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FAQ Question #86

» What is a LiveJournal to-do list? How do I use it?

LiveJournal offers a feature called a to-do list, which allows you to quickly and easily file certain projects and goals that you want to accomplish.

To find your to-do list, simply log in (http://www.livejournal.com/login.bml) and go to http://www.livejournal.com/todo/. To see another user's to-do list, go to http://www.livejournal.com/todo/?mode=pickuser and enter his/her username. You can also go to http://www.livejournal.com/todo/?user=exampleusername to go directly to another user's to-do list. Replace exampleusername with the username whose to-do list you want to see.

Users with Paid or Permanent Accounts can have an unlimited number of to-do list items. Free Accounts can have up to 25 to-do list item, but cannot set the security to anything other than Public. For more information about the different account types, see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=38.


First you'll need to log in (http://www.livejournal.com/login.bml) and then go to your to-do list (http://www.livejournal.com/todo/).

On the to-do list page itself, there will be a section called "Actions", with a link labeled "Add Item". Following this link will bring you to the "Add to-do Item" page, where you can enter in pertinent information regarding your to-do list item. When you are done, click the "Add" button at the bottom of the page and this item will be added to your to-do list.

You can edit the fields, as follows:

* Subject: the title of your item. This is the only required field on the page.
* Priority: to specify the relative urgency of your item.
* Details: to include a description of the item.
* Status: to describe the status of your goal (e.g., "starting stages", "drawing board", or "almost done".)
* Percent Done: to reflect the percentage amount accomplished towards your goal.
* Due Date: to give your goal a certain deadline. The date fields are set up in the order of Month-Day-Year (4 digit year) Hour:Minute, or mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm.
* Categories: to file each item with certain keywords (e.g., "personal", "work", or "school"). Each item can have up to ten keywords. These kewords will then allow you to filter your to-do list.
* Security: field allows you to choose who can see this to-do list item. Public allows anyone to see it, Friends allows only the people who are listed on your Friends list to see it, and Private allows only you to see it.


You can edit a to-do list item by going to your to-do list (http://www.livejournal.com/todo/) and clicking on item's subject line.

Doing this will take you to a page similar to the add item page, and will allow you to edit your to-do list item. See the previous section for information on the function of each field.

Last Updated:
burr86, 2004-07-15

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