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User: [info]mattmoo
Name: Matthew
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Verbosity: The quality or state of being verbose; the use of more words than are necessary; prolixity; wordiness; verbiage.

How should I fill the final spaces.. how should.. I complete the WALL? ~PF

The planet is fine, the people are fucked.
- George Carlin, In Humor/Dark Humor

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil"
Back February 2005
Blatherings.. of Mine
aka Yet another example of why medication should be mandatory.
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EAA meeting greets
Hi My name is Matthew

I'm an emotional junkie

Dont mind the excess folks.. its what I do.

One extreme to the other.

Thank you

I feel...: pensive
Now Playing..: Norah Jones - Cold Cold Heart

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I've come to the overall conclusion that I need to get absolutely mind numbingly shit faced...

As in...... "My.. what? My name? Don't YOU know?"

Clearly the 'Day to Day' would be infinitely easier to continuously submit to if one were killing millions of otherwise useless braincells in the process.. yup


Nuff of that.

just.. hmmm fuck it all

I feel...: frustrated

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I'm a mixed Drink!
How to make a mattmoo

1 part anger

1 part arrogance

1 part empathy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add sadness to taste! Do not overindulge!

I feel...: busy

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Water go down the hole.
Is Fixed

And we rejoiced..

And I ate Robyn's Minstrels


That is all.

I feel...: bouncy

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So heres the deal.

For 2 days now I have been dealing with this shit.

My bathroom sink is backing up.
Every time the owners upstairs do ANYTHING involving water..
(Dishes) Laundry.. etc)
It backs up into MY bathroom sink.
I've already had it over flow onto the floor the first time it did it because I wasn't here.. YAY. Helluva thing to come home to.
The water.. is mixed.. sometimes.. its almost fragrant, lemony and fresh.. other times.. it smells like sulfurous CRAP.. I mean.. Good GAWD people. This is disgusting.

I informed the landlord first thing after I woke up this morning.She assured me her husband would take a look at it when he got home soon. All day I was here. Fact I haven;t left my apartment since early evening the day before.. I'm on sink duty.

So.. as it is right now.. what 1:30 in the morning. I THINK they are done doing whatever the fuck it is they DO up there all god damned day. *bang* *bang* Thump* Thump* *stompSTOMPstOmP*..... (pause) (repeat ad nausea m)

The sink STILL isn't draining. Nor have I heard a single WORD from the owners upstairs.. I can only hope it gets resolved tomorrow. I fully intend to go back up there in the morning and find out just what they plan do do about this.. My bathroom REEKS people.. Ive gone thru nearly an entire can of OUST..

I think I can sleep now.
We will see what happens tomorrow.
Have fun kids

I feel...: cranky
Now Playing..: The Phantom of the Opera (2004) Movie Sountrack - Notes/Prima Donna

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I cheated.

I had Apple Jacks for breakfast..

It was soooo good.

I feel...: awake

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Give a man bread
And he will likely make a lot of toast or something..
Give him a couple bags of groceries.. and he will eat like a KING until payday when he can afford to go shopping

I GREATLY apprecaite the donations.
Granted.. I wasnt looking.. I was just bitchin.. you know me.
I gracefully accept the gift
[info]rivuletca & [info]tank_gehrl both for all the food

I feel...: cold

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Amusing shit I find online...

Hold on to your hooves! Battle Cattle, the hilarious game of cow-to-cow combat, is now a card game. Produced by Steve Jackson Games under license from Wingnut Games, BATTLE CATTLE: THE CARD GAME gives you all the udder destruction of America's finest beefsteak going at it horns and tongues, in a fun and quick-to-learn card game format.

BATTLE CATTLE: THE CARD GAME is a standalone card game, but it is completely compatible with Car Wars: The Card Game too! Combine the two games, and you can take your souped-up hot rod out to the pasture and go gunning for Bessie...but this time, Bessie shoots back!

I feel...: amused

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Note to Self:

Self.. do this tonight.

K... got it. thanks.
No problem.
OH.. and remember to feed the cat too.
Yup all over it.
thanks again.
No worries.

I feel...: blank

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Late night amusement
Got this in my email
Thanks Celeste

Dear Dogs and Cats, )

I feel...: sleepy