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yay?Sep. 21st, 2004 @ 04:44 pm
3 weeks until I can start exercising, and I've already made significant progress just with walking and watching what I eat - lots of fruit and veggies, whole grain wheat, and I'm avoiding candy. Instead of my bad habit of candy every day, I'm having sweets maybe once or twice a week. And I don't go whole hog either - maybe 1/3 of a bag of gummi bears and a slurpee, and half a scoop of ice cream (those were my 2 sweet treats this last week)...

I really want to get cracking on working out my abs, and I really want to start plaing racquetball, too. 3 more weeks...

I bet I can be to my target weight by next spring! I hope I hope...

nothing tastes as good as being skinny...Sep. 2nd, 2004 @ 12:47 pm
Well, the baby is born, and now I'm preparing my exercise plan - I'm not supposed to do anything more strenuous than walking until 6 weeks.

So I lost 12 pounds when he was born - I'm 172 now, my target weight is my pre-Pill 125. I'm also going on the Mirena IUD, which should help me regulate my hormone levels so that I don't retain any of my hormonal water weight.

I will be taking yoga classes 3 days a week, water aerobics on Saturday, and raquetball classes on Thursday evenings once I hit my 6 week mark.

In the meantime, I'm cutting out my sugary sodas (good-bye kiwi strawberry!) and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

I'm already back into my size 12 jeans - now if I could just get my body to reabsorb this extra belly skin... it's kind of weird...

a testAug. 10th, 2004 @ 10:44 pm
This is jsut a cross posting test, to see if I can make my blog cross post to my unfat LJ...

Here goes nuffin!

View this post on my blog

Current Mood: chipper Personality ProfileAug. 1st, 2004 @ 10:48 pm
Date 08/02/2004

This pattern analysis is the result of a formula based on your answers to Dr. Kushner's Diet Personality Analysis. To read more about the medical expert behind Dr. Kushner's Personality Diet Program, click here.

During the analysis, you answered 3 types of questions - eating patterns, exercise patterns, and coping patterns. We analyzed your answers on each set of the questions, which reveals the way your life style has caused the potential issue for dieting.

We also compared your answers with others who have taken the analysis. According to the answers you provide us, we can tell your dominant patterns are MEAL SKIPPER , ALL-OR-NOTHING DOER , PERSISTENT PROCRASTINATOR .

Your dominant eating personality is MEAL SKIPPER.

Meal Skippers tend to lack focus when it comes to their eating patterns. You skip meals and grab foods on the run that are readily accessible but not all that healthy. One thing is consistent about your eating pattern: it's inconsistent!

Your dominant exercise personality is ALL-OR-NOTHING DOER.

All-or-Nothing Doers alternate between working out excessively and being sedentary. You are a goal-oriented, driven person who approaches exercise like you do other life projects. You're either on track with your exercise program, working out to the max or you're off, which means you're on the couch and out of the gym.

Your dominant coping personality is PERSISTENT PROCRASTINATOR .

Persistent Procrastinators talk endlessly about needing to lose weight but can't make it happen. Things get in the way like work projects, family vacations, or even dentist appointments. You see others starting new weight loss programs and wonder if your time will ever come.

Heh, tell me something I didn't know...Aug. 1st, 2004 @ 10:16 pm
Hypoglycemia Quiz

Anything above 20 is considered to be at risk.
Current Mood: amused
Other entries
» Nutrition calculator results

Based on the information you provided, you use approximately 2460 calories per day.
To meet your weight loss goal, try to limit your calories to
per day. That way, you will lose approximately 1 lb. per week, as 1 lb. of fat equals about 3,500 calories. The USDA does not recommend a weight loss of more than 1 to 2 lbs. per week.

The recommended distribution of your daily calories is:

carbohydrates: 294 g
protein: 49 g
fat: 65 g

The recommended daily amounts of key vitamins and minerals are:

sodium: 2400 mg
calcium: 1000 mg
cholesterol: 300 mg
vitamin D: 5 mcg
vitamin C: 60 mg
iron: 15 mg
folate: 180 mcg
vitamin B12: 2 mcg
» a new beginning
Welcome to my diet and fitness blog. This will be my outlet and my inspiration - the part of my life that keeps me going, that reminds me of all the reasons why I want to be healthy.

Parts of this journal will probably be boring - I'm planning on writing every single thing that I eat down in here - but I figure if I'm willing to put it out here for all my friends and family to see, then I'd better be willing to face up to what I eat, and my reasons why.

Other parts may be more interesting - you can watch my mental breakdown when I realize I'd gone a month without chocolate, or french fries...

But when I meet my goals, and succeed in what I want to do, that should be the best part of all.

Of course, I'm not actually going to start my diet until AFTER the baby is born - I'm eager, but not stupid.

I do know I'm going to need a lot of encouragement to keep me aimed at my goal. But I've got great friends - I know you'll help me out :)
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