FAQ Question #161
» Why do I receive an "invalid cookies" error, and how can I fix it?
If you have recently upgraded to a paid account, recently had your paid account expire, or frequently switch back and forth between a paid account and a free account, you may receive an "invalid cookie" error when accessing pages on LiveJournal.
If you receive a message "Invalid cookies. Try logging out and logging back in," log out of LiveJournal and log back in. If this does not help clear the error, you should delete all of your LiveJournal cookies and then log back in. Information on deleting cookies can be found in your browser's documentation, or by reading this article in the HowTo journal:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/howto/19563.html, provided as a courtesy by support volunteers.
Last Updated:
burr86, 2004-02-16
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