dase's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in dase's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    10:38 pm
    Telecasters are totally bomb.

    And people should shut the hell up.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Owls
    Sunday, February 24th, 2002
    11:30 pm
    small town smother your young ones
    I hate to say something like 'where's the love' because I fucking hate that phrase. But yeah, it was kinda wack walking in there and getting stared at or getting nasty comments from people. But oh well, you get that shit. Not gonna stop me going to shows or anything.

    Our last two are going to be really interesting I think. I was so exhausted after today I barely made it home, literally stumbled in the door and collapsed on the couch. Should probably go to the physio this week because my neck is giving me the shits but for now I'm just living on water and Act3.

    Oh yeah, and there was three things I wanted to write after friday but haven't had the chance yet...

    1) old people suck.

    2) there's nothing quite like driving down country roads in the middle of the night, with no-one around, so fucking tired but still feeling like you could keep going all night, with one of the most important people in your life sleeping in the passenger seat, oblivious to radiohead absolutely blaring on the stereo. How very hot water music.

    3) I got asked in a shopping center in cranbourne if I was the fox fm fugitive. I don't even know what that is.

    Current Music: one last wish
    10:40 pm
    how to disappear completely (and never be found)
    I'm not here, this isn't happening.
    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    11:15 pm
    think of the starving children in some third world country on tv...
    It's funny the way some people think that the world owes them something. Hell, I know I'm as guilty of it as the next person. But like, it's just amazing, how fucking selfish must you be that you can get pissed off by not getting something that a million other people are so eager to get their hands on.

    Or when they do get it, treating it like shit and throwing it away, yet still expecting the priviledge that comes along with it.

    I count myself in this number.

    Current Music: the cure
    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    10:51 pm
    I love the smell of nil odour in the morning...
    Fuck this room reeks. Yeah, so anyway, don't worry, I've already kicked my arse over that previous effort.

    Bomb thing for today - second hand CD shops. Owls recrod for $14. Ace. The lying in the bath this evening listening to the whole record.

    Wack thing for today - struggling like a fucking invalid all day because of this goddamn wrist, which is/was hurting so much I felt like crying.

    Other bomb thing - found this 60 watt directed light bulb (only one left in the pantry, and I can't find my shopping list either. Third time I've started one this fortnight), and used it to replace the one that crapped out last night right as I was about to finish my book. So I now have mellow mood lighting in my room. Ally would say it's 'pornotastic'. It's just a lot harsher.

    Oh yeah, and blues clues stickers on my bass.

    Okay, that's it, I'm out.

    Current Music: owls
    Monday, February 18th, 2002
    10:53 pm
    This whole 'what the fuck did I do wrong this time' is the reason I stopped a long time ago. Maybe you might wanna think about that if it finally gets through to you why I don't really bother with you anymore. Why I couldn't give a fuck about anything and pretty much ignore you all the time. Turn my head away, carry on a conversation with someone else, all that jazz.

    Oh crap, I just did what I said I would never do. Write something directed at someone in particular in the hope they'll read it. Haha. How dumb am I. At least I didn't ******** it up.

    And don't you hate it when you're so worried about someone, you just constantly want to hear from them or be with them, just to make sure they're okay. But I know they need space and rest or whatever. Just eh, can't help but be scared for them. With reason I guess. It's the price you pay for caring and one that's really worth it as far as I'm concerned. If it develops into a friendship like that one anyway.

    Yeah, this is just stupid neurotic crap. That's because the most exciting thing I did today was cut myself shaving. No joke. South park was pretty funny though. The first one I mean.

    Current Music: one last wish
    12:09 am
    So what the hell do you say about something like that? Eh? Yeah. It was MYC. Fun had by all. The Jam session was a kick arse jam. And such and such.

    Couple things pissed me off...the obvious stuff. Okay, you expect drunk people at the arthouse and that's what you get. But obnoxious and violent, on a scale like that. It's just stupid. I'm sure I woulda been more pissed off if I was down amongst it. I'm not blaming anyone or going all straight edge. It just annoys me that people feel they have to behave that way. I'm sure they had a good time. But it was at the expense of other people's good time and that sucks.

    And some people still seem to care about what it says on your tshirt or whatever. I've never really felt that sort of shit in a good few years, I must admit, this sense of 'who the hell are you, being here'. Jebus, get over it, really...I have to say I was really, really pissed off driving home friday night, to the point where I was like 'I dunno about going tomorrow'; but I got over it because that sort of thing normally doesn't get to me and I really shouldn't let it at all. Not my fault, who cares. Then I woke up and realised, "MYC? Of course I'm fucking going!". So there you go.

    Oh yeah, and H-Block still totally rule. I haven't seen them in nearly two years, but it's still exactly the same. Technical fuck ups, bowel loosening bass, just as awesome as they always were.

    So yeah, funsville. I feel like shit today. And eh. That's it. Read some unbroken...

    "when all I have to live for is laid out to me, life, love, regret, what was it all worth? I give it to you for what it's worth. It is the last thing I have to give, it is the last thing you haven't taken from me. The final expression is giving up all expression".

    Over dramatic in a classically unbroken way, yeah. But interesting in some of the stuff it says, if you wanna delve into it. The whole, 'what was it all worth?...the final expression is giving up all expression'. Like...I know it's not really specific but sums up the way I feel at the moment about a lot of people...there's just no fucking point, it's not worth it, so keep a dead face and smile and nod politely and then go away and don't even waste the time bitching about them...TV is way more fun.

    Current Music: bread and circuits
    Sunday, February 17th, 2002
    11:54 pm
    yep, rad.
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    11:14 pm
    What never? No never! What never?! Hardly eveeeerrrrr! He's hardly ever sick at seeaaaaaaaaaaaa
    'what goes around comes around, and if you fuck with me I am what comes around'

    threechainbreak are the toughest fucking band ever. Haha. Funny shit. Because you know Matt can back those words up too.

    Yeah, so valentines day schmalentines day. Ho fucking hum. Didn't mope about the house being a jerk and feeling sorry for myself today, which was actually really surprising and I'm quite proud of it. Was quite productive. Working on a complete redesign for shitbackzine which will go into helping me get the whole thing happening seriously again. I'm not gonna say much because every time I promise all this crap it never happens. What I really need is a weekend where I can pretty much just sit on the internet all day and work for hours and hours undisturbed.

    Which means I need the house to myself. And I get that next weekend. So that's pretty bomb. Except we have to play. Meh. Should get most of the work done, then I'll do the rest when I'm supposed to be doing my work at uni in a few weeks time.

    Also managed to achieve some halfway decent song writing today for new bands and stuff. Kinda bomb. Also finally did what I've been wanting to do (and procrastinating because I find working stuff out hard) for about a year now, and sat down with guitar and worked out pretty much all of 'shape of punk to come' by refused.

    But the bombest thing of all today, was I found this eight tape box set of Gilbert and Sullivan musicals underneath the old stereo in the lounge room. FUCKING BOMB!!!. I'm throwing out all the tapes in my glovebox, and just putting these in there. So all I listen to when I'm driving is musicals, in a week I'll know all the words and sing along, doing my slurring impression of Davey Van Bolen and laughing at it and getting weird looks from other people in other cars.

    Oh come on, don't tell me you don't all do shit like that as well?

    Actually, my favourite one - and I've been saying this for years which means I probably actually stole the idea from a book somewhere - would be to play a tape of a human heartbeat really loud, and just stare at people with a crazed look in my eyes when pulled up next to them at traffic lights.

    Think about it for a second...yeah, I know...

    Current Music: the international noise conspiracy
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    2:57 am
    This is gonna be one of those "and then I did this, and that, and that..." type entries. Oh well. Deal.

    So I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon...big surprise there. Not like I haven't done that every day for about three weeks. Yeesh. Oh well, it's been at least six months since I was last like this, so that's pretty bomb.

    Yeah, then Nat came over, I woke up, had terrible, disgusting noodles for dinner. She made me watch "Loser". I think I worked out why I hate that film and other movies like it...aside from all the obvious faults that I tried not to pick up on and be nasty about because I know she would have told me to shut up. But yeah, I just remember, that like, if I was in year 7 or 8 about now...all these kids would have gone and seen that movie, thought it was so sad how the (quite good looking and trendy) dork character got treated...then gone to school on monday and done exactly the same things to all the dorky kids. I was one of the dorky kids. Hahah. Jebus. Someone needs to get over it already I think...

    Okay, so after the movie, we went for a drive up Mount Dandenong to the lookout. Was really, really weird. Ally, please don't read this next bit...yep, you know what that means, just skip to the next paragraph...okay...it was really weird, standing there, and knowing that about 100 metres off and to the left and kind of down the mountain a little, there's a little plaque screwed to a tree with Matt's name on it, and his ashes are probably part of the soil around there now. I haven't been back there since Al and I went and did it all...in fact up until recently, Ally and I were the only kids that knew it even existed. Not even her sisters or dad or anything. It just seemed to be the most appropriate thing for us to do, and god knows why, we didn't tell anyone else about it. It was just very weird, thinking that that close to me was the earthly remains of Alison's brother, a really, really close friend at one time. We came down Mount Dandenong tourist road (which wasn't half as scary as the way we went up the mountain in my little ford laser), and I pulled over there in Belgrave, and sat in the car hugging Nat's hippo saying in my mind 'don't cry, don't cry, don't cry'. Then I got over it and we drove on and made fun of people in ringwood.

    Yeah, then came back here and watched Rage, and Jawbreaker videos on tape. Funny stuff. That's about it. It's 3:30 and I'm going to Atom tomorrow. Should be in bed...

    The trying to be less of a jerk campaign is getting into effect pretty nicely again. It feels pretty, well, self satisfying I guess, to just not get into arguments and fights and animosity and shit anymore. There was a long time when I just didn't give a fuck. So many people had taken so much offense to stuff I'd said with the zine, for who knows what reasons, that I was like 'fuck it, if having an opinion means pissing people off, good, at least they're thinking'. And I still feel that. But it's a lot harder to hate and blame and stuff. I mean, I've always said that people can totally disagree with me and stuff, and we can still talk about something and get along real well and stuff. I'd like to be treated that way, that people could just read my shit and go 'yep, that's what you think', so it's best to be doing that with them as well.

    So now, I should get out of the "I don't give a crap about anyone, I don't want to talk to you" stuff. I guess that's why a lot of people find me arrogant in some ways...not talking to people and shit. It's just more, there were so many times when I was sick of trying to play the social games that come along with punk rock. So I'd talk to the people who were my friends and that was it. And you know what, going up and talking to people you don't really know is HARD. VERY HARD. It's so much easier just to whinge here.

    I'm just gonna keep making the effort though, it's worth it. You feel so much better about yourself the closer you live to your ideals. And maybe other people might accord you the same respect sometimes.

    Hmm. Okay. This time next week my throat is gonna be hoarse from standing up the front, singing every single word along with Steve, and rocking out even though I look like a total dork, not caring what other people think. It's fucking MYC baby.

    Current Music: as friends rust
    Friday, February 8th, 2002
    9:47 pm
    There are times when I wish people would really just be satisfied with themselves. When you feel like fucking hitting them sometimes and say 'For fuck's sake! Don't try to be cool or project yourself onto anyone else! Just be who the fuck you are!'

    People reference their identities far too much to everyone around them. It's like...who you are is nothing unless it's validated, justified, or in reaction to someone else. Or the way you see that person. That's what every fucking lecturer has been telling me in every 10th floor subject for two years anyway. I know I do it. Although thankfully not all the time now. Sometimes it's about just biting back the embarrassment or fear and doing what you think suits you I guess...

    But still. Oh fuck I forgot what I was saying. Who cares.

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Current Music: Identity Theft
    Thursday, February 7th, 2002
    10:50 pm
    just some whingeing...for a change...HAHAHAHA
    We have a name for it, it's called "Tim Rogers Syndrome".

    Does anyone else thing this pseudo-rockstar arrogance bullshit is an absolute steaming pile of crap?

    Like I mean, being arrogant is bad enough. I know this because I come across in my actions as arrogant sometimes. There's times when I just couldn't be fucked discussing something I wrote on my site or something the band did or whatever with someone, you know? Sometimes it's either "I'm tired and sick of talking about it, go away". Or at shows it's often "I have to tune these two guitars and setup all these stupid pedals and hit my leads until they work and everything, go away...".

    Or things like getting rid of the guestbook on setback and censoring the comments here...

    Well, the setback guestbook went because it was fucked. I just couldn't be bothered anymore. It hadn't worked for six months anyway. The comments thing on the livejournal got censored after some fucking horrible things got written here about Ally. Things that you just do NOT say on a basic human level. That's apart from all the 'kill yourself' bullshit that I really didn't need at the time either. So I'm sorry, I just had to. I make myself fully accessable here by leaving a name to everything and there's ways you can get in contact with me. So if you wanna pay out, you have to do the same. It's not hard to send an email or add me on MSN or walk up to me at a show or something. It just means you have to put a name or face to your comments. I mean I'm doing it, why shouldn't you?

    And then you end up with situations where instead it gets taken out on Ally. The number of emails that she gets that are about 'you and dase' and how we're obviously so wrong about all the things we think and feel and how better we are than anyone else...from people I actually know who think that she's not gonna tell me about it...is actually quite surprisingly high. And it's on the increase too. Funny shit that. Seeing as when it's an email and she or I can work out who it is, 99% of the time they've never even MET Ally. Half that time they've never even spoken to me. Funny how that gives someone the right to tell us exactly what we think and what our problems are, yet apparently 'we think we're better than everyone else?'

    How some people can get so offended by the random thoughts and reactionary bullshit of some dumb suburban kid is really beyond me. But I'm not going to go into the "I'm not arrogant, you are" thing. Because that's a total vicious circle. I just wish people would be more inclined to come up and talk about this shit...AT THE RIGHT GODDAMN TIME, NOT WHEN I'M TRYING TO CARRY A FUCKING SPEAKER BOX UP THE STAIRS OR SOMETHING...rather than anonymous entries and saying "he call you this or that" or whatever.

    But that's the internet I guess. I've been guilty of the same or simillar shit before, will probably do it again, and in my own arrogance I'll justify it too. Haha. Oh well. I'm getting a little too old for internet bitchyness and shit anyway. When even Ally can dampen her anger over something and not have it turn into something nuclear, you know it's time to do likewise and settle down.

    So what the fuck was I saying anyway? Oh yeah, Tim Rogers Syndrome. Rockstar arrogance and ego. I just can't believe that people think it's a good thing with the re-emergence of the whole 'fashion rock' (if that's not the most over used term of the last 6 months I don't know what is...oh wait, how about 'emotional pop punk?' hehehe...) business. Since when is it cool to act like a total fucking stuck up moron? Or maybe it's just people are and they justify it because it's rock and roll? No. See, 'rock and roll' is not an excuse. Kiss were fucking 'rock and roll' and kiss need to be killed in a most painful manner. People who take them seriously need to be put into therapy or something. Seriously. Kitsch goes so far and then it becomes stupid. And that line is right when you start taking Kiss seriously and justifying all the fucking horrible, awful things that band has done.

    Now, am I joking there or not? You tell me.

    But I just don't get why it's so cool to be a dick, that's all. Make enemies and piss people off. It's not funny. Okay, yes, it is in a buddyhead kind of way. But in the long term it's really gonna cost you in terms of lasting friendships and things like that. I guess that's a lesson I sometimes learned from experience in my 20 years.

    And as for egos? Well, most of this has been inspired by a person who never reads this (nor would I want them to anyway), but shit...you're not great. You're average like the fucking rest of us. Just another person. The rest of your band is more talented than you in many ways, and you would do well to realise that. And you would also do well to realise how sick everyone else is of your head being up your arse. It's time to let reality in and realise that you're just one of millions. And the world owes you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Especially considering how much you take from your immediate environment without giving anything back. You'd do well to think about that...because nothing's ever gonna come of this. Just the loss of more people that tried to care about you but now couldn't give a fuck because of everything you've done...

    Ah yeah, it's all about all those conversations and arguments you have in your head that you'd never get to have in real life. Hehe.

    Oh yeah, the warped tour lineup thus far looks fucking shabby as. And you know what? I bet I still go, complain about the crowd, but then say "well, I was young once and wasn't born with a minor threat patch precariously placed over my groin or anything", and after that say "but it sucks that these kids swallow this crap when there's all these other bands they should really check out that did it first and better..." and proceed to list a million bands, probably including one inch punch and fugazi, that in reality I'd hate for them to get into because they're my 'cool' bands. And it's all about feeling more superior than kids who aren't as down as you are.

    And you wanna know what else? I'll enjoy the whole experience too.

    Current Music: curl up and die
    Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
    10:57 pm
    I hardly even watch the news at the moment. It's like that feeling where you just want to slap certain people in the face and say 'stop being a dick!'. But of course if I tried to do that to certain prominent politicians I'd probably get shot. It's just terrible though. I figured out why I always felt slightly dirty calling myself 'australian'. I mean look at the way this whole 'asylum seekers' thing is going...refusing the UN now? And still claiming overwhelming public support? That can't be true? Not everyone in this country is that fucking stupid...

    I just think Conation got it right with the lyric "and I'm not proud of this fucking country"

    And I was talking to Lidia last night, saying that I think it was the chinese (or maybe I just read it in Terry Prachett) that used to have a curse that said something like 'may you live in interesting times'. I think George Dubya's leading us towards some 'interesting times'. I mean come on, Axis of evil? And as usually Howard's just following along.

    And don't even get me started on how simplistically this is being put on the evening news...

    Ah shit. I might take some of this disappointment and frustration and turn it into something more slightly posi like zine stuff. Because this is really stupid. I'm not awake enough for this kind of thing, so it comes across as 'war is sad, war is bad'. Hehe. Oh well. Let's just leave it at 'everything sucks'...

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: cave in
    3:04 pm
    I'm not talking about a beatles song, written 100 years before I was born. 100 flowers bloom, 100 schools of thought contend. C'mon baby let's hang around, they're talking about the round and round, but who's got the real ani-parent culture sound?

    Current Music: the nation of ulysees (obviously)
    Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
    11:57 pm
    Okay so I was watching 'future war' on the ABC tonight, and the guy that narrates it sounds like Gerald Ford on the simpsons. It was impossible to take seriously. But then again American military type people running around yelling is pretty hard to take seriously anyway.

    Oh and speaking of stuff that makes me want to kill someone with a shard of broken glass...

    Got home from work after an HOURS drive (normally takes half an hour) today at like 3pm. Tried to sit down and eat lunch. Got up FIVE times to answer phone for people ringing brother about shit.

    Went and lay down to read book. Woke up at 6:30. Actually, no, got WOKEN up at 6:30 by third phone call from brother on answering machine: "I've locked my keys in my car at work, someone drive down with my spare keys". Fifteen minute drive to work. Except it's peak hour. 45 minutes later, get to brothers work. Brother has got into car in meantime and gone. Neglected to call me to tell me not to bother to come down. 45 Minutes later again, I get back home.


    Oh well, shit happens. I'm not working tomorrow which is really bomb.

    Ally's cast is already apparently covered in Xs and Kiss it Goodybe lyrics and shit. I'm developing this theory that Al only gets tattoos so she has pictures to look at and giggle and keep her amused. The theory fits, doesn't it?

    Current Music: Shotmaker
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
    11:24 pm
    Low blood pressure is wack. I just passed out on the bathroom floor. Seeing as I've been straight edge now for like seven or eight years or something, that was kinda of a nostalgic experience.

    But then again, I bought a vox distortion pedal today, second hand of course. So I'm sure that particular material posession will bring me much happiness.

    Neighbours are having a pretty huge party and it's really funny. The first fight for the night has just started. Speaking of funny nights, Craig's last night was bomb especially driving home at 50 in a hundred zone. Seriously. Was fun. Was more concerned with watching all the wacky lightening than driving.

    Current Music: the nation of ulysees
    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    11:01 pm
    danelectro hollow body bass + distortion + stereo chorus = FUCKING BOMB!

    I love days when I don't have to work. It's just nice and relaxed. Had a nice relaxed brother free afternoon outing. Was tops. Mad props to my bro Bura who somehow manages to do this goddamn work thing eight hours a day seven days a week without somehow getting up into a bell tower with an automatic rifle to 'let of some steam'.

    Thanks to everyone who's written about the fate of our crappy little band. It's really cool. Like, none of us are particularly upset, we're really happy about the way it's ending. Kinda like one of those seemingly fictitious relationship breakups where you end off closer as friends than lovers. Or something. I don't know. Point is I'm not crying in my room about it. No point, just gonna get out and enjoy it.

    Current Music: portishead
    12:40 am
    And that's what the answering machine said...
    Yeah, so we've felt this coming for a while I think. Snubfighter broke up tonight. Well, last night now. We've got like I think four shows left, and I think they're gonna be the greatest fucking shows we've ever done.

    This shit has been hanging over our heads for weeks now. Phil told us that he wasn't sure whether he was capable of doing it anymore. We all immediately said 'you do whatever makes you happy, because that's more important'. And there's no way we'll continue without him. There was always this implicit understanding right from day one that it was just the four of us, never add another member, and if one leaves then we stop doing it.

    And so we decided that tonight, that okay, it's over. Phil decided he couldn't keep doing it, he gave us so much warning and was so cool about it. And we all agreed. In fact it feels really good without this weight hanging over our heads of Phil being here when maybe he didn't really want to.

    So then we got up and played some songs and it was the fucking best we've ever played. Our shows are gonna be like that, just rocking out like crazy, enjoying what we've made together.

    So yeah, I'm upset of course that this huge part of my life is going to be gone. But I'm just so fucking proud of everything we achieved, what we made and how we never, ever did anything we didn't want to, how we never compromised. We were always just about the band and writing songs we like and I'm so glad we kept that up.

    And I'm so glad we're just going out on top, playing some fucking rad shows and being such good friends, with all these bands that have been so cool. It's a really positive way to end what's been such a fucking great experience for all of us. I wish 'all good thing' would 'come to an end' in this manner.

    Current Mood: stuff
    Current Music: appleseed cast
    Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
    10:54 pm
    Fuck I'm tired...all the time recently. Really just, sleeping so much, ending up lying on the couch all night in front of the tv, so fucking tired I can't even sit up properly. It really feels like at the moment that I just totally need to drop out of site for a while, take a holiday somewhere or some shit. Maybe I should actually drive down to phillip island and stay there for a week or something. Except experience has taught me that it's probably the worst thing to do because it actually always gets a whole lot worse when I try to quarantine myself from people.

    But of course, when you either wanna cry or just snap and scream and yell and punch and break, you can't be around people because I guess it's hard for them to understand that hey, I'm having a bad day and it's really hard to be nice and rational and everything else when I am.

    I dunno. It's just weird. I know SOMETHING has got me really upset and shitty right now, (and for like the last week or two) but I don't know what. And it's a cop out to blame it on so called 'depression' or whatever. I so keep forgetting the name of what it actually is. How very Freudian. But I'm not going to consider that a factor because as far as I'm concerned it's not running my life and it's not a fucking crutch. "Oh yeah, I'm acting like a total dick because of this depression".

    COP OUT.

    But yeah, I'm just frustrated and trying so fucking hard to be all posi about it. Because I hate getting into the whole whinge cycle. I wanna avoid it this time if possible. But it just sucks and can get pretty lonely too. It sucks when you've got this nagging feeling that you're being ignored and you've got no shoulder literally to cry on...when you know that's utter crap. Self pitying bullshit. But still it's there and it kinda drags away at you.

    Oh well...fuck. There's no choice other than to keep going so I just guess that's what happens. Hopefully I can keep the real violently angry part in check, because that's just fucking scary. I'm glad no one was in the car with me today...that was a freakout demon hellride.

    Oh, but the preceding event was kinda funny...having someone's rottweiler's set on me as I tried to deliver documents that they obviously didn't want to receive. Yes, I shit meself at the time. But in hindsight it's funny.

    Okay, well, enough self obsessed bullshit. Time for quotations...this is the latest version of the bio of possibly my favourite author, Robert Rankin...you know, the little paragraph they have on the front page of the paperback...

    "Robert Rankin was born in Parsons Green. He attended various schools. Blah blah. Went on to study graphics at Ealing School of Art. Blah blah blah. Numerous jobs. Blah blah blah. Writer in Residence at Waterman's Art Centre, where he founded Brentford Poets, which soon became the largest weekly poetry group in England. Blah blah blah blah blah. Sexual Athlete. Blah? Lives in Sussex. Blah blah blah..."

    Funny shit.

    Current Music: hot water music
    1:00 am
    The cheese biscuits are taking their revenge...so before I get off this stupid thing, I forgot to say that I found rad shoes (CHEAP) today...let's just say one word: velcro.

    And I'm not fucking telling you where I got them Craig! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAH!

    Oh and seeing as I haven't said it this week...Lleyton Hewitt is a jerk.
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