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[22 Dec 2004|11:59am]

Pretty In Pink... )
l were blown away

[07 Dec 2004|09:44pm]

join it
l were blown away

[06 Dec 2004|05:30pm]


fun community fun things.

do it now.

l were blown away

[05 Dec 2004|05:48pm]
got a bf ?


try joining.
l were blown away

[03 Dec 2004|07:19pm]
okay so im new to this community

i was wondering if anyone knew any perfume thats long lasting--like not victorias secret or bath and body works kind of stuff, that only lasts for like 5 seconds
i want a perfume that when you walk past someone they can smell it on you...something strong and smells good

im not really concerned with the prices so much but name anything you know
thanks for your help
l were blown away

[15 Oct 2004|02:51pm]

hey prep, jocks, and good looking people, come join [info]pop_my_collar a whole new rating community for us!!
1 autumn leaves l were blown away

My new community [17 Sep 2004|03:33pm]

Be one of the first to join my brand new community

This community is for anyone interested in keeping up with the latest trends and fashions before most…

Consists of the top runway outfit of the season, monthly make-up styles, list of styles, trendy decorations, book, purse, gossip, shoes, jewelry, holiday items, “the look for less,” outfit selections to veer to while shopping, recipe, fragrances, top name brands, cosmetics/spa/beauty supplies…..
1 autumn leaves l were blown away

[14 Aug 2004|12:59am]

Hey. I stumbled upon your name and thought you might be interested in applying for [info]so___sexxi. Thank you and I apologize if you dislike promotions.
4 autumn leaves l were blown away

[12 Aug 2004|11:46am]

title or description
2 autumn leaves l were blown away

[10 Aug 2004|04:08pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | system of a down.... ]

app... )

2 autumn leaves l were blown away

Am I Beautiful? [08 Aug 2004|07:52pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | TV in the next room. ]

Application <3 )

1 autumn leaves l were blown away

Am I Beautiful? [02 Aug 2004|07:47pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | my chemical romance ]

Application. )

1 autumn leaves l were blown away

am i beautiful? [30 Jul 2004|12:53pm]

[ music | rock star by n.e.r.d ]

application + pics )

11 autumn leaves l were blown away

Am I beautiful? [29 Jul 2004|04:03pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Something Corporate ]

It's so c-c-c-c-ontroversial )

3 autumn leaves l were blown away

Am I beautiful? [29 Jul 2004|03:50pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Something Corporate ]

1) Name: Talia

2) Age: 14

3) Location: New York and loving it!!! :-)

4) Favorite actress: Meg Ryan

5) Favorite actor: Hmmm...probablly either Tom Hanks or Billy Crystal

6) Favorite movie: "You've Got Mail"

7) Hobbies: Dancing, shopping, taking pictures, sketching, reading, listening to music

8) How did you find this community?: [info]princess_jap

9) Why do you want to be a member of Gorgeous_?: After reading the rules it seems like you guys are all really sweet and even though it's a rating community it isn't as harsh as other rating communities on el-jay. I also like meeting new people!

10) Describe yourself in 3 words: Outgoing, sarcastic, enthusiastic

11) What makes a person gorgeous?: It's not how people look because you can be a super model and have the bitchiest attitude out there but it's how you act and your concerns and priorities that make a person truly gorgeous.

12) What really bugs you in life?: When other people put someone down for their race, religion or disabilities. There's a lack of mutual respect in the world.


Thank you <33
It's so c-c-c-c-ontroversial )

l were blown away

[08 Jul 2004|09:30pm]

l were blown away

[01 Jul 2004|01:29am]

l were blown away

am i beautiful? [27 Jun 2004|06:05pm]


words cant bring me down... )

3 autumn leaves l were blown away

Heyy [27 Jun 2004|02:54pm]

This community is dead. I know I was never officially stamped, but most of my votes were yes. So.. I recreated this community. It is the same, but is now under [info]_gorgeous__. If you want to stay a member, simply comment there to let me know that you are still active!

l were blown away

yepp i'm back! [27 Jun 2004|12:10pm]

heyy guys!
how's it going? i've noticed that we're starting to die... and i don't want that. if nobody has any objections i'd love to take this community under my wing and referb it and make it amazing. =)

all i need to do is for one of the mods to let me be a mod too... and i'll gladly get started.

i agree with previous posts this community has a ton of potential =D. but i also think that we need new rules about advertising.. i'm so sick of coming here and seeing just advertisements. we're not an advertising community therefore we shouldn't be used as one =P.

2 autumn leaves l were blown away

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