Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "pretty girls make graves".
404 matches:
- 0rdinary_story - sing without a reason to ever fall in love again.
- 2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
- 2scene4thescene - we are the elite
- 3d_glasses - music|poetry|art|anything
- 69lovedsongs - 69lovedsongs
- ___________core - ________what's your core//?
- ______radtastic - radtastic
- ______robotsuck - RobotsSuck!
- _____effinghxc - ____effinghxc
- _____mignon - ♥
- _____ukemoscene - emo kids of the UK unite.
- _____whatever - whatevercore
- ____killforthis - you would kill for this, just a little bit
- ____le_sexxx - -
- ____loveaffairs - we are totally cool
- ____omfgimscene - Are you scene?
- ____ultraxruins - ULTRA ELITIST
- ____unorthodox - Unorthodox
- ___cutexcore - ___cuteXcore
- ___fantabulous - are you???
- ___fuck_it - ___fuck_it
- ___fuckthatshit - ___fuckthatshit
- ___goddamn - here's a story for the kids..
- ___omfgimscene - Are you scene?
- ___prettypretty - pretty, pretty
- ___shotdown - ___SHOTdown
- ___suckerpunch - for those of you who can take a hit
- ___superb - OMG WE ARE SO HOT
- ___too_hip - d o w n and that's the way we get down.
- __anti_scene - __anti-scene
- __dical2themax - Big Time Rating 101
- __gwhgc - __gwhgc
- __indiewhores - __indiewhores
- __lovelyfucks - if you're lovely and you know it clap your hands
- __musicwhores - A Community for those who like music.
- __ohemohotties - __ohemohotties
- __scene_shit - joo
- __thehotsquad - Do you have what it takes?
- __very - Very.
- _are_you_blank_ - Are You ________?
- _band_rate - Critism and Harrassment On Your Favorite Bands
- _bang_ur_dead_ - ..the.girl.who.blocked.her.own.shot..
- _det_die - DETD LJ Community
- _eargasmic - Sounds good. Looks good. Feels good too.
- _emo_hotties_ - Emo ♥ Hotties
- _emo_jews - Emo Jews
- _emopants - lock up your daughter's legwear
- _eriatarka - The new romance.
- _girlsnightout - SASS<3
- _hxc_ro0lerz - ♥ Hardcore x Ro0lerz ♥
- _indierthanthou - indierthanthou
- _kaito_ - KaitO (the band)
- _makemedance - Make me want to dance with you, motherfucker.
- _nolabel - No Label
- _ohmy_sex - Oh My Sex!?
- _rock_is_sex_ - ♥ we know we rock
- _s_h_o_k - |F E E L| |T H E| |S H O K|
- _singthesorrow - __The beautiful people
- _slooshy - _slooshy, a music community.
- _talk_tunes - Lets Talk Music
- _teh_mixtapes_ - let's go to sleep.
- _texas_emo_kids - emo texans
- _the_paradox_ - _the_paradox_
- _thekinison - _ the kinison _
- _ticklemy_fancy - fancy effing pantsy.
- _toughcuties_ - _toughcuties_
- _trendywhores - Trendy Whores
- _upyourscene - fuck your 'scene'
- _very_ - _very_
- _welikepirates - damn yeah
- a_bad_emo_song - a_bad_emo_song
- add_a_punk - Meet people who listen to punk emo metal- whatever
- aliencrimesyn_ - Alien crime syndicate
- alkaline_trio22 - Fatally Yours
- all_indiemusic - all_indiemusic
- all_musicdebate - Music Debate
- allthings_indie - All things indie
- anatomyofaboy - emo boys with hot bodies
- andhearts______ - ♥ and hearts.
- angry_grrlcore - Angry Grrl Core
- angryxnerdxrock - ♥Nerds That Know How To Rock♥
- anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
- antilittlebangs - Little Bangs Support Terrorism!
- anxietysaturday - PsychoCandy Patio
- anyonelikeyou - lets get crazy..
- arctic_sperm - ARCTIC SPERM!
- arizonaindie - Arizona Music Scene
- artmusicfashion - artmusicfashion
- as_was_said - as was said
- asshole_xcore - seamstress for the band
- azkids - arizona emo/punks/ska
- bandphototrade - the reason to take your camera to shows
- bang_glamour - bang_glamour
- beautiful_emos - emo is beauty
- beautiful_geeks - We Are The Beautiful Geeks
- beauty_____lust -
- beauty_vomit - beauty_vomit
- bellflower_ca - Hellflower
- betterthenyou - Betterthenyou
- beyondcool - [[the motherfucking elite]]
- bitchin_babes - Women That Rock
- black_my_eye - You know you do you kill me well
- blackoleanders - Black Oleanders
- boredom_hurts - boredom_hurts
- breakup_club - blackheart_breakup_club
- brisbane_emo - Emo kids in Brisbane. <3
- brkn_promises - brkn_promises
- cams__r__us - We make you want to shit yer pants
- candycoatedscar - Candy Coated Razor Blades A Kinderwhore Community
- chickthis_ - a community for girls who rock.
- chimaira_land - Who are you today...another face erased
- chrisholifields - the followers of chris holifield.
- cinemaeye_fugue - The Cinema Eye! The Fugue!
- cinematicverses - the dope fiend splashes gash like a nailbomb
- cnyscene - Syracuse Hardcore, Indie, Expiramental
- coachella - Coachella Music Festival
- color_me_indie - color_me_indie
- concert_kids - concert_kids
- courtois - THE PUMPS
- creativefucks - creativefucks
- crowd_pleaser - finding humor in annoying concert-goer's
- cuntsofsociety - Fuck you 'cause we're here to stay
- cute__xx - Cute__xx
- cute_core_kids - cute hardcore kids.
- cuteforadork - cuteforadork
- cutexemokidsx - cutexemokidsx
- cutitoutclub - cut it out
- cutoutmylungs - The Atlantic Was Born Today
- cutthispicture - Hot Core Kids
- daily_hipster - The Daily Hipster.
- dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
- dim_mak - Dim_Mak
- disectingghosts - the misspelled community
- distance_shifts - .cool scene kids.
- diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
- doyoudigmusic - do you dig music?
- dpgb - Dance Party Gone Bad
- dress__me__up - dress_me_up
- dressedtokillx - dressed to kill
- drowned_d0llies - drowned d0llies
- drowning_starla - Icons for the Elite
- drummer_bitchz - ::~*Ladies Behind the Traps*~::
- dude_i_love_lil - kim
- dying_lovely - Dying never looked so good
- dying_to_forget - dying_to_forget
- east_bay_hxc_ - I don't need a scene to tell me who I am!
- eaturheartout - eat.your.heart.out
- electroscene - ELECTRICLY HIP
- elite_with_love - elite_with_love
- emo_coffee_hous - emo_coffee_hous
- emo_elitist - The best of the broken hearted
- emo_glamour_dos - Emo Glamour
- emo_lunchbox - River of tears
- emo_lushes_ - <3 emo_lushes_ <3
- emo_mixes - emo_mixes
- emo_not_cool - emo_not_cool
- emo_rejects - We're all just emo rejects!!
- emokids_dontcry - emokids_dontcry
- emokids_on_meds - emokids_on_meds
- emoxshoe - The community for every emo-kid
- endless_endevor - searching forever
- eroticpopclan - el erótico clan pop.
- fallenheros - .
- fashion_clash - Cosmopolitan to the Core.
- feckin_pants - We love our pants.
- femalebands - The Female Bands Community
- fkc4lyfe - FAT KIDS CLUB.
- freakinradtemps - you request, we make it
- freelondon - free stuff to do in london
- fuckin__rad_man - WE ARE FUCKING RAD, MAN!
- fucking_elite - fucking_elite
- fuckinrockstars - ***THE*BEST*FUCKING*MUSICIANS*AROUND***
- gig_pics - Gig Pics
- girlsinbands - girls that rock.
- glamishx - love me, robotx.
- glassjaw_net - Glassjaw Lj Community
- glitter_grrrls - GlitterGrrrls
- goodsisterbad - x::shhh grrrls::x
- greendice - greendice
- grrls_only - *~*RIOTGRRL SOCIETY*~*
- guiltypleasurez - guiltypleasurez
- hannahhannahhey - HANNAH FANS
- hawt_secks___ - Hawt_Secks__
- hc_festivals - Hardcore Festivals
- hearshotkidcoca - hearshotkidcoca
- heartcorestyle - <3 heartcore style <3
- highvoltagepics - High Voltage
- homefridaynite - ..Home.Friday.Night..
- hopeimc - hopeimc
- hospital_groove - All the time paid off.
- hot__emo__fucks - Are you a hot emo fuck?
- hot_hot_electro - hot_hot_electro
- hotkidshotnames - hotkidshotnames
- hotsexscenekids - hotsexscenekids
- hottsexkids__ - hottttt
- htownmusic - htownmusic
- hxc_whorexcore - hxc_whorexcore
- ifeelelektric - ifeelelektric
- ihaveahugecock - SuckMyDickFluffyBunnies
- illbreakyou - we really love chloe
- incrediblesulk - Incredible Sulk
- indelible_heart - ex-oh.
- indie_emo_kids - indie_emo_kids
- indie_emolos3rs - indie/emo losers
- indie_fcks - indie_fcks
- indie_hotties - Oh So Cool
- indie_love - indie_love is for lovers
- indie_ohio - Spreading the indie music vibe in Ohio
- indie_scene_fan - "It's okay to be a scenester."
- indie_sleaze - indie sleaze
- indiebadges - indiebadges
- indiefucks - indiefuck
- indieminority - keeping the wet dream alive
- indiemixtape - indiemixtape
- indiemixtrade - Indie Mix Trade Monthly
- indiemusictrade - Indie Music for Trade
- indienorth - Indie North (uk indie)
- indiequeers - indiequeers
- indierocked - indierocked
- indierockkills - ROCK IS DEAD : :
- indierockmix - [[mixes]]
- indiesceneco - the Colorado Indie Community
- indievirgins - indie + virgin = super cool
- isuckandimproud - we may suck. but we're better than thou.
- iwantnewmusic - Discover new music today!
- jizzxcore - Jizz Worthy
- just_music - just_music
- kids_of_nh - Kids of New Hampshire
- killkenada - Kill Kenada
- killrecover - Recover music
- killumbus - killumbus
- kiss_the_starsx - kiss_the_starsx
- krisradio - krisradio
- la_matabellas - la_matabellas
- lab1a_records - lab1a:records
- lamclub - LamChop
- lameassxcore - lameassxcore
- last_outlet - beautifuks
- le___woah - ♥le___woah♥
- le_ass - mixing ass and sass since 2004
- lennon_530_sm - your lies and my dreams
- lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
- letsmakesexxx - ahuh
- lgouthouse - Grand Fanali Presents
- li_hxc - long island hardcore.
- liesand_romance - Pretty Girls Make Graves
- linoleumfloor__ - a lust for the female voice.
- listentomymusic - listen to my music
- lost_our_way - emo-indie-screamo kids
- love_of_music - Music Appreciation
- luscious_fucks - . most likely hotter than you
- lust4lollipop - Lollipop Lust
- lustforalush - Lust this...
- lyricallyemo - Lyrically Emo
- maelstromlooms - Maelstrom
- mailmancore - mailmancore
- manifesta_uk - Manifesta_uk
- matador_records - Matador Records
- md_indiekids - indie kids in MD
- metrometric - __________ // METROMETRIC!
- michikids - Michigancore
- mix___bitchez - mix___bitchez
- mixcompetition - mix competition
- mondaymournings - your favorite girl band.
- more_north - More North
- morexsweetxsoul - Pretty Girls Make Graves
- moshonyourface - moshonyourface
- msu_indie - I'll drive and close my eyes in Michigan...
- musicwhores_ - that's the sound of music
- my_mirror_kills - My Mirror Kills
- my_mom_floats - my_mom_floats
- myspace_cadets - myspace_cadets
- naked_indie_boy - Rock out with your cock out!
- needlesstosay - That New Kid
- negroclash - Negroclash!
- neondoll - Dedicated to female rock.
- nonuglysass - I'm not just cute ~ I'm sassy
- not_all_therage - not_all_therage
- nwindiehardcore - music for dull people
- of_alliance - this lonely heart
- ofmontreal - An Of Montreal Community
- oh_sass - ♥
- oh_so_cunt - Oh so BANG___♥
- omg_i_lovemusic - carry each day a new song in your heart
- pgmg_paramour - a musical inamorato
- pintrade - pintrade
- pitchforkmedia - pitchfork reader
- plcwhaaaa - what ya know about sports?
- poetic_rain - Poetic Rain
- polkadotxstripe - polkadotxstripe
- polyester_pants - t h e p a n t s
- poor_emo_kid - poor emo kid
- pprevolution - Pants Pants Revolution
- prettygraves - Pretty Girls Make Graves
- punkrockshoes - fuck me im famous
- quirki_ndies - quirki_ndies
- radxcore__ - radxcore__
- raisethestakes - Recent Purchases
- robotsarepretty -
- rock_n_rollbaby - [[ RoCk_n_RoLLbAbY ]]
- rockology101 - rockology101
- romanjokes - romanjokes
- scene_fuckers - press play and keep headphones on.
- scene_it_b4 - Fuck Your Scene
- scene_shallow - we think were better than you. and we are.
- scenemo -
- scenexasxfuck - scene as fuck
- schoolyardhero1 - schoolyard heroes
- sd_distro - social deviant distro
- secretzeppelin - Fucking's Greatest Community
- sendmemusic - sendmemusic
- she_rocks_hard - **Shut up and Rock**
- show_off_ur_emo - show it!
- showpics - showpics
- shsukids - shsu kids
- skaxnkrew - SkaXnKrew.
- skin_cancer - Marla Singer
- slothxcore - ima be a sloth fo' life
- sluticopters - sluticopters
- slutxitxout - +++SECRET.SLUTS.BRIGADE+++
- smokingpopes - smoking popes
- socalscene - SoCal Music Scene
- socalskankettes - socalskankettes
- song_request - song request
- sorona - Fucktarded Indie Crap
- soundsgood - Music Snobs
- soundvirus - SOUNDVIRUS
- soundxcheck - Soundcheck Music Club
- southbayobscene - Down There...
- springmanrecord - Springman Records
- stop_pretnding_ - STOP PRETENDING.
- styling_icons - icons
- suicide_boys - this is the new cutting edge.
- swimsuitissue - i don't wanna be a sensation
- tastexthexmint - tastexthexmint
- tearing_eyes - tearing_eyes
- that_band - that_band
- the_engine - The Difference Engine
- the_scenery - scenery of palm beach
- the_sunsetcomes - i hold my chest as tomorrow bleeds
- theangryindie - Get Angry About Art!
- thefom - Fans Of Music (Mp3 dowloads)
- thegreatfamily - The Great Family!
- theone2burnyou - How hot do you burn??
- thesassy - The Sassy
- thesfvscene - the san fernando valley xscenex
- thetaste_ofrain - thetaste_ofrain
- thewayweamplify - they're playing love songs on the radio tonight. i
- thewiretap - your enemies friends
- thisisnotemocom - [dot] com
- throwdown_crew - WE ARE THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN
- toiletporn - potty time
- tokyo_vogue - cortney equals smut
- toohardtosell - dripping wet
- trashy_dolls - + Trashy Dolls +
- truly_emo - truly emo
- trustyliarsclub - Why We Do What We Do
- tuned_____in - tuned in!
- uglyxscenexkids - uglyxscenexkids
- uniqueskitzo - Pretty on the outside....DIFFERENT ON THE INSIDE
- unsexyemokid - UnsexyEmokids
- unsung_zeros - Pictures of You and I
- utah_kids - eight zero one
- vanity___scene - I've got this gun...
- vd_whores - VD_whores
- vendettared - Vendetta Red
- violation__ - violation__
- vivalacuntbox - cuntbox revolution
- vomit_beauty - Diabolically Fabulous
- we_bleed_emo - We Burn Like The Paper Hearts Of Dead Presidents
- we_can_scream - WE ARE THE FUCKING SCENE
- we_kill_fuglies - We are the Pretty, Petty Things
- weallliesowellx - I never told you I hate you but I show it so well
- wearenerds - i like video games
- wearetheparty - wearetheparty
- wefought_icried - anti-rating emo community
- wegotmadbeatz - do you have mad beatz?
- wet_like_hana - wet_like_hana
- whore__core - Two Cent Hoe's Skankin.
- wlrarmy - Your Majesty's Knights
- wow_x_core - wow_X_core
- x___dirtyego - x___dirty ego
- x_bitchcore - x_bitchcore
- x_ugly_core_x - x_ugly_core_x
- xemo___corex - Xemo___coreX
- xemofans_uk - xemofans_uk
- xemoxlyricsx - ♥emolyrics♥
- xfakexbeautyx - Fake Beauty
- xkillyour_idolx - xkillyour_idolx
- xporcelainxface - I want to see your vanity.
- xslouznberryx - The United Peoples Of Ugly
- xthe__look - xthe__look
- xvanityxkillsx - xvanityxkillsx
- xxmurder__scene - Murder Scene
- xxriot_grrrlxx - Riot Grrrls & Women Who Rock
- xxx_hxc_ladies - XXX_hXc_ladies
- yeah___right - yeah___right
- yes_tomorrow - sounds chill to me
- you_luff_us - we're here for the music
- youmakemehot - Pin me up
- your_so_foxy - think ur hot enough? these bitches will tell you.
- youreall_beaved - you'll never compare to us
- zoo_psychology - Ex Models
Interested users
The following users are interested in pretty girls make graves. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
425 matches:
- 3chordvalentine - Nothing serious
- ______moustache - kim
- ___xromancex___ - Bloody Romance
- __asphyxiate__ - I'm here for you to use; broken and bruised...
- __pullmyhairr - alison?
- _banglikewhoa - a beautiful oblivion
- _boyskissing - Mew
- _caitlin - hilary duff!!!
- _chadfelldown_ - _chadfelldown_
- _corporatewhore - Pretty Pretty.
- _crewlikethis - vo1comchick adee: im so unique and original
- _kissthedream - _kissthedream
- _letterstoyou - your highness
- _ohsoimperfect - Chrissy
- _splintered - tyler durden
- aalyara - I'm the organ-grinder you pack of monkeys - dance!
- acapuccina - Little Star
- across_stars - jasmine
- adicted2punk - adict2punk
- adorned - iris
- aestheticagony - Stephanie
- afterberth - Quiet and Smooth
- age_adrienne - Say three - it's all been done
- ahorridromance - Derrick
- aimeej - aimee j
- aine - aine
- aliceconmalice -
- allycat14 - Ally
- alwaystenfttall - Cody
- ambs - Amber
- aml - drew
- amor_morte - Speranza
- amyonedge - amy in the white coat
- anarchy_lives - Gretchen the Great
- anastasia_128 - Double S
- animalchin - Martin
- appleseed - Troy Boy
- applexapple - Lauren
- aquateenkid - Mrs.Peter Parker
- asabass - "___"
- ashleymegs182 - ashley
- ashleymuffin - .ashley.muffin.
- ataridigital - Passion Crotch
- avayueia - Christine
- b3wbz - LYNSEE
- badreputation - caitlin
- beautiful_son - beautiful_son
- betho - B to tha Izzo
- bitheway - bitheway
- blackhartsbreak - blackhartsbreak
- bleedinglips - ziplock
- bleedxblack - //
- blood_roses - miss olyvia s. batt.
- bloointhaface - allison
- blue_skittlez - blue_skittlez
- bluestar129 - After Dark
- brian_guglielmo - You Can't Fuck With My Integrity
- brockvillekid - brockvillekid
- brokenindefeat - Ty
- candyforfree - Loooost iiin Spaaaace
- captainanarchy - greg
- captainhightop - Jose
- casket_lotteryx - casket_lotteryx
- cedes - ms.m
- cheerupgoth - sex and candy
- cherryflavored - kat!e
- chibi_lurrel - Lurrel
- chickenvoices - Shatticus_rex
- chimaira - Chimaira Fans Are The Best, Fuck The Rest.
- chixrin2me - Reuben Valdez *~I am Elienai~*
- chrissy13 - Chrissy
- cinereous - ★ There's no 'I' in Bukkake ★
- concietta - Conchata
- confusedashell - your mom is hot
- conversepunkgal - sarah
- crbnmnxdelulaby - carbon monoxide lullaby
- crushcore - with patient hands i can be cured...
- cykochica - Made up in brains what she lacked in pedigree
- d_o_r_k - sheila
- davidsane - David Sane
- dayna_d - dayna
- daynparadise - Xana
- deadgrrl - "The Book About the Basic Flaw"
- dearyoungreactr - Less Talk, More Dancing.
- defile3 - Jake the Snake
- deftone26 - Marielle
- dementedforever - =hepcat=
- demoniam - Christopher Wolfgang Bird
- deux - I Jam in the Key of R O C K
- dexstar - dexter
- diabolikwench - TOO FAST FOR LOVE
- diamondxbullets - don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
- dieuberhosen - Dancing Senseless in the Bedroom
- dmaster - lightning threads spun silver tongues
- dont_touch_that - zane navarro
- doodah367 - metalhead in the parking lot
- dorkifiedgirl - Magalicious
- doubleeweteeeff - Alex
- dranyk - distance
- dreadedphelix - Ahhlicks
- dreamsound - Courtney
- dreamyangeleyez - XchristieX
- drunk_monk89 - drunk_monk89
- dullstar - Morgan
- eilliastardust - Allie
- elissaa - Elissa
- elske - Eugene
- emo_holocaust - Matthew
- emo_kid - Fuck the Yankees
- emosalive - fobez
- epitome_of_emo2 - epitome_of_emo2
- eqx - .:h4tec0re:.
- ermac - shane
- evillindsay - s for spontaneous
- evolkanevol - Jhiceli
- exquisitemess - exquisitemess
- fadedbluestars - waynerd
- fadedxbliss -
- fairstofdemall - ♥sassssssssssy♥
- fakeyellowstar - the city plan is already made up.
- fallen_angel_ - [fall into the void]
- fallenblackstar - i wish you could read the words perfectly
- fallendownangel - Fluffy Hula Hoops
- fallingforward - Ratatosk
- feeny - you think i wrote it down
- filipodeleo - 12:03:our:last:goodbye
- fillerbunny - azn to the max
- flamingclown - Mikey
- flowrsandrobots - beware the @vortex@
- flyingfudrucker - Kar
- flywright - Where's your Mind?
- forevernotyours - but neither are we to look at them
- forevertokeep - forevertokeep
- forstarlesseyes - .Jessica Lauren.
- fragilehearts - Penny Lane
- frankichan - thisishowweparty
- fucklife - Bekka is the raddest girl I know
- gcpixie - .bloody kisses from poison lips.
- generator - jimmy stewart suicidal sex appeal
- glasstornado - kayruh
- gleam_the_cube - kelsey
- glimmeringfiwa - Amy SURPRISE
- glycerine - Glycerine
- goingnowhere - it's a secret
- green_eyed_gurl - .:Torture My ♥::.
- green_star7 - .::alana::.
- greene_turtle - lauren
- grungergirl02 - Candy
- gypsyrosalie - rhf
- hannah_banana_4 - hannah_banana_4
- happybutterfly - alicia, licia
- harry711 - Harry
- hayte - heather
- heeeaaather - Heather
- helpwanted - bobby brown and the blues
- herodotusfile - monica
- hevymetlmachine - Hanging Marionette
- hillaryvicious - rub your face in glass
- homecomingqueer - Mental Masturbation
- hypoflux - Eric
- i_heart_emokids - This is my panic, this is my call to arms.
- icki_nicki - nicole
- illscientist - dave the moon man
- iluvbrett - b r o k e n .. j a d e d
- in_your_voice - X rated
- indecisive_ - sam
- indiebean - emily rugburn
- infekt_ - Mixtape Lies
- internalxternal - nerdygirl
- invaderzim4182 - Kelly
- iverson_gurl - ♪ hann bíður mín lengur ♪
- ixrememberxyou - .Danielle.
- jabuticaba - not.a.pretty.girl
- jackee - evil home stereo.
- jackieem - jackie em
- jansavestheday - january wellingt(r)on
- jasonsavetheday - Punch Punch
- jealouslime - Katey
- jeebybaby - perfection through s i l e n c e
- jessssss - !JESSICA!
- jonlegere - Jon Legere
- josie206 - Jenna
- k8linnfgmxpx - Kaitlin
- katethegreat - katerina clauhs
- katethespoon - russian government amphibious reconstruction
- katriane - kt
- kifreak - ♥ ryan::\\
- killedby_fuck - ____[thisisarock&rolltakeover]
- killmesarah - this must be what love tastes like
- killxyerxidols - Lack & Luster
- kimbobimbo - .......PrettierXinXpink.......
- kimmercake - .watch.her.flow.
- kingbobpinapple - fag face
- kizzablenquiet - Katie B
- kneel23 - Aaron
- ladyjacqueline - everyday here is like dying slowly
- latrie - .::A.Fallen.Star::.
- left_to_bleed - Kay
- lessthan22 - bleed a little smile
- littlegirl_lies - Pull the Trigger
- littlegrrrllost - carrie
- lizziexanne - i gave my heart to rock n roll
- llor_n_kcor - llor_n_kcor
- logicalnonsense - That guy in the corner of your eye
- londonloves - Glitter Girl
- lookinforsevens - lookinforsevens
- lostinspace - *You burn so hard*But you won't burn long*
- lostness - Andrea
- lot_49 - lot_49
- loungeact - life is but a walking shadow
- lovetodeath - Rachandt
- lusciousgirl - my name is I dare
- luvpickford - *~*Sarah in Wonderland*~*
- m1sledy0uth - Just a Boy
- machinemusic - Machine Music
- madeinsecret - I am a secret.
- magical_jotron - magical_jotron
- majortom - Wake Me When I'm Sober
- makeit__gray - makeit__gray
- marilynmonroe - .audrella fuck.
- markus - Life In Stasis
- martianflowers - jo coz
- marweiner - Marlene
- mauriah - mauriah
- mayzface - Tenenbaum, M
- melbel - Melissa
- mephistopheles1 - an ill-fated abortion of the primal mother
- merely_jessica - Prophet of the Enchanted Serpent
- mightymilktea - Jonathan Lally
- mikeissweet - mike
- mintie - kelz
- miss_dizzy - faded halo
- missyroo - night, sleep, death, and the stars
- misterbluehat - $P$
- mmmpudding - Pwnpwnpwn
- modoblue - Josh
- mollateets - MoLLy.//
- monkee - Rusted Priest Machine
- monkeymanjei - nerdz_are_kewl
- monophonic - 011011010110010101101100
- moongiechan - Veronica
- morgasm - x mogo x
- movienevermade - N\cho/a§
- mrcroup - Mr. Croup
- ms_angiepants - [angiepants]
- muertandose - Jeremy Quintero
- musically -
- my_placid_love - my_placid_love
- myunspokenwords - matt
- naivebean - ♥Sheila
- nakedchicken - Bazooka
- nerveagent - paul
- nessthanjake - Vanessa, The Contessa
- newfoundgeek - sweet josephine
- niblett - Niblett
- nightmarexx - Ashley May
- no__fi - carbon copy
- none_so_vile - none_so_vile
- normasjeans_0o4 - normasjeans_0o4
- nosferous - Mike
- notforsale86 - notforsale86
- now_takemehome - Krystal with a K, the black way.
- oceanminded21 - the stars will fall, and you will be there
- on_that_lawn - on_that_lawn
- opal_eyes - she's mother fucking electric.
- opivykid - They call me Ryan, but that's just them...
- oscarlettearso - beautiful flip flops
- overthe_rainbow - "We've got to show them we're worse than queer"
- oysterboy - .....
- pennyroyal - wash out, wash up, wash it all away
- perfectlife -
- pezfreak - Princess Rachel
- pezking22 - i used to hate cellphones now i hate car accidents
- pezpunk - novena without faith
- photometrik - hopeless romantik
- piladawl - Priscilla
- pinkertonthug - asexual like a virus
- pinkraincoat - hair pulling . teeth biteing. excitement.
- pinkskagurl - * Arienette *
- pinkxgiraffexx - peach
- pinkyue - sarah
- poormexican - To These Never Winter Knights
- powerpuffmybag - [sara]
- prettywhenicry - Candace
- proudposeur - Sari
- pseudospork - love the way that sounds
- psychoticpunk - point your gun in another direction
- pullmytriggerxx - Aaralyn
- punkisdead - don mega
- punksa_living - punksa_living
- punkskittles - Ween
- purple_rain - Rhiannon
- quietnkissable - nina is way cool like woah
- rad_jose - radly j. phoenix
- radiograndeur - Bombinating Stereo
- radioscam - Your Worst Mistake
- ralphjunior - ralphjunior
- raptureruptures - Elly
- ribble - Rob
- rocknrollgrrl - Libby
- rossybandit - cat fever
- runspantless - runspantless
- rush_affiliate - rush_affiliate
- rx_queen02 - Lorah
- safiersephiroth - Bacchus
- saira - risky bizniz
- sarcasm - sarcasm
- sariepoo - Custy
- sase - distancedbymoments
- sashaxcore - x separate the sparkle from stars x
- satanandcheese - Get in a knife fight.
- scariechica - Miss Sarah
- sealedbytears - _hello there angel from my nightmare;
- severe_scented - Jassmine
- shannon06 - shannon
- shesgotheart - sarah
- shmoodie - cheekaBOWOW.
- shoe_guy - powerdbysarcasm
- shortfingered - you hate me
- sickxofxitxall - The Shooting Star That Destroyed Us All
- signofdevotion - Jason
- skanugget - I was born for this
- skaterdiva007 - .andrea.
- slightlybemused - craptacular
- slipknotslut - jackie
- slitmywristcore - every ounce of my soul
- snowfalcon - //grrrly faerie//
- snowness - Nicole or Nadia if you know me as a russian
- solace - Kyle Matteson
- somethingto4get - jessy
- sometree - dan the bear
- sosuccexxy - sosuccexxy
- soulsloshing101 - ☆★ sensation délicieuse ★☆
- sparkle_core - Sufficate. in. Morphine.
- sparklemaster - My cut and paste life...
- sparklymisfit - KT
- spaztasterastic - Dying To Be Killed
- spilt_sugar - Xiola
- st3vo - my pox ar gowing awae
- stabyerself - Nothing Hurts When No One Is Real.
- stapleyourface - Joseph
- starlitmorning - truth . beauty . freedom . love
- starvinginfant - fucking destroyer
- stevenmc - stayfun
- stoopidgirl - Amber
- strangled - Phoenix in Flames
- strawberri77 - Cereal Killer
- strongwilled - Lauren
- suckmyass - The Almighty Queen of Cheese
- sugarcoatedsour - //more sweet serum to devour the hours//
- supermorgo - Morgan
- surf_ninja - Not an Asian
- surreal_satire - surreal_satire
- swedishfishyum - living each day like you're already dead.
- sweetoblivion - jb
- sweetykat3 - miss anthrope
- symon - symon
- taraj - Memories fill our lungs, drowning us
- tbsyummyadam - Alycia
- teenage_pervert - Mr. T
- teenagedeathgrl - Lyra Luminara
- th3reas0nisy0u - <3 Autumn <3
- thatwhichiwas - thatwhichiwas
- thenikki - Nikki
- therealgnu - gnu
- thewasteofpaint - thewasteofpaint
- thinkupdreams - another innocent girl
- tickledx8 - Paige
- tiffofanie - Tiffany
- times_like_this - your precious
- timrousbeastie - heather
- tinaverde - tina verde
- tinkerbell917 - connie corleone
- tootoughtodie - All My 19 Scars
- trapp022 - the prettiest sin
- trashboy - mike
- tripandglidex - emily
- tumms - force
- tw0forflinching - tw0forflinching
- umitschristina - i am rodrigo gonzalez or christina whatever workz
- unrequitedllove - smeared black ink
- unseenlife - béseme
- vallygurl - V is for VAGINA...and Val.
- vanitystrings - shel
- vert - vert
- verucaviolet - .pegleg kelly.
- vinistheshit - dearest, i'll meet you in the hollows
- vintagehottie - vintagehottie
- violeta - Violet
- virginiaclair - faintheart in a railway train
- vonsablonde - Veronica VON
- voodoo_ - [sherry]
- warwithin - Aaron
- weetzee - weetzee
- weezette - new york kiss
- what_a_curse - .miss ashley.
- what_is_left - NEVERagain®
- withredribbons - ste-phwoar-knee
- woahcalgone - Hilary ?
- wraincloud - Wraincloud
- x__lovebuzz - amanda
- xabsentmindedx - Megs
- xaviergoodchyld - Deepimple McGee
- xdeskx - e luxo so
- xfatalyyoursx - Marlee
- xh2oxgox - Christine
- xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
- xkittycatx - Catherine Marie
- xmeatgrinderx - A razor-wristed kid looking forward to ends
- xnicolemariex - i'm called complicated
- xophotochicox - xophotochicox
- xpunkmonkeyx - J Sparksman
- xsheseesstarsx - courtney d'anne
- xstargazerx - katie caffrey
- xtallbastardx - murder has its sexual side
- xthexjillx - jillian leigh
- xtornbrethlessx - guru fashion queen he says
- xvanityx - Cheated by the Opposite of Love
- xxglittergirlxx - You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me.
- xxrosanaxx - xxrosanaxx
- ylime - *chemical stress*
- youre_static - ??!
- yummi - nicole.
- zelse555 - Vincent
- zerocoolphreak - Pixie Bliss