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[29 Aug 2004|10:09pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Badly Drawn Boy- A Minor Incident ]

This weekend has been pretty crazy to say the least.. On Friday, I thought Rex had poisoned Caio's and my sandwich since we both felt like we were going to puke later on.. Saturday was the Safety show and Caio brought his friends Derek and Cody.. Derek is cool, but I felt bad for him some girl wouldn't leave him alone.. Apparently she has been trying to hook up with him for a year and can't get a hint. His friend Cody, well is just an asshole.. I wanted to punch him in the face so badly.. He got into a political debate with CAL. I mean cmon of all people.. The bands were really good.. I had fun at the show...

Today was the real test.. I woke up early and went to the zoo with Grayum and I might sing a song with his band, who knows yet though I might chicken out.. Then Caio came over and he met my Dad.. That was awkward to say the least. Most of the day was spent in silence. But my Dad wasn't intimidating or anything.. Oh and the greatest news of all time: APPARENTLY MY DAD AND CHRISTINA ARE BROKEN UP!! SCOOOORE YESSSSS!!! I was going to show Caio a picture of Christina but when I got there all of the pictures were gone and so was the pig and the duck.. That bitch stole his farm animals.. But whatever.. Then after that we went to Caio's aunt's house and I got to meet all of his family.. I was really nervous and didn't understand what a lot of them were saying but I survived..

(Lindsay)HeadFirstx4xHalo: you guys are going to get married
She keeps on saying that and it's freaking me out since usually when someone makes a prediction in my family it comes true.. Not saying that it would be horrible or anything just that being 17 and the thought of marriage is scary and very unrealistic.

10 | Fly away

Penny [28 Aug 2004|01:01pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Yesterday's Rising- Sidewalks Remanace ]

I was talking to my mom and she just started crying and I didn't know why. So my mom told me that she has to put Penny down.. We've had Penny since I was around 3 or 4. Even though the dogs always piss me off I'm going to miss her.. This reminds me of the day I walked in my mom's room and thought I had found her dead... I was never more scared in my life.. I guess Penny is in a way like my grandma.. All this stuff can happen to them but they just keep on truckin'.

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[24 Aug 2004|10:22pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Weezer- My name is Jonas ]

So today I got pulled over by a cop and got this huge ass fine.. I still don't totally understand why I have to pay this ridiculous fine but whatever.. Not like there is anything I can do about it.. So if anyone wants to donate to the Jessica's ticket fund that would be super and greatly appreciated.. Baker gave me $5 and Tyler/ Conor Oberst gave me $.50.. Only $112 to go..

Things in life, school, and the boyfriend department are going fairly well.. My family isn't pissing me off; school isn't bad at all, I'm actually enjoying it; and well Caio and I are doing really well. It still shocks me how it is almost a month and I don't want to strangle him but I think once I get over the shock, everything will be much better..

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[23 Aug 2004|11:07pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Pat Benatar- Love is a battlefield ]

So today after watching 13 going on 30 with my mom she tells me how wonderful and fabulous she thinks I have become since the divorce.. Seriously I thought I was a mean, nasty bitch after all that happened.. It wasn't until just recently that I have felt a lot better about the whole situation.. But apparently Lindsay agrees with my mom.. And then best part of the conversation (or not really) was the sex talk.. I thought I had escaped this but I guess not.. This conversation came out of no where and she told me she didn't think I'm ready (and hey I'm not) and that if I was, tell her so I can get on the pill because she isn't raising any kids of mine.. And I am not ready to be a mother.. ever.. Funny when it comes now but things in that department aren't even close to that, so whatever.. But back to the whole me being great thing.. In a way I guess they are all right, I did change after the divorce.. I don't even remember what it felt like now.. Maybe being around my Dad so much is a good thing.. Who knows..

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[22 Aug 2004|11:01pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | All Ages- What's become of us ]

It's weird when you experience things for the first time, especially when you are so use to things being a certain way.. Lately none of my boyfriends have lasted even close to a month and this one is going really well and I am actually happy for once.. No offense to any of my previous ones, but it just wasn't meant to be.. But Caio endured my family and didn't run away, even though Lindsay embarrassed us horribly but hey if you can't deal with my family then find someone else. I constantly just have to sit back sometimes and find myself being amazed on how different everything is.. But it feels good to have someone that makes you smile instead of angry and pissed off all the time.

This weekend has been so much fun. I went to the baseball game and just ate food.. I didn't even feel like watching it.. I looked at how ridiculous some of the people were dressed. I went to the Safety show at the SPOT it was fun.. And I swear if I hear about Cal and his damn Dr. Marten's one more time I am going to scream.. This Saturday is the other Safety show.. More good times to be had..

Some kid kept on IMing me and was rambling here are some highlights:
All the crazies find me! )

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[16 Aug 2004|09:53pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Snow Patrol- Wow ]

The conversation topics in school have been funny.. Today in Calc half the class was talking to Mr. S about religion and God, while Neil, Megan, Heather, and I were having a completely different talk. In Physics Mary was saying how the calipers look like something to "open you up." I almost died laughing since she said she would use it to open Andrew up.. But all in all, as far as school goes it hasn't been that bad.. I actually had fun today.. You just have to make the most of it..

But after school is another story.. So I vacuumed my mom's car and decided to go to Best Buy to get some cd's and I figured going around 6:30 there wouldn't be any traffic.. WRONG! There was a fucking Bucs game and I was dumb and got out of the turn lane and it took me a good 45 minutes just to get to Best Buy.. I swear I have the worst case of road rage... I said fuck more in that hour I was in the car than I have in my entire life.. I was blaring the Used and yelling and screaming because I was so frustrated and tired of being in the damn car.. I was slightly overreacting but god, it was horrible waiting when this is suppose to be a freaking 10 minute maybe 15 max car ride.. And coming home to a big pile of homework isn't making anything any better...

Everyone should go to the Safety show at the S.P.O.T on Saturday at 8.. ITS FREE!!!

Fly away

[14 Aug 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | The Letters Organize- Take the Cut ]

I forgot to add that during our so-called Hurricane Party, Lindsay had a case of the crazies!

I love you sister!

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[14 Aug 2004|12:28am]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Penfold- Traveling Theory ]

The hurricane was suppose to come through Tampa and didn't... Kelly, Lindsay, and Jake were here all day because we all thought that since they live in TnC they would get flooded really badly.. So it's weird when you get peer pressured to drink by your family more than your peers.. I love my sisters to death and they can do what they want, but I'll pass on the drink.. So of course, Kelly and Lindsay were crazy as hell.. Kelly kicked over Lindsay's drink onto her so it looked like she pissed her pants.. They started talking about bidets and looking for hot guys on the tv during the Olympics..

I'm upset that Benstock/Andypalooza was canceled.. I was really looking forward to it.. But it will be rescheduled sometime in September.. Everyone should go to the Safety show at the S.P.O.T next Saturday the 21st at 7 or 8 PM. I just hope this weekend is more eventful than today since all I did today was watch t.v. and dust my room..

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[10 Aug 2004|10:05pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Spitalfield- Stolen from Some Great Writer ]

Today Grayum lent me a book that has got to be at least 300 pages long.. And I need to started reading Good Omens.. So Ana can I borrow your copy since the copy I have is from the library? I gave him a ride to the junior parking lot since I had to drive that way to go to my Dad's. I would hate to walk there again.. Being around my Dad was kind of weird.. Lately he has seemed so distant and not like himself. Almost as though his life and spirit has vacated his body.. Maybe that's not really him, maybe it is his doppelganger.. Hmm.. He was telling me how he wanted to get these blueberries that these people were selling on the side of the road and all I could think about was The Good Girl and how that lady died from eating the blueberries.. My day was eventful: getting a new bookbag, getting Chinese food, and doing homework.. It took me forever to figure out those Stat Plots again for Calculus. Also, ever since I started talking to Caio again I have been using my phone a lot, apparently too much. My Dad called me and told me I had gone $60 over my limit.. My bad.

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[08 Aug 2004|10:47pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | The Killers- Somebody told me ]

I had the biggest scare ever today.. My Dad is still in Georgia and is suppose to come back tomorrow. I called him and of course he doesn't pick up, there is hardly any reception. My grandma calls me later saying she and Christina can't get in touch with him.. Freaking out begins now.. I called one of the neighbors up there and he couldn't understand what I was saying. And he said he hasn't seen my Dad. So Christina called the police up there to make sure my Dad is okay.. I was terrified that they would find my Dad dead.. Well it turns out there was just horrible reception and he is fine..

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[08 Aug 2004|12:16am]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Radiohead- Creep ]

School has started and I have already gotten some homework.. I already wish it was summer.. My classes aren't too bad.. I really can't complain. On Friday, I went to Safety's show, they played a really good set. At the show, I saw one of Caio's friends named Chris. I can not stand that kid, he weirds me out.. This one band has a hula contest. The rest were just horrrrrrible.. I went to go see Harold and Kumar with Grayum and I bought my ticket, and didn't get carded.. Then Grayum went to buy his and he got carded.. So we just left and went to Sonic and I had the best meal ever: two hotdogs and some tater tots. We watched the House of Yes.. I had forgotten how extremely weird that movie was.. I've been thinking about starting to write again, but I'm not really sure what I would write about..

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[04 Aug 2004|11:14pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Mae- Destination Beautiful ]

Tomorrow is the first day of school.. I am kind of excited. If I could go a week see everything, then go home for a couple of months and do that again.. Well that would be super..

I finally washed my car, since I haven't done that since I got out of school..

Pictures of my new haircut:

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[03 Aug 2004|12:26am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Franz Ferdinand- Take me Out ]

I was looking at my photobucket and found this picture of Corbin and I on the last day of school. How I am going to miss that boy..

School is starting soon.. I am not ready to go back, but needless to say it will be interesting. Today I talked to some people I haven't heard from in a long time.. I talked to Bald Matt. He sent me pictures of himself.. He looks.. different?

Friday night is the Safety show, anyone want to go?

Fly away

Warped Tour [31 Jul 2004|12:35am]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | UnderOATH- Reinventing Your Exit ]

Before I was not looking forward to Warped Tour... But I have to admit I had so much fun.. It was a blast hanging out with Caio all day.. I got to see Mike V from MMST, Corbin, Chip, Troy, and a bunch of other people.. It was nice to finally see Chippppppoooooorriiinnaaa again.. And yes it is 2: 15 in the morning and I am so hyper.. I saw this really cool rockabilly band which I think Nikita would have liked.. This kid Nick Perry was hanging out with Cal and saw me and said, "Hey I know you. You are Jessica..... Lee. You dated Jesse!" I do not want to be remembered as the girl who dated Jesse.. And I am super surprised that I was not really Grouchica and did not annoy the living shit out of everyone around me.. I hate to admit it, but Irish music isn't that bad.. I didn't really watch a lot of bands.. But that doesn't bother me..

I got my haircut after Warped Tour.. My hair is much shorter now.. I really like it.. And I swear people never change and are weird as hell and eventually need to move the fuck on.. Elaborating is for squares.. I need to wind the fuck down and go to bed.. Man, this summer has been pretty amazing.. Oh yeah, I'm dating Caio.

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[29 Jul 2004|01:15am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Coldplay- Politik ]

This week has been good.. I got to hang out with Nikita again.. And we saw Napoleon Dynomite.. I made Caio watch Hedwig and the Angry Inch... I got to hang out with Grayum and we actually went bowling.. He kicked my ass twice.. And I can still not pass that damn exotic ethnic song on Standard.. I got farther but still, I want to pass that damn song..

Lately, I can not stop smiling.. I'm just so happy.. And I have lines of Chobits running through my head.. I don't want school to start but things could get interesting..

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[25 Jul 2004|08:18pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Kenna- Love Hate Sensation ]

So finally today I went to Bradenton to visit my grandparents.. All day I kept on asking questions and wanted to know more and more about our family.. I've decided I am going to attempt to learn Polish.. My mom told me it is a really hard language to learn but I am willing to try.. And everytime I leave my grandmother I am afraid that is the last time I am going to see her.. Even as she grows weaker she had not lost her fire... She still will not listen to anyone when she thinks she's right.. As my mom said, she will probably still be barking orders and have things her way, from the grave..

Today my Dad left for the cabin and won't be back until after school starts.. I am really going to miss him.. Lately I have been wanting to be anywhere but at home.. Usually if I am home my mom isn't here or Rex is here.. And ugh I can not stand him..

Last night I hung out with Grayum and it was really to just be able to talk to him about certain things.. Since I've been hanging out with Caio a lot lately, I don't really tell him much of anything..

This summer I haven't really been sad at all, mostly because I got some things answered but partly because I have just been blocking everything out.. Not knowing if that what just happened, happened or I just concocted it in my head. You have to live in the now, the present. Not three minutes ago, two days ago, and especially two years ago.. But I seem to live in the memories of my family..

And like always my head hurts and I'm pissed off.. Time to finish reading Chobits.

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[23 Jul 2004|08:47pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Blindeside- All of Us ]

My birthday wasn't all that great.. And it's official, I can NOT stand my Mom's boyfriend.. Ugh, we all dislike him.. He's one of the main reasons my Mom is never home anymore. Even though I am hardly here either. That is besides the point..

I went shopping today with my Dad and spent a ridiculous amount of money in one store.. And it turns out I'm not even going to Bradenton until Sunday because no one would/could go with me today or even tomorrow..

Chip finally called me this morning even though I could barely hear anything he said to me. I can't wait until we hang out, if we even do..

I can't believe the summmer is almost over.. It's weird, I don't even feel like the same person that I was when I left school.. I'm not looking forward to going back, but it should be an interesting experience..

Nikita, are you still going to Warped Tour?

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[22 Jul 2004|12:18pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Letter Kills- For the Weekend ]

I was actually not really looking forward to today besides hopefully being able to see Chip! And with the two wake up calls from Lindsay and my Uncle Jairo, this just made my day.

First I went into the fridge to get some milk

Open me )

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[19 Jul 2004|01:00am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Beloved- Inner Pattern ]

It's time I meet her..

And I am fucking terrified..

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[18 Jul 2004|12:07am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Safety- Haha, you're a cutter ]

This weekend has been going really well so far..
Friday- Caio visited me at the library but I got a paper cut from one of those books.. Then I went to the movies with Caio and Grayum.. My mom was telling me how that was a bad idea but nothing horrible happened it was actually a lot of fun.. I swear everywhere we went Caio knew someone.. One of his friends was talking to us and I just could not eat in front of him.. And he would not shut up either.. We saw King Arthur, it wasn't good at all.. Then we went to Super Wal-Mart and walked around.. I was tempted by the Star Crunch and Zebra cakes.. Finally, on to Grayum's house were we played Risk.. I was doing well, I had the entire Western Hemisphere and then Grayum had to conquer all..

Today was fun.. I was suppose to go to the flea market with Caio but instead we went to the mall with Lindsay.. We watched I love the 90's.. That show is hilarious but not as funny as I love the 80's.. We went to the bowling alley and I just could not play DDR right, I was playing horribly.. And then Caio kicked my ass in S.C. I am losing my touch in everything.. I went to Adventure Island with Kelly, Steve, and Lindsay.. It was so fun but very cold..

Tomorrow is family day and Beloved.. I can't wait..

Lately I have been feeling like uber-bitch, so if I come off as that I apologize now.. Every since Lindsay moved out and my mom started dating Rex I am been so hostile ..

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