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User:gothic_babebay (1485862) gothic_babebay
The 17th Century
Spiritly Forsaken The Gothic Imagination...
Name:MeliSinn Death
Location:New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Tina the Troubled Teen

The Weather in Hell

Spell Creator
our suggestion

Put Esmerelda on your website for free!

put cafe nation on your site free!

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Angelina Jolie is Sex

Rocky Horror is Love

Memories:20 entries
Interests:149: 13, 17th century, 18th century, angelina jolie, animals, anne rice, art, astrology, bdsm, beethoven, bella morte, beyond the veil, bisexuality, black, black magic, black roses, blood tears, bondage, brandon lee, cats, cemetaries, chaos magic, chinese food, chocolate milk, classical, coffee, coffins, corsets, criss angel, cross, dairy of dreams, dark funeral, dark poetry, dark tranquillity, darkness, darkwave, darkwell, davey havok, david bowie, dead silent slumber, death, death angels, death metal, demons, dieting, dimmu borgir, doom metal, dracula, dreamcasting, dreams, drew barrymoore, edgar allen poe, electronica, enigma, fairuza balk, fantasy art, funeral homes, gargoyles, ghosts, glam goths, glam rock, golden girls, gothic, gothic men, gothic metal, gothic opera, gothic poetry, graveyards, grim reaper, guys with long hair, h.g giger, haunted houses, haunted places, hayder, heretique, horror movies, immortality, interview with the vampire, italian food, johnny depp, kids, lacuna coil, leonardo de vinci, london after midnight, love like blood, luis royo, luna, lust, masks, medieval, melodic, mexican food, midnight, midnight syndicate, midwintertears, morten veland, my dying bride, nevermore, nightwish, nocturnal fears, oak trees, opera, opera ix, paganism, painting, panthers, peanut butter, phantom of the opera, poetry, queen of the damned, rain, rapunzel, renaissance, return to oz, scented candles, sebastien bach, shadows, shakespeare in hell, shedevilvixen, sigur ros, sins of thy beloved, sirenia, sleepy hollow, soul searching, spirits, spirituality, stars, swords, tankeo, the crow, the cure, thunderstorms, tigers, tragic romances, tristania, type o negative, vampirism, velvet, vinyl, violin, vodka, webcams, whitesnake, wicca, william shakespeare, wind, witchcraft, world of glass, writing poetry. [Modify yours]
People178:___kissxorxkill, _bridgetoconnor, _casket_, _digitalkitten_, _inbloom_, _magdelana_, _toxic_pixie_, _xshatteredx_, a_tragic_beauty, addedyou, aintnopeace, anfag, angleyzdevlsmil, angryconejo, another_echo, antikhrist, appleshampoo14, ashmodaii, astrovamp, aznpornstar, babyblue_ljm, bastetgoddess, beautydied, bettydavis_eyes, blackaciddevil, bleeding_silver, bleedthrumusic, blo0dy_tears, bloodvine, blueanjewl, breakxmexdown, bunny_of_steele, candygirl17, carnivalxkiller, cherry_cyanide, childofmarduk, chrusiel, citizensugark, classy_love, comical_relief, cookie_monsterr, creepy_sex, cynicallynaive, czarchasm, dazz, dead_cheshire, despair, digitallullaby, dimbnd, divinewings, doggy_style420, dooriya, dreadfulxamanda, dreaminndigital, drrkdemon, dryadserenity, edge_obsessive, eggplantempress, faerie_peas, fatdeeman, fireofsorrow, fur_elise, gangster_yo, getlostinmyeyes, goddessgothique, gothgirlgrewup, gothiquedoll, gothxchickxcore, gta3cirus, haloed_hero, hangthestars, hayder, hexasphy, highonheels, hisowndisaster, horror_erotica, horrorbeauty, howto, i_can_love, i_invented_god, i_mosh, ibuttaflyangel, immortal_dead, in_a_fairy_tale, inkfiend, johnmcgee, kaldazar, kinkyglittergrl, kittenavenger, kryptho69, kyosume, leftwanting, leisca, lemonherb, lilith_lamia, llbreedll, lookingfor, luna_piena, lunablood, lustc0il, magickcrow13, malficar, malfuturemd, mamasfamily, maridia_, marilynmissexy, matthardy, mistressofnola, mlgaetjens, moochild, moohoofer, moon_n_starz24, moosemoore, mountaindew66, my_collapse, my_hands, my_tears_dried, myheartbleedsx, nallix, neuralaccess, nightgoddess56, nirvanageek, nitaraxprincess, nocturnal_fears, nopicture, not_yr_grrrl, obsydianfaery, octoberland, octoberust, ohmysterious, only_the_wild, oscuradiosa, ozman_, peppergurl, pers, pianorocker, playfulangyl, possesivechild, punk_kitteness, purplesnow, qtnsoca, raavyn, razmagyc, roseandthebeast, sadistic_dreamz, scarlett1313, scotti_black, shadow_sprite, shedevilvixen, side_line, silenciawrites, silly_frog, sinsofthybloved, sleepy_lama, sorrowful_tears, stygion, sweethrt, thecatlady101, themuffincat, triptogn, tristania, tzuey_ren, vanityruins, violingothchild, whipman, whothennow, wireintheblood, x_synthetik, xmetalheartx, xmy_death, xonly_sin_deepx, xplumxdoodlex, xsyntrik, xtopher82, xxcruelmiseryxx, xxjarm4lifexx, xxnenexx, zeram
Communities308:100x100movies, 4ever_masked, _dark_angel_, _fatandugly, _friends_, _from_within_, _haunted, _lost_, a_new_friend, a_new_lj_friend, add_a_writer, add_me, add_me_freak, added, addicts, addme21andover, addme25_and_up, addme_adult, addmeandrock, addmeback, addmefirst, addmenowdamnit, addmeplease, adrianwelch, aficons, afriend4u, allerleiicons, alt_diet, alt_friends, alt_models, alternative_bbw, altphoto, ancient_goth, animalhaven, animaloptica, anne_rice, annerice, anyiconrequests, artists_studio, australianmetal, b0red, batonrouge, bb_pretties, bbw_camwhores, bbw_fashions, bbw_singles, bdsm_lovers, bdsm_poly, beautiful_bbw, beautifulcurves, beautycurvetatt, bettie_page, bigandbeautiful, bigbeautifulppl, bignsexy, bitchingnmoanin, black_cats, blackcats, blooddolls, bootwhores, boundrose, bratty_subs, bustygothchicks, camwhores, cat_images, cat_lovers, catlovers, catpower, catsgalore, catsnotkids, celebicons, celebrity_icons, chamberatlanta, chaosmajik, christiangoth, chubbxcore, chubbycherybomb, chubbychicksuk, chubbygirls, chubsrus, chum_squad, cinderella_fans, community_quest, corset_love, corsetry, creepy_icons, creepycuisine, creepypeople, crissangel, curlup_and_die, cute_n_chubby, cuteicons, daily_meme, dark____quizzes, dark_arts_fest, dark_images, darkexposures, darkicons, darkpinupboys, darkpinupgirls, darksideofebay, darkwaveonline, days_spoilers, deluxe_dolls, demmyicons, devilishfashion, dimmu_borgir, ditavon_teese, domestic_ds, doom_metal, draculas_ball, dramaticphoto, drasticmeasures, egl, egl_plus, erotic_poetry, eroticchallenge, eroticfantasies, eroticgothic, eurobabes, ev_icons, ever_after_, evilwickedsilly, fan_icons, fashion_factory, fashion_ideas, felines, fetishcares, fetishconfess, fetishgoths, fetishicons, freakyfatchicks, free_mp3, friends_i_want, funeralstudent, g0t_friends, gag_me_gently, german_goths, get_friends, ghostly_advice, giger_art, glam_icons, glamwhores, gorgeous_icons, goth, goth_artist, goth_cats, gothboisngurls, gothconvergence, gothcouples, gothdolls, gothfash, gothfashionshow, gothic1920s, gothic_art, gothic_babes, gothic_beauty, gothic_curves, gothic_fetish, gothic_freaks, gothic_icons, gothic_rants, gothic_serenity, gothic_zone, gothicangels, gothicdollies, gothicdoom, gothicmecca, gothicmen, gothicmodels, gothicmusic, gothicons, gothicpoetry, gothireland, gothmakeuptips, gothphotography, graphic_whores, grotesque_flair, guysanddolls, hairmetal_babes, haunted_designs, honoring_death, horror_film_fan, horror_movies, htmlhelp, i_need_friends, i_want_friends, icon_heaven, icon_tutorial, iconelite_, icons, iconsensual, iconslayouts, iconxrequests, im_bicurious, inthegrave_icon, la_mort_de_moi, laceawaythepain, layout_requests, layoutsandicons, lets_be_friends, letsmakefriends, lj_maintenance, ljcommunity, ljfriends, ljladies, ljpersonals, long_hair_girls, long_hair_guys, longhair, longhairdiaries, longhairedmen, longhairfetish, loud, lovely_inside, low_self_esteem, lucylovers, make_a_friend, make_me, make_me_up, makeafriend_uk, makeapenpal_uk, male_dom, metal_goth, metal_icons, metal_sludge, mikesgothclub, monster_icons, mourning_souls, nadja_fan, naughty_goth, newbienudes, newfriends, neworleans, neworleansparty, news, nickatnite, nola_lj_meetup, noladarkside, nonuglybrunette, nonuglyfats, old_school_goth, pagan_icons, paranormal_inc, peopleinmakeup, perfect10plumps, phobics_r_us, photographers, photoshopless, pinup_artist, plus_cuties, post_your_band, promo_community, pshoprequests, psychic_ability, quiz_junkies, quiz_makers, quiz_masters, quizhunters, quizilla, quizkitties, quizland, quizwhores, quizzes, random_crap, random_review, random_things, real_women, request_4_icons, rock_icons, romantic_hearts, sexquiz, sexy_goth_girls, sexydeadguys, sexygoth, sexygothguys, shedevilquiz, singarden, spooky_art, strawburygashes, technopaganism, thatmoviequiz, thesoutherngoth, thevamps, transgoth, ugly_kids, uglypictureclub, uk_goffs, vampireanatomic, vampirefreaks, vampirerotica, vampires_, vamplestatband, vampyres, violinists, violinplayers, violinstudents, voluptuouspinup, weightwatcherss, wellovebbws, weluvmstrb8ting, wes_craven, whipme_chainme, wickedimages, x_glam_dolls_x, xcandyxcuntsx, your_ugly, zodiac_friends
Account type:Free Account

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