♥ Stay Classy, Valentine!
( Cities and towns in which I have resided, 1972-2005 )
working but bored
Dear Corey Feldman,
Keep your mouth shut unless you have evidence.
P.S - I miss your dad, please give me his contact info, stat. Is he still with Fran? Are you guys talking?
music: Don't techno for an answer.
Happy Birthday
This is the slowest day on Earth.
I'm amounted. I'm a mountain.
I have sat back and accepted a few years of this 80's resurrection thing, however I will not just sit back and act like Bauhaus reforming is ok, because it's fucking not. NO, this is pushing it too far now. Not only does that suck but they're #2 to COLDPLAY on the lame Coachella bill?? Oh hells no.
I have never been to Coachella nor do I plan to. I know some peeps dig it but it's Lame Fest Oh Five to me and this just confirmed it.
On the dude tip.. didn't talk to him last night but DEF calling tonight!
I did it!
I called Uhaul about an hour ago and straight asked for that cutie, asked if he remembered me from yesterday and then asked his ass out!
He said he remembered me and sure he'd like to go out sometime.. damn, I have balls I tell ya! Aunt Flow in tow and all! Ha!
He gave me his cell number.. I'll call later tonight. *giggly chick*
Where is my Dave Grohl?
He's not tall dude from the bar last weekend, that guy is married with shillrens.. so where is he?
Is he that adorable little thing who helped me at Uhaul yesterday? I think it might be.. little diamond nosering and all. I might have enough nerve to call and ask him out.. his name is Andy. Not sure of age, but par the norm, def much younger than the person typing this entry.
On another note.. Hey Chris -- period city weekend, I was incommunicado, sorry! I'll call you tonight. :)
Oh the things we've seen, my whisker compadre, the things we've seen.
working but thinking about Ron
Dudes! I am seriously MAD obsessed with reruns of CSI - thanks to Tivo, I watch 2 episodes a night if I can. I love that one dude that looks like a beefed up Luke Wilson (yum!).
Oh CSI how I love thee... my new fwend, CSI.. sooooo not my kind of show but I love you anyway. My little gentlemen CSI, I want to take you to foggy London.
I was peepin' their website.. WOW, talk about elaborate, damn!
music: Or my name's not Robert Gouleeeeet
cookita & Kel, thank you so much for the cute Valentines package! <3<3<3
I love you guys! xoxo
10 things I LOVE right now:
1. Will Ferrell
2. Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy: Anchorman
3. Will Ferrell as Robert Goulet (see icon)
4. Brown Bag tuna sandwiches
5. CSI reruns (who knew? Blame Tivo)
6. Grateful Dead mix CD I recently made
7. Anchorman soundtrack (FUCKING HYSTERICAL)
8. Homemade blueberry, strawberry, & cherry smoothie
9. This white summer shirt thingy I'm wearing right now
10. My friends coming over and making KILLER dinners for me (like tonight!)
I don't know why this cracks me up:
..but damn it sure does!
music: Indie 103.1
Wiltern - 8pm
Tenacious D & Fwends
Will Ferrell is God.
QOTSA dude rocked.
I love you Dave Grohl(chy).
CHRIS ROCK, oh hells yessssssssss!
Beck.. a little on the mellow side but I love you, little dude.
Eddie Vedder gets no love from me, but apparently peeps dig him.
The D - well, what can one say about the greatest band in the world that hasn't already been said? It was a long time comin' and well worth the wait! I hope we raised a lot of awareness and funds to help Tsunami victims.
music: The White Stripes
I just got an email forward from my best friend who got us 2 tickets to:
Tsunami Benefit - Music for Relief - Tenacious D & Friends
The Wiltern LG, Los Angeles, CA
Monday January 17, 2005 8:00 pm
Seat location: section FLOOR
Total Charge: $XXX.XX
music: Tupac
It is absolutely POURING rain right at this moment. I haven't seen so much rain since 94' or something.. like when Jen & I were walking home from The Boys Market in Venice and the bottom dropped out of the sky and we got absolutely soaked - it continued to rain for like 2 weeks straight. So weird for Socal.
The dog really hates being forced to handle his business in our tiny, underground parking lot for days on end. These are the times when I miss my old place in NoHo... big parking lot for the boy!
I had no idea: "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie" -- I loved the movie so I must see this!
P.S - My new icon (which isn't such a hot picture but hey, what are ya gonna do?) is simply to show off the new pink & black Heartagram scarf personally made for me by the lovely:
music: Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
( My Year In Review )
music: The Grass Roots - Sooner or Later
music: Dean Martin - I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm
Dingle all the way!
♥ Breakfast at Tiffany's - French Kitty ♥
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