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User:thisisme888 (4802974) Paid User thisisme888
~*One Pound At A Time*~
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Website:ana/mia/ed-nos LJ community
Location:St. Louis, Missouri, United States
AOL IM:AIM status thisisme888 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Bio:My name is Holly~ I have had an eating disorder (non-specified) for the past 7 years and it has gotten more serious over the past 9 months. After being forced into "recovering" by my family and doctor, I am back, I can't take being fat anymore. This is my new LJ~ it’s my fresh start!
A few months ago I had an "ana (phone) buddy" which is an amazing way to stay focused. She has started recovering though and so I am looking for someone to help me on the phone!
I live in the US though so I can only talk on the phone to people living in the US... or if anyone lives in St. louis we should totally talk!
Age: 20
Height: 5'5
HW:130 lbs
LW:115 lbs
CW:109 lbs (I'm past my lowest weight!)
GOAL:100 lbs

Interests:93: ana, anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anorexic, beauty, binge, binge and purge, binge eating, binge eating disorder, binge purge, body image, bulimarexia, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, bulimic, burning calories, calories, compulsive eating, compulsive overeating, control, counting, diet, diet coke, dieting, diets, discipline, eating, eating disorder, ed, ed-nos, exercise, exercising, extreme dieting, fashion, fasting, fasts, fat, gym, hunger, juice fasts, losing weight, low fat, mia, models, nervosa, obese, obsession, overeaters, overeating, overweight, perfect, perfection, phentermine, popular, popularity, power, pretty, pro ana, pro anorexia, pro anorexic, pro bulimia, pro ed, pro mia, pro-ana, pro-anorexia, pro-bulimia, pro-mia, puking, purge, restricting, restriction, self image, self-improvement, skeleton, skinny, soy, starving, stomach, strength, success, supermodels, thin, underweight, vegan, vegetarian, vitamins, vomiting, waif, weight, weight issues, weight loss, winning, working out. [Modify yours]
People16:1642, 93pounds, _____destroyed, __less_of_me, anaangel98, clandestine_ana, dandeliondead, dazzle55, endless_melody, in_perfections, jamaicanjungle, lily222, lostinanamia, openheart06, starlessnight19, thin_bf_sex
Mutual Friends:13: 1642, 93pounds, _____destroyed, __less_of_me, anaangel98, clandestine_ana, dandeliondead, endless_melody, jamaicanjungle, lily222, lostinanamia, openheart06, thin_bf_sex
Also Friend of:3: mkbeauty_, rayray21, xxshame
Member of:7: 0_ednos_only_0, _almost_perfect, _perfectstoic, ana_in_college, ana_support, extreme_diets, paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account

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