Below is information about the "emo_sob_stories" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | emo_sob_stories (357855) |
Name: | emo_sob_stories |
Website: | distant victory's journal |
About: | cry... scream... sob... let the words flow out. ask for hugs or give them out. **hugs** ask emotion related questions. answer the ones that others put up. talk about something emotional or deep or write out original lyrics. give advice. receive advice. share your thoughts.
this is a community of support & creativity. there is only one rule: BE RESPECTFUL! this is a hate free zone. closeminded & offensive posts will be removed & their authors banned.
your new moderator as of FEBRUARY 23, 2004 is distantvictory. let me know if you have any suggestions. |
Interests: | 150: 11:11, a new found glory, airports, alkaline trio, all stars, american football, answering machines, anti-hate, appleseed cast, april, art, ataris, ben folds, blue, blurry pictures, boxer, boy sets fire, boys, braid, bright eyes, bubbles, built to spill, camping, candy, cartoons, chasing amy, clerks, coalesce, color crayons, coloring books, computers, concerts, converge, craigs brother, crying, cuddling, dashboard confessional, death cab for cutie, dorks, drawing, drooling, dropkick murphys, duct tape, elliott, elliott smith, emo, emo boys, emo girls, emocore, emoness, exit signs, face to face, freckles, freezing showers, further seems forever, garage sales, get up kids, giggling, glasses, guitar, hate free, hey mercedes, homework, hot rod circuit, hot water music, hugs, imaginary friends, indie, insomnia, jejune, jimmy eat world, juliana theory, kayaking, kisses, knapsack, kool aid, laughing, loitering, love, luggage tag bracelets, make out club, mineral, moc, mock orange, modest mouse, moneen, mud puddles, music, mxpx, new found glory, painting, pedro the lion, petitions, pez, pez dispensers, planes mistaken for stars, poison free, poison the well, posters, pouting, promise ring, punk, radiohead, rain, random shirts, reach the sky, record stores, road trips, salt open wounds, saturday night live, saves the day, shai halud, shoes, shows, skating, small brown bike, smiles, snowflakes, sob stories, sobbing, sporks, stars, stickers, stretch arm strong, suburbia, sunny day real estate, surveys, sweaters, teenage mutant ninja turtles, texas is the reason, the anniversary, the casket lottery, the cure, the get up kids, the juliana theory, the pixies, the promise ring, thrift stores, thunder, thursday, tic-tac-toe, tree houses, trust, tuesdays, vegetarian, watches, web design, weezer, you, zao.. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 396: 11glassbeads, 2cute4porno, 321go, 4000rainynights, __emoadvice, __stillwaiting, __sweetnothings, _asbeautydies, _biscotti, _brokexher, _delz_, _emostar_, _in_this_diary_, _kramular_, _orgasmic, _patchwork_sky, _sellout, _vendetta_, _yeahok_, aboutakat, adammorgan, adatonik, aec, aidenntefy, aira37, amblermeister, andromedagrlie, andshegoeson, angeleyes2653, anisland, anotherburnout, anti_radio, aoineko, as_we_fall, ask_the_dust, atreides2170, audio_nation, autumnrose36, axefacekill, bdspider, beachyaquachick, beadedbracelets, beforesundown, bellalunaariana, beneaththeskies, benyhahna, birdflewintome, bitter_brownie, bittercoldtears, bl33ding_h3art, blaqkaudio, blink18jss, blinkfandanni, bloodxredxtears, bootieyacka, br0kenstars, brand_new_hero, breebree83, bridgeymarie, brielle, brinasaur, britishtart, brokenhrtd86, broknxstar, bruisedxbr0ken, bubblysinner, cadenceflow, candicanelea, captivate, cheeseinhalents, chibichu, chosenviewer, chrisholifield, clydemyman, confusedpunk, conversepunkie, corydigitaltron, cozmic_oceanz, crackpotnatius, crying_2_my_lj, cryinginacorner, curlz01, cutesaturn, cutie_xoxo, daisysuzette, dann1r0x, daysofphoenix, decayingheart, deeplyfeel, designedfault, dirtjumper420, distantvictory, djrdjmsqrd, dlayphoto, doesacartwheel, dollnotjunkie, dollydancer, dontcallmeemo, ducksgokwack, dullmemories, eat_raw_dicks, eatme, ecb_e, elleseven, em0_star, emo_masochist, emo_star_in_sky, emoboy03, emobuttsweat, emochyld, emocowgirl44, emohearted, emokills, emollama, emoplaything, emopunkgal89, emostarztali, emotarded, endless_silence, euronymous, exs_on_our_eyes, fadedstarpunk, faeryswearboots, fairypirate, falloutgirl, fallsthesky, farrahlynn, fayeatsplants, featherr, feelingsdrop, fernandojesse, filledtoempty, firestar1126, flybichick, foreverburns, fullupofyou, gabot, george500, getupchick, ghoulina, girmadness, glass_wings, gnightstarlight, godbybluemonday, halfpipefailure, hands_down_lm, hcse_emo, heartsdivide, heartwithdrawal, hollygolightly7, hopesend, i_am_penguin, ichneumon, icouldbeany1, idont_haveamind, iggy17, ilovecursive, im_a_loser, indiesunday, irishdancerchik, isawheaven, isee_the_stars_, istlexcore, ithinkblink182, its_me_alex, itsyourfault, iwanturskull, j_o_e_l, janedoe21, jazzrgrl, jeffersonzeplin, jenicore, jerseygrrl, jewelraven, jimmyeatgurl, johnko, julietcried, just_sassy_me, karmapoliceman, kaysaysimaman34, kid_deviant, kidfromafar, killa_bandwidth, kindlydie, kissablemiss, kissgoesbang, kitten13, knoxly1, konfusedxgrl, koolkeith, kristany, kristibowers, kut_u_up_b182, lafemmelolita, legallyxblonde, lethalpinecone, lets_get_naked, likedaydream, lillancefreak, littlegreencow, living_in_sin, lizabond, lonelyskachick, losercat, lovexxxsuicide, maeveh, manic_ska_chick, mashamellow, matchboxforever, mathiason1, mayolicious, megalomaniac21, melliezzzz, meowie_wowie, mestbob, mikarma, mikeharm, mikeylikescake, misshelene, modest_eyes, moosemoore, mostly_homeless, mourningxstar, mrsmorningview, msamehe, mtbaz84, mulletboy, music_is_life, mustoverflow, my_ballade, myshatterdheart, natashamercedes, ndogg3377, nelliebadellie, newendoriginal, newsstand_rock, nfg4evergirl182, nire2003, noseatbeltsplz, notcontagious, oceanofdoubt, odhinn178, odimmuborgiro, of__theheart, onebadnovember, onlyashes, onlyontuesday, onsaturday, paininmyheart, paintingthetown, pandaking, parkit, pavlovsbelle, peeko, peelmyskin, perfectfrown, pezpunk, pinkpolish, pnkkidbr, poa, poopmypants, pop_star, pseudomazochyst, punkbadgrrrl, punkboy410, punkrokprincess, rainbowdirt, rainbowthreads, raingrrrl, randu112, rawkinlipgloss, recordrunner, redandwhite, redlightsean, retro_rock_out, riotnotdiet, roadus, robots_in_love, rockeranjl, rocknrollgrrl, s6chika2003, sarbear32, scumskull, seashellfontain, secretly_me, seffxfire, servicedahmer, sexncandycanes, sexxyemogrrly, sexygraffiti313, sharkrun08, shattered_sky_7, shelovesdrugs, shesaidbangxx, sho0ting_stars, shotthesheriff, shrinknviolet, sicklipstick, sincerelyme, skacattx, skadust, skygrrl, sleepykat, slice_my_veins_, smash_it_up, smellyflower, someweirdgirl, somewhatchaotic, sp0rkus, stargazer623, starrstruck, stars_dot_sky, starsandrockets, starshatetears, starxtheory, stellarmonument, stellarredrose, strawberrycake, streetlightlove, stupid_on_paper, suddenfury81, sushispice, sweetxanamnesis, taikat, taiyoomonster, taka_sahale, tattered_dreams, tearsfade, testxmyxheart, thatsabadadams, theantiscene, thecontrolfreak, thedorkofoz, thefair_ophelia, theinnocentchic, thetourguide, theupstart, thisissolame, thisworldishard, tie_my_velcro, transona, traumajunky83, truehussymink, unglued, unwantedreject, use_this_excuse, verysadeyez, violetskei, wait_n_fall, watchmeflow, whatileftbehind, whatsmynameagan, whatxaboutxike, whore_x_core, winterstheworst, wishbear1, wkitty19, wllflwr, wonderingposer, worldofcheese, wwantithesisww, x_emoboy1125, x_nightingale, xbaddiarydaysx, xbrokenxhopex, xburnmeinstarsx, xcollapsedstar, xcriesxofxpainx, xdashxcorex, xdestroyxmex, xemo_liciousx, xguyincognitox, xilonen83, xintothedarkx, xlackthereofx, xlitebritex, xneverexhalex, xofighterxo, xonexlastxstarx, xpixiestixx, xrevolutionx, xtallbastardx, xtearsofbloodx, xvanillaxrainx, xwarxwithinx, xxjennaxx, xxtheatarisxx, xxxchrisxxx, xxxemoxxfuckxxx, xxxkittyxxx, yellowfoil, youngxhopeless, yourlastbreath_, yourwintercoat, yrstreetisdark, yuckycharms00 |
Watched by: | 175: 11glassbeads, 4000rainynights, __emoadvice, __stillwaiting, _biscotti, _kramular_, _patchwork_sky, allaboutrecords, andromedagrlie, anisland, ask_the_dust, audio_nation, axefacekill, beachyaquachick, beforesundown, bitter_brownie, bittercoldtears, bl33ding_h3art, bleedonstage16, blink18jss, blinkfandanni, bloodxredxtears, bootieyacka, breebree83, brokenhrtd86, broknxstar, bruisedxbr0ken, cadenceflow, candicanelea, conversepunkie, cozmic_oceanz, crying_2_my_lj, cryinginacorner, curlz01, cutie_xoxo, dad_raped_mom, daisysuzette, dann1r0x, designedfault, distantvictory, doesacartwheel, dollydancer, dont_ask_me_, ducksgokwack, dullmemories, dumfinger, eat_raw_dicks, emo_masochist, emoboy03, emobuttsweat, emochyld, emocowgirl44, emojosh, emokidssmell, emokills, emostarztali, endless_silence, fallsthesky, farrahlynn, fayeatsplants, filledtoempty, fuzzball, george500, getupatariskid, getupchick, girmadness, godbybluemonday, hands_down_lm, hcse_emo, heartwithdrawal, heavnsent02, i_am_penguin, ichneumon, idont_haveamind, igiveupalready, indiesunday, irishdancerchik, istlexcore, its_me_alex, j_o_e_l, janedoe21, januaryeast, jeffersonzeplin, jenicore, jewelraven, jimmyeatgurl, johnko, kaysaysimaman34, kid_deviant, kidfromafar, kindlydie, kissablemiss, kissgoesbang, koolkeith, kristany, kut_u_up_b182, legallyxblonde, lets_get_naked, lizabond, losercat, lovexxxsuicide, maeveh, megalomaniac21, mikarma, mikeharm, misshelene, mostly_homeless, mourningxstar, msamehe, music_is_life, mustoverflow, myshatterdheart, neuroticemu, newsstand_rock, nfg4evergirl182, noseatbeltsplz, notcontagious, obesity_rants, oceanofdoubt, odhinn178, odimmuborgiro, onebadnovember, peelmyskin, pezpunk, poopmypants, punkboy410, punkponi, punkrokprincess, randu112, recordrunner, riotnotdiet, roadus, robots_in_love, rockeranjl, rxbanditsgirl, s6chika2003, seashellfontain, seffxfire, sexygraffiti313, shattered_sky_7, shelovesdrugs, sho0ting_stars, shrinknviolet, skygrrl, smellyflower, somewhatchaotic, sp0rkus, starshatetears, stellarredrose, sweetxanamnesis, ... |
Account type: | Free Account |