Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Coffee Lovers Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "coffee".
404 matches:
- 080303 - Where the cat meets the knees
- 1135decatur - 1135 Decatur
- 1247 - 1247
- 12plus1 - 12+1: the ASMS LJ community
- 1lovefellowship - One Love Fellowship Community
- 5am - Strangers With Coffee
- 8th_note - The Happiest Little Coffeehouse on Earth
- __neon - __neon
- _elitists - Elitist Bitches and Bastards
- _road2nowhere_ - From Cali to the UK...
- _w_ - =w=
- a_game_of_you - Dream Country
- a_girls_freedom - Drugs, girls, & boys...all in the same mix.
- abq_insomniacs - abq_insomniacs
- academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
- acousticlounge - The Acoustic Lounge
- addictsoflj - The Addicted Community
- aesthetes - visual artists and art lovers
- allaboutfriends - *Friends Fans*
- ana_parts - anorexia and bulimia parts
- anamiaaboutyou - The Real Lives of Ana and Mia
- angryblackchick - The Angry Black Chicks
- anti_anti_nj - ANTI ANTI-NEW JERSEY
- anti_quiz - freedomx
- antsy - quarter-lifers
- apartment406 - Apartment 406
- artistic_sin - Midnight Deviants
- ath - Across The Hall
- atlanta_eats - Atlanta Restaurants
- au_bon_pain - Au Bon Pain
- avalon_readers - Avalon: The Webcomic Readers' Community
- bar_room_brawl - bar_room_brawl
- barbiegirls - b a r b i e g i r l s
- baristas - The Starbucks Baristas Community
- basementdweller - basement dwellers
- beautyawards - charmer
- beavertonpeople - People of Beaverton, Oregon
- belzonics - Another Lone Nut
- bench_people - The Almighty Bench People
- berklee_beach - Berklee Beach
- bethscafe - Nesbits Orange Soda
- betterthanyall - the FUCK OFF AND DIE club
- beverage_junkie - Beverage Junkies
- bham - The City of Subdued Excitement
- bidwellpark - bidwell park
- black_bandaids - Soaked.
- blimeylife - Brits in America
- blinky_blinky - Blinky Blinky
- blueconfab - Blue Confabulation
- booiinng - booiinng
- book_of_forms - The Handbook of Poetic Forms
- bookxclubxcore -
- boring_people - Anybody & Me
- boywunder_fans - You're like a 12-guage shotgun
- breablows - this community is the shiznit!
- britishcolumbia - British Columbia
- brutal_honesty - tell me your secrets
- buffalo_chips - Sketchy Buffalo
- buffalo_dorks - buffalo
- bukclub - Bük Clüb
- bustelo_nation - The Church Of Cafe Bustelo
- buzzzzz - Coffee Buzz
- bydivinewrite - the Celtic Cross Collective
- c_c_s - C.C.S.
- cadavril - WE HATE AVRIL (and other suck ass bands)
- cafedoom - "It's Always the End of the World"
- caffeine_diary - writing. talent. beauty. coffee.
- caffeinewhirl - highly caffeinated
- cakeurinal - Urinal cake lover
- calavenus - Micronation For The Mad
- cantoruschristi - Christ's Poets
- chaoticthoughts - a brave new world
- chapsuckbrigade - the chapstick addicts
- chathamcollege - Chatham College
- chicagoindie - chicagoindie
- chicagorockers - Chicago Rock Scene
- chris_vrenna - the attraction to all things uncertain
- christianity - Christianity Community
- churchofdio - Church of Dio
- clubbed2death - S.C & N.C Goth-Industrial/fetish Club scene
- clubcommons - Club Commons
- cocoajava_cafe - The CocoaJava Cafe
- coffee_cup - Coffee Cup
- coffee_time - Coffee Timers
- coffeeaddicts - Gothy Coffee Addicts
- coffeebeanchrch - The Church of the Eternal Coffee Bean
- coffeefetish - Coffee Fetish
- coffeegestapo - The Coffee Gestapo
- coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
- coffeehousebook - Coffeehouse Addicts..
- coffeehousepunk - Coffee Junkies
- coffeekids - coffeekids
- coffeemate_luv - Lovers of All Things Coffeemate
- coffeeshop - LJ Coffeeshop
- coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
- comescrapwithme - comescrapwithme
- cookcounty100 - ER drabblers
- cookin_with_gas - cookin_with_gas
- craft_monsters - craft monsters
- csoh - Coffee Shop Of Horrors
- cultmoviefics - Cult Movie Type Fan fiction
- cuntxxcore - cuntxcore
- cupajoe - Cup A Joe Kids
- cute_cafe - I'd like a dollie with my tea, sir.
- cwoffee_twalk - We give you a topic
- d103 - Drama Dorks
- dalnetpunk - filipe is too emo for me (just playin dogg, wordy
- damnportlanders - Portlandiaphile
- davis_square - The Davis Square Community
- ddc - Darker Day Collective
- deadfairy - We'll all fly away
- deathdo_uspart - Rose
- deleriousstars - Delerious Stars
- deliciousdonuts - Delicious Donuts
- denisleary - Doctor Denis Leary's Lesion of Assholes
- dennys - Eat At Denny's
- dennys_crew - The Dennys Crew
- denver_for_all - denver
- derumi_food - derumi's food & drink journal
- detritus_floats - Take this job and shove it!
- dimwit_inc - DIMWIT Inc. - Vampire Hunters
- diner_review - What's your favorite Diner?
- diners - Daily Diner Discussion
- disassemble - rip that shirt apart and sew it back up bitch!
- disectingghosts - the misspelled community
- dolls - Dolls With Fangs
- dorm_cooking - The Starving College Student
- drama_by_design - Leo and Kitten's personal Livejournal Drama
- dream_a_reality - Dream A Reality
- dyadic - Dyadic
- east_autumn - matthew ryan community
- eastbaypunk - East Bay Punk Rockers
- eat_at_dennys - Eat at Denny's
- eatsydney - eatsydney
- eddieizzard - Eddie Izzard
- emopoetsociety - .emo.poet.society.
- exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
- fadetoblackslj - Your mother
- faeries - Faeries
- fagwads - a various grouping of sporadic entries
- fallingalice - Life in Limbo
- falseemoanon - False Emo Anonymous
- flesh0rz - #flesh, yee!
- followthestarx - friends of katzi's community.
- food_claims - Food Claims
- food_heeaay - Mmmmm...eaaating.......
- fooderotica - Food Erotica
- fotofetish - Foto-FetisH
- freakette_land - FreaKette LanD
- freepornproject - heart like the ocean
- friends_addicts - f.r.i.e.n.d.s addicts
- friends_zone - The F*r*i*e*n*d*s Zone
- friendsnbc - "Friends" NBC
- fu_manchus - Fu Manchu Lover
- gaymotorcyclist - Gay Motorcyclists
- gothcafe - #gothcafe
- gothconvergence - GothConvergence
- gothhouse - Goth House
- gothic_art - marie
- gothteensma - New England Goth Teens
- gourmetla - GourmetLA
- gphb_illuminati - The Shadow Government of the GPH of Bavaria
- green_daze - +.x.~Green Daze~.x.+
- gundamseed - Gundam Seed Fanatics!
- hacker_bitches - The Genocide Cap Bustin' Hacker Bitches
- hate_free_slam - No Tolerance for Art that Spreads Hatred
- hawght_hawghttt - We're fucking hot.
- hothead_paisan - Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
- house_of_clocks - House of Clocks
- i_am_thankful - [thankful]
- i_love_mannix - I ♥ Mannix!!
- idontlikeuidiot - Over 1 million hated...
- idontloveyou - heart is on the floor.
- iloveannlarimer - Ann Larimer Is God
- incomprehension - The *Jones* Community
- innovox - Innovox Connectivity Lounge
- ioncewasarobot - in a former life
- iridescent_haze - Disposed and real
- iridescentnoir - iridescent noir
- it_girls - "It" Girls
- iwish - I Wish
- janetfraiser - Janet Fraiser fans
- jax_cali_fund - JaX Cali/My Ruin Fund
- jazzmusicians - The Hang after the Gig
- jazznuts - Jazz Cafe
- jeremyrules - Jeremy Charpentier Rules
- jerseydinerrats - The Allure of The Cheeseburger
- joyproject - Joy Project
- jrscienceclub - The Jr. Science Club
- killumbus - killumbus
- kitteh - The Character Assassins
- knoxvegas - Knoxville LJ Community
- la_coffeehouse - Starbucks and Beyond
- le_pain_perdu - Le Pain Perdu
- lesbiancafe - Cyber Dykes Inc.
- limp_wristed - the limp-wristed liberal weltanschauung
- liontamers - Lion lovers unite!
- liquifiedbrains - Liquified Brains
- ljcrackoffs - cracked out rants in livejournal land.
- ljtravel - Travel talk, tales and tips
- lone_stars - *lone_stars*
- lonegunmen - Lone Gunmen Addicts
- los_angeles - Los Angeles Social Club
- loserlykid - LoserlyLuv
- loserlyluv - Loserly kid
- losersjet - Loser Jet Tour
- love4food - we love food
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- macabreparlor - The Macabre Parlor
- madhatters - The Mad Hatter
- madubi - House_Madubi
- manoa_choders - the manoa crew
- matchingrebequa - People Who Match Re'bequa
- mba - Mountain Bikers Anonymous
- meat_rock_pride - Indie-rockers who eat meat
- medicatedcorset - Too tight? Of corset it is!
- melissacooks - Melissa Cooks
- meriluvsbribri - Meri & BriBri
- migoth - Michigan Goths
- mn_coffee - Minneapolis Coffeeshops
- mn_zinesters - zinesters of minnesota
- moc_neworleans - makeoutclub new orleans
- mockfest - Fight Me
- moms_network - Moms Network
- morganfans - Morgan Fans
- morysoflakewood - Mory's Love
- motorcyclep0rn - Oh the power between our legs
- motorcycles - Motorcycles
- mushy - Mushy
- music_reviews - Professional Appreciators
- nastyplaymates - Nasty Playmates
- neworleans - New Orleans
- neworleansparty - New Orleans LJ Party
- nice_kids - nice kids
- nightowls - NightOwls
- njfreaks - NJFreaks
- no_sleep - lack of sleeper
- noplotnoproblem - the few, the proud
- novellacafe - Novella Cafe
- nyc_bookswap - NYC Coffee & Book Nook
- nyc_fucks - NYC fucks
- ohiopunks - Ohio Punks
- oink - For the Food Obsessed Glutton!
- onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
- or2600 - Oregon 2600
- oregon - Oregon
- oregonsingles - Oregon Singles
- otterspigots - The Otter Spigots
- over40 - Users Over 40
- over_18yrs - Over 18yrs - Add me Community
- package_pixies - the mail faeries
- pandoras_cup - The Pandora's Cup
- paperdollcutout - the strange, caffeine-addicted, mostly left-handed
- paris_cafe - Paris Cafe Community
- parisites - Paris Koffeehauze
- patisserie - pâtisserie
- pavetheplanet - One Asphalt, One People
- perthnuts - Perth Peanuts
- peruvians - LJ Peru
- petulant_syrup - Eccentric Pretentious Intellectuals
- philly_goth - Philadelphia Goth
- phucked - so very phucked up
- picturing_food - Picturing Food
- pkbw - Puppy Kicking for a Better World
- plattsburgh - plattsburgh rocks
- plu - Pacific Lutheran University
- poopyheads - Poopy Heads
- prettygirls - Pretty Girls
- pro_insomnia - Pro Insomnia
- prochoice_jesus - Christians in Exile
- pvgoth - Pioneer Valley Goth
- qld_uni - The Rant Forum
- qow - Queen of Wands
- queerminded - unconventional like-minded thought
- queerneworleans - Queer New Orleans
- queerportland - LGBTQ PDXers
- queersandiego - queersandiego
- quoted - Quotation Forum
- raindogs - a tom waits community - raindog
- randomaddiction - People with Issues
- randomanswers - The Answers Lie Within
- randomnotes - Random Notes
- rantsrus - Rants 'R Us
- rantstation - Lunatic Broadcast
- rateyourwaiter - Good Service? Bad Service? Rate Your Waiter!
- rattonettes - The Rattonettes
- rave_on - we fell in love in the key of c
- razorlily - RazorLily
- realism_fiction - The Realistic Fiction Syndicate
- realvast - vast
- rebels_yell - Rebel
- recipetrade - A place to trade recipes on livejournal!
- richmondbc - Richmond
- roadgrrrls - Road Grrrls
- sacto_eats - Sacramento Dining
- sandal_wearers - flip flops and long hair
- sapphos_muse - of Sapphic Persausion
- sbux - .starbucks coffee company employees.
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- seattle_dining - review seattle restaurants & have monthly dinners
- sex_drugs_music - sex, drugs, rock n roll
- sexanddrugs - Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n Roll
- sexlikeboys - exquisite slags
- sf_eats - SF Bay Area Food and Restaurants
- sfl_art - South Florida Art
- sfs - Soundless Filthy Samurai's
- sg_ljers - Majulah Singapura
- shareandenjoy - Share & Enjoy
- sharis - Shari's Moments
- shnyhppygdtimes - Shiny Happy Good Times
- shrewsbury - The Shrewsbury Crew
- singles - Singles
- slashwriters - Slash Writers Weekly
- smelly_cat - Smelly Cat
- somedaycafe2 - Someday Cafe Community
- sonrisaplastica - *[sonrisa plastica]*
- soup_in_a_cup - Oddd!! Shit
- spania - The Royal Kingdom of Spania
- spfld_meetup - Springfield, Mo. Meetup
- splitscreen - Tall buildings and offices
- spokanefun - SpokaneFun
- spokanezines - spokane zines and zinesters!
- sporksgonepunk - Punk N Junk
- spu - Seattle Pacific University
- starbuck_addict - Starbucks Addicts Untied
- starbucks_sucks - mad_baristas
- starbuckswhores - ★ Starbucks Whores ★
- starbuxx0rs - Starbuxx0rs
- stars_hollow - Stars Hollow
- stellacomedy - STELLA COMEDY
- stonedpoetscafe - The Stoned Poet Cafe
- straightedgesux - Straight Edge Sux
- stufflove - Stuffed, Plush and Toy Livejournalists
- sybarites - Enjoying The Finer Things in Life
- syracusenyeats - Syracuse NY Dining
- tacoma - wired city
- tattoo_me - tattoo_me
- tattoosnmohawks - mohawks and tattoos
- techgirls - Females in Computing
- techradioshow - XM channel 130 / / AM 910 San Jose
- teens4christ2 - Teens 4 Christ
- temple_u_goth - Temple University Goth
- templeofjeff - Jeff, the God of Biscuits
- templeravenmoon - Temple Raven Moon
- tempwhores - One Day Assignments
- the_angry_vulva - The Angry Vulva Café
- the_black_drop - The Black Drop
- the_collective - The Collective
- the_crazy_eight - the crazy eight
- the_radiskull - Radiskull and Devil Doll
- the_rendezvous - The Green Room Crowd
- thearcadegang - La Gonda Arcade Crew
- thecoffeehouse - THECOFFEEHOUSE
- thecoffeeshop - thecoffeeshop
- thecollegelife - The College Life
- thedailygrind - theDailyGrind
- thedrawingclub - we should name our collective, huh?
- theenewnoise - the kids who set fires
- thefew - The others...
- theinnocent - The Screaming Children
- thejavaden - The Java Den
- thelastcafe - Anon
- thelindsays - The Lindsays (spelled with an A and not with an E)
- themagicbox - The Magic Box
- thepityparty - The Pity Party
- thesteeldonut - Hamilton Ontario
- timhortons - Tim Hortons
- topfive - Top Five
- tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
- true_insomniacs - True Insomniacs
- trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
- tucson - Tucsonans and Friends
- twinpeaks - Twin Peaks
- typing_pool - Cube Farmhand
- uknowyouloveme - Gossip Girl
- un_verbal - un verbal
- uw - University of Washington
- vacationland - VacationLand
- vancouver_eats - Vancouver Eateries
- vanuatu - Vanuatu
- veg_city - veg city
- vicariousliving - vicarious living
- vous - Rendezvous lovers
- wafflehouse - Waffle House Capers
- washegonians - Washingtonians and Oregonians ages 15-25 unite
- we_love_cj - The Cocoajava Fan Club
- we_luv_ramlatch - Ramlatch's Fanclub
- weidontcare - fuck everything
- what_i_ate - I am what I eat
- whats_for_lunch - What's for lunch?
- wheres_osama - Where's Osama Bin Laden???
- wishyouwerehere - Big Ideas [don't get any]
- wiz_anti_wiz - Wiz Anti-Wiz
- wnyadultfriends - Afraid To Try
- wordshittruedat - Two Freaks and a Haircut
- wordtheory - Word Theory/Language Experimentation
- xoh__my_gothxx - xoh__my_gothxx
- xstandeesxratsx - Butt Steak Central
- xt3rc - «~°xT©°~»
- xuphi - The Xuphi collective
- your_point_is - And Your Point Is...?
- yumyumcaffeine - we love caffeine and nicotine
- zine_scene - Zine Resource Community
Interested users
The following users are interested in coffee. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
485 matches:
- _benbenben_ - Benjamin
- absinthe - Maggots-Free Pancakes House™
- achluophilia - B
- ada - and all that it implies
- adamsniche - Adam
- aela - Abbey
- aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
- agentfresh - Jason Sims
- ajaxxx - ajaxxx
- akbuch - AKBuch
- alexzander - Zander
- amcam - k i t t e n
- angelicdestiny - angelicdestiny
- angelina8 - Laura
- angellike - The Temptress
- angelzine - Zrk
- angltbby - J. D. Elliott
- anilnaik - Anil
- animejo - Intergalactic Hussy
- anitas_journal - Anita
- annegirl - just another girl
- annelise - An Urban Girl Defrags
- aphelion4 - lady doom hammer
- aphrodite - La Femme Nikita
- apriljoy - April Joy
- argumentplease - argument #13
- ariesgirlie - that damn ariesgirlie
- ascendingtwyla - Its an obsession with string...
- astarin - astarin
- autumn_angel - Intellectual Moodiness
- baanrys - Baanrys
- babygodzilla - katie calling from chemistry...
- badger - badger
- badkitty - bad, bad kitten...
- bair - The Bairs Den
- ballman - bob
- bam2 - Greg Ayres
- bc - Brian Cassidy
- beatgirl - Kathryn
- berkana - Berkana
- big_al - Capitol G
- bigbrother - Space Boy
- bitterblue - bitterblue
- black_siren - black_siren
- blackcustard - matt noircrème-anglaise
- blackdreams - The Part You Throw Away
- blackwidowbabe - Blackwidowbabe
- blair - Beege
- bliss658 - The Show Runner
- blu - Bluish
- bluehawk - Prince Johnni
- blueicecat4 - Ona
- bluemoonbear - Blue Moon Bear
- bobjones - Bob Jones
- bombshellsbitch - Aaron
- brainz - Pradeep Nalluri
- brandelion - Brandi
- bree - delta whisky
- briejett - BrieJett
- bur - Bur Holland
- butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
- calaf - From the Files of a Dissident
- calico - Happy Fun Hair
- callie - c-bird
- capm15 - Greg Lanning
- carla80 - That's me!
- carlycam - NOT, the cold heartless one...
- carrietherage - Carrie D' Way
- catbiscuit - baby alone in babylon
- catch22 - catch22
- champagnedcfc - Leeners
- chelle - MalibuChelle
- chinaski - k.
- chrisellis - Chris Ellis
- chrisg - Chris Gushue
- christina - Christina
- chuckm - Chuck Meyer
- chuckvideo - speed eraser
- cider - Katherine
- clavdia - Anastasia Moreau
- coffeebean - Holly
- compnerd - C:\> net use X: \\pr0n
- concretewaffer - Meredith
- contessagrrl - Tessa
- corachaos - Cora Chaos
- corpusdei - CorpusDei
- counterfeitfake - Sir Pixelot
- crabcake - Crabcake
- crazysexycool - Christine
- cris - cris
- crisco - Crisco J. Disco
- crowe - c.m. crowe
- cygnoir - Halsted
- cyn -
- daemoniacus - Theresa
- dakus - union does authority / weak goes the knees
- dalibor - Erwin
- dangel - DA, the Lemon Peppah Fiend
- dangrmous - dangrmous
- dankitti - dankitti
- darkangel - Der Kailmeister
- darkrose - Dark Rose
- dashalovesyou - dasha
- davewhat - Jumpin'Jack Flash
- davomatic - That Tune.
- dawnlightz - Julie
- dawnzerly - Dawnalicious
- dazed - Jamie
- deletia - crazy cat lady
- demensia - Demensia
- detritus - jbroome
- deus_x - Leslie Michael Orchard
- devi - Devi
- devil - Betty Blue
- dianachy - DiDi
- diaryofahobbit - A Hobbit
- digitalcunt - Passion with a Gun
- divadust - Beck
- divine - Sue
- dmarnerou - Demetra
- docmaestro - Docmaestro
- doctorbob - williamfrederickmillinship
- dori - Dori
- draca - Amanda Sidebottom
- dragonjam - Jess
- drainbead - Tempest in a D-Cup
- draken - Draken
- drsuessrox - maggie
- duckydoo - Ducky DooLittle
- ebony - cindy
- edges - edges
- edmcbride - noodles
- eefje - Eefje
- egon - egon
- electriccat - That Girl
- elek - elek
- elizabeth - Elizabeth
- ella - Turthi Sintit
- elph - waterdancer
- emeraldgrrl - The Usual Pretensions
- evilgoddess - Little Girl
- evilhomer - The Gum With The Cracker Center
- ex_rasa443 - Rasa
- faetal - Miseriee
- fallenangel - Jackie
- fantod - myklad
- firecracker - lone dreamer
- flaw - Disillusioned
- fletch - Fletch
- flutterby3 - Shana the fluttery floatly butterfly
- fonny - fell in love with a scar
- four - Ryah
- fozbaca - fozbaca
- fract - fract
- freehand - Oliver Twisted
- frob - Jeremy Smith
- frommy - Michael
- fullclip - KiloHeavy
- gabbiee - AnAppleADay
- gany - T-cup
- garrettpalm - Garrett Palm
- garygetsnolove - Disassociative
- gdj - Gary
- geekgirl - geekgirl
- gelbach33 - Kitten Beer
- gem - gemdilem
- genders - Gita Enders
- giorgio - Giorgio
- girlgoyle - just the gurl you want
- glennjw77 - Glenn
- glittergurl21 - that glitter gurl name needs to change
- glitterpayne - BlooVelvet
- glycerine - Glycerine
- goddess83 - Chelsea
- gorrilagirl - Meg
- greck - satan's little suckass demonstration
- greeklady - Jenani
- grendel - "an army of pompous phrases moving across the land
- grocible - ScubaJason
- gwen - Gwen
- hadaverde - Faye Green
- halcyone - Variance
- hallie - hallie
- hamstergirl - hollllllly
- hater - Shawn
- haze - Haze
- heathers - Heather
- heavenlyangel - Squirtle
- hermit - cave dweller
- hiamanda - Weezee
- hybrid - Hybrid
- hyphen8d - Matt Arevalo
- ianthe - ianthe
- ignis - Quarter life wanderings
- ihcilon - shiny waistcoat
- iki_maska - Iki Maska
- imavalon - Avalon
- incircles - InCircles
- indecisive - Mike
- infernos - Christ Sol, the atomic thunderpuppy
- ingatz - chris
- irchance - Inu
- irishk8 - Kate
- isabellax - isabella
- isobel - jocelyn!
- ivystung - murr
- izzybelly - bagel
- jacquehyaena - MY OTHER LIFE HAS MEANING
- jago - Jago
- jamzilla - more like crapzilla
- janae - Janae
- jayden - Jayden McCross
- jeniejenie - Jen
- jennfer - Jennifer
- jesterxl - JesterXL
- jhimm - .hack/jhimm
- jizosh - push out the jive, bring in the love
- jo71 - Jo
- johnboze - Ten Wildebeests in a Teacup
- joiseyguy - JoiseyGuy
- jolandra - Jolandra
- joshb - Josh Baxley
- joyce - a midget could come along and put his eye out
- jr_wellington - Jr Wellington
- jrcorn - Joseph Cornwell
- jsessa - J Sessa
- justagirl - Mairin
- justjay - search for pleasure, search for pain
- juubou - juubou
- kaoslyon - Lyon's Den
- katgolightly - katgolightly
- katiecam - Katie
- kaylab - Kayla
- kayt - Katie
- kei - <-- emo
- kelbelle - kel
- kerry - Kerry
- kheldar - Kenny
- ki - ki
- kiersten - eliz
- kilowatts - DR. EYE
- kitkats - Corinne
- klash - Klash The Soap Diva
- knuckles - knuckles
- kothoga - Your Average Everyday Sane Psycho Super Goddess
- kristel - Kristel
- kungfu - Kyle McLerren
- kurvykittenkris - Kurvy Kitten Kris
- lauralatham - laura.
- laycee - that lacey girl
- ldy - She's got a lemon, and she's not afraid to use it
- leahbeah - leah
- leanan - Leanan Catastro-Fae
- liafaile - TheWorldWithin
- linseykathleen - The Lins-E-Nator
- liquescent - liquescent
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- liqwid - Stephen J. Crim
- litlmissnaughty - Alicia
- lizard - Lizard
- lizcroteau - Liz Croteau
- lizzimonster - liz hornbreaker
- lizzy - Liz
- logicblue - LogicBlue
- logos - Madame X
- lola - death by wasabi
- lolalita - lolalita
- lonejaguar - Nic
- lonelyirishgeek - The Reverered Groovemaster Pat.
- lonelytears - Ever Lonely Amy
- luna - Bluehazel
- luna413 - Luna
- lynette - Lynette
- lynspin - that blonde girl
- lyssrose - uber-geek chick
- mac - FatCat is cootie-free
- majorweather - shasta
- mamarama - Dr. Mama Spell
- mandamae - little alex
- marcy - Marcy
- maryeve - *
- masked_marvel - James
- math - math bulford
- mav - maverick
- maya - maya
- mcoletti - Late Night with Piprrrrrr
- mediacafe - MediaCafe
- meester_gone - Brian
- meg58 - Meg
- mel - Melpomene
- melesse - Melesse
- melodysk - Bitch Queen from Hell
- meowpurrr - MeowSven
- mercutio - christopoopee
- metalmaiden - Erin
- mgbjr - Michael Broekhoven
- miaka - MiA
- midnightfae - The Midnight Fae
- mikesnapp - Mike Snapp
- mischief - Mischief
- mojo - MoJo
- moonechilde - Rayne
- moonruby - moonruby
- morbidart - Morbid Art
- morlly - moRlly
- mrcarparts - Eric
- mremile - MrEmile
- mystikal - Mystikal
- mythmage - GreenMan
- nabinea - nabinea
- nancymccoyhicks - *Bing bing BING* Just Bouncing Off Wall's
- nativestpaulite - Native St. Paulite
- naygoo - Scott, PE
- necroraven - Necroraven - The Psycho Bytch
- nentikobe - Nentikobe
- nerdtech - nerdtech
- never_forlorn - Dan
- nextproblem - Emily O
- notaprettygirl - notaprettygirl
- ogonzoo - dr robert p maloney
- ojuice - Brad
- paulhemp - Paul Hempshall
- pauljp - Paul
- pearblossom0 - amy hay
- pendragon - Papa Tango Charlie
- perdurabo - Perdurabo
- persephone - Courtney
- pezzgrrrl - pezz g grrrl
- phebz23 - christopher thomas
- phillydad - Franny Ward
- phucks - Perkeo
- pinkycam - PinkY
- pixie69 - the industrious pixie
- piximush - i am hope well fed.
- pixy - girl star
- plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
- poppycocteau - Poppycocteau
- posterchild - tali pocket
- postergrrrl - Cassandra
- projectx - Bete Noire
- psychosarah - golgotha
- psychoticka - =^..^=
- pulmot - Liam
- punkstar - ★☆ rachel ☆★
- purplehaze - oh so sardonic
- purpleprimate - Purple Primate
- quest - Quest
- rachel_10101 - Rachel
- radixx - dichotomy incarnate
- ragemonkey - Ragemonkey
- raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
- randomlife - David Andreasen
- ratonil - Ivan dot cl
- ravenglitter - ravenglitter
- razorart - The Fierce and Bloody Tina Modotti
- razormaid - Erica
- rebequa - Re'bequa
- reckless - i'd rather be bold & lonely
- redchainsaws - Krystyn
- redglasses - James Johnson
- redmenace - Don't be up on my fries, dawg.
- redpirk - hoochie woman
- resrie - Leslie
- revjim - Reverend Jim
- rhicat - Rhiannon
- rhino - Tears Of A Clown
- rjwhite - Sen. Runiongunionson
- rockerina - Jen
- rockingrrrl - Rockin'Girl
- ross - Ross
- rosy - Lana
- rothko - scorpionic maelstrom
- rume - Funky T
- runny - runny
- rynfitz - Ryan
- s0ulchyld - Toaster Bearing Poster Chyld
- sabotage - Brian
- salinthos - The Guardian of Hope
- sarabear - sarabear
- sarcasm - sarcasm
- sardoniclaugh - Max
- satellite - Guinness Knoxville
- scaled1 - Bat-Winged Boy
- scarfboy - scarfboy
- schlickster - justhappytobehere
- scksadwrld - l sarah l
- scribbit - WHAMMO!!!
- scully - paula
- seamonkey - SuperMonkey and the Spatula of Doom
- sebab - Stephanie Wukovitz
- secludedgrrrl - friends only
- severen - severen
- sexkitten - 'Nny
- shae - Shae Erisson
- shannidee - Shannon Barney
- sharyl - Sharyl
- shelxland - Shelley
- sirreal13 - Mikhail
- skachik - Sarah
- skwishmi - skwishmi
- sleepy - That chubby swede
- slipkn0t - Bohemiam Samurai
- sneakums - Sunny days should leave a message on my phone
- snollygaster - Snollygaster
- soleil - Soleil
- somatori - everyone else's girl
- sophia - Sophia
- sophiegoodchild - Sophie Goodchild
- sorbitol - corrugated cardboard
- spazdog - Nicole
- speaker4thedead - A Dancer In The Rain
- spiralstairs - Martin
- sputnik - Dan, just Dan
- sqrfruit - Kate
- stanley - Sergio Vøn Bustabürger
- star1375 - Angie
- starjunkie - filmstar
- starla - Chasey
- starzz - starzz
- stef2dope - Stefhen
- steven - Songs in the Key of Bloop
- strrretch - Jigsaw jazz and the jet fresh flow
- strychnine - Jess
- stuartcw - Stuart Woodward
- sturm - [n]
- suicideanyone - Alicia
- sumreen - Sumreen
- sungo - sungo
- sunshine_two - Sunshine
- suzayn - Suzayn
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- sweetmrs - Candy
- swighs - Sarahbell
- syl - jaxx
- synaesthetic - cacophonious
- tanyushkaya - T-Bone
- tariana - Kati
- tarlia - cheap shots girl
- tat2rob - Robert Evil
- tatoodevil - TATOODEVIL
- tbgoldman - Tom
- teleute - teleute
- terimom - Teri
- the_alien - Mike
- the_lissa - uncoordianted procrastinator
- thecitymorgue - thecitymorgue
- thedarkside - Heaven Scent
- thequeen - TheQueen-v1.1
- thoughtcrime - .o
- tigersden - The Purple Tiger
- tildiebots - Emily
- tinadureen - Tina
- tinasux - goodbye
- topaz - Rosie
- treeshaman - ☼ the carnival is over ☼
- trickymongoose - trickymongoose
- triconda - triconda
- tupelo - Queen of Noise
- twopence - Laura
- tworandomgirls - OneRandomGirl
- tygre - tygre
- ungeekgirl - Caercia
- unquietmind - i am the new black
- usayimadreamer - hello
- val - Val
- vampkitten - Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
- vamps - Vamps
- vampyrecass - Cass
- vara - Celeste
- vatsa - Vatsa
- veloria - wot-TA!
- vivaldia - vivaldia
- vivific - M
- voltron - voltron
- voodoo - voodoo
- whitaker - Brad Whitaker
- woitiki - the one on the network
- wtobiasjr - wtobiasjr
- xanthine - Tudu Azul
- xbuttercup - xbuttercup
- xmastree - Ria
- youngindy - Wilhelminna von Richthofen
- zanem - John
- zooi - Hijinks Ahead
- ztarfyre - Deeyah