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Below is information about the "Art_form" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:art_form (643214) art_form
About:Art Forms: Where everything is beauty and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
This is a community for anyone interested in the world of beauty. I’ve found many communities all over Livejournal but none that encompass the full meaning of art. Everything is art everything is beautiful. Any form of art goes here. Not many rules in this community except respect fellow ljers and enjoy what they let you see. I encourage any nude pictures or nudity artwork that comes into this community be set behind an lj-cut to be nice to those who may view this at work or anything of that sort. If you need to contact me I am always open and my contact info is right above. You can reach me on my livejournal [info]hollywood or contact [info]evilhomer

Anything goes in this community. Sculptures, paintings, photos, web graphics, web design, cooking recipes cause cooking is an art form, poetry, screen plays, icons, woodwork, music (if you have mp3s please link to them), Photoshop, etc. etc. Sky is the limit. Come join in and witness all the different art forms the world of livejournal has to offer.
Interests:138: 3-d, 3d art, acrylic, alabaster, all art, anime abstract, art, beading, book binding, books, calligraphy, camera, candle-making, canvas, card making, cartoons, carving, casting, casts, cement, ceramics, charcoal, clay, collage, cooking, copper, crafts, crayon, creative, crocheting, design, digital art, do it yourself, domestic, drawing, drawings, dying, embossing, fabric, fiction writing, fine art, flash, furniture design, galleries, gardening, glass, granite, graphic design, graphics, home decor, icons, illumination, illustrations, illustrator, impressionism, jewelry, kinetic art, kinetic sculpture, latex, learning, lighting, literature, lyrics, magnets, manuscripts, marble, media, metal, metalwork, mix tapes, mobiles, molding, molds, mosaics, music, naturalistic, needlework, neo-expressionism, neoclassicism, non-objective, oil paint, oil paints, op art, painting, papier-mâché, pastels, pencils, pens, performance art, photo realism, photography, photoshop, picture frames, plaster, plaster of paris, plastic, plays, poems, poetry, pointillism, polymer clay, pop art, post-modernism, primitive art, quilting, realism, recipes, resin casting, rubber, rubber stamps, scrapbooks, screen plays, sculpting, sculptors, sculpture, sewing, silk-screening, silver, singing, sketches, steel, stenciling, still life, stone, string, surrealism, swapping, tempera, texture, video, watercolor, wearable art, web design, welding, wire, wood, woodworking, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:235: 81803, 9th_circle, __godlike, __jo, __wheninrome, _badhabit, _envy, _kathairein_, _lifeisart, _loriel_, _piton, _smokersinlove, _vespertina_, agent777, aleph_hq, alexwatsonmusic, anathena, andrieal, aneurisms, anticrombie5, apricot3, artbyrenata, artmunky, asseenonteevee, awccmfan, axentric, beast_brain, bewasteful, bibe, bigshino21, bionicgurl, bitterbots, black_mezzanine, blueinkspots, bobthemonkee, breathwithin1, brianfey, bringlovejoy, bshakesit, burndownlove, century_spring, charlemagne_7, cheshire_chels, cinqheures, createthestars, dawbis_n_dayler, death_flower, denfo, derrieredesmurs, devilwoman, dreamingmartini, drewhilfiger, drnazo, duchesse, e0n, eeah, elnj, enlightentainer, erisreg, eva_c, evilhomer, ex_elusivesh537, faintdistance, fairy_sub, felinias, fliegentoilette, fluffybumblebee, fraank, fraly, free2fly, frightfulkarma, fuchia_etoile, furieux, genesm, gifted_linguist, glass_babe, goldleafgoddess, gothicbra, grivoise, gumboot, gvnan, gypsyrose_xo, hallucienda, hdshrnkngfin, hellovoltage, heynotmyproblem, hollywood, honeylotus, ickevwtc, instantpleasure, jbon, jesrabbit, jitterbug81, jumpingkitty, junglemamma, kailyn25, king_in_exile, koramyslov, kyleminus2, lacaffeine, larrycada, lateforthesky_, laughingkat, laurat, laylabeatle, learsfool, legato_love, let_itbump, levithian, libidiny, lilolemehf, lindyguy, little_blueboy, littlehooli, llbreedll, lostminded55, lupa_fide_mea, lurking_demon, lyrisme, madocaodh, mads_eriksen, majesty, mandee_jayne, margurite, maryprankster, mcflurry, mephisto21, merlyn_emrys, midnight_anieyu, missazdiva, mixn_up_my_keds, modern_shadows, monofood, monster_lurks, mordredrya, mortis, mrbyll, mtmtmt, nanaminako, navarreankh, nicnivinfae, nikita999, ninakatz, nocrotchshots, noellopez, noiseman433, novadrome, nunopumpkin, oh_no_disaster_, onego, orangeface, orphicart, paperangels, parisann, phdaisy1, picklemepunkie, pidjin, pigletcc3, planetmatt, plastic__life, pouppa, precurser, project_god, psd_phreak, pt7, purpleglitter, quiet_be_quiet, quirkycutey7, quirkygerke, quixotickitten, rajaka, rapide_tuer, ratiorational, raven1013, re_animator, realdeal00, rhinohed, robinism, rockit_grl, saltsweetbitter, sassy_starlette, satim, schlecker, scipida, scribbler, secrethouseof, sedatesoul, semi_detached, senzaf1ne, sexayvincent, sexyalikat, shiny_duck, shotdownstar_x, sinister6, sivart, sleazenation, sonofodin, soyosauce, sporkerfly, spungleah, starchile, staredecisis, stephen_h, stinky_poo, strange_fungus, strega_pez, studioloo, succubus_kz, suddenlight, superforeigner, sweet_missy, syzygy, tarnishedhalo28, tenfourlilbuddy, the_opportunist, theartistshado, theshowz, ticoman, tina_imel, tokyolove, toxicdream, trainwindow, trinityhelix, truthslayer, twinklefactor, unphotoshopped, war_of_god, warholmorrison, waymerich, wtfkarla, xsugardevil, xtwistedstarsx, zackwolk, zero_fun, zuvysurfer
Watched by:176: 9th_circle, __jo, _badhabit, _envy, _lifeisart, _loriel_, _notetoself_, _piton, aaricia, agent777, alena_w1, alexwatsonmusic, aneurisms, another_disease, anticrombie5, apossibility, apricot3, artbyrenata, artmunky, attom, beast_brain, bewasteful, bibe, bigshino21, bitterbots, blinkingbackred, blueinkspots, breathwithin1, brenduh81, brianfey, bringlovejoy, bshakesit, century_spring, cinqheures, dare2inspire, dawnpen, death_flower, delphiandreams, denfo, derrieredesmurs, disgustedvanity, dividingcanaan, dreamingmartini, drewhilfiger, drnazo, duchesse, e0n, echoe, ecstatic_mystic, eeah, elnj, emoxxxedger, erisreg, evilhomer, faintdistance, fraly, frightfulkarma, fromward, fuchia_etoile, gifted_linguist, glass_babe, goldencalf, goldleafgoddess, green_tree, grivoise, guzelyova, gvnan, hallucienda, hdshrnkngfin, hellovoltage, hollywood, honeylotus, hor_debilov, iamlisabee, instantpleasure, jassou, jesrabbit, jitterbug81, kailyn25, kromin, kyleminus2, larrycada, lateforthesky_, laughingkat, learsfool, legato_love, let_itbump, levithian, libidiny, lilith7711, lilolemehf, lindyguy, littlehooli, lyrisme, mads_eriksen, margurite, mcflurry, merlyn_emrys, midnight_anieyu, milkmaid, missazdiva, mixn_up_my_keds, monofood, mordredrya, mortis, my_lode, neverjustadream, nicnivinfae, ninakatz, noiseman433, nonstopuptop, novadrome, ntlthsnxplds, nunopumpkin, oh_no_disaster_, onego, orangeface, orphicart, paperangels, parnassian, planetmatt, plastic__life, pouppa, precurser, project_god, psd_phreak, quiet_be_quiet, quirkycutey7, quirkygerke, quixotickitten, rajaka, ratiorational, re_animator, realdeal00, redcharel, rhinohed, rockit_grl, saltsweetbitter, sandburn, sassy_starlette, schlecker, scipida, scribbler, secrethouseof, sedatesoul, senzaf1ne, shotdownstar_x, sinister6, siousie, sivart, ...
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