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LiveJournal for Cat.

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Monday, February 16th, 2004

Subject:Rest In Peace
Time:11:40 am.
Mood: sad.

Gone but never forgotten

A published report says the remains of a missing soldier from Cambridge (Maryland) have been found in Iraq.

The News Tribune of Tacoma (Washington) says the remains of First Lieutenant Adam Mooney were found Friday Febuary 13th by residents of Mosul. The newspapers says the residents alerted officials in the Army`s Stryker brigade. The News Tribune has an embedded reporter with the brigade.

There are no further details. Mooney and his co-pilot vanished January 25th when their helicopter crashed into the Tigris River. They had been searching for a soldier who had been aboard a capsized police boat. The bodies of the co-pilot and the other soldier had already been

*Many thanks to & CW3 Brian Beagle for the video*
Adam Mooney`s service First Lt. Adam Mooney of Cambridge was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 17th Calvary, 10th Mountain Division based in Fort Drum, N.Y. Since October 2003, Mooney has flown Kiowa helicopters in Iraq, providing armed security for ground forces near Mosul, 225 miles northwest of Baghdad.On Sunday, Mooney`s helicopter was searching for a soldier missing when the soldier`s boat capsized earlier Sunday.

Eastern Shore native missing since Iraq crash )
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Thursday, January 22nd, 2004

Subject:Photos...when I'm bored...
Time:2:18 pm.
Mood: anxious.
It happens...the only time I take good photos...well at least I think so.

More vanity? )
Comments: 3 Purrs - Make Me Purr.

Tuesday, December 30th, 2003

Subject:A New Year A New Leaf...
Time:2:24 pm.
I have been seriously thinking about some lifestyle changes. Littlest ones to huge ones...some things I`ve already started. But only slowly in my own ways. Change is good but you at least need to try it out once to see if you like it... Because if you think about it, not trying new things/feelings holds you back from ever really enjoying anything and mostly yourself!

-stop smoking (three days now)
-loss inches
-speak my heart (started it)

I got creative the other night )
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Thursday, December 18th, 2003

Subject:This made me giggle...
Time:10:54 am.
Mood: happy.
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 batalies a-skipping.
11 cherryjesss a-sleeping.
10 faygonightmaress a-spinning.
9 hopeforamiracles a-clucking.
8 hypnoxs a-raving.
7sinnocences a-dialing.
6 karmadromes a-kissing.
5 emerald mydigitalvoids.
4 hacking nekotenshis.
3 Spanish porepandas.
2 chicken roboticlikemes.
And a imexposed in a cucumber tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
Comments: 2 Purrs - Make Me Purr.

Tuesday, December 16th, 2003

Subject:10 days till...
Time:4:32 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
What will you get in your stocking this Christmas? by spiritluv
Sticking out the top:A Feather (use your imagination)
Somewhere in the middle:Money!
Resting in the heel:Kinky Underwear.
Shoved into the toe:Straps for the bed.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
Comments: Make Me Purr.

Wednesday, November 12th, 2003

Subject:Things that you may not know about me:
Time:4:45 pm.
Three things that scare me:
1: Big creepy spiders
2: Driving and getting lost
3: Being alone forever

Three people who make me laugh:
1: Jake (makes me smile when I`m blue)
2: My little brother
3: Smitty/Dre

Three Things I love:
1: My little girl
2: My (few) friends
3: MY cats

Three Things I hate:
1: Not having the "PERFECT" mommy/daddy/child family
2: Being chunky
3: Nothaving lots of money

Three things I don`t understand:
1: Men in general
2: Why does nothing ever go as planned
3: Why everyone tells me I would make the perfect girl but no ones asking

Three things on my desk:
1: My Bath & Body works lotion
2: My almost empty glass of water with a clear straw in it
3: Motorola 2-way walkie talkie/cell

Three things I`m doing right now:
1: Sitting at work
2: Watching the clock
3: Scratching my poison sumac(bad girl)

Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Learn to play the piano (FurElise)
2: Become a photographer or web designer
3: Be happy...

Three things I can do:
1: Lots of artsy things
2: Cut/Dye hair
3: Take good pictures

Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Spunky
2: Artistic
3: Goofy

Three things I can`t do:
1: Dance (I try)
2: Snow/skateboard
3: Win the lottery (lol)
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Thursday, October 16th, 2003

Subject:Testing something & sharing something!
Time:4:00 pm.
Mood: silly.
Just another day at's been rather boring!
Been messing with LJ all day, adding photos, signing up with groups!
I need to start doing new photos like i used to do...I been slacking!

More blood )
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Wednesday, October 15th, 2003

Time:3:29 pm.
Mood: ecstatic.
Go check out this local band!
Theres photos & new tracks & video clips!
Comments: Make Me Purr.

Sunday, October 5th, 2003

Subject:It's been a really long time...
Time:6:25 pm.
Since I have posted in this journal and still I have nothing to write about...

My house is for the most part done, and yeah I am still single and still not looking.
Still working in the same place, at least for the time being, I just put a resume into a possible offer.

I have been spending most of my time online on the I have met some wonderful people there! HEY go sign up! A few I wish I hadn't lost contact with but ah, such is life! I wonder if these people do this in real life, don't act interested if your really not!

Comments: Make Me Purr.

Sunday, July 27th, 2003

Time:8:43 pm.

is a Giant Ant that can Phase in and out of Existence and Generate Electricity, is Radioactive, was Created by a Radioactive Accident, and looks like a Man in a Rubber Suit.

Strength: 4 Agility: 8 Intelligence: 8

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat lil_jes_cat, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights lil_jes_cat using
Comments: 2 Purrs - Make Me Purr.

Sunday, July 6th, 2003

Subject:The 4th, late post better late then never!
Time:8:55 am.
It didnt really turn out the way I was hoping, but none the less I had fun.
Sat in the pool on a floating chair and drank wine & coolers all day & ate BBQ.
Went to see the fireworks, they seems to be so much better when your younger.

This journal is now 'friends only'...request and I will add you!
Comments: 2 Purrs - Make Me Purr.

Thursday, July 3rd, 2003

Subject:A Thursday with a hint of Friday twist!
Time:3:32 pm.
Yes...a three day weekend is upon me! WHOO HOO
I've got my 4 B's for the 4th of July!
Bathing-suit, BBQ, booze, boys (lol)
Do you?!?
It should be fun...I hope.
Well that's it for now.
Finishing up work then off to go home and wash clothes & clean!

Take this cool Love/Sex Test!
Comments: Make Me Purr.

Tuesday, July 1st, 2003

Subject:It's July...
Time:11:41 am.
I just can't believe it...The year has flown by!
Well I am finally in my place, it’s still incomplete but I am in & still unpacking.
Computer was the first thing I unpacked, lol and now I even have a cable modem!
Need to finish a few minor things like washer/dryer hook up in second bathroom, paint & carpet the three bedrooms, and fix the tile on the main bathroom and some other junk I can’t recall.
Sometime soon I hope…I would like to have this all done by the time that Leilani comes back from her trip to Indy for the summer, which is Aug 16th.
Shes been there since May 17th…*pouts* I miss her do damn much!

Life is still quiet and uneventful for me.
Still haven’t met ‘Mr. Right’ but then again I really haven’t been looking, been too busy.
I do get lonely, I just want someone to hug & snuggle!

I will start up dating this more…though it might just be rambling!
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Tuesday, May 6th, 2003

Subject:One more day...eek
Time:4:14 pm.
Almost time to go was an okay day, I can't complain.
My buddy sent me this link
YUP go figure....
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
Explored the pleasures of the flesh
Puts 'em on the glass
Sex Drive 86.8%
The Pope is envious
Knows the other body type like a map
Gayness 58.9%
Had that experience at camp
Fucking Sick71.7%
Dipped into depravity
You are 53.45% pure
Average Score: 67.1%
Comments: Make Me Purr.

Wednesday, April 30th, 2003

Subject:Last day of April...
Time:10:56 am.
Mood: chipper.
and it's payday...YIPPIE
That means I can pay some bills...BLAH

But anyway, today seems to be an okay day so far.
Nothing to complain about so far.

I am getting really excited about the HFStival...they keep adding great bands!
I really hope I don't have to go alone this year.
I have asked some people to go and meet me there that seem like they would be hella cool to hang out with for the day.
But I just know my luck and I will end up going alone, but oh well I will make due with however it turns out.

Guess I need to get to work...

The count-down to the big 26 has begun...8 days and counting!
ekk I am getting old!
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003

Time:12:21 pm.
can't you tell...
You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Bondage movie! You're into BSDM (Bondage &
Discipline, Dominance & Submission) and chances
are, you're fond of whips, chains, harnesses,
and tight leather outfits. You like to mix a
little pain with a LOT of pleasure, baby!

What kind of porno would you star in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Comments: 2 Purrs - Make Me Purr.

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003

Subject:April Showers....
Time:12:02 pm.
Mood: refreshed.
I figured I would write, it's been so long since I took the time to spill it.
But honestly...nothing has changed.
Still single and living a mostly quiet life.
Still wanting this nothingness to end soon, at least I am hoping.
Moving in the end of this month...yet another hopeful thing.
I have been so over-welmed lately.
I don't know whats coming and whats going.

Pondering ideas of what to do to keep me busy while Leilani is with her father.
Trying to make some plans...take a trip close to here or a far trip way over there!
There's a couple people I would travel to hang with just for a few days.
I am going to start Yoga, if they don't cost much and maybe a curves class.

Yesterday I got my ticket to the hfstival...i might end up going alone.
Why you ask, because everyone else sucks and has ruined it the past two years for me.

I changed my hair....



Not sure which way I like it...
Why don't you tell me!
Comments: 3 Purrs - Make Me Purr.

Wednesday, March 12th, 2003

Subject:Just another Wednesday
Time:2:12 pm.
Mood: depressed.
Music:LB - All Still.
Wish I could say I have some new exciting news...but I don't.
I never knew life could be so repetitive...but it is.
I have gone out a few times and gone to see Libretto Burn a couple times.
Other then that just work and home…
Yes I am still lonely and single and it SUCKS!
I don’t remember when life has been this way for me, just going threw new things or should I say lack of new things.
Whenever my house gets done I will be able to get some of this load off my shoulders and maybe I will meet someone.
I have to admit…the fact that I am hung up on someone that I don’t have any likelihood of with REALLY is the worst thing ever.
I don’t know what’s worse, being still hung up on a chance of my ex and I getting back together and reminiscing on the past or getting hung up on someone who I had a fling with…I think both are pathetic!

Yes as you can see…this is the reason I haven’t written.
I have been very down in the dumps lately.
Oh well this is me and my life…like it or love it!

you play the substitute for oxygen,
i wrap my shell with you,
all the while you remind me to breath inward.
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Tuesday, February 11th, 2003

Subject:Wow it's been a long time...
Time:12:57 pm.
I have either been too busy or too lazy to update this...I think it's a little of both.
Things in my life right now are boring but stready.
Still working on my place, in which I pray will be done soon!
We have had some crazy snowy & cold weather the last few weeks.
Valentines Day is coming...YUCK, alone time for me...
But not really...
I have an old girl friend coming in town to see me this weekend, she's coming all the way fron northern new york.
I am pretty excited, it's been like 5 years since I have last seen her, we were stationed in Hawaii together, and had lots of fun times.
Plus I will be with I guess I am never really alone.
Comments: 1 Purr - Make Me Purr.

Wednesday, January 15th, 2003

Subject:I woke up to snow....
Time:11:26 am.
Mood: cold.
schools were delayed but not closed and daycare was open.SHOOT!
That meant I had to come to work!
Oh well it's best I made it in since today is payday.
It's so wonderful that Leilani is home, I know I sure felt incomplete without her here.
It's been fun, we have been playing and reading every night.
She loved all her gifts I got her for xmas, even thought it was delayed till the 12th of Jan.
But she will be here this coming x-mas!

I hope it snows like ass deep so we can go outside and build a snowman!
But I doubt that would happen, but ah well.
Things are okay really, I have been doing a lot of thinking and stuff about how life is going for me now.
All I can say is it could be worse...
Time to get back to work.
Comments: Make Me Purr.

LiveJournal for Cat.

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