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PERFECTION [Monday, August 30th, 2004 @ 11:08am]

I'm new to this community, and most of my work is photography meets graphic design. The theme is perfection, and in this particular piece of work the high points are brought out in color. However, it is the actual color from the photograph. No additional color was used. It's simple, but thats what makes is perfection. You can tell the mood is perfect.

Perfection from the eyes to your lips. )

hello... [Monday, July 12th, 2004 @ 2:09pm]

hi. can the owner of this journal please contact me:

AIM: plushfck


[Wednesday, July 7th, 2004 @ 5:33pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]


hi you guys i just joined this community and saw it hasnt been active in a while..? well i should introduce myself, my name is ashlynn i live in NY and i am 15 years old. well i just wanted to show you a drawing i did. i did this all on the regular paint program we all have on our computers (i think) and i have the body but everytime i put in on photobucket it squishes it in =( and looks horrible anyone here know how to help me with that? and are you guys still doing your weekly contests? cause it looks pretty fun to be a part of.. yea so anyways heres the dragon.. comments will be wonderfull.. and this will prob. be the last time i post an entry unless u guys r still doing  contests.. o yea and this is actually my first attempt shading and actually try drawing on the paint program..

the best dragon in the whole wide world (yea right)  )


New community [Sunday, June 13th, 2004 @ 3:52pm]

Come join!
We're taking icons, layouts, banners, or any kind of requests.
All requests will be filled!


[Sunday, June 6th, 2004 @ 12:38am]

Hi--- New Here--- Soon I will post my works- some of me nude and some of the models i represent. More to follow :)

If any of you are 18+ and want to explore some of the possibilities of modelling, and where to go to get out there, or want someone to work on your behalf to get jobs, let me know. AIM: jmkapust (on several hours per day), or you can msg me through LJ.
1 Vote|Vote

[Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004 @ 2:09am]

i have created a CD cover and back for the Run Boy Blue Album when its ready
to come out in the future...

Take a look at the images and tell me what you think.

Created by Dan Gutierrez

Copywrite 2004 all rights reserved.
3 Votes|Vote

WE DESIGN FOR LIFE [Friday, May 14th, 2004 @ 10:51am]

First off, we’d like to apologize for the cross-posting. It is not our intention to spam these communities, but rather help out the design groups you are personally a part of.

Fierce Media is a new design agency in Coral Springs, FL, that offers print, web, and other digital services such as CD-Rom, video, interactive new-media marketing, and Flash services.

We know that a lot of you are specialized in one medium, either print or web, but few of you have dependable people on the other side of the fence. If you’re a print person, we can offer you web services to accompany your design abilities. If you’re a web person, we can give you the printing services your clients need, all through you.

View our current promotions. )
1 Vote|Vote

[Monday, May 3rd, 2004 @ 1:43pm]

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[Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 @ 10:18am]

i want to try to get this community going again....

~were gonna start the themes in 2 weeks from today!!

Dont forget to submit any questions, comments, or work that you have been working on...anything goes....

i really want this community to be a place that people can look forward to tell your friends, and promote, if you all help me we can get this thing going!


ART WORK [Tuesday, April 20th, 2004 @ 2:42pm]

Im searching for art work to hang in my house!

Who is your favorite artist/photographer?

I love black and white photos.....but anything will work....

as far as my taste i love m.c. escher and i love salvador dali..oh and scott mutter
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[Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 @ 10:53pm]

Sorry Everyone!

i know i said i was going to turn in a picture, but i got really caught up in school. Please forgive me! Anyways Abi, your not a failure. i have the upmost faith in you! ^-^
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Vintage and Modern Lenses [Sunday, April 4th, 2004 @ 3:49pm]

Hi Abi

Sorry for the late entry. I think we've all had a pretty hectic time this last while. That said, there is no real excuse. But don't fret. You're doing a great job here. Just hang in there.

On to this week's Big Show Off entry...

I'm a shutterbug wannabe so it follows that I'd resort to using my favourite medium in order to express myself. So it's a photo this time.

Vintage and Modern )
2 Votes|Vote

[Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 @ 5:26pm]

[ mood | determined ]

2 Votes|Vote

[Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 @ 1:11pm]

Well this community was promoted in my community, so I'll return the favor.

!Photoshop Requests!

Photoshop tutorials

Share you're graphic art

Critique and give tips to others

*Coming Soon*
Theme weeks, we havent started themes yet because we are waiting to get more members, so join! join!


6 Votes|Vote

[Monday, March 29th, 2004 @ 9:36pm]

let me know if its big enough to need a cut.

enjoy (;

3 Votes|Vote

[Sunday, March 28th, 2004 @ 4:15pm]


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Week #1 Self Portrait Finals [Sunday, March 28th, 2004 @ 1:20pm]

[ mood | determined ]

We have made it threw week #1...we only have 22 order for this to work we are going to have to have more members...out of 22 members this week only 11 members were active in this theme.

Make sure you promote the community, it doesnt matter if its in other communities or if its in your own journal.

Put this is your journal info so you can get the word out

1st Place

* * * * THIS WEEKS THEME IS * * * *
Vintage and/or Modern
Check the profile for more information & the rules for this weeks theme.
If your entry does not follow all of the rules, your entry will be deleted!

Have Fun With This Weeks Theme. It Should Be Exciting. Be Creative!

* * * *NEXT WEEKS THEME* * * *
*To Be Determined*
*E-mail Me For Ideas*

Dont Forget Vote & Promote

ur mod

3 Votes|Vote

A Little More Into Detail! Do This One For Me! [Friday, March 26th, 2004 @ 11:21am]

[ mood | hopeful ]

//The Basics//
1.) Name and/or Nickname:
2.) Birthday/Age/Sign:
3.) Location:

//What are your views on...//
4.) Drugs/Alcohol?
5.) Religion?
6.) Homosexuality?
7.) Abortion?
8.) Prostitution?
9.) Statutory Rape?
10.)Capital Punishment?

//About You//
11.) What's your biggest pet peeve?
12.) Name something unique about yourself:
13.) Describe yourself using 5 words:
14.) If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why?
15.) Pick a song lyric and explain how it relates to you:
16.) Who is your role model, and why?
17.) Make up AND ANSWER one question:

//What the..//
18.) What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
19.) How you like 'dem apples?
20.) What does it usually mean when a girl has perky nipples?

6 Votes|Vote

I'm a comic book penciler. [Friday, March 26th, 2004 @ 1:23am]

[ music | And You Will Know us by the Trail of the Dead - Source Tags ]

here )

1 Vote|Vote

Eating snow flakes with plastic forks And a paper plate of course [Thursday, March 25th, 2004 @ 7:56pm]
[ music | wilco- jesus etc ]

Hello all; I am new to the community, so I thought I would tell a bit to introduce myself...
My name is Cassie, and I am fifteen years old. I live in Austin, Texas...I am currentlly a junior in highschool. I am hoping to go to art school after graduating... This community looks fun and seems to stay "alive" due to the new weekly themes. Anyway, I'm glad to have joined. Can't wait to see others' work. ♥
last cigarettes are all you can get; turning your orbit around )

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