Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "Elite Free Account Layouts (Journal Rating Comm.)" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:free_elite (1605681)  
Name:Elite Free Account Layouts (Journal Rating Comm.)
About:What are we about?

This is a brand new community ONLY for free users. A community for free account users to critique other free accounts users. Do not expect to be accepted with a plain BG and your journal aligned to the right side. Do NOT comment on any post except your own until your layout is accepted or where a maintainer has authorized.

This is NOT a place for requesting layouts!
Do NOT advertise or promote unless you get prior authorization!

How to join
To become a member simply make a post requesting to be graded. If all the votes average to a grade of 7.5 or higher than you become an accepeted member. If you are rejected you may try again in 48 hours.

Our Sister Community
Since [info]free_elite only rates free account layouts, you may wonder where can you go if you have a paid account?

We are affiliated with the community [info]layout_elitists. They will ONLY judge Paid Accounts. This is so we can have a friendly small group of members.

This is what the criteria that we are judging on:

1) graphic quality and customization - image compression, how your images are edited
2) technical - no messy lines, no obvious seams. Also no horizontal scrollbars(unless part of the design), and no misalignments, all of the layout is utilized
3) design - the layout as a whole, originality

Our voting system is based on numeral votes from 1-10. A 10 means your layout is absolute perfection. These will be given out very rarely. If you recieve a 10 be proud. That means your layout is impeccable. After 5 votes or 48 hours, whichever is later, you will be stamped. If you have an overall ranking of 7.5 you will then be accepted. Do not comment on any other posts while you are still being judged. You will be warned only once, after that you will be banned.

You can request to be judged as many times as you wish, but wait a day before reapplying.

Do not change your layout during the grading process.

You must code your own layout. Obviously, you don't have to draw the graphics personally, as long as you edited it yourself and gave credit.

Rudeness will not be tolerated. If you cannot handle constructive criticism then maybe rating communities are not for you. Consider this your first and only warning. I will not tolerate you bashing the community and/or members because your layout gets rejected. This can result in you being banned from F_E regardless of whether the basing was in your personal journal or elsewhere. No one here wants a fellow judge who has stated their dislike for the communit or members through nasty and crude language and spread a horrible and misguided impression of us through their friends list.

Once you are voted in, you must participate. If you can not do this, then don't join. If you are going on a vacation or you will be away for a bit, simply post saying so.

You must post on your info somewhere that you are a member of [info]free_elite. It will be checked.

When voting on new members, you must list a reasons for their scores. Even if it is late and you are in a rush, just a quick short comment will do as well. I expect the members to judge new applicants critically. Even if it is a layout of your favorite anime/singer/movie/whatever, do not be biased. Same applies if you hate the layout theme as well.

Do not get mean with the new applicants. You can be snarky. That is encouraged. But do not attack them and tell them that they suck. Rudeness will not be tolerated. Consider this your first and only warning.

Also, when your layout changes, you MUST make a post saying so. Every single time. At that time, we will judge you on your new layout. This is not a re-vote for your acceptance! We will simply critique your new layout. Put subject line as stamped to avoid confusion.

Judge critically. If you feel a layout deserves a ten, list several reasons why you feel it should. Do not give out high scores to your friends or because you love the subject matter.

Memories:45 entries
Interests:113: 100x100, 40k, accounts, anime, art, artistic abilities, awards, b&w;, backgrounds, bases, beautiful, blends, bored, code, colors, colour co-ordination, communities, competing, content, cool, cool journals, creating, creative, creativity, css, custom, customization, design, designs, digital art, elite, entries, fashion, fonts, free, free accounts, fun, getty, grade, grades, graphic design, graphics, high quality, honest, honesty, html, icon, icons, imageready, images, info, interesting, journal, journal colors, journal layouts, journal list, journal rating, journals, judging, layout, layout rating, layouts, lists, livejournal, livejournal icons, livejournal layouts, lj, lj layouts, lj rate, lj rating, lj styles, mood themes, objective, opinions, overrides, paid accounts, paint shop pro, perfection, photography, photoshop, pictures, pixels, png, psp, psp7, rank, ranking, rate, rate lj, rate my journal, rating, rating communities, rating journals, rating livejournals, rating ljs, ratings, scans, scores, scoring, sharing, simplicity, style, talent, the best, themes, unique, updating, user info, videogames, vote, voting, web design, yes or no. [Modify yours]
Members:84: 3ply, 6point9, ___armageddon, ___umbrella, __nyx, __toxicgirl__, _enigma_, _facade, _oceanid, _so_cliche_, _theboywonder_, aboylikehim, acidheart, adaneko, another_kid, aucune_gloire, avenue_, basriff, beautiflytragic, blumchen, brwneyedrabbit, cagedfayth, callo, care_chan, cherries_on_top, da_lil_lost_one, degreg, dmode, dmodegirl, easily, elly_ah, emomaggy, etherealelite, exclude, falsely_charged, flipbear_tywan, forgottendreamz, hawtxjuly, homura, jenuyne, kaiser_chan, kashmirdreamer, kathy_the_cat, kazutaka, kokoroiki, koumei, laseulevache, le_kristie, lucidmemory, lysmichelle, malletguru, masha_999, mazokugirl, millikov, ns_tulkas, oblivxion, paris_blues, pearly_blue, placingfirst, pst_go_die, retrotheque, seto_kaiba2k4, seventypigeons, shinderira, shooting__stars, softsecrets, sophiemia, south_under, stealthangel, tez_na_nox, thedigitalx, thislullaby____, throw_rocks, tidalapocalypse, track02, tsuki_no_kokoro, venoz, vintsage, voodoo_, wildmusings, wintumn, yokka_chyld, zero_sleep, zume
Account type:Free Account

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