Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "vegetarians".
264 matches:
0make0friends0 - Share Your Interests...Make New Friends!!
7animal_rights7 - Ari & Shawna
_____elite - we are elite.
_____loners - Loners are the new populars
___dinohead - \\the most awsome place for....obsession//
___robotlove - Robot Love
___vegetarian - A Vegetarian Community for Free Debate and Discuss
__anorexicpixie - ANOREXIA♥
__asloversgo - As Lovers Come..And Go
__puresex - __puresex
_andinics_ - = geek-oids = u-night =
_cutexcore_ - _cutexcore_
_defendwildlife - Defend Wildlife
_emo_kidz - _emo_kidz
_emptypromises - _emptypromises
_fuck_hygene - -
_fuckingemo - _fuckingEMO
_jodiefoster - Jodie Foster Fans
_silverchair_ - _silverchair_
_the_zigg_club - :D :D THE ZIGG CLUB :D :D we ride chickens!!!
_thealternative - The Alternative
aa_philly - Animal Activists of Philly/NJ areas
acticons - iCONS wITH a mESSAGE
add_a_punk - Meet people who listen to punk emo metal- whatever
add_me_veg - The Add Me Community for Vegetarians/Vegans
addmenowdamnit -
afro_eccentrix - Afro-Eccentrix
alandavies - The Alan Davies Community
alf_poland - The Animal Liberation Front Poland
alterna_fags - alterna_fags
animal_friendly - support animals!
animal_rights - Animal Rights
animal_write - Speak Out! Demand Justice! Animal Rights!
animalactivists - ...*ANIMAL ACTIVISTS*...
animalkind - Anti Animal Abuse!
animalrescue - Animal Rescue
animalrights_ny - Animal Rights Activists of New York State
animalrights_v2 - Animal Rights for Veg(etari)ans
animalrightshs - Animal Rights High School
animals_rule - If You Love Animals...Please Join
animalxwrites - superheros
annapesto - anna's various recipes and suchlike
anti_cruelty - Animal Activists
anti_meat - anti_meat
antilactose - Lactose haters and intolerants
antipeta - People Against the PeTA
ar_actionalerts - ar_actionalerts
asfa_cw - Creative Writers
assholetothemax - assholetothemax
aussie_veggies - Australian Vegetarians and Vegans
bernardi - BERNARDI
bhamsters - Friends - Amigos - Amies - Pengyou - Tomadachi
bitchgirls - Bitch Girls
blue_penguins - blue_penguins
body_positive - body positive
bollocks_etc - Hatred Towards the Future
boltveggies - Bolt Veggies
bomber_channelz - Minions of ... Bomber @ Channel Z
bonifay_victims - meth, sex, and rock and roll.
bored_muhfukers - bored_muhfukers
bovarchy - The International Bovarchist Party
brainrot - Brain Rot
buffalo_veg - vegetarians and vegans in WNY
cafe_critiques - Restaurant Reviews
car_crashxcore - We have lives like car crashes...
cg_coffee_house - Common Grounds Coffee House of Lexington
chattanoogavegs - Chattanooga-area vegetarians and vegans
chicagoveggie - Chicago Veggie
cinti_veggies - Cincinnati Vegans and Vegetarians
commmod - A Different Shade of Green
communal_living - People Together
cowsarenotshoes - The Community for Animal Rights of All Forms
cucina_casa - Cucina Casa
cuntville - Pussy Elite
cuntxxcore - cuntxcore
dailyeats - Food Journaling....
dailymenu - dailymenu
damnfreaks - Damn you, freaks! God damn you all... to hell!
danieljohns - Supporters of Daniel Johns
dc_vegans - d.c. is for vegans
differentgreens - A Different Shade of Green
dont_eat_me - Dont Eat Me PLEASE!
eating_healthy - Eating Healthy - Recipes and Tips
eattolive - Dr. Fuhrman's Eat To Live: Healthy Weight Loss and
ecoveggies - Eco Veggies
egoveggies - Eco-Veggies
emo_friends - emo_friends
ethicaleaters - pesco/veggie/vegan/type thing
exveg - Ex-Vegetarians
fat_vegan - Vegan Vice
florida_aw - Florida Animal Welfare
foodiesdelight - A Community for Food & Drink Enthusiasts
foodlab - The Food Lab
foodpolitics - Food Politics
garc - Grassroots Animal Rights Conference 2005
gastronomique - The Journal for Food Fetishists
gcac - Give Carbs a Chance
german_shepherd - German Shepherd Dog Lovers
glitch_palace - ★Glitch Palace★
gothpunkhair - Goth & Punk Hair. Dyes, Cuts, Extentions
grocery_lust - What DO You Eat Anyway?
hamilton_veg - Hammer down with ethics and health
happy_mafia - The Happy Mafia
herbivoresunite - Vegetarians,Vegans,and Omnivores
highdoltage - High Doltage!
hipster_mommas - Hip indie unconventional moms
honestyisabitch - Honesty is a Bitch
house_of_clocks - House of Clocks
humane_friends - Humane Friends Rescuing Animals, Inc.
huntsvegas_snb - Huntsvegas Stitch 'n Bitch
hurt_free_life - For Cruelty Free Fashion, Food, and Fun
hxcfemxcorehxc - hard core girls
hxcsxe - X HxC SxE Community X
iloveholly_hxc - iloveholly_hxc
iluvoranges - I love oranges with all my heart...but I love stra
immature_things - People Who Laugh at Immature Things
jews_w_chutzpah - radical and progressive jew-types
join_in_gaiety - join_in_gaiety
julie_fan_land - dandy, julie dandy
kc_living - KC Living
knotty_ones - Knotty Ones
l_ame_obsede - L’âmeObsédé
lazyvegcookbook - Broke as Hell Vegan
leafyfriends - Veggie Friendly
lesbians4jesus - Lick mah Pussah for tha Lord!!!
li_hxc - long island hardcore.
lifehouse_4u - Lifehouse is Everything
losangelesvegan - Los Angeles Vegans
love_propaganda - start a revolution
loving_icons - Veg*n, Cruelty-free, & Animal-Rights Icons
lowfatvegan - Low-Fat and Luscious Veganism
lsa_spun - Spün poetry gone cyber
malefeminists - Feminism as equal rights for all sexes
mariel_fans - You KNOW you love her
massvegetarians - mass veggies
michiganveggie - Michigan Vegetarians
mirabehn_daily - Mirabehn Daily
mtratpedos - mtratpedos
nekidvegimvmnt - The Nekkid Vegetarian Revolution
newcollege - New College
newengland_vegs - New England VEGetariANs
nj_ny_4_animals - New Jersey / New York Animal Rights Community
no_mo_meat - No Mo Meat
nonfluffyveggie - Smartass, cynical, well-informed vegetarians
nrr_revisited - The Non-Rodent Related board revisited
ohiopunks - Ohio Punks
one_girl_zine - Ruby & Lola
oreos - Racial Nerd
ourcookbooks - Our Cookbooks
paperdollcutout - the strange, caffeine-addicted, mostly left-handed
pdxfood - Portlandia Gastronomica
pdxvegans - pdxvegans
peaceniks - beats, love, peace, protest
peta2 - Peta2
petadoptionsfl - Pet Adoptions FL.
petards - Dedicated to the hate of all things PeTA
petaxcore - Home of animal lovers
philly_veg_out - THE Official Vegan and Vegetarian LJ of Philly
phoenixvegan - Vegans and veggies living in the PHX Area
pictures_galore - Shades of Vanity
piggy_fat - we laugh indoors
potatoesarecool - The Argumentative Community
prettyloser__x - Losers can be pretty too!
prgmtists4anmls - Pragmatists For Animals
punksnotdead - PunksNotDead
queer_secrets - GLBT
queervegans - queer vegans
ratingsblow - ratingsblow
redlighters - redlighters
rejects_rock - Accept the Rejects!
ru_vegetarian - ru_vegetarian
s4p - starving4perfection
sanatana_dharma - Hinduism; The Eternal Truth
santushhtah - Perfectly Satiated
sayanythingcool - say something cool
sc00ter_g1rl - Scooter Girl Fans
scenes_collide - Scenes_Collide.
sd_punkscene - The San Diego Punk Scene
shadesofstrange - Goths and punks of color
shedding_pounds - shedding_pounds
shelter_stories - shelter_stories
sister_rose - NAMmaniacs
sitdownatschool - Save a chicken, eat a cow
sktothemax - Sleater-Kinney Randomness like whoa to the max!!!!
sofla_veg - .hot and uncarnivorous.
soup_night - SOUP NIGHT!
stalking_carly - stalking_carly
stalking_kat - stalking_kat
starting_vegan - Starting Vegan
stop_cruelty_ - Stop Animal Cruelty
stringbeansrock - String Bean Addict
sushi_center - Sushi Center
swuusi - SWUUSI
tacomaveggies - Tacoma Veggies
teenveggieshere - Vegetarian Teens Unite*
the_hotsex_kids - If you're hot sex... join!
the_hysterics - Nonsense
the_jiveography - The Jive Journal
the_viac - The Village Inn Anger Cult
thepityparty - The Pity Party
threecar - Doug, Andrew, and Paula are the Youth Of The Natio
toeatornot - to eat or not to eat
toehurtsinjune - Elite for Eliteness Sake
torontoveggie - torontoveggie
traderjoes - Trader Joe's Community
tree_____wh0res - *::Tree Whores::*
unirondack - Camp Unirondack
urban_flowerpot - urban_flowerpot
urwhatyoueat - You Are What You Eat
vancouvervegs - Vancouver Vegs
veg_food_porn - Vegetarian & Vegan Food Porn
veg_wannabe - Vegetarian Wannabes
vegan_diva - Vegan Diva
vegan_lj - Веганы
vegan_orlando - vegan_orlando
vegan_people - Vegan_People
vegan_snark - vegan snark
vegan_vixen - Vegan Vixens
veganbaby - Vegetarian and Vegan Babys and children
vegancanada - Vegans In Canada
vegancooking - Vegan Recipes
vegandebate - vegan debate
veganhawaii - vegan hawaii
veganism - For the Animals, For the People, For the world
veganlover - Vegan Lover
veganpeople - .................... VEGANISM ....................
veganreadymade - When you don't feel like cooking
vegantravel - travelling while vegan doesn't have to be tricky
vegetarian - The Vegetarian Community
vegetarian_chat - Vegetarian Chat Community
vegetariandiet - vegetariandiet
vegetarians - vegetarians
vegetarianteens - Vegetarian Teens
veggie_blog - eatin' veg.
veggie_cooking - Vegetarian Recipe Exchange
veggie_vampires - For vegetarian perv munkies :P
veggiefood - what do you eat?
veggiegoth - Veggie Goth
veggieparents - Vegetarian and Vegan Parents
veggies_of_ny - We are not nuggets. Please don't eat us!
veggies_of_size - Veg*ns Of Size
veggieslackers - The vegetarian slacker
veggiestudents - Veggie Students UK
veggievictuals - Vegetarian Recipes
vegheads - Vegheads
vegnola - VegNola
vegrecipephotos - Vegetarian Recipes and Photos
vegrecipes - Veg Recipes
venturavegan - VenturaVegan
veryantipeta - The OTHER Anti-PETA community
warren_wilson - Warren Wilson College Students, ProspectivesAlumni
we_love_kate - for everyone who finds kate ultra-cool
weeatyou - A group dedicated to the Cannibalistic Vegetarian.
wethrowgasoline - Take It out On Food...
wiccan_magick - Wiccan Magick
william_divine - william_divine
x_scar_x - S c A R: Sub-cultural Arkansas
x_uncool_kids_x - Unpopular - Even On the Internet
xgreenmachinex - A Community For ARAs
xninjaxcrewx - xforever familyx
xthecolorofemox - i could paint the sky wiff you
zen_vity42 - ZenVity
zielony_anarch - [.......zielony.............anarchizm]
Interested users
The following users are interested in vegetarians. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
436 matches: