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Andy Geers' LiveJournal:
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Saturday, July 31st, 2004 | 5:06 pm |
Surf's Up I had a fun afternoon shopping for large numbers of pairs of baggy surfer shorts :-) I can't wait to get to Cornwall next weekend, it's gonna be so cool! I'm really looking forward to discovering what God's got in store for me over the next year, and finding lots of ways to get stuck in serving in the community and at the church. Not to mention living by the beach :-)
Current Music: Smash Mouth - I'm A Believer | Wednesday, July 28th, 2004 | 3:22 pm |
Dentistry Hmm, well... I have to go back tomorrow for a filling, but it's on a tooth I've already had a filling on, and so somehow, pyschologically, that makes it less of a stress. I've also go to go back next week to see the hygienist; if that wasn't going to cost me £35 I'd probably be quite pleased about that. Grand total: £105 plus parking money. Oh for the days of NHS dentistry... | 9:36 am |
J2ME I found out yesterday how to write Java programs/games for my mobile phone, and it's just dawned on me how exciting that is - a whole new world of possibilities has just opened before me :-) Now I just need to think of some cool apps that would be useful to have on my phone (and work out why that's better than writing them for my PDA!) | 8:20 am |
I'm off to see the wizard... Yesterday I cooked Thai Green Chicken Curry for Simon and Andrew from work, although the packet of sauce I used called itself Thai Chicken Green Curry. Personally, I'm pretty sure that the chickens were British, but it's hard to tell. What I like about Thai Green Chicken/Thai Chicken Green Curry is that it's SOOOO easy to make, yet tastes really scrummy :-) Think I might post some recipes on my website soon, maybe with an "idiot's guide to cooking" for students, or something like that. I have a dentist appointment later, which I'm rather scared about, because I think he's going to tell me I need lots of fillings... Eek! The day picks up from there, however, as I have badminton at 6pm, then after that I'm off to see Spiderman 2 with Simon, which from all accounts is very very good. | Monday, July 26th, 2004 | 8:05 pm |
:-P Today's been one of those days where all I wanted to do after dinner was flake out with the crossword, and when I finally get there, it's too bloomin' hard to make any progress... And Google's broken, which is a pain, because it means I can't make a start on porting AndyPangdy to my mobile phone (long story) I've been reminded a lot today of the awesomeness of God's sovreignty, and of trusting in his plans. It's hardest to do when they're most in conflict with your own idea of what's best, but I think those are also the times when God's most glorified by the outcome, because it shows how much greater his plans are than ours :-) Current Mood: okayCurrent Music: Jazz FM | Sunday, July 25th, 2004 | 3:55 pm |
The School of Rock Had a great time with Alex D'Olier yesterday, walking for hours in the countryside before having a Chinese and watching "Open Range" on DVD. In our characteristic indecision, we also rented "School of Rock", but didn't have time to watch it, so I watched it with Caroline today instead. I have to say, I *really* enjoyed it - thought it was absolutely brilliant, and I may have to buy myself a copy. Current Mood: excitedCurrent Music: Jazz FM | Friday, July 23rd, 2004 | 8:14 pm | Woohoo, tonight I officially released to the world! At the moment there's just one page, my blog, but the code is there to add a snazzy little menu bar any time I want to, and when I actually have some content to share. I'm excited by this, since it's the first time I've had a 'personal' website for many many years :-) | Monday, July 19th, 2004 | 9:43 pm |
SD/CF If anybody has any bright ideas about how to transfer pictures between my digital camera (which takes Type 1 Compact Flash [CF] cards) and my PDA (which takes Secure Digital [SD] cards) without involving a computer (so that I can do it 'in the field') then I'd really appreciate you sharing them :-)
So far, my best shot seems to be to buy an adapter that allows you to fit an SD card into a CF slot, but the cheapest I've found is £50, which is a quarter of the total price of my camera! It seems daft that I can't find a cable or something that allows me to plug a CF card into my PDA.... | Sunday, July 11th, 2004 | 10:59 pm |
Broom broom I just paid a deposit on a car - how old does that make me feel?!
It's a little Y reg Citroen Saxo, 1.1, with power steering and electric windows, for the very reasonable sum of £3000.
Current Music: Jazz FM | Wednesday, June 16th, 2004 | 9:59 pm |
I watched "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" tonight, and really liked it :-) | Tuesday, June 8th, 2004 | 10:23 am |
Oh stop whining... I've realised recently how much I complain - the massive number of rehearsals I've got this week for a concert I don't even really want to be in is a perfect example. But complaining is so destructive, and ultimately rather anti-God. Okay, so I may begrudge my job, or my timetable, or whatever, but to complain about those things (especially when it's a repeated, constant kind of moaning that I'm so good at!) is to completely forget the amazingness of the gifts that God has given me, most importantly my salvation.
It's like this, see: no matter how bad the situation I'm in, my salvation is secure. Jesus has done everything necessary to win my forgiveness, and absolutely nothing can undo that. Not death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present not the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, NOTHING will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39) Certainly not a large number of music rehearsals! That forgiveness is THE most important thing, or should be, and as soon as I start complaining I'm missing the point of why I'm here on this earth. | Monday, June 7th, 2004 | 12:37 pm |
Freedom ? Praise God for getting me through the exams :-) It's really nice to have finished at last, but also really weird... Suddenly I have all this free time, and no idea how to fill it! Today I bought myself my first ever pair of sandals - I took Emma and Meera with me to try and make sure that I didn't accidentally buy anything too old mannish. I also bought some new trainers, since my old ones were completely falling apart, and whilst in Millets for the sandals I thought I might as well buy some water proof over-trousers, so all in all it's been a fairly expensive day, though worthwhile. I'm trying to make use of this time to actually see people now, but I'm not always brilliant at achieving that. There are a few people I need to get round for coffee, but I seem to have lots of random music rehearsals at awkward times. I'm certainly trying to do lots of work on my computer game whenever I can as well :-) Current Mood: lethargicCurrent Music: Lionel Richie - Oh No | Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 | 5:11 pm |
Worshipping in the Large Exam Hall Well, I thought today's exam could have gone a lot worse. Three of the five questions I answered were absolutely brilliant questions - praise God! Several of them were things that I'd just learnt literally yesterday whilst doing some past paper work, and so I knew all of the details and it was just generally cool :-) The fourth question I had to blag a bit, and couldn't be totally sure if they were looking for more than the answers I gave (it seemed unlikely that my answers were worth the marks those bits of the question were allocated, but I couldn't imagine what more there was to say) and I really struggled to find a fifth question. I let myself down on the three courses that I should have been able to answer, because I just didn't know the details confidently enough to do the whole question, and I was left frantically trying to decide which of my three half-finished answers I was going to submit. Praise God that it's all in his hands, and honouring him by my performance and attitude is far more important than the end result. Current Mood: satisfied | Sunday, May 30th, 2004 | 4:49 pm |
"How great is the love that God has lavished on us" We had four baptisms at church today, which was really cool. The sermon was also really challenging: we're working through 1 John this term, and the whole series has been great. The passage today was a much needed reminder of just how amazing it is that God should allow us to be his children: it's so often taken for granted, I guess because "children of God" is so easy to say, but it truly is phenomenal. Here I am, rotten to the core, totally unfit to even be in the presence of a perfect and Holy God, and yet he not only went to great lengths to seek me out and provide a way for my sins to be forgiven (that would be mercy) but then went far above and beyond what we could possibly expect of him and adopted me as his own son (now that's GRACE!) It takes astounding love - after that, how could I possibly doubt that he has my best interests at heart? It makes it truly shocking that I should then throw it back in his face and act as though I deserve to be able to talk to him in prayer, or that I deserve to be able to spend eternity with him, and forget the wretched state that I was in before he came into my life. It's something that I need to be constantly reminding myself of, day after day, and thanking God for it every moment of my life! It's such a life changing truth that everything I do, whether it be washing up, working in the office, talking to my friends, EVERYTHING should be totally coloured by thankfulness for the forgiveness that Jesus has won for me - I should be doing everything for HIS glory, not just because I need to do these things or because I enjoy doing them, but because doing them well in his name glorifies my saviour. Current Mood: thankful | Wednesday, May 26th, 2004 | 6:59 pm |
Only 5 days to go I'm so looking forward to my exams finally starting on Tuesday... It feels like I've been revising forever, and I realised to day what makes it so hard: I'm really reluctant to do anything too fun in case all of this stuff I've been revising starts falling out of my head. It's by no means stopped me from watching heaps of Due South episodes with my friends, or from being involved with church stuff, etc. but it does mean that I can't work on any programming projects or anything that requires too much thought. On a happier note, I noticed tonight that Series 4 of the Simpsons is due for release on DVD on August 2. Having bought the first three series, I'm in a bit of a predicament - do I keep on buying until I die (think there are 16 series so far, and still going!) or do I give up whilst I'm ahead? They are certainly a lot of fun, and good time fillers (even Due South is still 45 minutes, too long for many occasions) but I'm usually not overly enthusiastic about watching an episode I've already seen recently. Current Mood: pensiveCurrent Music: Macy Gray - Forgiveness | Monday, May 24th, 2004 | 1:17 pm |
Troy I went to see Troy last night, and I have to say I *really* enjoyed it. I've heard Brad Pitt's performance slated by various reviewers, but I thought Achilles was actually a really interesting character and I have no idea what they were complaining about. - The (unofficial) Due South Season 3 DVD countdown timer Current Mood: satisfiedCurrent Music: All Hail the Lamb - Dave Bilbrough | Sunday, May 23rd, 2004 | 4:35 pm |
Be Men of the Cross I spent the day yesterday in the Royal Albert Hall with 4,000 Christian men at something called the London Men's Convention. It was really cool to get some quality Bible teaching about the centrallity of the cross, both in our salvation from sin and death in the first place, and in the continuing fight for personal holiness - Jesus has defeated Satan once and for all!! That doesn't mean that we're free from the fight, but free FOR the fight - freed from the penalty of sin, with our eternity secured, but still living with the presence of sin, until we reach that eternity in the presence of God. Current Mood: jubilant | Friday, May 21st, 2004 | 12:37 pm |
Be Men of the Cross Tomorrow I'm off to the Royal Albert Hall in London for the "London Men's Convention" - a big Christian thing subtitled "Be Men of the Cross". It's gonna be so cool, there's about six of us going from my church here in Cambridge, and I think it'll be a really good break from revision, to lift our eyes to where we should be focused :-) The only slight problem is that it means being at the train station by 8am, the train station being on the other side of town from where I live... Tonight I'm watching "Angela's Ashes" with BenBen. I read the book a couple of years ago during the summer holidays, but have never got around to seeing the film until now. There seems to be loads of good films coming out over the summer that I really want to see, and I'm not sure quite how I'm going to manage it. I'm tempted to subscribe to one of these online DVD rental things, where you pay a fixed amount per month to have as many rentals as you want. I'll probably wait and see how much free time I have down in Cornwall, then make a decision. Current Mood: good | Thursday, May 20th, 2004 | 3:39 pm |
F.A.B. How scary - they're releasing a film of "Thunderbirds"
Current Music: Jamiroquai - Little L | Wednesday, May 19th, 2004 | 10:30 am |
Work I was really challenged yesterday by Ecclesiastes 3:22 - "So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot" I'm so good at complaining about revision, but it's what God's given me to do and so I should rejoice at the opportunity to serve him in that way. It's kinda cool to look at it that way - not like a chore that has to be done, but as my God-given task for the day, and there's nothing I'd rather do than please my Lord :-) Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: Grant Green - Bossa |
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