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I'm going thru my old entries. [Apr. 9th, 2004|02:22 am]
[mood |sick]
[music |Soda Stereo - Genesis]

I was wondering.. for how long I've been writing in this journal?

My first entry was on January 29th, 2003. Whoa.

I stole a few things from that time.. like the survey below. It seems like a lot of stuff has changed.

Feel free to steal it... again.

The other LJ-cut refers to one of my favourite songs ever. My favourite song in spanish, and the song that reminds me the most of that time.

It smells of my big puffy messed up hair, Kevin, Daniel, my broken foot, the strike, BUIS, and feeling extremely bipolar and hopeless.

A survey. )

A song. )

Enough about old things already. Today:

  • I went to Alberto's as usual. Yup.

  • I fucked up and deleted the Aging & Dementia pathophysiology class that I had to transcribe. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to tell my transcribing group. They're gonna crucify me or something.

  • I started watching this australian reality show called The Block. Geigh.

  • I just broke my diet. I had an arepa with some mayo we made this afternoon for a caesar salad. I feel sick.

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I'm using Semagic now. [Apr. 7th, 2004|02:38 am]
[mood | amused]
[music |Boards of Canada - The devil is in the details]

Thanks to [info]jackyl.. man, this program is cool.

Very very cool. )

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Some quiz I stole from chica_rosita. [Apr. 6th, 2004|06:09 pm]
[mood | bored]
[music |Blink 182 - Down]

1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4.
al. There Are No Racial, Age, Sex, or Weight Differences in the Effect of Salt on

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
Nothing at all. Air.

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?:
Hmm. I don't know, I think it was Once and Again on Sony. Or some music video on MTV.

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:
5:02 pm?

5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:
5:58 pm. Shit.

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:
Blink 182 - I miss you. Some car honking.

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?
About 30 minutes. I went and had lunch with my mom and then I went to the UCV and got some cds.

8: before you came to this website, what did you look at?:
This website? Livejournal? I was at BUIS.

9: what are you wearing?:
Blue bermudas, grey-blue striped shirt. No underwear. *flips and flops*

10: Did you dream last night?
Probably, I don't remember.

11: When did you last laugh?
Hm, when I was having lunch. My mom made me laugh with some story about a psychiatric patient she had once.

12: what is on the walls of the room you are in?:
I have two posters of Radiohead: One of the Kid A era, and one of the Amnesiac era. I think. There's also a lot of books on a shelf, cds..

13: Seen anything weird lately?:
I saw a guy chasing a watermelon on the street. No kidding.

14: What do you think of this quiz?:
I thought it'd be more interesting to fill out, but yeah..

15: What is the last film you saw?:
The passion of the Christ. Rolleyes, I know.

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?:
I don't know. Stupid crap like food.. or maybe a car. Or a guitar/bass/music stuff.

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
My boyfriend fucked me up the ass.

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:
I'd eliminate all species of mosquitos.

19: Do you like to dance?:
When I'm drunk, hehe.

20: George Bush:
I have no idea. I don't like him at all.

21: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?:

22: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?:
Sebastian. Or maybe Juan Sebastián.

23: Would you ever consider living abroad?:
Yes. I'll eventually move to Chile. Or the US.

24: Will you pass on this survey?:
Uhm, I'm gonna post it on my journal, if people want to steal it, fine with me.

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Tonight was weird [Apr. 3rd, 2004|03:22 am]
[mood | pissed off]
[music |nothing]

We went to Papa Grill's and had some big-ass hamburgers..

then we went to La Tasquita but it was too full.. so we headed to Hog's Heaven and had some beers there.. until about 1 am where Nayanar and I decided to go back to La Tasquita an see if we could get in

We did, so we had a tequila shot. The rest of the crowd arrived. We had 'Cucaracha' and 'B-52'. I tried Raul's California and Banana Split. The first one was okay, the other sucked.

We went back to Hog's Heaven cause La Tasquita was closing.. we had an Aladdin and then the waiter gave us some everclear.. lol

Nayanar asked me before we left that I had to bring her home in one piece and stop her from doing any stupidities.

After the everclear, she started making out with Luis.. She has a boyfriend called Jonathan and I hear their problems every single fucking day.

Nayanar was practically all over Luis.. it was so annoying.. and I overheard Luis telling his brother 'I scored!! I'm getting laid tonight'..

Man, I was pissed. Not that much to Luis, cause he was drunk and he doesn't have a girlfriend and he doesn't know that she is with someone, but with Nayanar.. WTF!!! You have a boyfriend, you aren't that drunk and you KNOW, this is wrong.

Anyway, everyone was like "yay, Luis scored!!" and shit.. they said they were going to Gabriel's house, and Luis made a sign to another guy that he was fucking Nayanar.. that was it.

I said, "we are leaving". And we did.

Now everyone thinks I have other intentions with her, but dude, she doesn't have a cock. I was just trying to be a friend. But man.. why did she put me in this position?!?! GAH!

I'm pissed off at her. She's staying the night here, though.

Also: I'm not that drunk.


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Pre-drunkness. [Apr. 2nd, 2004|08:34 pm]
[mood | cheerful]
[music |Genesis - That's all]

Luis, Val, Gabriel, Nayanar and me are going to get wasted at La Tasquita again.

Yay for tequila and weird shots of mixed liquors.


I had a great day today.. I went to Alberto's and much love making took place.

We listened to Zero 7 a lot like we always do..

I fell asleep, and he let me for a few minutes.. but he's so hyperkinetic sometimes.. he can't stop kissing me, talking to me and touching me.. it's so weird.. in a good way, but when I'm sleeping it kinda sucks.

Anyway.. I have vacations for 10 days now.

No more classes until monday the 12th, but I have to study a lot of things..

I know that in the end, I'll end up studying that on Sunday night before monday, though.

So.. Off I ago to the land of cheap drinks!!

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I wish I posted about this a few nights ago. [Mar. 31st, 2004|09:41 pm]
[mood |awake]
[music |Jesus and Mary Chain - Just like honey]

But I was too drunk to do so.. anyway, I don't wanna forget it:

I went to a Bar called La Tasquita on saturday night with Gabriel, Luis and Valentina.

We had a lot of drinks.. among them: Superman, Kryptonite, Narcotrago (like.. narc-drink), Polvo de Medianoche and a few shots of tequila.

Man, we got wasted.

After that, we went to Hog's Heaven to have some beers and then went home.

It was really cool, I loved spending time with them. Valentina kept putting her head on my chest to listen to my heart beats, and Gabriel showed us his chest (he has a pectum carinatum).. I touched it and JEOMK.

For some reason I decided to smoke again, and I had half a package. I'm not proud of myself about this, but yeah, everything was so decadent that I just had to.

Other things:

It turns out I'm a girl, and I've used the word 'Juan' 39 times in my journal so far )

Venezuela just kicked Uruguay's ass at Football.. Venezuela (our selection being called 'La Vinotinto', or 'The Red Wine').. 3 to 0.. it was an awesome game. w00t.

I'm studying Parasitology (supposedly) cause I have a midterm tomorrow. Meh.

I was going to see The Passion of Christ tomorrow but those plans fell thru.

I'm going to Alberto's house on Friday.... PR0N!!!

And I'm planing on going back to La Tasquita this saturday.

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It's already Saturday: This is about Friday. [Mar. 27th, 2004|02:20 am]
[mood | good]
[music |Los Tres - Me rompió el corazon]

I had a bad time at Pediatry.. I absolutely hate the other 5 people that are on my group at the Children's Hospital. They are obnoxius, prepotent.. ignorant little people.. the fuckers.


We saw this 7 year old kid with politraumatisms. He fell from the roof of his house.. :/ He has 2 fractures in his skull, brain aedema, a subarachnoid hemorraghe (sp?), pneumonia, a pneumothorax, and has sinusitis..

Pediatry makes me so sad sometimes.. :/

I had lunch at my house and spent like an hour with my mom watching tv..

I went to Alberto's place in the afternoon.. it was sooo nice. We spooned and slept for a while.. he's so cute.. :) We've been together for 6 months now (actually, yesterday.. 25th), so today was special..

After that, I went with my dad and her wife to see Something's Gotta Give.. I loved it.. I'm a dork and I laughed way too much.. Diane Keaton was amazing.. And Jack Nicholson.. well... what can I say.. he's Jack Nicholson. :|

Nice little movie. Very very enjoyable.

My friend (read previous entry) is much better now. She changed psychiatrist again.. New meds, new advice.. she's not going to drop off of college.. I'm really glad about that.. I want to graduate with her.. and even more important: she's not thinking about killing herself anymore and is trying to fight her dependecy to the antidepressives..


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I'm trying the best I can [Mar. 24th, 2004|11:36 pm]
[mood | sad]

On monday night, at about 11 pm, I got a text message from one of my best friends from college.

It said "Hey, bye and thank you very much for everything, I'm going to kill myself right now because I want everything to end. I'm tired"

I tried calling her but I couldn't reach her.. I was crying and I was so scared my legs were shaking.. she finally picked her cell phone.

We talked. I got dressed and I immediately went to her house. I had to see her and talk her out of it..

She had already cutted one of her arms.. it was still superficial, it never reached the vein, but it was bleeding.. it was so sad..

She still had the knife in her other hand, and I was so nervous looking at it without knowing what she'd do next..

We just sat there and talked for almost 3 hours.. I left her house at 1:30 am aproximately.. The blood stopped eventually.

I didn't want to leave, I had to be strong for her, and all I wanted to do was cry out loud.. I was so scared she ended up doing it anyway when I went home.. but she insisted so much.. she said she was going to wake her parents up and ask them to hospitalize her.

I hugged her and kissed her cheek before I left. I cried when I got in my car.

Next morning she didn't go to class.. but she did send me a message saying she was okay.

I talked to her tonight, she's not going to be hospitalized, she changed psychiatrist, she's on a new drug now, and she's going to drop out of college for this year, at least.

It makes me so sad. She's such an amazing person. I love her so much.. I wish she didn't have to go thru all this.. :( All I want is to go back in time when she felt good with herself, when she was healthy physically and emotionally.. and just take all her pain away.

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Jet+Lag [Mar. 21st, 2004|11:25 pm]
[mood | happy]
[music |Jet+Lag - Frío]

I'm excited about my band. Yeah.

We still need a vocalist, but man, last saturday was really cool.

We recorded 4 songs.. Noche, Silencio, Frío and Cual..

We went to the recording studio where Gabriel works (our drummer, he's a sound engineer)..

It was very educational too. If I ever drop out of college and start hating what I do with a passion, I'm gonna study that (ok, and Graphic Desing..)

I also played drums for the first time. And I hav to say that I was very very good at it. Seriously.

Gabriel wants to trade instruments with me now. LOL.

I wouldn't matter being the drummer.. but yeah.

So.. here's a quiz result:

I am an Intellectual

Which America Hating Minority Are You?

Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons

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Friday and Saturday [Mar. 14th, 2004|04:38 am]
[mood | energetic]
[music |Zoé - Asteroide]

Good days. Very good days.


On friday I got my TA carnet at Univ.. I look really good on the picture! Finally! w00t

Then I went to Alberto's house.. and yeah, we had much fun. I missed him so much. I'm gonna remember this time though, it was really good :) I discovered that I like cuddling more than actually doing things.. and we even slept for a while.. very very nice.

On Saturday, my dad woke me up really early (9:30 am, lol) and we went to the Avila (the mountain that surrounds Caracas.. it's a valley) cause he wanted to hike and stuff. So we did, and it kinda sucked. I wore this bad shoes, and now I have a blister on my left toe, but meh. I got sunburned too. Hm.

We went to this restaurant afterwards and I got some yummy chicken.

Then I slept.

After that I went to the studio cause we had band practice rehearsal thing, and this old friend of ours went.. his name is Sergio. We always just about him cause he's kinda weird, but he's a really cool kid :) I hope we get to see him more often.

Anyway, he loved us. And he was all excited about the band.. our first fan! w00t!

We also finished Frío, and Espina is sounding goooood. Cual is still giving us some trouble.. but yeah, we're gonna nail it next time.

After that we went to Pizza Hut. It was weird. One had anchovies and we didn't ask for that. The other one was kinda sweet. Wah. We ate it anyway.

We went to Hog Heaven's then.. and I just had three beers cause I brought my car and... Yeah.

It was okay.. Anabel had to left early (I think she broke up with her bf, it was weird) and Sergio, Luis, Gabriel, Raul and me just stayed there until 2 am.. I was kinda bored cause they started talking about computers (like, it's not that I don't know about computers, but they were talking about technical stuff.. like maping bizarre pieces and Oracle and Linux and crap, ZZZ).

I learned that Gabriel is only 21. *drools* He rocks so much. He's my new crush. Seriously. ("new".. cause I've always had a physical thing for him, but man, now that I know him more, I really like his personality, he's really cool with me).

Hmmm. I think that's it.

I'm going TOBED!

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SCORE!!!!!!! [Mar. 7th, 2004|04:21 am]
[mood |drunkish]
[music |Blink 182 - I miss you (in my head)]

Which LOTR character (male) would you end up with? by Cormak
You end up with:Aragorn
You meet on:September 5, 3021
This is where:in the forest
And this is what happens:He pulls you against him and kisses you passionately.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
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Last night [Feb. 24th, 2004|03:56 pm]
[mood | thoughtful]
[music |The Cure - A Forest]

I called Alberto because we hadn't talked in almost two weeks because of my exams..

He was mad, and he said he was thinking about ending our relationship.. cause I never have time for him..

The worst part is that it's true.. I don't have time to call him, or go to visit him..

He says he's really in love with me, and that's why he can't handle being apart so much time..

But if I hurt him so badly, then I guess it's not really worth it.. right?


We're okay now, I just called him, and he said he was much much better.

I hope it's true.

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There's something wrong with my connection.. [Feb. 23rd, 2004|02:59 am]
[mood | optimistic]
[music |The Postal Service - Such Great Heights]

I can barely stay online for 10 minutes..

Anyway.. I went to Gabriel's house today..

It was hard not to rape him and do stuff to him considering what he was wearing (just a pair of shorts, the bitch.. DROOL)

But It was cool. We finally made mp3s out of the video recording..

He said he was going to book us a few hours into the studio the next saturday (cause he's a sound engineer.. he works in a recording studio) and man, the idea of recording us professionally sounded so awesome.. me wants.

We're gonna rehearse for two days straight and then record in the morning. Two or three songs.


I'm thrilled about that.

Also.. I haven't seen Alberto in a week or two. I miss him.

He called me the other night at 1 am.. I was so asleep that I don't know what I said to him.

I hope he's not pissed. lol.

I also went to the teather today.. it was nice.. the play was called "3 sombreros de copa".. there was this actor who played Don Rosario who was amazing. He completely blew me away.

I had a nice day today. :)

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juan is the enemy of god [Feb. 19th, 2004|12:19 am]
[mood | sleepy]
[music |Jet Lag - Frio]

googlism )

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I stole this from Timbo. [Feb. 8th, 2004|05:19 am]
[mood | drunk]
[music |Low - Sunflower]

1. Put your birth month in an entry.
2. Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you.
3. Bold the ones that best apply to you.
4. Put all twelve months under a livejournal cut.

clicky )

Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.

Holy crap.

(I have no idea how to strike things, so yeah).

I just got back from a night out drinking with my friends, and here am I at 5:21 am answering this crap. Gweat.

I should go to bed. Immediately.

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Today was nice [Feb. 7th, 2004|12:59 am]
[mood | jubilant]
[music |Gustavo Cerati - Fantasma (remix)]

The first 7 hours after I woke up pretty much sucked, but it doesn't matter.

I had lunch with my mom, and then I went to Alberto's.. I hadn't seen him in more than two weeks.. :)

It was nice. We had a lot of fun.. *sigh* I missed him so much.

Tomorrow I'm sleeping until late.. very very late. I deserve it. And I gotta gain energy for next week.

I discovered this song by Gustavo Cerati, I kinda never payed attention to it.. it's called 'Fantasma' ('Ghost').. and damn, I fell in love with it. Very very much, been listening to it in the car all day.

I'm gonna use the lj-cut tag thing for the first time.. I'm excited!!

So.. that Queer Eye type guy quiz:

Read more... )

You know.. I'm feeling quite good right now.

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Holy crap. [Feb. 3rd, 2004|06:04 pm]
[mood | satisfied]
[music |Plastilina Mosh - Peligroso Pop]



It's over.

No more Medicine exams in.. one or two months :|


Omifuk, I did so good.. I got 18 out of 20! That's like, seriously good! :O


My patient was very weird though.. she was so nice at the beginning, but man, then she got all freaky and didn't let me do the physical exam.. she started screaming.. wtf.

Hehe. They asked me so much crap.. I was in there for more than 50 minutes.. I fucked up on this question, and gah, I knew the answer, but I was so nervous that I blacked out.. I totally forgot and, meh.

But yeah. They still gave me a high grade.

I'm happy.

And oh so damn tired.

I woke up at 530 am.. and I went to bed at 430 am.. so, I better go take a nap now.. I have a Universal History of Medicine exam tomorrow.

Anyway. I wanted to thank everyone who encouraged me and supported me when I was feeling like shit. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but I finally made it thru. :)

I can finally stop worrying, thinking and talking about this crap.


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Less than 6 hours [Feb. 3rd, 2004|12:48 am]
[mood | exhausted]

..and I'll get my patient for my Medicine exam.

I'm shaking and I'm nauseous and I haven't eaten cause I want to throw up so badly.

I need some antiacid, actually.


Guys.. :(

I'm scared.


*goes back to studying*

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Anxiety. [Feb. 1st, 2004|04:19 am]
[mood | scared]
[music |Sigur Ros - Njosnavelin]

My Medicine I oral exam (harhar I said oral) is on tuesday and I'm motherfucking scared!

This is how it works:

I go to my medicine hall (#2) at 7 am.

One of the residents (hopefully Saverio! <3) assigns me one patient.

I have two hours to do the interrogatory, the whole physical exam, and then redact the clinical history. (In only 2 hours! Gah! and no offense, but I've seen clinical histories from the US, and they are crap :| you guys practically evalute NOTHING and do a bunch of paraclinical tests.. that's why going to the dogtor there is so expensive... uhm. Sorry for ranting)

At 9 am I have to get out of the medicine hall. Give the clinical history to my instructor.

Then, it's time for the oral exam! w00t.

I'm second, so I have like 30 minutes to die with nervousness while I try to learn everything I couldn't in the past 4 months. lol.

Then it's my turn and I lose control of my sphyncters. (Say what!)

Three doctors (including my instructor) wait for me to present my case.

I do it.

They get stupid and ask me a bunch of questions about it. Then they ask me to do parts of the physical exam to the patient.

When they're satisfied (or I'm crying uncontrollably), they start asking questions about anything. God damned anything.

One hour later, I'm out of there.


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Meh. [Jan. 29th, 2004|04:29 pm]
[mood | tired]
[music |GYBE! - Moya]

I have two midterms tomorrow, and I'm answering this thing. *kills self*

There isn't really a title here
01. Fallen for your best friend?: Kinda. But not really.
02. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: Yes.
03. Been rejected?: Yes.
04. Been in love?: Yes.
05. Been in lust?: Yes.
06. Used someone?: Yes. Not the way you're thinking though.
07. Been used? Yes.
08. Cheated on someone?: No.
09. Been cheated on?: Yes.
10. Been kissed?: Yes.
11. Done something you regret?: Yes.

Who was the last person...
12. You touched? Nayanar, during the parasitology class.
13. You talked to? I said hi to the concierge when I parked my car about an hour ago :?
14. You hugged? My dad, this morning.
15. You instant messaged? Carla, like, a day ago. People use to IM me.
16. You kissed? Beatriz, I think. This morning.
17. You had sex with? Alberto, last friday.
18.You yelled at? Nayanar, lol.
19. You laughed with? Carla.
21. Who broke your heart? Many people. Claudio and Daniel for example. Kevin in a way too.

Do you...
22. Colour your hair? No.
23. Have tattoos? Not yet. Soon, hopefully.
24. Piercings? No. I'd get a PA, though.
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Yes, a boyfriend.
27. Own a webcam? Yes, it sucks ass.
28. Ever get off the damn computer? No. Grr.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? No!
30. Habla espanol? I don't even know what that's supposed to me.
31. Quack? Kvack.

Have you / do you... (a.k.a. These aren't really questions/I are retarded..)
32. Stolen anything? Yes.
44. Schizophrenic? I haven't schizofrenic.
45. Obsessive? I do obsessive.
46. Compulsive? I don't compulsive.
47. Obsessive compulsive? I haven't obsessive compulsive.
48. Panic? I do panic.
49. Anxiety? I have anxiety.
50. Depressed? I have depressed.
51. Suicidal? I have suicidal.
52. Obsessed with hate? I have obsessed with hate.
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them dream of mutilated bodies
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? Hm.. Alberto's place.
56. Who would you be with? Alberto.
57. What would you be doing? Sex0ring.
58. What are you listening to? GYBE! - Moya
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? This thing with my thumb.
60. Chicken or fish? Chicken. I love fish too, though.
62. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? No.

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