bury.the.cat's journal

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Sunday, February 16th, 2003
8:50 am - Simon says I have blood in my pee.
Have you ever been unable to enjoy a really great album 'cause you couldn't stand to let it end? I got New Order's second album and it's like that for me. Kinda depressing. I'd like to be able to just listen to it and not worry about that. Oh well.

I went to the leather store yesterday 'cause they were having a sale. I got a wallet and a belt and a jacket. I wanna get the Bauhaus symbol painter on the back. Then it'd be my goth jacket.

I've been pretty down lately. Bis are breaking up. Three more shows in the UK and then it's over. I have other reasons why I'm down but I don't remember what they are.

I'm not interesting any more. Sorry to waste your time.

current mood: drained
current music: New Order

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Tuesday, February 11th, 2003
5:47 pm
Someone cheer me up. Please.

current mood: Absolutely fucking emo
current music: Now It's Overhead - Blackout Curtain

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Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
5:24 pm - ILL Mitch!
Im ILL Mitch, now listen me recording
when I'm on street you know Im speed boarding
anyone who board shall call me lord master
oh ho you board? ILL Mitch board faster
wear oakley shades yes I do
say no to rollerblades and so should you
ride my board in the street ride my board and I'm ill
ride my board so quick ride my board down a hill
I ride in a pool I ride a half tube
I board fast like gleaming the cube
if you got a problem with Tony Hawk
get off your wheels and take a phony walk
going so fast you can barely see me board
I go faster than a ranger ford
in Russia call me danger lord
come take a seat on my anger sword

look at my helmet wear my vest for speed
when I use the microphone Im the best you need
I have two side one happy and one anger
you can ask a stranger my board is fast and danger

got ILL Mitch style look no one has
my board wheels spin fast like taz
NO interviews you bony talkman
I only listen to my sony walkman
your momma wack your grannys wack
keep a handy wipe in my fanny pack
in Russia woman love her Ford
I save my money for a hover board
in Japan you know they got those
understand I got the hot flows
when I board I'm never a loner
on full moon I ride with boner
looking for target its a missle crises
wait for impact this is priceless
boom dust cloud
cover ears ILL Mitch bust loud

look at my helmet wear my vest for speed
when I use the microphone Im the best you need
I have two side one happy and one anger
you can ask a stranger my board is fast and danger

Hehe. I love this guy. So should you. His site's here.
Beware of |_|83|2|337|\|355.

current mood: amused
current music: ILL Mitch - Fast and Danger

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4:42 pm
I'm dismayed at the severe lack of gay goth porn online. Anybody know where I could find some?

current mood: bored
current music: Switchblade Symphony - Sleep

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
8:31 am

Frodo's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

current mood: tired
current music: The Smiths - How Soon Is Now?

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Thursday, January 23rd, 2003
5:17 pm - New beginnings 'n' stuff.
Okay. Um. It's me. New journal. I'll try to post more than I've been doing. So yeah. That's all for now.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Bis - Making People Normal

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