the hell out of me and I was debating ranting, but then I just saw that the infamous Justin/rape/chastity belt story has been found so I'll just sit here and wait to see which one of you joins that group first to get the goods. Hell, I may even join myself ;)

Also, GIP. Look what the most gorgeous [info]digital_diva made, a most gorgeous Chris which I had to snag. Thanks again you delicious talented thing :D

ETA: Oh wow. I've read it and have no words.

I'm feeling...: cheerful

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What the hell thought it was a good idea for Corey to join cubs?

You don't want to know how long I've been sewing those stupid badges on, really you don't and there's still two more to go. My fingers are full of needle holes, the damn thread won't stop falling out of the needle and at one point I managed to sew the arm to the body. ARGHHH! Then they've gone on lop sided so people will look at his jumper and know his mam is useless at sewing, which is true because I am! Stupid badges, stupid badges that I had to look up the stupid positioning for because every stupid damn badge has it's own stupid little place.

*Deep breath*

I can do this, two to go that's all.

I'm feeling...: frustrated

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I'm feeling...: hungry

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Chris month pictures
I guess catching up isn't going to happen this weekend, but at least I won't fall further behind.

Pictures are behind the cut with the standard warning for dial up people that it's a picture heavy post.

So, today we hit the time of the pineapple head. )

I'm feeling...: good

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Sometimes I read something and wonder, did I just read that? And the answer is usually, of course I did. However, this morning may have taken the biscuit for reading cracked up stuff. I was wandering friendsfriends and started reading a post about something or other and it said something about Ed, Edd and Eddy angst stories at the Pit of Voles ( If anyone doesn't know, Ed, Edd and Eddy is a kids cartoon on Nickelodeon about three friends ) At which point I stopped and knew I was going to go look them up, because man, EEandE angst fic, how could I not? So I did and there were hundreds of the things. All of which had the characters aged up to about 17 and most of them very dark. I'm talking rape, drug use, suicide, beating up, gay bashing dark here.

I also discovered that double D, who in the cartoon is a wimpy skinny short studious character who never takes off his hat is the person that all these things happen to, which of course he is! He's the stereotypical whipping boy, slender, short and a geek. He's the Blair of the EEandE fandom. He even has glossy raven shoulder length hair under that hat! I was so gleeful when I realised that. Within half an hour I read about him being raped by the Kankor sisters, cutting his wrists, taking an overdose, being a cutter, being gay bashed, raped without lube by Eddy, abused by his parents. He wailed, he sobbed, he drank, he became addicted to every substance known to man, he was even raped by Johnny who then went on to use Plank ( a plank of wood with a face that he carries around ) to bugger him with. The comments in that story made me laugh as the author replied saying people seemed to be fixated on how plank would fit, and was annoyed because she had specifically said over the years plank had become smaller. But still, Edd was raped with a plank of wood, what did she expect people to comment on?

Moving on, because I don't want people to think I'm I pervert for reading that stuff or anything ;)

Corey amused me yesterday when we playing video games together by showing me how two of the guy characters would kiss if you got then close enough and pressed a certain button. ( it wasn't the Sims either ) So then it was a case of our characters killing each other then making out, just because they could. He's gone to his friend's house for dinner right now but when he comes back we have to work on learning the sign language alphabet again as he's needs it for his communication badge at Cubs. Which reminds me, I really have to get his badges stitched on or it will be a case of using super glue.

First though I'm going to get my second Chris day pictures together, maybe LJ will even let this post to everyone's flist and not just selected ones like yesterday.

I'm feeling...: EEandE slash!?

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Corey and I have been the most awful slobs and stayed indoors today. The Cramp twins cartoon is on tv and I'm doing the code a story, read LJ, comment and repeat thing over and over. Which is sort of relaxing in its own way.

So you know, if you want to entertain me do the memory meme, or don't, there's no pressure from my end *g*

If you read this, please post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal to see what people remember about you.

Oh, Cramp Twins is finished and Chip Skylark is on tv.

When I'm feeling lonely
as sad as I can be
All by myself on a charted island
in an endless sea

Sing it with me people!

I'm feeling...: good
I hear...: My Shiny teeth and Me

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Chris month #1
I figure if I do two posts a day this weekend I'll soon catch up the ones I missed ;)

Pictures are behind here )

I'm feeling...: cheerful

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I'm feeling...: content

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User: [info]turps33
Name: Terri
Website: YIMAN


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