Sunday, January 2nd, 2005
7:47 pm
| Saturday, December 25th, 2004
3:56 pm
[it's christmas day and i'm hiding in the guest room with a glass of wine. can you picture it? more to report later.]
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| Saturday, November 13th, 2004
1:13 pm
| Wednesday, September 1st, 2004
7:09 pm
is it me or........did tom brokaw refer to california as the largest state last night in the opening ceremonies [i mean remarks] of the republican convention?
hey mister, look out! it's alaska and texas and they are pissed.
current mood: don't mess with texas
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| Saturday, August 21st, 2004
6:24 pm
| Saturday, July 24th, 2004
5:57 pm
5:54 pm
a history of the last two week's email conversations with my shithead ex-whatever. because i have no shame, and i'm angry. and anyone who would like his personal email address, please feel free to ask for it and it will be given. motherfucker. i hope it shrivels up and falls off. ( [ oh, this is so good... ] )
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| Sunday, July 11th, 2004
3:14 pm
well. it's been a long time. i haven't died, i've just moved and am currently without computer. eventually, though, i shall return.
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| Monday, May 31st, 2004
1:35 pm
....& also, does this seem strange to anyone?
memorial day? it's a day supposedly designated for the honoring of the dead, and most of us spend it outside grilling pieces of flesh over charcoal and flames and then consuming them?
ew. ;)
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| Sunday, May 30th, 2004
3:48 pm
as of yesterday afternoon, i'm almost moved into my new house. my new house which looks like world war ii london, charmingly, post-bombing. the floor is a terrain, a graveyard of chipped-up tiles and gouged and broken cement. ladders. tools. buckets. plastic sheeting. dust everywhere, plaster falling, ceilings scraped clean and walls waiting for paint. my own little post-apocalyptic haven, but i've cleared out one room as my bedroom and managed to keep it free of dust and it's my oasis, right?
so yesterday. got all my worldly goods in the back of a friend's pickup truck, pulling up to the house. there's a flood. why? a wall-mounted mirror in the bathroom dislodged itself and fell straight down, smashing open the plumbing below. no one was around to shut the thing off. massive gushing of water. near-biblical. at least an inch creeping along the hallways, up the baseboards. oh god. so, now the water is shut off and the pipe sits broken. all my clothes and furniture and sundries are now installed in the new house, but i've had to pack a bag and head back to my parents' where it seems i will remain decamped until we can get a plumber. which will not be until at least tuesday. it had to happen just as i was moving in, it had to happen on a holiday weekend. you just have to laugh.
no progress on the job front. am considering doing something rather distasteful [for me, anyway] if things don't happen soon. and i'm not very 'exotic,' nor am i much of a 'dancer,' so any suggestions or jokes along those lines will be swiftly dismissed with the application of my foot to your ass. but still, i don't much care for my options.
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| Saturday, May 29th, 2004
11:20 am
| Thursday, May 27th, 2004
1:19 pm
apparently i'm not fit to teach the youth of america. but hey--who's surprised? so i won't be a high school teacher this fall. i was beaten to it by someone with a master's in french. go fucking figure. i don't know what i thought i was doing--but they kept asking me back for interviews, so i went along with it. what someone with a master's in the subject is doing accepting a part-time position for less than $10,000 a year i cannot even imagine. perhaps they are worse off than me, then.
it doesn't help.
back to square fucking one.
current mood: deflated current music: oh, something with words in it.
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| Thursday, May 20th, 2004
10:26 am
today exactly marks my three-year livejournal anniversary. wow. not sure whether i'm proud or embarrassed on that one. for those who haven't been playing along at home, here's a brief recap of things that have happened to me since 2001:
three years ago
two years ago
a year ago
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| Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
11:27 am
you know--i really love it when people want to pay me for my artwork. here's this thing i was going to do for the rest of my life anyway, and.....oh, what? you want to give me money? nice.
currently happy. let's see if i can keep it up. :)
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| Sunday, May 16th, 2004
1:16 pm
this journal is nebulous, at best. i realized, reading over it, how little there ever is of anything that is going on. that's my decision.
however. this is your chance. ask me anything. i'll answer it. unless, you know, i'm feeling like a petty little bitch.
this is your chance to get me to say things. & go:
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10:49 am
.....and on the other hand, i'm laurel. i tell myself i am laurel and i don't love anyone. i don't love anyone. not even you. not even you. not anyone. i don't own a house and i don't have children and there is no one and nothing i couldn't leave behind if one day i disappeared and turned up in thailand.
someone get me a plane ticket.
current music: sea change
| Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
12:04 pm
| Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
8:59 pm
having woken this morning with the clarity of one who has the opportunity to examine one's stomach lining up close, swimming in the fevered delerium of the light of day after drinking all hot summer night and passing out, i can say i have arrived at a few answers.
i feel perfectly balanced. literally, like standing gracefully on one foot with arms outflung in the air, i feel as though the universe can't tip me over this time. won't. can't. nothing gets to me. meeting your gaze with a level stare. ha ha. watch out.
and i bought the new modest mouse album.
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| Friday, April 30th, 2004
6:22 pm
out the door to coachella in approximately five minutes. tomorrow is my twenty-third birthday.
this is my second trip to california this week. :)
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| Monday, April 26th, 2004
10:43 pm
going on a whirlwind road trip tomorrow [phoenix --> l.a. --> phoenix] to retrieve the paintings from my last show. one of the aforementioned paintings will not be coming home with me, as it was purchased by a Big Time Hollywood Producer [!] with about a billion titles to his credit, most recently the last samurai but more interestingly, harold and maude [one of my all-time favorite movies].
ah, fame! i will now be whisked away to the mansions of the wealthy and indolent, to lounge in pool-sized hot tubs eating maraschino cherries and reducing everyone to peals of laughter with tales of my humble adventures among the proletariat on the ladder to success and fortune. no, really--i saw a movie like this once. it will happen just like that. .......right?
everyone have a lovely tuesday.
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