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(4 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

[04 Apr 2004|10:59pm]
So this week sucked was amazing

Our principle is a bitch and won't let YFA go to the March for Women's Lives but we are going to still try

I didn't get into SYP but am on the waiting list

I got to see Charles Milling but the retreat sucked and I was happy I had to leave early

Pepper is mad

Jenny is adorable

Mom's a bitch

Didn't play frisbee

Have to work at Fish House this summer-menaing no lip piercing

Heather is sad(must call her now)

BUT I am sooo happy and it's weird I am so scared but am happy and safe and yeah I`m happy!

(3 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

[24 Feb 2004|11:11pm]
so yeah again I will start writing again-

school sucks I`ve just become lazy

friends rock-I`m so glad I met these people

just watched an awesome move-Thirteen

Bush Sucks! What the fuck is up with this admendment. Let's not discriminate or anything. He says he is trying to save the sanctity of marriage. It sounds like one person is trying to inforce their moral views on the nationa dn like someone wants to be reelected and this is the only way he knows how. If marriage is so special then why are people getting married for two days and then divorcing. If marriage is supposed to be for reproductiona dn procreation then what about someone who is sterile and can't have a baby-should they not be allowed to get married either. And a heterosexual couple who has been married for 20min has more rights that a homosexual couple has in their whole lifetime. FUCK THAT! Protest here I come!

family life is up and down

aaron and pleasant had their baby-he's cute-Joeseph Aaron McCreary

shane had his birthday-I really miss him-but he's not doing well with money and keeps wasting his money-and his health is going down-why the fuck did he have to get HIV

I got into UCF-can't wait for college but have to work my ass off cause I really want to get into activism adn international relations

scared that I`m turing into a party girla dn taht I`m wasting my life away..

love and hate all in the same person

(2 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

[10 Jan 2004|12:38am]
oh my gosh-ok so i said i would update and well this is the time to do it

I was with a friend at a park near my house and we wear doing something we are not supposed to and a cop pulled up and shine his light and was like stand by your car(with like hist microphone in the car) and like stood there for a minute and then he came out and told us that city parks close at 10 and we weren't allowed to be there and yada yada we tlaked then asked if we had booze or drugs in the car and i said no(and like he shined his flashlight in the car and let us go-I am shaking


(1 monkey | kiss my monkeys)

[17 Oct 2003|09:12pm]
I want to learn to play blue grass.

(1 monkey | kiss my monkeys)

[17 Oct 2003|12:25pm]
So I got to see David but I felt really bad because we were both really bored because there is nothing to do here. I`ve made a shit load of cards to send to people and made some name tags for gifts.

I am really nervous about try outs next week because I feel as though I am really out of shape. But i have been runnnign everyday

Well it`s lunch time so I must go now bye

(3 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

[15 Oct 2003|07:55am]
SoI`m at See the Leaves. There's no basket weaving or corn huskes(sp how the heck would I know how to spell this!). There is wood carving, watercoloring, and stamping. I`m making a lot of card and stationaries and I made two spoons out of wood-but no more wood for me I don't have the patience to wait and carve. GUESS WHAT! David is coming to visit me today. The whole day I get to spend with him! Yey I thought it was going to be a shitty week because I wasn't gonna be able to go and see Sally cause she is mega busy but dun dun David to the Rescue. Now if only Parker and Raven and Joellen would get their asses up and see me! The Leaves is boring and I wanna die but did anyone see the baseball game.I hate baseball but it was mega exciting. i have to go to breakfast but ttyl

(1 monkey | kiss my monkeys)

[12 Oct 2003|07:02pm]
Well I`m at Kanuga for See the Leaves, and I`m already dying. I already broke a promise I made but I don't care. I hate being the only one my age here and everyone else is at least 60 years older than me(and those are the young ones). I know one person from last year but she is my mom's friend. Basketweaving is no more so I have to find somethign else to do. Hopefully I can go and spend time with Sally and maybe go to school with her and see what it's like. Well I`m gonna go but everyone should email me or call me(I cna't answer because this is like 1 of 25 places I don't get service!) and leave me a message or even text me! BYE!

(kiss my monkeys)

[29 Sep 2003|10:18pm]
I`m threw with it. I`m threw with her. Everyday she tries to push her new view on homosexuality on me. She knows I hate it and that she is offending me but no anyhting we talk about she ahs to say something. I told ehr I took a irend home bc the were drunk and she said, Well you know those homosexuals. What the fuck this erson isn't gay and it doesn't matter. My brother is gay and she is condeming his life now AHHH! She then argues bout Shane and is like look that's why he got AIDS. He doesn't have AIDS he has HIV it's different you should at least know what yor son has! DAMN!

Oh yeah and I loose the car for 2 nights b/c I took a drunk friend home and she said next time leave them and make them drive. WHAT THE FUCK!

(1 monkey | kiss my monkeys)

[21 Sep 2003|07:55pm]
wow terrance thinks homosexuality is satanic-WOW!

so fri i went to erin and sam's bday party. It was weird hangin with the crowd there because well I don't hang with them and it was weird(descriptive i know) but it was fine. Then I went to Tammy's bday party which was weird cause they were all sophmores but then michelle and shelley came and it was fun. I adore Tammy she reminds me of myself or someone I wanted to be. I`m sore though from tubbing

Then I went to see mom at a booksigning and saw megan and we tlak and it was ok. I went to Carries party and it would have been fun but I really wanted to hang with Megan and M.E. so I did. I have been hoping for awhile that we could chill and talk and so I brought over Wett Hott American Summer to watch adn we ended up watching like 10min. We talked for like 3 hrs. I got home at 12. I loved it! It meant so much to me. I totally adore them.

Then today was fine but some bad talks. bored now1

(1 monkey | kiss my monkeys)

[15 Sep 2003|11:00pm]
pissed at Kanuga for the first time! How the heck can Matt Scully and Liz Cartwright not make staff! And Sarah L not be a torchbearer. I feel as though Emily and others in charge have been given the wrong impression of SYP and WL in the last years. I think that they think that we are going wild and that the young staff members are a bad impression on is and are taking more older, stricter, and i guess more like old youth leaders

I mean I`ve gone there for 7yrs and this is my last Wl and wow. Yeah so I have grown up admiring these people. I can relate to them.i see how they were as teenagers and ow their lives are fine. This is bullshit. Every run in I have had with Emily has been bad. She loves Kauga but I really don't think she has a calling with kids. She just comes off with such anger and AHHh

I love you Scully and Liz! I admire yall and hope that yall come visit or just have a great time and come back for SYP!

(3 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

someone should write me a letter [02 Sep 2003|11:17pm]
[ music | stevie nicks ]

hey so I had an ok weekend. I went to lunch with Ian to Madison's fri loser wouldn't let me pay! But I still love him. Then I went with Eizabeth and Jennifer to the Daily Grind but then left to play pool. Then Jennifer Chris and I went to Shawns and then I went home after awhile. Sat I went with Elizabeth to see This Bike is a Pipe Bomb. They were awesome and we saw Barret first and went to Elizabeth's car and hung out because nothing was happening. Then saw Danny and Lara and then Kate and Ali R.(yeah haven't talked with her since middle school she's a cutie). Sun was boring but I chilled with Booth. Mon was so boring but Elizabeth Lara Vernalli Elise Danny and I went to lunch at Screaming Coyote. The waiter and cook were dumb they didn't know what vegan was and a lot more shit. I mean working there one should know. Right now my french grades suck and yeah school sucks. Ms Benson is my new mentor and cohan is heping me-let's see hwo that goes.

night ngith

(kiss my monkeys)

[29 Aug 2003|10:46pm]
I`m at Shawn's with Jennifer, chris and him. We are yeah having fun again. I talked to Nathan and patrick but i will go talk to you later

hehe evryone is going into a dark room...why is that? let me go find out BYYYE

(kiss my monkeys)

[26 Aug 2003|09:23am]
F A M E by spazyspag
Youre famous for:Coming out of the closet while making your Golden Globe acceptance speech
You get famous:November 14, 2033
You make $$ per/year:$377,215,406,174,214
Do people like you?Everyone hates you
Dead/Alive:No one knows
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

(6 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

I wanna download circle of life [25 Aug 2003|08:42pm]
so wore our tye-dye shirts and we looked so goofy. Just the 5 of us walking together with tye-dye shirts. it was funny. We turned in our cranes yeah that was funny

french was easy

and umm yeah I went over to Jennifer's to get my shoes. Umm we had fun*(thanx shawn even though you have no idea why)* and then cori and nick came over. Yeah then I had a Long drive home. But I`m good. Love yall bbye

(3 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

[23 Aug 2003|10:54pm]
so this has beeeeeeen an awesome weekend. Fri i went to jennifers and we had FUNNNNN! yeah no ecplanation there. and then today i went o vrnalli's for a tie-dye party with lara elizabeth amy aprl and shelley. and then i went to carolyn nd we had FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN with elizaberth eliza dan jill and kate. eah1

(1 monkey | kiss my monkeys)

[21 Aug 2003|10:20pm]
why is it the people you want to know most about are the ones that you sit in silence with and can't speak with

(5 monkeys | kiss my monkeys)

Can we say bullshit [21 Aug 2003|08:45pm]
ok here are somethings to say bullshit to...

went to Georgios pizza and it said on the wall, "American eat $3.50 per slice"-BULLSHIT!

a commercial on tv "The good thing about women is that they don't sweat or smell like a man"-BULLSHIT! I guess I`m a man then!

(kiss my monkeys)

[18 Aug 2003|08:54pm]
mmm i heart tomato soup. yumm yumm yumm. So high school is boring and i realized how ready I am for college. I feel as though I`m being held back an forced to stay in there and be a child. I want to burst through. I don't want to be held to people's expectations. I want to go and Corny I know, but the only class i really enjoy is TOK and it's beginning to get on my nerves because it's getting less mindful and mroe worksheety.

Ok so I still talk like a 2 yr old but that's my lingo!

So every monday Elizabeth and I have gone to lunch. Last week we drove like idoits to soup kitchen and got there right at 3 when they close and still got salads(the only soups they had left had meat in them). This week we were going to screaming coyote but it closes at 3 also(school ends at 2:45) and we didn't make it on time. lara and Michelle V came with us but ebeth had to leave at like 3:15. But lara and vernalli and i went to subway and ate and sat there and talked for 3 hrs. It was awesome. We jsut laughed the whole time. We are going to go do tie-dye saturday with shelley too. I`m excited it was good getting to chill with peeps.

bye i`m tired

(kiss my monkeys)

[14 Aug 2003|08:45pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

I wish I could let my emotions out so they don't bust out on one peron. Sorry if this has been let out on you. It's just enough right now.

(kiss my monkeys)

[14 Aug 2003|06:58pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | French Wax Poetic ]

some people or actually people's actions really bug me. AHHHH! I hate it when people are all nice and they call you But then there is that hint of discomfort. Where you sit there on the phone trying to think of something to say because you don't want the awkward silence anymore but everytime you trry it feels like a lost chance. Then when you hang out they are awesome but still awkward silence. And you know there is something to say but no way to say anything. Then a few days later. NOTHING You are pushed away like an old fad or broken toy. AHHH!

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