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Below is user information for Al-faux Nyrd. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:cryingbabyjebus (756972) Paid User cryingbabyjebus
Name:Al-faux Nyrd
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
AOL IM:AIM status cryingbabyjebus (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status zannabannana2000 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I am ZAN***

ZAN is:

"woman" in Farsi.
a libra
a lover, not a fighter
the wet and useless wondertwin
a priestess
a bitch
a vegetarian
a goddess
a seeker of balance
a comedian
a writer
a freak
a militant nudist
a dork
a question, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in mystery. then wrapped again in velvet for fun.


Plus- I'm making a movie ---"ONE GUN ZAPPING" (see my movie community [info]mk_productions)

Memories:2 entries
Interests:148: adult swim, alcohol, aliens, amon tobin, ancient egypt, anger management, angst, aqua teen hunger force, ass tards, astrology, baby got back, bdsm, beautiful south, beauty, being drunk, ben franklin, bill of rights, bitches, bite me asshats!, blur, bob dobbs, boys, brak, cats, civil rights, clinic, cocktail nation, combustible edison, comic book guy, consciousness, conspiracies, cryingbabyjebus, cujo, death, debauchery, domination, dorkitude, downtempo, dreams, drinking, eating stupid crackers, enlightenment, every moment, farscape, feathers, filmaking, films, freakin' and sneakin', freakitude, freaks, freaky bidness, from the wilderness, fuckwads, gettin freaky, girls, glamourpussy, godel escher bach, hedonism, her divine shadow, homiez, horror movies, hot little beavers, hugging, jon stewart, justice, kicking ass/taking names, kissing, laughing at jerks, leather, lesbian 'do rag, litigation, lounge music, loungecore, love, ma'at, making movies, martinis, men, mk productions, monkey olympics, monkeys, motivation, movie production, mr. t, nature, new model army, new world order, one gun zapping, paganism, partying, patience, perpetuotimefilledlessness, persians, platonic solids, pleasure, pushing the envelope, pussy, pyramids, revolution, saint etienne, sci-fi, sci-fi comedies, script writing, sealab 2021, serge gainsbourg, sex, sexy little otter, shag, shizzolatah 3000, skyy, smoking, space, space ghost, strange loops, strangeness, stuff, suaveness, swankness, taking your gear off, taoism, tarot, the daily show, the dark zone, the final frontier, the simpsons, thelema, thivery corporation, tiki, touching, travel, triangles, tripping the light fantastic, truth, vampires, velvet, weed, william cooper, witchcraft, women, writing,,,, x-files, yard sales, yo mama, yo mama mama, zorak. [Modify yours]
Friends:116: adult_fiction, alyisneo, ammie8, annslanders, anthony0921, ass_, augustusbones, bath_and_body, beauty101, bgunn, bunnyboy, bush_sucks, catndhat, chrisgkitty, citycrystal, clement55, cocktail_lounge, col_hannibal, cool_cooks, corey3rd, crayondisaster, crept, cumguzzler, cupajoe, darkdreams23, dokuko, downtempolounge, dresdenblack, dubya_blog, elgorgo, etienne_avenue, fleur1023, flowerncsu, fluteycat, freakitude, fredlipjargon, freedomfighters, frgyandres, furryravers, fuzz3, gangstagoth, gigantor_nc, gowan, gravesme, grimepoch, guerillanews, gynocide, hir0, idioticpoet, invasive, iridescentnoir, iwearmittens, joeker, judgesmails, jupiter_crash_, justis, karlaanne, kinky_shit, kittypix, lammons, leslieerin, lost_in_america, lunareupt, luxmbblair, lvx, malkar, martini_time, medivh, mijbril, mikexmjl, mk_productions, modern_ebriety, moonfl0wer, morbid_o, morphis, mouseesuom, mr_steveo, mrtea, murderboys, nfin8ndefn8, nguinn, noisefootprint, northnode, pam, peacefrog, planetx, plastic_jesus, polishballerina, premx, progressives, raleighkids, randomjogger, redsonja, retroliving, riotnrrd, saintrigger, sexygothguys, sicarii, sinamingirl, snowboom, sos_usa, soundsgood, spunk_monkie, sweet_evil, tearful_lullaby, telemakh0s, the_ketamind, thedirtyoldman, theljconfession, thiebes, throckwoddle, timswar, turtlesmartie, veggie_grocery, welovesergezine, xsintrick
Friend of:76: alyisneo, ammie8, anthony0921, ass_, augustusbones, bgunn, bunnyboy, catndhat, citycrystal, clement55, col_hannibal, corey3rd, crayondisaster, crept, cumguzzler, dresdenblack, elgorgo, fleur1023, flowerncsu, fluteycat, fredlipjargon, frgyandres, fuzz3, gigantor_nc, gowan, gravesme, grimepoch, gynocide, hir0, idioticpoet, invasive, iwearmittens, joeker, judgesmails, jupiter_crash_, justis, karlaanne, lammons, leslieerin, lost_in_america, lunareupt, luxmbblair, lvx, malkar, medivh, mijbril, mikexmjl, moonfl0wer, morbid_o, morphis, mouseesuom, mr_steveo, mrtea, nfin8ndefn8, nguinn, noisefootprint, northnode, pam, planetx, polishballerina, premx, randomjogger, riotnrrd, saintrigger, sicarii, sinamingirl, snowboom, spunk_monkie, sweet_evil, tearful_lullaby, telemakh0s, thedirtyoldman, throckwoddle, timswar, turtlesmartie, xsintrick
Member of:19: annslanders, cool_cooks, cupajoe, etienne_avenue, freakitude, freedomfighters, furryravers, gangstagoth, iridescentnoir, kinky_shit, martini_time, mk_productions, modern_ebriety, paidmembers, raleighkids, sos_usa, soundsgood, theljconfession, welovesergezine
Account type:Paid Account

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