There are 4 LiveJournal-specific markup tags and several LiveJournal-specific URL forms, as listed and explained below. These tags and URL forms will only work within journal entries, comments, and the Bio section of the User Info page. Some are further restricted to only journal entries, as explained below.
<lj-cut> ... </lj-cut>
This can be used in a journal entry to hide all or part of an entry. When the entry appears in your journal or on someone's Friends page, everything after an <lj-cut> tag and before a closing </lj-cut> tag will be replaced by a link to the Read Comments page. The Read Comments page always displays the entire entry and any comments made on it. When the <lj-cut> is closed with </lj-cut>, any text placed after the closing </lj-cut> tag will also display on the journal, instead of just on the Read Comments page.
By default, the link will say "Read more...", but if you want it to say something else like "Cut off here", you can write the tag as <lj-cut text="Cut off here">
If you wish to see your entry with the <lj-cut> after you have updated your journal, you will have to view your journal. If you go to "view entry", you will see the entry as it appears after clicking on the <lj-cut>. Additionally, the "preview entry" link will also take you to a view of your entry as it appears after you have clicked on the <lj-cut>. You will not be able to view your <lj-cut> when previewing your entry.
It is possible to disable lj-cuts. For information about this, please see the appropriate section below.
<lj user="exampleusername">
Replace exampleusername with the username of any LiveJournal account. This is displayed as a bold link to the journal. Depending on the type of the account -- user, community, news journal, or syndicated account -- the icon that appears next to the journal name will change. The icon will link to the account's User Information page, while the journal name will link to its Recent Entries page.
<lj-poll> ... </lj-poll>
This tag can be used by users with Paid or Permanent Accounts to include a poll in a journal entry. For more information on polls see
<lj-raw> ... </lj-raw>
This disables the auto-insertion of line breaks on sections of your post. This provides the same functionality as choosing "None" for "Text Formatting" when posting an entry, but can be used to stop text formatting on only a section of your post instead of the entire post.
The rich text editor allows you to use <lj-cut> and <lj user> tags without entering the code manually.
Many clients available for download also contain simple ways to use LiveJournal-specific tags. For information on a specific client, consult its documentation or menu options.
It is possible to disable <lj-cut> tags, so that you always see the full text of entries on Friends or Recent Entries pages.
To disable <lj-cut> tags on the Recent Entries pages of all of the journals that you view (including your own), go to the Admin Console ( and type the following:
set opt_ljcut_disable_lastn 1
To disable <lj-cut> tags on the Friends pages of all of the journals that you view (including your own), go to the Admin Console and type the following:
set opt_ljcut_disable_friends 1
To undo these choices, go to the Admin Console and type:
set opt_ljcut_disable_lastn 0
set opt_ljcut_disable_friends 0
There are also several LiveJournal-specific URL forms that will only work on LiveJournal:
* <a href="lj://user/exampleusername/">ExampleUserName</a> will make a link to exampleusername's journal ( Note that "user" is used in this URL, while "users" is used in the usual URL. You can also extend the journal's URL to make a link to other pages in the journal. For example, <a href="lj://user/exampleusername/friends/">ExampleUserName's Friends</a> will make a link to exampleusername's Friends page (
* <a href="lj://user/exampleusername/profile/">ExampleUserName's User Info</a> or <a href="lj://userinfo/exampleusername/">ExampleUserName's User Info</a> will make a link to exampleusername's User Info page (
* <a href="lj://userpics/exampleusername/">ExampleUserName's user pictures</a> will make a link to exampleusername's user pictures page (
* <a href="lj://memories/exampleusername/">ExampleUserName's Memories</a> will make a link to exampleusername's Memories page (
* <a href="lj://todo/exampleusername/">ExampleUserName's to-do list</a> will make a link to exampleusername's to-do list (
* <a href="lj://pubkey/exampleusername/">ExampleUserName's Public Key</a> will make a link to exampleusername's public key (
* <a href="lj://support/3777/">Support Request #3777</a> will make a link to the 3777th support request ( <a href="lj://support/">Support</a> without a number will make a link to the main Support page (
* <a href="lj://faq/75/">FAQ #75</a> will make a link to the FAQ Question #75 ( <a href="lj://faq/">FAQ</a> without a number will make a link to the main FAQ page (
* <a href="lj://">LiveJournal</a> with no information after "lj://" will make a link to the LiveJournal homepage (
In each of these URL forms, the double-slash (//) may be eliminated without affecting the location of the link. These URLs can only be used in links made by using the anchor (<a>) tag.
What does the "Text Formatting" option do?
How do I update my journal using the Rich Text editor?
What is a downloadable client? Where can I get one?