Alien's Journal

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Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
1:19 pm
So sleeping this morning was a lot more fun than my day has been so far! Actually when I woke up and realized I was awake I wanted to fall back asleep again! Isn't it weird when that happens? Life is such a routine!
What can I do? Those last two sentences don't really go together.... I suppose I should go start book the Tenth so I can finish it and start HP again! =) Or The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/All the many History of Middle Earth books I have not yet read! Or is it more so the history of Ea or Arda that I haven't read?
Not all of it takes place in Middle Earth! Anyway, on to my reading!

current mood: content

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Monday, February 7th, 2005
5:30 pm
I would just like to wish my sister luck right now as she's either presenting or has finished presenting and is now coming home from her job interveiw which she appearently had to make a presentation for because it's a rather good job I guess you could say! It's with the government of Canada! I want her to get the job but I also don't because the job is near Clear Lake which is not here and so she'd probably have to move there for a time! It would be good for her though if she got a good job! I'd just miss her! Since the job is near Clear lake the interveiw is also near Clear lake which is a good 5 hour drive! My dad took her this morning! I wouldn't have minded going myself...I hope that sentance makes sense! Anyway, good luck to my sister!

current mood: content
current music: My mom and brother talking

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Saturday, February 5th, 2005
10:57 pm
You know, there's really not much point in me coming here! It's not like anything has changed! I feel like I should be here though! What can I write about? Um....Ian at work sucks.... That's not important though! I feel like telling the story anyways! I'm not quite sure how it actually I'll tell it the way I think it happened!
One day I went in for what I thought would be a normal shift of work! Managers and jnsgfkdlngsklejfgd though so it turned into a "split shift" which is Quiznos language for.... exactly what it sounds like! ^^;; A split shift! A shift of work which is split in half! Anyway! I went to work and one of my bosses asked told me to come in later cutting my real shift short...or really just expanding it...or something....not important! I looked on the schedule to see who was on and noticed it was Ian so I said almost more to myself "That's going to be awkward!" and Donnalee said "What is?" So I explained to her about how Ian doesn't like having help on closing shifts which was to be the whole point of me being there.... (This looks really boring for those who could care less about Quiznos and my work..ness! I don't care..) So anyway...I came back and..that part is un important! Not long after that day I came back for work and like usual Ian started to anger me with his little comments on how I make things or by the way he treats me like I don't know what I'm doing and there for must take over for me! I've never told anyone that he sometimes pisses me off but Donnalee must have seen it that day and tied in what I said about it being awkward to my pissed offness and there is no ending to this sentence! Anyway, I'm sure this isn't making sense but it turned out that the managers "talked" to Ian about what he does and split us up so I don't have shifts alone with him! I started feeling kinda bad about it especially when everyone came up to me and started saying "why don't you like working with Ian?" when I didn't even say anything to anyone and ljre'gthewj;rghjs;hdgljebedfhbjk;sdhnj;hbdsj ramble ramble ramble! I felt bad but now I don't care because I'm enjoying my time away from him! Let's go on to another topic though because no ones going to make sense out of what I was just saying! It's just my brain wondering how things got screwed up when I didn't do anything to make it screwed up! I guess the moral of my ramble is mind your own business!
What can I talk about? There's nothing to talk about! My fish had babies...again....wooo!
There's lots of stuff I forgot to remind people pointlessly about for last month...for instance January 16th should have had an entry saying something along the lines of "Yeeha! It's the 3 year anniversary of the first time I spoke to Sky on the phone!" And January 19th should have had an entry that was something like "I've known Glover for four years today!" I never kept the chat log of that day because it never came to my attention that it might mean something to me in the future... but I remember parts of it well! It was the first and last time I swore in his presance... I called Smily a "bitch"! ^^;; I have great regret of those days....
I wish I could either play an instrument very well...more so have the patience to learn how to play one or write a novel! I think I could write a novel...I just don't have any good ideas! One night I thought I had a good idea and I ended up going to bed with my head so full of ideas on how to make it took me so long to fall asleep! I had to completely give up on it just to feel tired! I so wish I could write something! Not just anything though! I want it to be as well written as say...Harry Potter! I love the way those books are written! Sigh...I can't seem to do anything these days!
I don't have to work for the next three days unless they call me and actually manage to get me up and so ask me to come in! This is a good thing to me! Though three days is quite a lot.... I'm sure it wont last long though! For those people who don't go to school anymore...feel free to call me! I of course would call you but seem to be at a lose of phone numbers! I do have Dreys but...I think she goes to school! And who knows what Sami's doing!
Someday I've really gotta stop doing the exclamation mark thing...I don't know how it's just such a me thing that it would be weird to stop. it's not right!
Can you believe that it's already February? Didn't we just have Christmas? Didn't we just have halloween? Wasn't I just hired at Quiznos? No...that's one thing that does feel like it happened a long time ago! I'm really startin to fit in there!
Anyway, I'm ending here! I hope you've enjoyed yet another demented entry a la Onoe!

Ps. I also wish I could speak another language fluently!
Pss. My sister saved over my FFX2 game so I'm now going to have to suffer through everything again so I can see the real ending! I told her it was ok though! And it is ok! I don't really care! I do have three days of nothing ahead of me!

current mood: content
current music: FFX2 music which my sister is playing!

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Wednesday, January 19th, 2005
3:51 pm
Some of the subs on the menu page of Quiznos official site I have never heard of does that work?
One hour until work! Joy! Hello! I haven't written here in a while! My zoo has been needing maintenance... I also have been working a lot! ZOO TYCOON!!!!!!!! Errr....yeah! I can't complain about Quiznos hours anymore! I can complain about Quiznos customers though! Njbvkhsfdjkhkfdhfdjlfads! =) Life is life and I have nothing to say about it! Nothing to report about or fill you in on! I should really get ready for work! I like eyes don't you? Mmmm....eyes! Mmmm...corrosive!
Ok, I'm going now! Bye bye!

current mood: content

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3:46 pm - Ha ha ha!
'"This is the best sandwich I ever ate!" are unsolicited words heard frequently in Quiznos restaurants.'

current mood: amused

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005
2:55 pm
Today is going to be a fairly strange day! I wont see hardly any family members! That sentence doesn't look right but you get what I mean....I hope! I was woken from a strange dream where I was digging down wards in the snow feet first only to come out to find that my dad tried to kill himself in the same snow near by.... What? The dream didn't make a whole lot of sense nor did his plan work! Anyway, I was woken but the phone and then an answering machine I didn't really know we had! I recognized my bosses voice but couldn't hear what she was saying! I was tempted to ignore the message and fall back asleep but I forced myself up instead, listened to the message and called her the message told me to do! Apparently DonnaLee...the assistant manager was sick so I was to come in and take the part of her shift that was busiest and go home...which I did! My dad came home just in time to give me a ride otherwise I would have been late... Please note that there was a lot of time between the phone call and my dad coming home with which I used with sleeping! Anyway, I went and Sharon, my boss, told me to come in an hour early later today, which I will have to leave in an hour from now to make it in time.... I'm home now! No ones home... I have the closing shift today so by the time I get home people will be retreating to their beds...or at least shortly after I get home! I wonder if Sharon marked Ian and I down on sunday seeing as she took the schedule before we could.... Sorry... Random thought! Despite the fact that evening is my favorite time of day....I like evening shifts! Not many customers! =) I did have two really koool customers yesterday though that made me laugh! You know you're lonely when you want to be friend with your customers! -_-() I haven't used that face in a while... The guys were funny from the start... It was one of their first time there so they were trying to decide what they want! Some of the things are italian word so they're hard to pronounce! Most people can't pronounce Carbonara but...something about them was funny! Actually they started discussing while they ordered what it might mean or where it would come from! It was funny...later though when they were paying/waiting for their meal one explained how it was his friends first time there and then he commented on the music and started dancing! That's when I burst out laughing because it's exactly how I always feel about the music! At the moment it was a sort of 80's sounding song! The music in there is so bad I always feel like dancing to make fun of it...he did it for me! It was funny and I was sad when they left! Anyway...what was I talking about? I got distracted with the funny guys! My day...I think I've described my day actually....full of work! Which in a way is a nice change! Err... I gotta get ready now... Half an hour till departure unless someone comes home! Bye bye!

You'd think that since it's been so long it would be easy to get over.....

I'll be so alone without you, maybe you'll be lonesome too...
Sorry I like that line... Now I'm really gone! =)

current mood: content
current music: Lifehouse - You belong to me <--- It's from Shrek 2 =)

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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
1:01 am
I haven't done one of these in a long time... I hope Sky doesn't mind that I stole it from him but he's given me an excuse! Beware...this may end up being long....knowing me!

?I N F O R M A T I O N ?
Name: It depends who you talk to... My real name is Stephanie... I suppose most people call me by that name but some call me Onoe! I have various nick names too and I'm dissipointed that there's no "quesion" for it!
Single or taken: Single
Sex: OH YEHAHA!!!!! Female
Birthday: August 9 1985
Sign: Leo
Siblings: One brother and one sister
Hair color: Where's a mirror? My hair is mostly brown but I dyed some of it...blonde I looks yellow...I think that's just because the rest of my hair is brown and so makes it look yellow...anyways...It's usually a lighter colour of brown on top and fairly dark underneath! The blonde is kinda streaky and starts about halfway through! old bangs which I grew out I left uncoloured so they're just brown... Hmmm...sometimes it has..or at least it used to have a red looking sort of tint in the light..what else can I say? These aren't fun if Sami's not gonna read it..... Oh well, it's tradition to go on and on with detail! So in short my hair is brown with blond might see it as dirty blonde too...I personally think it's brown!
Eye color: See icon? People say it's blue but I say it's grey! The outer ring if you will is a darker blue...and or grey and I have a sort of yellow ring around my a solar can't really see it in the picture!
Height: I don't really know! I haven't checked in a long time...My drivers licence says 5'07...that was when I was 16 though...or was I 15? About 4 years ago...

? R E L A T I O N S H I P S ?
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight
Who are your best friends?: I don't really have any...I haven't seen any of my friends in a long time... My last best friend was probably Sami
You have a girlfriend: Trying to think of something funny to say but my humor has been put away... That is not a question..
How many exes do you have?: Is exes a word or am I stupid? I suppose it comes to a matter of opinion... Does online count? If so then three if not then none! Then again...the first two technically didn't even ask me out... Hmmm....
What is your longest relationship?: With the memory of dates I have this is surprising to me but I don't know... If I can count the first one as an actual relationship then...a year or so...
What was your shortest relationship: 28 days...I'm sorry I can't tell you the hours, minutes or seconds... breakup time was 6:05 though... Ask out was somewhere close..

? F A S H I O N | S T U F F ?
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: I hate clothes shopping.... I try to boycott it...but if I can't like today for instance.... Lets just say Polo Park.... For none Winnipegers... that's a mall!
Any tattoos or piercings: Ears once.. one each... I want a second!
Favorite designer?: I don't have any "professional" one in mind but... I'd like to say Joey! [info]moonlit703 He usually has some of his art work in his journal!
What is your sexiest outfit?: A shirt an pants! I suppose I could say my grad dress...but it's not really "sexy" it's more pretty than "sexy"....
What is your most comfortable outfit?: Any of my clothes? Unless it's a dress or skirt....which I only have one of each....sorta!
What do you usually wear?: I wish I could wear "sandals (or no shoes at all)"..... jfghjdfsgjkd! AAAHHH!!!! SCARY NOISE!!!!'s just a snow plow...or two...or three.... I usually wear a t-shirt and pants! I'm not going beyond'll just have to imagine...please don't! **shudders** I also wear socks if I have to.... I try not to...but living in Winnipeg isn't easy without socks! Down with socks!

? S P E C I F I C S ?
Do you do drugs?: Hell no
What kind of hairsoap do you use?: Whatever's there...the other day I used...I don't know what that was but there were two of them and the second was "pert"! The first was possibly Herbal essences!
What are you most scared of?: Hmmmm...what would the boggart turn into? Uhhh...I suppose one could be that none of my friends get saved! Other than that...I'm not very fond of being in water that's "over my head"! I love the thought of swimming in deep water though so I don't get it.... I'm a good swimmer too!
What are you listening to right now: Nothing..but I was....and could be! Thanks for reminding me! The Julianna Theory - Emotion is dead.....It was the first song that I liked that came up randomly!
Who is the last person that called you: Probably Quizons... That's my social life for you!
Where do you want to get married?: I haven't really thought of it a whole lot but in a church somewhere were there is an aisle in the middle as opposed to two aisles... It'll probably be in my church! It depends on him too though... I'm sure he wont care though....guys never really do!
How many buddies are online right now?: None! The lonely life of me!
What would you change about yourself?: Physically: I don't know if I can say's to personal!

? F A V O R I T E S ?
Color: Sky
Color: Is
Color: Cute! My favorite colour would be...... It's a choice between blue and purple! ...They so belong together....maybe there is no choice!
Food: I'm sure I had this the other day but I can't remember right now! Turkey stuffing is pretty good though and I've always liked potatos... I don't really like meat though...well...dfjsadkfjhd!
Girl name: Katryna or Rachelle.... They are/were good friends of mine though so it doesn't really count! I always thought Rebecca was a koool name!
Boy name: Solomon! ^^
Subject in school: I'm not in school anymore but.....was there anything I liked? It depended on the teacher! I didn't mind ad art if Jared was there though!
Animal: Horses...I'm also very fond of fish! =) I want a bird!

? H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ?
Given anyone a bath?: No!
Smoked?: No!
Bungee jumped?: No!
Made yourself throw up?: I don't think so....not on purpose!
Skinny dipped?: Nopers!
Ever been in love?: Yup!
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No!
Pictured a crush naked?: I don't think so!
Actually seen a crush naked?: No, thank goodness...
Cried when someone died?: Of course..even if I don't know with the tidal wave thing or the two towers...
Lied: Yes!
Fallen for your best friend?: Sometimes I wonder!
Been rejected?: Yeah I guess!
Rejected someone have?: What? Have I rejected someone? Probably...
Used someone?: I don't think so..
Done something you regret?: Everyday!

? C U R R E N T ?
Clothes: Blueish black jeanish type pants and a greeeeeen shirt.....sorry...I've been reading Sky's thing for the past...hour...
Music: Wasn't this already asked? It's currently on Hanson - Love Song
Annoyance: My regrets coming back to haunt me everyday which causes me to burst out something stupid at "I hate you with a passion" or "You suck"! I swear I have turrets syndrom!
Smell: Bread.... My sister bought bread and it's sitting beside me! I keep getting whiffs of it.... It's that or the smell of a dusty furnace...or nothing!
Desktop picture: I have no control over it.... Right now it's a close up of a bunch of yellow tulips!
CD in player: In my room... it's the newest Relient K album... Mmhmm? Yeah! That's what it's called!
DVD in player: Nothing at the moment!

? L A S T | P E R S O N ?
You touched: Good question...I don't's been a while! Other than myself it was probably my mom or sister!
Hugged: I don't remember that either... My blanket? That doesn't count... Either Jack the owner of Winnipeg Quiznos or my aunt...that was a while ago...
You yelled at: My self probably!
You kissed: Drawing a blank... Have I ever kissed someone? I suppose my parents when I was young...

? A R E | Y O U ?
Understanding: This? I'm trying to! I suppose I that really for me to say?
Open-minded: I try to be!
Arrogant: Sometimes!
Insecure: Only if a scary man waves me across the road and askes me if i want to go for a beer with him....then I say no I don't drink and he asks me if I smoke pot..which I say no again and walk away....
Random: Sometimes...
Smart: I'd like to say no but...people are so stupid it's hard for me not to me smart!
Moody: I can be but I'm usually just content! =)
Hard working: I can be! Depends what I'm doing or what mood I'm in!
Organized: Sky: Yeah, in my own way Onoe: I like that answer! The world doesn't think I am though!
Healthy: Sometimes I don't think I am and sometimes I wish I wasn't...but I think I am!
Shy: NOOOO!!!!!! I'm just quiet...
Difficult: I don't think so..well ok maybe I am! It's hard to get me to do things if I know I wont get into trouble and I don't want to!
Attractive: Sometimes I think I am sometimes I think not! I was definatly at grad though! =)
Bored easily: Heck no!
Obsessed: With fish I suppose... I suppose there may be some personal "obsessions" too...
Angry: Not at the moment...I haven't been for a long time.....
Sad: Only when I'm laying in my bed in the dark late at night thinking of certain things.... Quite offten!
Happy: I think so! I could be depressed inside but I haven't felt depressed since school! I knew that's the way it would be...
Hyper: Rarely!
Trusting: Fairly!

? W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ?
Kiss: Isn't it obvious?
Punch: Sometimes Ian cause he makes me feel like a child! Also my job for the hours they give me and cancel..the jerks...More so the ones they don't give me....
Get really wasted with?: Usless...stupid....
Get high with: See above?
Talk to offline: Radish, Dreybaa, Sami, Matt, Jenny D, Blue and if anyone from school...besides offence to the others, Joey!
Sex it up with: Sex it up with, eh? I could take offence to that... future husband....if there is one...

? R A N D O M ?
In the morning I: Am usually not starts at 12 or 11 so I gotta get up an hour before...I guess I am awake in the morning sorta....
Love is: God...actually God is love...and Jesus is God so therefor Jesus is love so love is Jesus!
I dream about: Glover...or something stupid I don't remember much of when I wake up!
Sexual preference: Isn't this a gay straight question? When it comes to love guys! I hope that's what this question is asking..oterwise...eww!
What do you notice first in the guy you're into: If it's online it's personality/is he a Christian.. Offline is he a Christian and...sorta looks I guess..I really like guys who have dark brown hair and eyes and the hair is kinda spiky! Like DJ! ^^ Aww...I miss DJ..but not really! I never really liked him...he was just there!

? W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ?
Coke or Pepsi: COKE!!! It came first! Pepsi is a gross rip off of Coke! It's a lot more bitter in my opinion.... didn't really answer this question!
Flowers or candy: Neither of them last long..I don't know! I guess it dependes on what kinds they are...
Tall or short: Tall or short what? With relationships I like the guy to be taller or equal!

? W H O ?
Makes you laugh the most: My sister does a pretty good job of that!
Makes you smile: Nobody has to make me smile...I'm always smiling...just ask the people I work with!
Gives you that warm feeling: I'd like to say Glover but.....I haven't seen him for almost a year now and....I feel silly admiting it.... I guess I just did say Glover...

? D O | Y O U | E V E R ?
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to IM you?: I have... IT's been a while...
Save conversations: o.o;; Yes, I have many!
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Often!
Wish you were younger: No! I like my age!
Cried because someone said something to you?: Probably..I don't remember! Actually...I can relate to Sky's answer!

? N U M B E R ?
Of times I have had my heart broken: Truly? Once... Actually... If you can count Eric being laid off...then twice!
Of hearts I have broken: I don't least one! People don't really tell me!
Of guys I've kissed: 0
Of girls I've kissed: 1 I'm tempted to leave no explination! I was sort of a dare!
Of CD's I own: Many!
Of scars on my body: To many!
Of things that I regret: Sigh... Impossible to count!

? Y O U R | T H O U G H T S ?
I know: The truth about life and death!
I think: I'm doomed to never get over Glover!
I want: All my friends to find Christ and live eternally with me beside Jesus in Heaven AND to either get back together with Glover or be able to forget about him! So childish and girly...
I have: Fish?
I wish: I could be right with Christ again!
I hate: Myself? My idiotness...?
I hear: Lifehouse - You belong to me, my sister snoring, the fish tank behind me, typing noises, the computer, silence
I search: With my heart
I wonder: Why I can't get over him and why I haven't seen him in a long time...
I love: Glover

current mood: rushed
current music: Lifehouse - You belong to me

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Thursday, December 30th, 2004
7:41 pm
So I finished The Passion of the Christ at 2:06am and was going to post about it but my sister was sleeping and I was to tired to go upstairs, turn on the computer, post and then turn it off again! I didn't have much to say about it anyways! I thought it wasn't anything near as gruesome as the real thing was! I did like how Satan screams at the end though!

Did you know that Quiznos sucks?

current mood: content
current music: Tony Hawks Underground 2 music

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Wednesday, December 29th, 2004
11:29 pm
I'm about to go watch The Passion of the Christ...or maybe rather just part of it as it's like 3 hours so I hear... You are invited to come and watch but I know no one will and I'd rather watch it alone! It's my first time...who knows what will happen!

current mood: content

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11:26 pm
I just want everyone to know that I took a bath/shower and was going to put out an invitation but for one thing...eww... for another I wanted to get it over with and another...ewwww!

current mood: Is there a mood for clean?

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Tuesday, December 28th, 2004
10:32 pm - This is all I promise!
Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandMahogany, 10", Veela Hair
Best CourseCare of Magical Creatures
Worst CourseSpell Theory
PetNorthern Saw-Whet Owl
Quidditch JobReferee
Wizard CandyBlood Lollipops
Profession After SchoolJoke-shop Owner
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandOak, 9", Dragon Heartstring
Best CourseSpell Theory
Worst CourseSpell Theory
PetAbyssinian cat
Quidditch JobSecurity Wizard
Wizard CandyChocoballs
Profession After SchoolGringotts Banker
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandBirch, 11", Phoenix Feather
Best CourseCharms
Worst CourseHistory of Magic
PetHimalayan Persian cat
Quidditch JobReferee
Wizard CandyPepper Imps
Profession After SchoolDaily Prophet Reporter
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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10:18 pm
Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandEbony, 10", Veela Hair
Best CourseCharms
Worst CourseDefense Against the Dark Arts
PetFerruginous Pygmy-Owl
Quidditch JobChaser
Wizard CandyBertie Botts every Flavour Beans (Mmm! Grass!)
Profession After SchoolAuror
Quiz created with MemeGen!

So I become an auror, but my worst subject is defence against the dark arts.... Someone, please tell me how that makes sense?

Edited at 10:24pm: I was hoping for either a unicorns tail hair or a pheonix tail feather and I don't know what ebony is...but besides that..I rather like the turn out!

Current music: Hanson - Love Song

current mood: amused
current music: Eagles - Hotel California

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10:02 pm
Fishy! ^^

Edited at 10:10pm: The one on top is the male and the one on the bottom is the female.....that sounds really bad... can't see their genitals in this picture... The fins are rather clear so it's hard to get on camera!

Current music: The Julianna Theory - To the Tune of 5000 Screaming Children
Current mood: Unfortunately Head ache.....yes I know that's not a mood!

current mood: content
current music: MxPx - Oh Donna

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9:42 pm
If anyone has an idea of how to make my great, great icon better without the corny border...please tell me! I like the black stripes but without the border it looks odd...dgjnjdsgnjks.njksa I also don't feel like changing the colours of my journal...

current mood: Head ache

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6:53 pm
So for Christmas the big joke was that I didn't get a lot of usual! I did however get a good digital camera to make up for it! =) There were a few other things but...the camera is the highlight! To tell you the truth..I don't care that I didn't get many...I just like to open them...I don't necessarily care what's inside...I just like to open them! ^^;; I don't have to much to say about was there and we always have good food on it! One of my favorite is that my mom makes breakfast for us! The only day in the year where we sit down together for breakfast..or where I get breakfast for that matter! Anyway... it was a day full of family which doesn't happen much and was nice! One thing i can say about it though is my mom got a Christmas carol cd for the occasion but looked at the price instead of the title! It turned out to be an album featuring a handful of black people! That's not a bad thing but...nevermind! I'm not going to get into that! It's just that for some reason the first time we listened to it I commented saying "It's no longer a white Christmas"... Don't ask me why I'm writing about this..It's just a memory of mine that was rather amusing! I wasn't trying to be racist by the way!

Boxing day was crazy we went all over looking for sister ended up getting a digital camera of her own! Pretty much the same one actually.... And yesterday we went out again to the continued sales and noticed that the fish store was having a we went in and I got a few fish...I'm crossing my fingers that they don't die! Well..I don't want the betta to die but that's what the other ones are of really...I got a betta and 6 feeder guppies for testing and when they were being fished out the chick working there said that one of them looked pregnant so this morning I woke up and found at least four babies swimming around! Wee! I hope they all live! =) Anyway, I have things to do so I shall leave for now! =)

current mood: content
current music: The Julianna Theory - This is your life

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6:50 pm
Yeeha! My parents are out of town, my sister is gone to a party and my brother never comes home till late! Weeee! Lets have a party!

current mood: excited
current music: The Julianna Theory - The Hardest Things

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Monday, December 27th, 2004
10:27 pm
Why is it that watching my sister play video games is so hilarious?

current mood: amused
current music: Various video games

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Sunday, December 26th, 2004
12:54 am
I just want everyone to know that The Return of the King has redeemed itself through the Extended version in my eyes!

current mood: content
current music: TLotR TRotK EV BG Music

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Saturday, December 25th, 2004
11:35 pm

current mood: content
current music: TLotR TRotK EV BG Music Eomers scream/cry

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11:33 pm - I meant to do this a long time ago but...

current mood: content
current music: TLotR TRotK EV BG Music

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