Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Fitness Buffs Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "fitness".
433 matches:
- 000_beauty_000 - Beyond Beautiful
- 0_sexyblondes - The sexiest Blondes on LiveJournal
- 0h_beautiful - | Becoming Beautiful | .. Anorexic Beauty ..
- 100pluswl - 100 plus WL
- 1derland - Welcome to 1derland!
- 2005losers - 2005 Weight Loss Journals
- 28dayshealthier - 28 Day Healthier!
- 2bhealthy - 2BHealthy
- 300lbsplus - 300+ and Shrinking
- 4weekplan - 4weekplan
- 52weekplan - 52 Weeks of Improvement
- 5_foot_4 - 5'4" ~ leading healthier lives
- 911pixie - Battle of the Thin
- __baby__ - __baby__
- __perfect_body - Chloe's Hot Diet Community
- __simply_ - __simply_
- _bodymindsoul_ - Body, Mind & Soul
- _brokenangels - broken by an eating disorder
- _cheers_ - Health and Nutrition at Your Finger Tips
- _foodcombining - Properly Combined Food
- _guesswhat - GuessWhat
- _healthfitness - health, fitness, beauty
- _lesmills - Les Mills Junkies
- _martinilounge - The Martini Lounge
- _not__today_ - Food Wont Find Me Today
- _weightloss_ - _weightloss_
- _workoutplan - Workout Plan
- a_better_body - The Strive to be Beautious
- a_healthier_you - A Healthier You
- addicthappy - SOMEONE
- adultbegballet - Adult Beginner Ballet
- adventurers - Waiting for Gandalf: Adventurers
- aginghipster - aginghipster
- aj_weightloss - Amanda and Jay's Weight Loss Journal
- allexercise - Any, All & Only Exercise
- allrock_nocock - Assfuck & Hoe
- alphanualpha - Alpha Nu Alpha//Omega Chapter
- am_i_thin - constructive criticism for weight loss
- amberprime - forsair
- ana_funkadelica - Maybe Strange, Always Beautiful
- anafunkadelica - Into Thin Air
- angryskinnygals - Skinny and Angry!
- animato_fit - Animato Fitness
- apositivestep - Baby steps to a better you
- apprenticing - apprenticing
- asics_community - ASICS Community
- astro_slim - Chocca's **** Loss Weight Now!****
- atkins_ba_pics - Atkin's Diet Before and After Photos
- atkins_cookbook - atkins_cookbook
- atkins_recipes - Low-Carb Recipes
- austinfitwomen - Austin Wannabe Fit Women
- australian_ftm - Australian FTM LJ Community
- australiancosmo - Australian Cosmo
- avon_reps - avon_reps
- baggage__check - Mamas who want a little less junk in thier trunk
- balancediet - 40-30-30 Diet Tips and Recipes
- bbw_questions - Big Beautiful and Healthy
- beauty_elite - The Beautiful Elite
- beauty_of_bones - Love Not What You're Doing, But What You'll Become
- bigfatlosers - Step Away From The French Fries
- bikes - The Community for Bikes
- bikinichallenge - For Girls That Wanna Look There Best By The Summer
- bitch_fad - bitch_fad
- blackmail_diary - Katie
- blindwatchmaker - The Community for Evolutionary Discussion
- bloodnvinegar - Teh Sammeh of Doom
- body_analysis - Pro/Anti: Health☆EDnos★ED☆Ana★Mia☆Overeater★Binger
- body_diary - Body Diary
- body_discussion - body_discussion
- body_obsession - Body Obsession.
- body_positive - body positive
- bodybuilder - Hard Core Body Building
- bodychallenge - bodychallenge
- bodychallenge05 - body challenge
- bodyforlife - Body for LIFE
- bodygoddesses - Body Goddesses
- bored_muhfukers - bored_muhfukers
- bphaf - Body Positive Health and Fitness
- buffbrides - buffbrides
- burn_it_off - A dieter's community.
- byebyepudge - ByeByePudge
- callahansweight - The Callahan's Place Weight Loss Community
- calrestriction - Calorie Restriction
- cam_hard_bodies - Camarilla Hard Bodies
- cant_hide - you can click but you can't hide. illegal download
- cattyfattys - Catty Fattys
- chidope_fatties - chidope_fatties
- chubbyartchicks - Chubby Art Chicks
- classy_gals - [ [ The Home of the Sophisticated ] ]
- clementina - The Flying Pig
- coe_chat - Peer support for compulsive overeaters
- coh_sgfs - Society of Global Freedom Seekers
- colorado_weight - Colorado Weight Loss Group
- consumed_by_ana - consumed_by_ana
- cookinghealthy - Cooking Healthy
- cosmomag - The Cosmo Community
- countincalories - Calorie Counters
- cult37 - The Cult of Thirtyseven
- curves4women - Curves4Women
- curves_gym - curves_gym
- curveschallenge - Curves Summer Challenge!
- curvesforwomen - Curves
- curvyandfit - Curvy and Fit!
- dabunz_girlz - dabunz_girlz
- dailyexercise - Daily Exercise Accountability
- dailymenu - dailymenu
- dallasanas - dallasanas
- dallaseds - the eating disordered of dallas
- damn_tease - Are you a Sexy Tease?
- ddr_workout - DDR Workout
- destinationthin - We're all on a journey towards destinationTHIN
- devki_na_diete - Диета Форева
- diet_buddies - Diet Buddies
- diet_divas - Dieting_Divas
- diet_divas_2004 - diet_divas_2004
- dietandhealth - Diet, Health and Favourite Low Cal Recipes!
- dieteticstudent - Dietetics Students
- dieting_foodies - Dieting Foodies
- dieting_journal - Dieting Journal
- dietingsupport - Weight Loss Support Group
- diets - Weight Loss Tips
- dietvampires - Because dieting can be goth with enough angst
- diurnal - diurnal
- doitnow - Procrastination Rehab
- dorwraths_diet - Dorwrath and Friends Diet Community
- dosomethingclub - The Do Something Club
- dreaming_divas - Dreaming Divas
- dreamsmadereal - Dreams Made Real
- droppingmyself - droppingmyself
- ds_challenge - Dieting Support Creative Challenge
- dualitat - spoon + fork = melody
- eat_4_bloodtype - Eat Right 4 Your Type
- eattolive - Dr. Fuhrman's Eat To Live: Healthy Weight Loss and
- ediets_uk - ☆ eDiets_uk ☆
- edietssupport - ediets support group
- eventing - Eventers everywhere
- evil_trish - Trish Gone Evil!
- exercise_now - a communtiy dedicated to exercising
- exercise_slugs - Couch Potato Achievements and Guilt in a Nutshell
- exerciseme - Xx - Exercise Me Up! - xX
- exotic_dancers - Exotic Dancers Support Group
- faeryfit - FaeryFit
- family_recipes - The Recipe Box for Home Cooked Meals
- fast2gether - Fasting Support
- fat_ana - overweight with an eating disorder
- fat_fangirls - Fat Fangirls
- fat_rejection - anti fat acceptance
- female_muscle - Show Us Your Strength
- fen_fit - Fen Fit
- fit_day - Food journaling for weight loss and health
- fit_friends - Fit Friends
- fit_in_to - Fit Torontonians
- fit_moms - post-partum health and fitness
- fit_motivate - fit_motivate
- fit_support - Support Volunteer's Fitness Community
- fitbuddies - Fit Buddies
- fitday - FitDay Journals
- fitness4sports - Fitness Advice
- fitness_journal - Time to get fit!
- fitness_log - fitness_log
- fitness_xchange - Fitness Xchange
- fitnessbound - Fitness Bound
- fitnessfirst - The Anti-Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge
- fitnessfoods - Health and Fitness
- fitnfriendly - Fit n Friendly
- fivefootthree - fivefootthree
- flamare - Society for the Promotion of Exercise in Women
- flaunt_it - Flaunt it or admit you're not one of the elite.
- flyingswallow - FlyingSwallow
- food_journals - food_journals
- foodlab - The Food Lab
- foreverflame - the misunderstood
- foxifiably_rq - foxifiably RQ
- furryfitness - furryfitness
- gay_fitness - gay_fitness
- geekfit - Fitness can be fun!
- genuinequeer - GenuineQueer
- get_foxy - get_foxy
- getabikinibody - Fitness Challenge 2004
- getfitwithamy - motivation
- getswoled - S.W.O.L.E.D.
- getting_fit - getting_fit
- getting_healthy - Getting Healthy
- getwiththeprgm - Bob Greene's Get With The Program
- gingerhalliwell - GERI HALLIWELL FANS
- girl_friends - *Girls of LiveJournal*
- girlsout - girlsout
- girlyfitness - Girly Fitness
- gleefjing - Health and Food and Stuff
- glittershapeup - Glitterati Shape Up
- go_play_outside - Go Play Outside!
- goal_posts - Stop slacking off, you procrastinator!
- goddess_inside - Finding your Inner Goddess Beneath the Weight
- goth_gi - Goth GI
- grayepumpsup - Graye Pumps Up
- green_pony - green_pony
- greenbracelet - ED-NOS Support Community
- gym_goths - The community for Goths who go to the gym
- gymbrats - Gymbrats Anonymous
- gymrats - Gym Rats
- h34lth - diet & exercise
- hampton_roads - Hampton_Roads
- hawaii_fitness - The Hawaii Fitness Connection
- health_fitness - Health & Fitness
- health_logs - Health _ Logs
- healthandfitfur - Furry Health and Fitness
- healthandstuff - Health and Stuff
- healthboutique - Health Boutique
- healthclub - healthclub
- healthhappy - Community for supporting each other in the pursuit
- healthjourney - The Journey of Wellbeing
- healthy_fansons - Weight Loss
- healthy_grrls - Just some chicks trying to get fit
- healthycurves - Healthy Curves
- healthygeeks - HealthyGeeks
- healthyhabit - Healthy Habit
- healthyloss - healthyloss
- healthyme - Healthy Me
- healthyrecipes - HealthyRecipes
- healthysca - Healthy SCA
- healthystart - Healthy Start Challenge
- hearturself - "We are beautiful..."
- hesmybitch - not those kinds of girls
- hivemindfitness - Hivemind Fitness - A Log
- holistichealth - Holistic Health Care
- hot_hummus - Such is Life:hot, random, fashion, edge, music
- hotbods - Hot Bodies Only
- houseofsins - [HOUSE] of S i N S
- i_did_it_for_me - I Did It For Me
- icedancecanada - Then only Ice Dance and Pairs LJ
- inches_a_weigh - Inches-A-Weigh
- indieicons - Good Indie Icons
- ineedperfection - Perfection and Destruction
- irongirls - ladies who lift
- itsabouttime - I Wish I Was A Little Bit Smaller...
- jajofoodjournal - Aerin Raymond
- juan_family - Amitié, soirées, bonheur, folie et têtes de cake !
- julybabies2005 - Mother's due in July of 2005!
- junior_miss_ - America's Junior Misses
- just_us_girls - Just Us Girls
- kcweightloss - kcfitness
- keep_it_pretty - Beauty Tips
- kickthehabit - Quit Smoking For Good!
- kiss_n_diss - behindtheglam
- kitty_trimmings - kitty_trimmings
- kopitiam - kopitiam
- krav_maga - Krav Maga - Self Defense and Fighting System
- leanlifestyle - The Leanness Lifestyle
- less2lose - Less to Lose
- lethal_beauty - Lethal Beauty
- letsgethealthy - Lets Get Healthy
- lifestylerevamp - revamping and reinvigorating your lifestyle
- ljladies - Lovely LJ Ladies
- ljww - LJWW
- lonewulfff - Lonewulf's scattered thoughts
- look_health - Look, Health!
- lose4life - Weight loss for life
- lose_the_weight - lose_the_weight
- losefatnotcurve - Lose Fat, Not Curves
- loseweight2005 - Lose Weight 2005
- losingfat - Losing Fat
- love_and_ana - EDs and SOs
- lovefor3oranges - love for three oranges
- lovelychloe - heather * ' ` <3
- lowcarb_veggies - Heathy Carb Veggie Lifestyle
- lowcarbdiabetic - LowcarbDiabetic
- lowcarbflavor - lowcarbflavor
- lowcarbkemet - lowcarbkemet
- m0difyingpurity - Modify Yourself
- maaxfit - MaaxFit. Motivation, Ambition, and Xhilaration
- makemeamanequin - It won't look better on the rack
- maletomale - The Male To Male Community
- market4healers - Marketing for Healers
- martial_artists - martial artists
- meetmark - mark.
- melanie_horizon - melanie_horizon
- metrosexual - The Metrosexual Male
- militaryqueers - militaryqueers
- mindandbody - Mind & Body
- missingcalif - California Dreamers
- mnljhealthbears - LJ Health Bears
- mnveggies - Minnesota Veggies
- mollys_place - mollys_place
- moo2you - LMAO Fitness
- mooncafe - mooncafe
- motivatethemind - Motivation is the Key to Successful Results
- move_me - Move Me
- my_adidas - My Adidas
- nadriabb5 - Adria and Natalie - Big Brother 5
- natural_people - Advice and support for dieters
- new_subculture - your place to belong
- newageselfhelp - The New Age Self-Help Community
- niu_knpe_100 - NIU Fitness and Wellness Class
- no_bs - No BS Health and Fitness
- nojudgementhere - An Eating Disorders Community For All Types
- nojunkfoodxcore - nojunkfoodxcore
- nonuglies_v2 - nonuglies... version 2
- nonuglieselite - NonUgliesElite
- nonuglygays - NonUglyGays
- nshape - 'N Shape
- nutrition - Nutrition and Fitness
- onemorestep - onemorestep
- orthorexia_ - orthorexia_
- our_obsessions - Our obsessions
- pageant_fun - The Pageant Of the People!
- passionate_loss - Weight Loss and Fitness Support Group for the Calo
- perfectedsouls - PerfectedSouls
- perth_health - Perth: Nutrition, Fitness & Healthy Living
- pfgurlz04 - healthy hoochies
- phat_friends - For people who want to get healthy
- phenomenalwoman - Phenomenal Woman
- pilates - Pilates
- pilatesjunkies - PJLJ
- pr3tty_1n_p1nk_ - Pr3tty_1n_p1nk_
- pregnancyfit - Pregnancy Fitness
- priorityfitness - Priority Fitness
- pro_health - Pro Health
- provision - Provision
- pstive_recovery - Positive Recovery from EDs
- queerlyfit - Thee Queer-ious Fitnut
- r0ck_y0ur_b0dy - Seventeen's "Rock Your Body" challenge
- random_columbus - Random In Columbus, OH
- rawfoods - LJ's Raw Foods Community
- real_fitness - Fitness for Mortals
- real_size_galz - be honest be real
- real_women - Real Women
- retro_gals - Retro Gals
- robustfellow - Сообщество "Здоровые ребята"
- roninlife - Ronin Life
- ru_bodybuilding - ru_bodybuilding
- runalongnow - Run Along Now
- runnersunite - runnersunite
- sane_losers - sane_losers
- sbsupport - sbsupport
- scandgrey - The Personal Fitness Community
- sdfitness - San Diego's Fitness Journal
- self_challenge - Self Challenge
- self_defense - The Self Defense and Safety Community
- selfsupport - Support group for self challenge and beyond
- sempermoto - SemperMoto
- sexyasiwannabe - A Fitness Community for Girls
- shapeover - Shape Your Life
- shaping_my_self - Shaping My Self
- sheconjureslies - extrication.
- shed_weight - LJ Fitness and Weight Loss challenge
- simplyvogue - simplyVOGUE
- skaterfetish - Who wants to be worshiped? Got an addiction?
- skating - Skating
- skindeepbeautie - skindeepbeautie
- skinny_hobbits - Good Eating Hobbits
- skinnyishere - skinny isnt impossible
- smallsteps - Small Steps
- smarter_bodies - smarter_bodies
- smoothie_queen - Smoothie Queen
- snowbunnies - The Snow Bunny Challenge
- sock_the_flab - sock_the_flab
- somethinglost - Beauty & Vanity
- soullifestyle - Eat and Live Right Brothers and Sisters!
- southbeachveg - South Beach Diet, Vegetarian Style!
- spb_fitness - Фитнесс и все что с ним связано... в Питере
- star_wellness - Star Chart Wellness Journal
- step_x_step - The One Month Pedometer Challenge
- stepintofitness - Step Into Fitness with Aerobics!
- stickercontest - stickercontest
- strawberrycreme - Simone & Elli's get fit focus!
- stretching - Stretching Class
- stupidhofitness - stupidhofitness
- survivingonair - hummingbirds who lost the plot
- t_nation - t_nation
- taebo - workout
- taebobabes - Tae Bo Babes
- teh_fewd - Teh fewd does not pwn j00!
- tetradsociety - Tetrad Society
- the_bravest - For Emergency Workers of all Types
- the_few - the_few
- the_losing_side - The Losing Side
- the_pendulum - The Pendulum Fitness
- thecentralword - Central Michigan University Message Board
- thegreatest - Weightlifting, Boxing, & Exercise Community
- thelosers - The Losers
- thelowcarbdiet - The Low Carb Diet
- theweighweare - The Weigh We Are
- thinner_beauty - ♥ Work for it today .:. You'll have it tomorrow.
- to_the_bones - Ana Funkadelica
- togoodhealth - Healthy and Fit (or getting there!)
- towards_perfect - Working Towards Perfection
- trailbiking - Trail & Mountain Biking
- traininggoddess - Goddesses in Training
- transformations - Transformations
- tummy_challenge - Tighter Abs Together
- turbokick - turbokick
- twcda - Together, we can do anything.
- uk_men - uk_men
- uncooked - uncooked
- unfat - Unfat Cuties:
- urwhatyoueat - You Are What You Eat
- usmcsupport - usmcsupport
- vanity_lbs - progress pics & posts
- vanitywise - Vanitywise
- vegetariandiet - vegetariandiet
- wanttodiethin - Dying to be Thin
- wecandothis - support for those who binge
- wedding_fit - wedding_fit
- weeklychallenge - Weekly Dieting Challenges!
- weighinginvain - Moo!
- weight__loss - Weight Loss
- weight_friends - Body positive people and healthy weight loss
- weight_workshop - Weight Workshop
- weightchallenge - Weight Loss Challenge
- weightchanges - Weight Changes
- wellbeing - sanguine_girls
- white_genocide - Vini Viti Vici
- winsorpilates - Sculpt Your Body Thin!
- womenofstrength - Championing Ourselves
- wordsleftquiet - Words Left Quiet
- workout_divas - Workout Divas
- workout_theory - Yo
- writefit - writefit
- writing_healthy - Writing Healthy
- ww4collegekids - Weight Watchers for College Kids
- ww_over_30 - For Weight Watchers over 30
- ww_users - Weight Watchers(tm) Users
- wwfavorites - wwfavorites
- wwmealplans - Weight Watchers Meal Plans
- wwsupport - Weight Watchers Members
- wynonnajudd - Wynonna
- x_deadsexy_x - Do you have what it takes to be DEADSEXY?
- x_treme_arts - Exploring the limits of the human body
- xbikini_waxx - BiKiNi WaX
Interested users
The following users are interested in fitness. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
459 matches: