Below is user information for rev. orangecone, the anglo-american. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | orangecone (7552) |
| the orangecone daily may the schwartz be with you |
Name: | rev. orangecone, the anglo-american |
Text Message: | Send orangecone a text message on his/her cellphone/pager. |
Website: | |
Location: | Atlanta, Georgia, United States |
Bio: | Let's go back up to my office and talk about this like two reasonable beings. -- John Bigboote
Oh, I do admire your compartmentalization of duplicity. -- Utu-Noranti Pralatong
More does not necessarily mean better. Remember David say, "A big pile of shit is just as much a pile of shit as a little one, only stinkyer[sic]." --Dave
scottopic tells me I have obsessive-compulsive-underworld disorder. I say it takes one to know one.
orangecone @ livejournal . com is disabled.
Memories: | 88 entries |
Pictures: | 2 public |
Interests: | 11: enablers, erasers, gwinnett gladiators, nacl, oscillation over-thrusters, planet 10, robots, tenfiftyeight, the chocolate city, thurston, xm44. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 174: | 0bfuscate, 9jack9, achasonc, aggression, alexsandria, alisterlevet, alladinsane, amyzon2313, angry_user, anmorata, artyste, badmammajamma, bamagaijin, bcarruth, bedivere, behindtheview, behindthewall, bob, boldar, bookwitch, bouncepogo, boywithoutasoul, bpsycho4me, byron, calico, cbradfield, celicant, chrispina, chrissmari, christine9600, chuckdarwin, crackerbob, creepigurl, cryofthecarrots, d0minique, daniela, daonnan, delerium69, devlin333, digitaldevil, digitalmegami, djenigma, djjennocide, eternalredneck, evil_cunt, extemp0rane0us, filthwizard, flametodance, fleeky, fondl, forsakengirl001, gabbymoe, gedanken23, geighdevil, ghostofzuul, ginandtonics, girlvinyl, gnomeygirl, gothkitten001, gozar, gravity, grendel, grinoliere, grumpydragon, iconnu, inflammatio, insomniacgirl, involute, isis, jathomas, jayfo, jenneology, jodilyn, johnnystiletto, kadi, kandyman, kestrel618, kittenspeaks, kmbrown825, kodakrome, lesliebeard, loki_bear, lordremo, madame_foo, madelfpiper, madmexican, magpie_menace, marieofroumania, markw, martinhesselius, marxis, memphisthecat, metal_hurlant, mfree, misspriss, moonbird, morlockx, mr_death, mrgansle, multimedianinja, n3m3sis42, necrophagi, nephthys23, nibor, normal, nycktinhat, oki_v2, oneeyedfreak, orangeclone, orangecone, peepslayer, photognome, pissedoffguy, plantyhamchuk, plural, pokee, popespydie, princesslarry, procastin8or, purvis, quinnclub, rainer3, ramirez13, reality, recalcitrant, resilience, ripebastard, rissu, rorschack, sangwich, scottopic, scoutfinch3237, seijikat, sentient99, shadowstitch, shadowviolet, shlay, sinndar, skiadaimonos, songofthesiren, soppianti, southpaw, starbkz, stargaze, tafkar, tamara, tat2rob, tenfiftyeight, thegreyman, theinnocence, thx4fkgupmylife, timedjustright, tinkerboo, tinuvial, tk0667, tremor, ubu, uncens0red11, valiskeogh, velocityrapper, veloria, version2, vianne, vodalus, vortex, vyviane, wandergirl, wasabirabbit, wendersfan, weswilson, willowredwolfe, zeppo, ztrooper, zuzufool | | 21: | 706noise, athensga, bald_is_sexy, dumbass_people, farscapelives, farscapeproject, firefoxusers, guysonly, lj_nifty, ljatlanta, lucky_bastards, macosx, pabst_lovers, paidmembers, photobasics, photography, radioscifi, room27, scapers, the_snark_cabal, valis_is_gay | | 3: | pennyarcaderss, sinfestfeed, vgcats_comic |
Mutual Friends: | 167: 0bfuscate, 9jack9, achasonc, aggression, alexsandria, alisterlevet, alladinsane, amyzon2313, angry_user, anmorata, artyste, badmammajamma, bamagaijin, bcarruth, bedivere, behindtheview, behindthewall, bob, boldar, bookwitch, bouncepogo, boywithoutasoul, bpsycho4me, byron, calico, cbradfield, celicant, chrispina, chrissmari, christine9600, chuckdarwin, crackerbob, creepigurl, cryofthecarrots, d0minique, daniela, daonnan, delerium69, devlin333, digitaldevil, digitalmegami, djenigma, djjennocide, eternalredneck, evil_cunt, extemp0rane0us, filthwizard, flametodance, fleeky, fondl, forsakengirl001, gabbymoe, gedanken23, geighdevil, ghostofzuul, ginandtonics, girlvinyl, gnomeygirl, gothkitten001, gozar, gravity, grendel, grinoliere, grumpydragon, insomniacgirl, isis, jathomas, jayfo, jenneology, jodilyn, johnnystiletto, kadi, kandyman, kestrel618, kittenspeaks, kmbrown825, kodakrome, lesliebeard, loki_bear, lordremo, madame_foo, madelfpiper, madmexican, magpie_menace, marieofroumania, markw, martinhesselius, marxis, memphisthecat, metal_hurlant, mfree, misspriss, moonbird, morlockx, mr_death, mrgansle, multimedianinja, n3m3sis42, necrophagi, nephthys23, nibor, normal, nycktinhat, oki_v2, oneeyedfreak, orangecone, peepslayer, photognome, pissedoffguy, plantyhamchuk, plural, pokee, popespydie, princesslarry, procastin8or, purvis, quinnclub, rainer3, ramirez13, reality, recalcitrant, resilience, ripebastard, rissu, rorschack, sangwich, scottopic, scoutfinch3237, seijikat, sentient99, shadowstitch, shadowviolet, shlay, sinndar, skiadaimonos, songofthesiren, soppianti, southpaw, stargaze, tafkar, tamara, tat2rob, tenfiftyeight, thegreyman, theinnocence, thx4fkgupmylife, timedjustright, tinkerboo, tk0667, tremor, ... |
Account type: | Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter |