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Below is user information for Thanee. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:thanee (114558)
Location:Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:Otaku28 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:My name is Thanee (duh). For those who don't know me, I'm a guy. The "h" in my name is silent. I'm originally from Philadelphia, PA.

Anyway, you can see what I like below. If you want to know what kinda person I am, you're gonna have to get to know me. I'm a really quiet person and I often feel misunderstood and out of place. And if I don't reply to a comment you've made on my journal, don't be offended. I often do that...

"And sometimes it's hard to find the thing to keep you going. Some days you just want to stop. So you look for something to keep you going, looking looking, and by the time you realize there isn't anything, you've already been keeping going for quite some time. So you continue, because it's the only thing you can do. "Rest in peace, Nicki. I will never forget you.
Interests:95: anime, aoyama motoko, area 88, art, astrology, astronomy, ayashi no ceres, ayumi hamasaki, bowling, candy, cardcaptor sakura, cars, cats, cheesecake, cheesesteak, cooking, cowboy bebop, dance dance revolution, dbz, ddr, dragon ball z, drawing, driving, dvds, escaflowne, evangelion, final fantasy, food, fushigi yugi, fushigi yuugi, gall force, golden boy, golf, gundam, gundam wing, guns, hamasaki ayumi, hikaru utada, inuyasha, iron chef, j-pop, japan, jpop, kendo, kenshin, kimagure orange road, knives, kor, kuronekosama, love hina, macross, macross plus, magic knight rayearth, manga, martial arts, masami okui, mospeada, motoko aoyama, movies, naru narusegawa, narusegawa naru, otakon, photography, pool, ranma, ranma 1/2, rayearth, rhps, robotech, rurouni kenshin, se-r, seinfeld, serial experiments lain, shoujo kakumei utena, slayers, smap, smapxsmap, spicy food, ssbm, star trek, star wars, suikoden, suikoden 2, super smash brothers melee, sushi, swords, the simpsons, traveling, trigun, two-mix, utada hikaru, utena, video games, yu yu hakusho, yyh
Friends:57: akanesmallet, akane_saotome, alesiasabin, anchan, anchella, angeltwin, anime_freedom, bishounennomiko, calophi, chotic_rayne, cosmicdollval, deityofdeath, faerychildrose, frozenbliss, gchan, geni91782, gohanjmm, havocthechosen1, ilovejapan, jinxproof, kaze_x, kevchan, kittytrice, komilla, ladygeekster, liquidhypnotic, locklear93, lyss, mandichan, maxcomp, meiran, mikagikagami, minidiva00, misat0, mychau, nightwalker, night_goddess, portent, punkybrite, purinsesu, raion, rinkun, rosewater_image, shinigaminoda, starsaradia, stefan_, struggler, sunkittygolden, sweetweems, tornapartwings, tsukihana, umi_shoujo, vicky_pi, washu4prez, whoisdonnatroy, xceres, yajirobe_sama
Friend of:54: akanesmallet, akane_saotome, alesiasabin, anchan, anchella, angeltwin, bishounennomiko, calophi, celestina, chotic_rayne, cosmicdollval, deityofdeath, faerychildrose, frozenbliss, gchan, geni91782, gohanjmm, kaze_x, kevchan, kittytrice, komilla, ladygeekster, liquidhypnotic, locklear93, lyss, mandichan, maxcomp, meiran, mikagikagami, minidiva00, misat0, mychau, nightwalker, portent, punkybrite, purinsesu, raion, rinkun, senshimoon, shinigaminoda, starsaradia, stefan_, struggler, sunkittygolden, sweetweems, thatchbj, tornapartwings, tsukihana, umi_shoujo, vicky_pi, washu4prez, whoisdonnatroy, xceres, yajirobe_sama
Member of:2: anime_freedom, otakon
Account type:Free User

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