I woke up to another one of my weird dream. Sorry no sex here this time. smirks The cause of the dream might of been from watching Carnivale the other night. Thats the only plausible explanation. I was having dinner with a Southern family from the old South. Oh yea. They were polite and kind. I was having a grand ole time with the ladies. The food was good too. At this point I realized where I was (dreamwise) and that something was wrong. Where were the other men? Right on cue, I hear the front door opens and I hear men's voices. They're talking about a rally and hanging etc., Stuff that would make any non-white person feel quite nervous. They come into the room and start sitting down at the table to eat. I ask one of the woman if I should leave. There weren't enough seats at the table. I never got an answer. It was so weird. I woke up at this point wondering why I dreamt it. And of course, I woke up right before my alarm too. I have no real explanation as to why I dreamed it. Its not like I know any Southerners though I did visit one family several years ago in South Carolina and they were the nicest folks.. hmm Odd. AND... Happy Groundhog Day!! And a big F--- You to the groundhog smirks It seems like the last few months have been one massive repeat of the same day over and over again. Not that I mind. Its not all been bad. heh.