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User:peter50 (209531) Paid User  
Peter Sims At Home
Me, Myself, Yours
Website:Fotki albums
Location:Coventry, United Kingdom
AOL IM:AIM status petersimsathome (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 129175932 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status petersims_online (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:

Memories:13 entries
Interests:7: borderline personality disorder, candles, depression, kylie minogue, open mindedness, suicide, . [Modify yours]
People94:_acciobrain, _eric_m_, _talent, acristis, aidenraine, anklet, bassvampire1306, bec_ster, bhndmyfantasies, bohemianbabe, boykicker, brahmabullbabe, catchmy_tragedy, catherine, caz74, chellerbee83, coedholly, crazeespain, crick_elf, cricketor, cuddlemonkey, d_angel_in_me, digital_sushi, discount_bling, eatmewithcake, electragoddess, emotions_x_tied, exoticfantasies, extra_minty, fkahlo, free_n_lovely, glaineacht, gothic_goddess, guiltless_sin, hardcorae, hells_lil_devil, hewanted_odile, huskywoowoo, idreamofgina, ill_stephie, ilovetexas, inveigled, iquitcounting, izzicam, jamaicanjungle, jenny, jobiapenny, kaylyssa, kf4vkp, killakali69, killshot, ladypussycat, laura_theorem, lobotomy_doll, lusciious, lushieaciid, madmravyn, malcharl, mookiemoo, naughtynymph, newtemptazn, over, paperdoil, peter50, petersimsathome, photoslut, pixie_doolittle, princesscilla, privatecricket, redrubylips, risquewritings, robont, sausage_dogs, seia, shakeitlove, simplysardonic, sincityvixen, singinchiquita, sittingnitemare, spongebobjess, ssamantha120, st8ofemergency, status, sugarvaulter, supamisty, tainted1, theroaringgirl, thyra, twincesticide, unlawful_intent, whitby5, whitelightloom, x_clickclick_x, xmiseryx
Communities8:ittybittytittys, littletits, news, paidmembers, partypix, smalltits, the_klatch, tiny_titties
Account type:Paid Account

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