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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Emerson College's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, January 14th, 2005
    12:51 am
    Books Books Books, Cheap Books
    Ok, so the semester is about to start and I bet a few of you are dreading buying books at the rediculously overpriced Emerson College book store. Not to worry, my roommates and I are your redeemers. We have pooled together many books for you computer savvy Emersonians. Here's the deal: Each book is 10 bucks, unless the book is under 100 pages, and then the book is 5 bucks. You will not find cheaper books for sale anywhere. We only take cash or check. Follow the cuts and if you're interested email me at

    American Sign Language 1 )

    Judaism )

    Sociology of Everyday Life )

    Spanish 1 )

    Misc: Lots of usefull things I can't fit into specific classes, but check it out anyway! )

    Get Started on Next Year: Moving In Moving Out (To Be Offered Next Fall) )

    Ok kids so that's it. All the books you could ever need. Buy them from us for cheap. We don't want them in our house anymore!
    Thursday, January 13th, 2005
    2:47 pm
    (Posting this for my roommate):

    Anyone taking MH257 Principles of PR and/or MH259 Principles of Advertising...
    I have the textbooks -
    Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics (for MH257)
    Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (for MH259) -
    for sale.  Both bought used but still in great condition.  No highlighting, barely opened.
    Prices are negotiable.  Definitely less than the bookstore.
    Email if you're interested.
    12:28 am
    RA selection and training
    When does RA selection start? Also, if you are chosen, when do you train? How long do you have to stay after school ends this year and how early do you come back?
    Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
    10:12 pm

    That's right! I am officially selling two tickets to the Bright Eyes concert at Harvard's Saunders Theater on January 24th. I got better tickets for myself, so I'm selling mine up in the side balcony. I'm selling them for 30 dollars a piece. I'm making no profit, and it's a sold out show. There is a catch, though. You see, I bought them on will call, and the box office says I can't get paper tickets now that I've already bought them will call. They did say, however, that I can transfer them to someone else if I give the other person my name and address. So, if anyone wants to buy them off me, I'll give you all the info you need so they can release them to you. This means you're going to have to trust, but I garuntee you that it's for real. If your uncomfortable with just taking my name and info, I can wait with you in line and release the tickets to you if you'd prefer to do it that way. Anyway, anyone who wants them can email me at . This will be crossposted in my journal, though, so whoever gets back to me first gets them.
    5:11 pm
    Student Service Center Stuffs
    Anyone know if the Student Service Center will be open on Monday?

    It's a Holiday, so I'd assume it's a long shot, but...surprise me.
    3:00 pm
    like everyone else, i have books to sell that are still being used for the following classes...

    developmental psychology
    ethics and justice

    both books are in excellent condition (new when i got them last semester) and i'm willing to sell for way less than you'd find in the bookstore.

    i live in the lb and i'll be back in boston on the 17th.
    1:17 pm
    Upcoming shows
    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday..

    Just letting you know that Animal Collective will be making a stop in Boston in support of their absolutely stunning Sung Tongs. They'll be hitting the Middle East on (edit)April 17th, I'd advise getting tickets as soon as they're available.

    Hope you got your tickets for the Arcade Fire, 'cause they're sold out. However, Slint tickets are still available...

    Take care everyone.

    Current Music: "For Spy Turned Musician" by: The Besnard Lakes
    1:35 pm
    okay all my emerson peeps...

    I have to get some drilling done...and my dentist at home can't fit me in for it before I leave...has anyone had a good experience with a dentist in the city?

    Tuesday, January 11th, 2005
    11:45 pm
    Music Research (x-posted)

    I am doing some research for a friend who does booking
    If anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated
    I have only a few questions
    And your input will be counted, just so you know

    1) What do you think of The Snake The Cross The Crown?

    2) What *less than mainstream band(s) are you currently into and would like to see play in Boston/Cambridge/Allston?

    *By less than mainstream I mean bands more likely to be in AP Magazine and on college radio, bands on independent labels since I'm dealing with smaller venues like the ICC Church in Allston etc.

    Thanks so much in advance.
    6:56 pm
    Photo I
    Somehow i got into a Photo I class for this semester. Great.. except I don't own a manual camera. Does anyone know of any places I can get one for under $250? I'm seeing alot of cameras that say they switch from automatic to manual would these be okay to use? I've taken photo classes before but didn't use my own camera so I kinda know what to look for but anyone who has taken a photo class and can give me some recommendations I'd appreciate it! Thanks kids.
    6:10 pm
    Castle Kids!
    Hey Spring Castle people,

    First of all, YAY, we leave in 2 days.

    Second, is anyone changing their classes because of conflicts cuz there's nothing open that i want or can take. I just want to know if anything will be opening up.


    Current Mood: bouncy
    Monday, January 10th, 2005
    1:47 pm
    Psychology of Adjustment
    I was wondering if anyone out there still needed texts for Psychology of Adjustment with Lori Rosenthal. I have both the Human Adjustment text book and the supplement Personal Growth and Behavior 04/05 collection of essays. The text is a typical used, softcover book with highlighting, but the supplement is brand new. I bought the text book used for $77 and the other book new for $25, but I'm willing to sell them together for around $50. I'm already moved back in, Room 726 Little Building.

    - Jen Boyden
    AIM: WHATthe EthiOpiA

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Within Temptation - Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
    Tuesday, January 11th, 2005
    1:41 pm
    in search of the one to fill my 'room vacancy'
    mary! mary hanley(?) from CT.

    are you out there? you are my new roomie! t-918.

    reply if you're here.


    Current Mood: determined
    3:20 am
    help! help! help!
    I leave for Boston to go to the castle, and am all ready to go except for one thing:
    I am still painfully, hopelessly confused about the converter/adapter thing.
    I don't understand it.
    I don't know if I have the right things or not.
    Everyone who tries to help me keeps using technical electrical terms, which don't help me at all and just make me even more confused.

    Time is running really short for me. I am all ready to go except for this one thing.
    In the last post I made, earlier today, i asked a question about my converters/adapters. It got answered by some people... and I really appreciate that they were trying to help... but I am too far below their understanding of electricity to be helped at all by the responses.

    If you don't know necessarily what a volt is either, but still know how to explain to me what I should be doing here, please please PLEASE go down to my last post and read the response that I made about six posts down. I explained it way way way more simply. I would really, really, REALLY appreciate it.

    I'm sure I sound not only whiney but also stupid. But you would too, if you had spent the past week trying to figure something out but were no closer at the end then you were at the start.
    Monday, January 10th, 2005
    6:35 pm
    castle people in general question
    Ok. So while I'm at the castle, I only need to plug in two things... my laptop and my iPod.

    My laptop already has a power converter in it, i just need a plug that fits.
    My iPod needs both I guess.

    Well, I got this converter/adapter that converts the power and has different kinds of plugs. If I plug my computer into that, even though it already has a built-in converter, it won't like, blow up, will it?

    Also, will my iPod be safe plugged into that?

    Both of those things I would hate, hate, hate to see fry. Or fail on me.
    4:03 pm
    so, what's the difference between an advanced creative writing DRAMA course and a FICTION course?

    i'm registered for a drama course with tim house, cause it's all that was left, but i see one spot left in a fiction course & am curious what the real difference between the two is.

    any helpers?!

    Current Mood: curious.
    Current Music: rilo kiley -- capturing moods.
    1:32 pm
    Room Assignments...
    So Emerson just called me today with my room assignments (new freshman moving in on Thursday here) I'm in LB T517...roommate is Nick from Altanta.....If you're out there Nick...IM me at SeoTT286...ill either get as an im or text on my cell...Anyone else around the area you can im me too if you want I only know a couple people there....Halley whenever you want, come on up and visit this week! Sorry if this was an annoying post...Thanks...

    Current Mood: sleepy
    11:06 am
    my zine is here!
    bent lens #3 is the story of my life before i can back to boston. it's about friends you make along the way. organic farming. drinking too much coffee and beer, being content, trying to figure it out. trespassing. revenge. perfct days. not speaking the language. island hopping. the rainforest. panama being an awesome place to visit. going to wyoming and feeling the ghost of matthew shepard. playing pool in biker bars. the rodeo. being a cowboy. dude ranch culture. and my favorite poem.

    if you would like to buy it, please email me or paypal 2.30 to me at cash price is 2.00 if you'd like to mail it or hunt me down. quality trades considered.

    happy break, people. ready for classes? i'm not.

    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Current Music: magnetic fields
    2:01 am
    ride sharing!
    Hey! I want to visit some friends this semester in various locations, but I have no car and I don't have the cash moneys for bus tickets. If anyone is driving to Vassar (poughkeepisie area) or Manhattanville (NYC-ish area) or Geneseo NY (esp. geneseo!) anytime this semester, I would love to exchange some gas money and my stellar car conversational skills for a ride to any of the above places. Let me know if you're awesome and interested,my email is
    Sunday, January 9th, 2005
    10:42 pm
    cell phones
    who's the best cell phone carrier to go with in boston? (regarding price and coverage)


    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Washed Up-The Promise-Believer
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