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The following communities are also interested in "dissection".
43 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in dissection. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
408 matches:
1023 - Chris
1351 - 1351
_azmodan - Brenden
_chokinginfancy - modern expressionism verbally murdering the senses
_demonofthefall - Steve
_gore_death_ - Gore Death
_ica_ - Jessica Joseph
_samoth_ - _samoth_
aaahheh - boy, don't we all look smashing in red
aaloopakiop - Aaloopakiop
abduxuel - A nameless face in a fucked up world
adammcauley100 - Adam
afairjudgement - Mark
alkahest - Amanda
allegro1020 - matthew feldman
allforthestink - Chris Blexrud
amathea - Karin
ambersinsane - *~*NOFX iS bEtTeR tHaN yOu*~*
anaximander - Nax
angstloaded - Bunt
anima_i_lucto - Florentino Ariza
antinowhere - Jenna Reckless
anubisjournal - Anubis will be happy
aprilethereal - aprilethereal
as_we_speak - Matthew Ladew
assistedsuicide - Mnemosyne
astarchild - Ta
atheisticgod - Lord Stefan
atrocityexhibit - mnemosyne
autopsyjesus - Anthony Thomas
autumngrief - Derek
awintersrose - Under The Sign of Hell
azraisidhe - Hippolyta
b_itch - dissect this void.
baldchik - Kim
bandit_art - bandit_art
banung - Banungadawa
barspin - xkillyourselfinthefacex
basket__case - twilight's parasite
bass_player - Double the fuck Dragon, pussy!
beast_xi - lifeindeadtime
bedevilled - knife goes in, guts come out
beenie - christine
better_than_you - THE ICON©
bifrosty2k - Evil Bifrost
big_mark - Big Mark
black_soul - Julz ...of doom /w\
blackheart666 - The Angel Blackheart
blackmetalfan - -|- Ineffable King of Darkness -|-
blackmetalgod66 - damienthorn
blackwingseraph - Silhouette
blackwinterseve - Orion
bladedraven - Jorge
bloodandfire13 - Nicole
bodyinthelake - snatch
bogdi - bogdi
book_of_enoch - Thank God For Robots
booza - bo0oza
botched_surgery - BONE STORM....or Go To HELL
breakapart - taylor
bunnieofdoom - + αυτοκτονία + είναι + κοντά +
burieddreamer - misutaa spaakaru
buryyou - eugene
burzum - Znöwhite
carcassreek - carcassreek
caroz - Lost in the Woods
caustica - matériel fallacy
channel83 - Channel 83
chaosinfinite - Zamiel Asmodeus Version 1.0
child_of_bodom - [ h e l p l e s s ]
chinocyco - Anthony
chris_thrash - The Wicker Man
cladindarkness - Demon of the fall
coathangerabort - dead fucking baby
commit_deicide - Christ Crusher
confess0r - Confess0r
contrecoeur - Lapalco Jr.
corpserot - adam conrad
corpses - Fiend.
corpsevomit - Sober Mike
count_blah - Count Blah
courtneydenise - indie boys are neurotic
crapsicle - jay evil
crast - Crast Kurva
cretey - Scout
crimson_ghost - The King of the Eyesores
crimson_mask - j3ff
crimson_valleys - [ N y m p h e t a m i n e ]
cruxofmydismay - I looked up at the moon and I wasn't afraid
crystoth - Kirsty Jeffery
cuntworm - The Doppelganger
dadyslilcanibal - Dr.Coley.Cannibal VS carditis
darkcreekhollow - josh
darkfaith666 - your cunting daughter
de6jec6tion6 - jesus h christ of latterday saints
deadnitewarior - ^:¤)Å:ñ:†:h:Ø:ñ:¥(¤:^
deadtolove - Dead to Love
deadzie - Deadzie
deathmetaljim - Bible Basher
decemberknight - DecemberKnight
deepfriedbabies - Nikki
demensia - Demensia
demockery - Uncle Sam
demonfall - Tim
deorsum - .
despiseyou - Lay down your soul to the gods rock and roll
devils0rchid - Orchid
devilsorchid - Satan's Apprentice
dewscented - Nocturne
diaryofdreams - Kamyar Malekashtar
dichroicynosure - Sassafras Sassypant's Tyranny of the Petticoat
dieselmachine - JT
dirty_fiend - xXxBeAuTiFuLlYxDeCaYeDxXx
diseasefactoryx - Cucuy
dismember - Dismember
dissection - Kaitlyn The Invisible Christ
dissembled - Sick
distilledlimbo - Unnecessary information.
divinechants - Miss Addams
dofka - Dofka
dubloth - Dubloth
dustin_mauk - Dustin Mauk
dwg - The Muse
e_s_c_a_p_e_ - <Disgorge My Lust>
echoesofdestiny - tony
edengonemad - christopher k
elcorro - ElCorro
electro_tease - MC Hammer... & Sickle
elektrasai - long haired leaping gnome
eligos - Cathaoir
embryophyte - 维
entropos - The Eric You Wish You Were
eriklh - Erik
etherstragic456 - James
evabear - sneaky red F1 loving midget
everfree_angel - Jo
evileyes45 - Songless Bird
evoken - Evoken
explisitvoices - MAN MADE GOD
eyelovemetal - EyeloveMetal
faithlessone - TigressV
fatalreality - Real Fatality
fenrirswrath - Bonestorm
fenris666 - Death Unlimited
fenriz - Carrionfeeder
fiend9 - ................
fiendishangel - .
filthgrinder - Clawdia
filthylilanimal - Kellie
fishie01 - five iron fishie
flashoftheblade - Thy God...err, Ben
foreverains - The Crowning
freezingmoon - Freezing Moon
frozenlem - pretty like plastic
fuckmejesus - Noir
fukengrinden - wes caley
fukhed - Fukhed
funeralthirst - time vs. necessity
galapogos29 - Hide Your Children And Lock The Doors
girlofbirkenau - Jessica Nicole
given_to_burns - The kiss of an H bomb
goatpenis - Sui
goatzied - goatzied, spermify, now it is time to sacrifice
godemp - The Great and Glorious Godemp
godsmackkittie - Little Italy
gorewhore - ~ *Gorotica* ~
graceful_wraith - Cassie
graemo - Ω Lord Zylochros
grimblackangel - You're a goatfucking fagus shitboy
grind - Cory
grr_islatyx - Viking Metal Heathere
gutfucker -
h0rrible_ - ~We can live like Jack and Sally. ~
hardly_art - the understudy for actors who never fall ill
harliquinn - Harliquinn
harmonicastud - Shannon
headchargekid - Jim
helter13skelter - J-13
hereticlegacy - Machines of God
hereticprincess - Keety
hideousbeauty - Alex Praetorious aka Eric"Moebius" Morlin
hildebrand - Hildebrand (Sword Of War)
hmetal123 - Bryan
hobbitcore - Walls of Ferricko
horsecizzle - Jeff [HOSSALITE]
ihsgaroth - mathias
iixion - Iixion
iliekdeathmetal - so sedated, so secure
imbaked - Kiley
in_absentia - [ashes.]
inboxzero - erin
inmyheart_x - meep meep
insanepotatoes - Ho P
irritum - Nobody's Hell Like Mine
iscariah - Clarky
isisohisis - my muse the monkey
janelemon - Dark Turtle
jeffkeech - Jeff Keech
jesis - Jesis
jigerlilly - Jules
johntron - johntron
kadabr - Kadabr
kassidy - Oxy the Moron
kataklysm - Patrick
kathfilth - Kath
kazimierez - Kazimierez
killthelight - Brian
kittiesinful - sandy
kling_klang_bed - Blue Torpedo
kricket03 - Kricket03
lackofriposte - Mary
largactyl - tu madre
lesbiancarwash - HannaH
lifeiscruelty - [*-Beautiful Depression-*]
limbs - fame
lonelyhurtgirl - ::L::O::N::E::L::Y:::G::I::R::L::
lordabigor - Sir. Abigor
lordslash5 - Bunny
love_of_life - love of life
lucasmucas - Angry Asian
lucidique666 - Lucidique
lucienandalou - Ashtray Girl
lucifera666 - Lucifera Vampirella
lurex - Lurex
madebymrmanson - Crystal
makethemdie - McBane to base, I'm under attack by Commienazis
markthemorbid -
matrices - Sara Howard
megiddo - Paradigm Shift
melody_nelson - Melody Nelson
mercedies - Mercedies
mester - Mester
metal_is_beauty - Queen Of Cunts
metalcfhchick - Amy Lou
metalmassacre13 - Does it actually serve a purpose,does any of this?
mindmaker - Bryan
miss_negative - Renee
mister_yuck - mr yuck
mistressmaul - Andromeda
mistressofevil - Leanne
monkeydude - Monkey
morbidangel - Matt
morsobscena - Heywood JaBlohmie
mr_targ - Targ
mrangryeyebrows - Brandon, the One and Only
mudgrrl - KT
musikgeek666 - Sarah
mysticdeath - Arcone
myt - vk
nachthymnen - Goat Fucker
namelessoutcast - Emilio Martinez
necrobutchery - Demonic Plague
necropedophile - Blinded by fear
necrophagiac - Phatass The Beefy
nemo_eats_kids - Dope Addict
neurek - nEurek
night_spirit - NightSpirit
nightmares - Nightmare
nikielpie - Ich heiβe Nikielpie
nineinchnails - i am the father, the father of nothing
noctuveneficus - Veneficus
ofir - ofir
oj16 - OJ
omni_amnesty - Ramos C.
omnicortex - The Mad Monk
oncelosthorizon - Kelly / Жанна
opeth_2002 - •ÐË£îVË®åñ©Ë•™ ²ºº²
optimistic_lies - hope with a fucking knife
ozzgood - Kyler
partysheep - Litany
passionfriut - F-A-R-R-A-H
patatonic - Whiskey Rock 'n' Roller
penciledinice - Alyx
peoplerstupid - Maxim
pepper_imp - Pepper Imp
perfectcircle87 - katatonia
phallelujah - (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->Airwreck<-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)
plagueofflies - Plague
profane_grace - Captain Old School
propagandhi08 - ANDY SIXX
psychedelicwolf - EricWolf
punkgeekd - Wyrmtongue
purgatorio - kat
q13_exe - vagus
quezacotl - Mark
rautanyrkki - Sam
ravensecret - ravensecret
ray_the_obvious - R. Nilz Schneider
rebirthoxide - Neurotransmitter Spill
rilontsky - Riley Hoffman
ripping_corpse - Wasted Years
rlyeh - [ m o r n i n g r i s e ]
rob_so_vile - Rob_So_Vile
rosacrux - Andres
saddened_eyez - Le Bloody Mess
sadisticintent - felonia
salvia - salvia
samhain66 - Michael Moribund
sanityassasin9 - James
santorty - Tyler Santoro
satyrxr4ti - Satyr
saydan - danni
scablicker - Tim
scattered_ashes - The Oracle of Annihilation
scorneternal - Scorn
seeker1 - Trent
sepulfreak - Sepulfreak
sexomasokitten - Sexomasokitten
shadowexistence - shadowexistence
shadowsfire32 - Alex
shannoncynical - Shannon
shattered_soul - Name: Example - John Smith
shoefunk - Dis-Organ-Ized
sickofyou2 - Dear Liza
sikk - Scott Malice
simkat - Katya
sjsymbolic - Sean J
sked - I $@w 7hiz gu¥ @n|) 1 waZ lik3 OMG UGLYPEOPEL.COM!
skulliton - Skulliton
skydancerofchao - Josh DeSimone
slashdementia - Stevo
slayergoddess - Torry
slipknotura - Matt
slith - Rottie
slunt - infanticide
smokeandblood - Biting the Bullet
snail - Lisa
solarplexus - Mnemosyne
someguyinabikin - SomeGuyInABikini
spikelord - stan
squishybutmetal - I'm so metal I piss oil.
stabyourback - what could i do?
starscreem - Tick Tock, Time to Die
stitchedxvoodoo - broke your fucking mold, then threw away the cast
stratapro - ....
stratatorrious - Torry
stupidpinkgirl - Living Dead Girl
suckerxpunch - Pikey
suffocation - e.
sugarbow1086 - Bonnie Giguere
suicidenation - Exploded Music
svart_hjarta - DÖD
sway11485 - Trish
sympozium - Божественный Ноктюрн
tallboi - tallboi
tanatopraxia - Tanatopraxia Avanzada
the_jesus - I closed my eyes as fire swept clean the earth
the_mehlmanator - John
the_padded_cell - Noj
the_wretch - WRETCH
theblackemperor - Brandon
thecodexnecro - Callum (V.I.T.R.I.O.L) Cox
thedesolateone - Brian
theelephant - Charlotte Davies
themouth - Kilgore Trout
therhyn - David A. Bradley
theunholy - the black hearts of angels fallen from grace
thewhistler - Austin
theywillreturn - Chris
thisimminentday - Nate Bush
thomasvye - Thomas Vye
tobidufarewell - Mateo
toolstylie - Aaron
triffids - Dieuw
trio_snape - Severus Snape
triplespiral - Laurene
twiggins - :-!
twilightskys - Krystyn
twiztedkid15 - Andras
umberlee - Dr. Talia Umberlee
unforgiven - Babin
unholyroller9 - Gargantuous Marduk
urge2disembowel - Capt_Howdy
vaguefusion - Gratuitous
varg_vikerness - Devin
venegful_regret - Digital_Stitches
vermine_robes - Walden Macnair, Laird of Braddock
versustheworld - Sean
videtur - Une fleur du mal
vimka - Vimka
vivisection - maideleh
vixen666 - unidentified corpse
voiceofunreason - Dave
w00tbeenlikt - Taylir aka chocolate ex-lax is sexy
wantanfon5 - Tatiana
warlockuk - Warlock
waystedtruth - The Slick Divide
wenso - N!KO
werewolf - the carrier of wounds
whapsh - 413x
willj56 - Will
willywonka311 - Skeeton
wilyshrew - Graeme
winter_dirge - George
witch_hearts - Jeremy
witheringbeauty - Leah
withoutagod - all the time
withthesickness - Scott
worldinaworld - bloodfiredeath
xaemyl - Xǽmýl Nýþerúng
xswarmsoflocust - loneliness
xthelegendx - you put the knife in my heart! XXX
xvgothicanimevx - M I C H A E L
xxdenoraxx - elandrieria
xxxvomitxxx - Kvrt
yersinia_pestis - Yersinia
zappyflappy - Matt Brown
zombieholocaust - [a.a.r.o.n.]