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User Information
Below is user information for Suzee. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

User:suzee (4457)
Website:Suzee...Pieces of My Life
Bio:Hmmmm a little about myself. Why not make this real easy I am 33, married, with two teen kids. I enjoy computers of course, web design, gardening is a passion, reading, camping (woohoo lets get dirty) and traveling. I have recently been asked a lot What is the purpose of your cam and site"? Well to put it as simply as I can it is about sharing, sharing my life, myself, my family, my beliefs and my knowledge. I have never intended not do I wish this to be a me site, please don't try and make it one.
Interests:camping, gardening, geeky web design, mp3s, reading, traveling
Friends:None listed.
Friend of:4: gabby_s, licam, magicwoman, topgirls
Account type:Early Adopter

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