Rob's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Rob's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, September 2nd, 2001
    2:13 am
    Well from what I have been told LJ has been down lately. So I have not been making the time to write anymore. I guess I really should anyways! Things here are going to get on a normal track I think. The first week of college is now behind me. Which means no more nightly meetings and stuff like that. Which is a major relief b/c they were boring and taking up so much of our time. Now all I have to worry about is classes, Labs, Club meetings and yes lots of homework! At least all be on a fairly constant schedule now.

    Tonight has been kind of sucky. I came in here and took about an hour nap since I have not been getting more than about 5 hours sleep a night. When I got up I felt worse than I did when I went to sleep. It was that sick feeling you get when you are just way over tired. So I called a few people and told them I was gone for the night. Yes I'm at college on a Saturday night and I went to bed at 9pm. Ok but if I went to bed why am I up at 2am? Well because some Dumb ass pulled the fire alarm and I had to get up and go out side or pay a fine for staying in the building. Ok so I go out side as soon as I stepped out the alarm gets turned off. So I think I'll just go up to bed and fall right back to sleep. Now it is 11pm when I decide to so this, I found out if you want to sleep at a 11pm on a Saturday night at college then you better go get a hotel room! Plus then some dumb ass probable the same one pulls the alarm again :) So I role out of bed start to put my pants on and the shut it off. I had enough so I called Ashleigh and told her I was coming over to watch movies with them! So that is why I'm a wake right now :) At least I had fun over their in Ashleigh's room until everyone fell asleep so I tipped toed out and came back here :)

    I was sitting here thinking I really miss playing with my web site. It really needs to be up dated again though. I might try and see what I can do along those lines in the next few weeks. I would really like to get the web cam going but I'm not sure that is going to be possible with the way Windows ME crashes all the time. Might have to wait till I can get Win 2k going on this puter. I don't know I will start looking into it. I also would like to get a domain name but we shall see about all this. See how much time my classes are going to consume.

    By the way as a little update I got a call on my cell while I was at the football game this afternoon taking pictures, the guy I took to the hospital got out today and is doing much better!

    It has been a while since I have mention Michelle well YES we are still going out. I truly love this girl. I normally do not fall in love so fast but I have just gone head over heals. Being so far away from her is killing me but it is something I have to do. We talk everyday so that makes it easier plus we video chat, which makes it a little easier too. Still not the same as hugging her though but it must do when we are a part.

    Ok this has been a pretty long post but their have been a lot going on I needed to catch up on. I probable am not going to write all about my summer cause it was just way to much. I will say one thing It was the best summer I have ever had. I owe it all to my Dad and Michelle :)

    oh one more thing I don't think I have written about a couple weeks ago I got a new car :) a Chevy Tahoe, used but in great shape, I bought it at the dealership I worked for. It was my graduation present from my Dad. It is really nice fully loaded, it is just a dream. The best part is going to be the heated seats this winter :)

    Ok I'm going to bed now! I hope I can continue to write and everything.

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: tired
    Monday, August 27th, 2001
    6:48 pm
    Sorry I know I said I would be writing normal again but hey I have been so busy! I have had so many little meetings to go to and all. Plus trying to meet people. If I stay in my room on my comp then I'll never get feeling at home here! So I have been meeting new people. Everything here is going good though! Class start tomorrow, so that should be really interesting! I have Precal (yeah again lol) Gen Chem and English 101 tomorrow LOL the good thing is My day ends at 12:15pm :) The bad thing is I have 8:00am classes every morning. Oh well not much I can do about that. Ok I have got to go to a loan meeting.

    More Later....

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Saturday, August 25th, 2001
    2:11 pm
    Well I've almost got everything into the dorm room! Not too bad everything is going great. I have some meetings to attend tonight! Then I guess the rest of my night will be spent organizing things :) ok back to work!!!!

    More Later....

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Thursday, August 23rd, 2001
    10:48 pm
    Well my meeting with my new roommate went good. He seems to be a nice guy so I think living with him will not be bad at all!

    Half way through our lunch my cell phone rang and it was one of the guys I worked with up at the car dealership and he was doing a dealer transfer and he started feel major pain in his thoracic cavity so he pulled over at an exit not far from where I was so I rushed over and got him and took him to the hospital! He was driving a Subaru and I now know for a fact that a Subaru Forester will do 100 + miles an hour!!!!! Anyways after I got him to the hospital, he wanted me to go ahead and take the car to Richmond VA. So I did, now I'm really behind on getting pack for school on Saturday! That is ok though he would have done it for me.

    I had my Dad meet us at the hospital, since he is one of my Dad's friends too and he does not have much family around here. Dad has been with him all day and he said they know a organ is leaking air in to his thoracic cavity. So they took him up to the OR about an hour ago. I'll post more info about him when I know.

    If this all did not make much sense it is b/c I'm really tired! So I think I'm going to go to bed, cause it is going to be a long day tomorrow.....

    Good Night....
    11:01 am
    ok I'm off to meet my roommate here in a little while!!!!!

    More Later....
    8:26 am
    Ok Everyone I'm back!!!!!!!!

    I know it has been a while since I have posted anything, but this summer has just been crazy! It has been a great summer! But the summer is coming to a close because I move in to my dorm on Saturday! So yes I will get bacccck to my normal posting, hopefully the webcam will be on again too!

    A lot has happened over the summer. I'll try to take some time in the next week or too and tell a little about my summer! As for now I have got to finish get this new puter set up for college.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!!!!!!!

    More Later....

    Current Mood: busy
    Sunday, July 15th, 2001
    12:43 am
    YES I am still really alive!!!!!!!!!!! So much has been happening in my life right now it is just too much to go into! But I will say I have met someone (her name is Michelle), she is just fabulous :) So that is one of the reasons I have not been writing much, I have been spending every free moment with her :) She is all I could ask for and then some! Yeah I'm actually in love with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The crazy thing it has all happen so fast, and at the time I was not looking for love. I guess that is when it finds you and I'm happy it did!!!!!

    But I am sorry I have been so distant this summer it has just been a wild and fast passe summer. It has been great though, everything I have wanted and then some! As soon as I get to college (Late August) I will get back to my every day post about what is happening. Plus hopefully I will get the webcam going again too!

    I hope everyone is doing ok, and I promise when I get settled into college I will be back around again :)

    More Later (I promise)....

    Current Music: Train - Drops of Jupiter
    Monday, June 18th, 2001
    2:55 pm
    I have been out doing yard work most of the day. It is really hot too, but I guess it can always be hotter! I'm just glad I have a riding mower to use cause if I had to use a push mower to do all that cutting I have done today then I would really be dead tired.

    Ok I guess I'll get back to working on my to do list.

    More Later....

    Current Mood: hot
    Saturday, June 16th, 2001
    8:28 am
    I have so many things to do and I only have 24 hours in a day GRRR These last few days have been so crazy but SOOOOO great too :) I have been having so much fun this summer and it is only the first week lol If this keeps up then I will be sleeping all school year to make up for what I'm not getting this summer lol.

    Speaking of school I have had so much fun telling people that I will be a pre-med student in the fall. It is so cool to finally be able to say that LOL

    I really need to try and post in her at least once a day but I have hardly been home this week so it is kind of hard to do. Maybe tomorrow will be calm since it is fathers day :)

    Well I'm getting ready to head out of here again for a while. Another busy and hopefully exciting day :)

    More Later....
    Monday, June 11th, 2001
    5:04 pm
    I'm still alive. It has just been really crazy. Now that summer is here I will be lucky to make one entry in here a day. I'm not the type to just sleep my summer away, I try to always find something to be doing. Plus that will give me something to write about :)

    Today I spent most of my day working on the year book once again. My part is basically done so I will not be having to go back anymore :) Yup Yup

    Tonight I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet, I think I just my spend sometime with my dad :) I like doing that!!!!!

    Ok I have a few places to go so I better get off of the computer :)

    More Later....

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Saturday, June 9th, 2001
    11:29 pm
    Well I'm finished with high school. I am a High School Graduate as of about 5:30 tonight. It was great. The only little bad thing is I left my honors cords at home, yup but thanks to Paul (the limo driver, yeah the same one from prom LOL) and my father they were able to get them to me before I got on stage tonight. I can not believe I left them cause I don't do things like that. Other than that the night was perfect. Dad wanted a Limo so we had that for all my family, and for those who read about prom knows how much fun he is. So the night was great.

    I'm probable going to go to bed here pretty soon! I decided I never was one for partying and drinking so I was not going to start tonight. I have had a good time so I'm not worried about it. I'm too tired any ways lol

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: tired
    Friday, June 8th, 2001
    10:50 pm
    It has been a crazy past two days. I spent most of my last two days at the high school still working on the yearbook. The good news is I'm almost done.

    Last night I went to a graduation party for one of my friends and for me I guess. Then I went out with some other friends and had a really good time. I was so tired when I got in though I just could not hold my eyes open long enough to write in here.

    Tonight I went out to eat with my family and my Dad's girlfriends family from Minnesota. So that was fun.

    Now I think I'm going to get some sleep cause tomorrow is going to be a hard, fun, exciting, happy, and sad day all wrapped into one. I'm GOING TO GRADUATE :) It is such a great feeling. :)

    I have graduation practice in the morning then the real thing tomorrow night. After that I'm sure I'll go out to eat with friends and family. Not sure if I will get to write but I'll be sure to tell everyone about it on Sunday.

    Well I'm off to bed

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Wednesday, June 6th, 2001
    11:47 pm
    It has been such a long day. i have not stopped since I got out of bed this morning. Went to school and worked on the yearbook again, went to the funeral, back to school. Then came home cut grass. Tonight I worked on Dale's Navigation Bar. Now I'm going to bed. ((((That was the outline of my day lol ))))

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Tuesday, June 5th, 2001
    10:46 pm
    Good Night....

    Current Mood: exhausted
    9:38 pm
    Even though I'm out of school I spent yet another day at school. Most likely will be their for the rest of the week too. I've been working my butt off on trying to finish up the yearbook. We will get it finished soon, I hope.

    Tonight I had to attend a visiting for a friend of mine who passed away on Sunday. He was a much older man I have known him since I was just a kid. I used to ride with him during the summer serving subpoenas. We used to have so much fun together. I hate to see him go. He is better off though because the last 4 years he has been bed ridden due to a quad bypass gone wrong. I'm glad to know he is happy again.

    I think I may try to relax a little, it has been a very stressful day, then I think I'm going to call it a night and get some sleep tonight.

    More Later....

    Current Mood: tired
    12:49 am
    Finally I get to go to bed :)

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Monday, June 4th, 2001
    8:38 pm
    It has been such a busy day. Not a relaxed summer day lol

    I got up early went to school and worked on the yearbook till about 1pm. We got a lot done I'm still going to have to go work on it tomorrow. Then I came back here and got a few things together and went out and ran some errands. When I got finished with all of that I decided to get brave and REALLY clean up my room lol. I had to take about 5 boxes to the basement. Not a easy chore but it is done and now my room is not as messy nor as cramped as it was starting to feel. All I got left on my room is a little bit of cleaning on the other end but that is simple stuff. I'm too tired to fool with it tonight though.

    I'm ready for a break now :) I think I'm going to put some more clothes in the wash and then kick back for a little while. Then finish the few things left on my To Do list :)

    More Later....

    Current Mood: productive
    Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
    12:21 am
    Oh it has been such a long day today. I got a late start cause I slept in :) it was the first time I have slept in that much in a long time. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands. I had to meet up with some friends at 6 for dinner then they decided to go to the movies so I saw Pearl Harbor again, which is ok cause the movie kicks butt. Now I'm ready for bed cause I have got to get up and go to church in the morning :) So I'm going to get some rest cause I also want to try and clean house tomorrow too. I want a nice spotless house for summer lol

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Friday, June 1st, 2001
    11:53 pm
    Today was a sad and happy day :) I took a lot of pictures and tried to get used to the idea high school is over. It is hard to walk away from something you have spent most of your life working for. It is time to move on though.

    Went to the movies tonight, went and saw Pearl Harbor, It is as good as everyone says. It was one of the best movies I have see in a long time.

    Well I'm tired the last few days have been stressful. I think I'm just going to get some sleep. I need it :)

    Good Night....

    Current Mood: exhausted
    4:37 pm
    High School Is Finally Over !!!!!!! :) :/ :( ????

    More Later....

    Current Mood: indescribable
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