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toronto goth donation drive [Feb. 8th, 2005|12:04 am]
TG Donation Drive has another hosting bill due very soon.
We are seeking donations from visitors to the website to help us cover these costs.
Please help us out if you like this site, find it useful, or maybe just have some extra money in your paypal account.

You can donate any amount directly and securely onto our hosting bill at using your paypal account. The amount gets taken off our bill, it doesn't go into our debauchery funds.

As a thank you (for donations above $20US), if you like, we can provide one month of banner advertising on one of our rotating banner exchanges in return. The banner ads are a great way for you to spread the word about your band/store/product to the dark masses :)
Please contact us in advance (before you donate) so we can arrange the details.

Thanks to local bands Trench Run and Delica [info]hermdelica for kicking off the donation drive and sending in their support.

Let's keep those donations coming!!
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models [Feb. 6th, 2005|09:42 pm]
Updated the TG model profiles

The purpose of this section is to provide fashion designers and photographers a one-stop resource to seek out new models.

If you're a model or would like to be one, feel free to submit your info and increase your exposure. Since it's modelling, people need to know what you look like, we are no longer accepting profiles w/out pictures. Also looking for more males to submit, it's been all females so far and some balance would be nice.


TG contests

Visit to read more info and to enter.

+ Win free tickets in our weekly draw for Machine/Spinerazor shows @ The Vatikan.
+ Win tickets to EDEN:Fireplay! at Savage Garden on Thurs. February 10th.
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missing dog [Feb. 6th, 2005|04:40 pm]
It appears the dog has been found, yay !!!!


I saw these posts on the toronto LJ, and am spreading the word about this persons lost dog.

Description: shepherd husky cross, see the posts for more info, and he is the dog in her LJ icon:

Please read them and keep an eye out for this dog, especially if you are in the bathurst/lawrence area or st clair/dufferin area, but the dog could really be anywhere.

She says he is friendly (but dumb) and don't be afraid to approach him and help bring him back to his owners.

i hope he is found soon!
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February 13th return to the Catacombs [Jan. 31st, 2005|06:53 pm]
Sunday February 13th presents Return to the Catacombs
All ages, no cover, doors 8pm.
The Vatikan, 1032 Queen St. W.

Tonight is a special event and features:
DEMONS! Art show by Crimson Avellone
Live bands: Nanochrist & Perdition
DJ: DemEntia
Merch booth: Reaperz Ripperz (goth resin figures)
Prizes and giveaways

More info and links at

* Catacombs is a regular Sunday night event, with DJs Steven & Ocean.
There will NOT BE A Catacombs next Sunday February 6th due to a charity event, but the special night that is planned for the following Sunday the 13th will more than make up for it!

Help spread the word if you can :)
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tinfoil hat contest and party [Jan. 31st, 2005|06:44 pm]
Not involved with this event, just spreading the word!


We all know that dangerous aliens are attempting to probe our brains with their high
falutin' energy beams. What's the cheapest, most efficient way to block their
intentions and think for ourselves? Yup. Tinfoil Hats. presents...

Thursday, February 3, 2005
@ The Blue Moon, 725 Queen St. East
(steps east of Broadview, south side)
Doors at 8 pm sharp $5 19+

Tinfoil Hat creation begins at 8:30 pm
Judging around 9:30 pm
Followed by music from the amazing GOULAIS RIVER RATS

Visit right now for contest rules! Bring your own tin foil! Amazing
prizes & neat judges who should be bribed with beer. Really.
Bring cool people. Have fun!

Please Note: Due to allergies, no perfume, cologne, or scented chemicals are
permitted at funkless events. Thanks!
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corset [Jan. 28th, 2005|10:09 pm]
I received my custom made Buckle Bat corset this week from Starkers

Pictures to come later maybe.

It's fabulous, and I would definitely recommend Starkers
Check them out at

Thanks T. for this gift.

In other news, it's a good thing I checked my email, I thought there was a party tonight and was going to stop by. Turns out it's not until tomorrow !

Think I might just get dressed and head on out, I don't feel like sitting at home anymore.
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quiz [Jan. 20th, 2005|11:38 pm]
Well LJ ate my post so here's a quiz instead.

You Are 27 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

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pictures [Jan. 18th, 2005|12:46 am]
Every Sunday Night presents Return to the Catacombs
all ages, no cover, doors 8pm, DJs Steven & Ocean
Pictures from January 9th and 16th have just been uploaded.
Check them out at - and that especially means minxclothing and hermdelica should go look, the mask ones are hilarious.

Vatikan New Years eve pictures *new*
Spinerazor's New Years Eve bash at the Vatikan which featured Cheer Leadr, Goat Horn, CJ Sleez, Perdition and Struck By Truth.
Check them out at
Contests for Machine/Spinerazor tickets at
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this sunday [Jan. 14th, 2005|12:03 am]
I'll be the extra DJ this Sunday January 16th at the Vatikan. [info]mistressjadis will be the drunk birthday girl. There is no cover for this night so please come out. presents:

Return to the Catacombs

Steven and Ocean spin classic/new gothic, Industrial and all your requests.

Spread the word to your fiends and come out for drinks, conversation and music.

Every Sunday, All Ages, No Cover, Doors 8pm, @ The Vatikan 1032 Queen St. W.
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links [Jan. 13th, 2005|08:44 pm]
Updated the links page and deleted the old one.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions or if I missed something.
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jan 13 [Jan. 12th, 2005|11:35 pm]
Nanochrist, Trench Run and Defence Mechanism

Thursday, January 13th
at The Vatikan
1032 Queen St W
Doors 9pm 19+, $6
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mistaken, LJ has not made a deal with the DEVIL [Jan. 12th, 2005|08:49 pm]
I retract.

Livejournal does not insert links into your posts based on the words you write. That would cause quite the uproar indeed, as evident in the few posts here and dragonlady's original post. And that only went on for about 15 minutes. Imagine the uproar if it was true.

This was the EVILNESS of Hyperlinker - spyware.

Detective badge of merit goes to: Miss Lynx

I can now return to my regularly scheduled programming. Checking email then having a hot bath and CSI at 10pm.
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[Jan. 12th, 2005|08:38 pm]
kitchen chair
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this is only a test [Jan. 12th, 2005|08:25 pm]
This is a test.

Apparently LJ now inserts links into your entries. I think based on words that you write, and it links to a search for those words or something.

So I"m writing a bunch of words below to see what happens.

ice skates


free porn

naked women

naked men


desperate housewives




anal sex


cough medicine

bela lugosi

dvd burner


cat food

menstrual medication

digital camera


dish soap

privacy violation


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links on [Jan. 9th, 2005|08:53 pm]
We're about to revamp the LINKS section of

You can view what's currently there at

I'm seeking your suggestions for links to include in order to have a complete listing and provide exposure to different websites in our community. Since this is a Toronto website, links should be related to Toronto, with some exceptions.

Please check to make sure your suggested link is not already listed. Revisions and updates are of course welcome.

Comment here or use the submission form at the above url to give your suggestions.

I will generally only link sites that provide a reciprocal link to (with some exceptions of course). I will also be going through the current links and making sure they still provide this reciprocal link. If they have removed our link, I will probably remove theirs. That might sound bitchy, but fair is fair.
link11 comments|post comment updates [Jan. 9th, 2005|07:07 pm]
Visit to view the following updates:

1. Pictures from toronto-goth's XMAS Absinthe party at the Vatikan. This was a great way for us to spend XMAS eve, and everybody had a great time. There are 24 pictures for you to see.

2. Adventures in Gothic Clubland column. This one talks about "The Rise (and hopefully the fall) of the Dreaded Vampire Queen".

3. A new contest for tickets to Machine/Spinerazor shows at the Vatikan. We're giving away three tickets every week for the next five weeks.

4. And speaking of the Vatikan, check out the News section for info about this clubs new website and their plans for 2005.

5. continues to present 'return to the Catacombs.' We've just uploaded some pictures from the January 2nd event, so check them out and find out all the info about this weekly all ages night.

6. And as always, we welcome donations to help us pay for the website, visit to donate securely online into our hosting account using Paypal. We can give you advertising in return and help you promote your band, business or event. Contact us for details.

*crossposted to [info]torontogoth
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catacombs tonight [Jan. 9th, 2005|02:03 pm] presents:

Return to the Catacombs

Steven and Ocean spin classic/new gothic, Industrial and all your requests.

Spread the word to your fiends and come out for drinks, conversation and music.

Every Sunday, All Ages, No Cover, Doors 8pm, @ The Vatikan 1032 Queen St. W.

Next Sunday January 16th I'll also be DJing and it will also be the birthday celebration of [info]mistressjadis
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LJ Friends - reductions [Dec. 30th, 2004|05:47 pm]
On an LJ note, I think the turning of the calender to another year is a good time to make some changes to the friends list (again).

I don't want to spend so much time on LJ

I have removed people

I don't interact with
who don't interact with me
(the above two are the biggest ones)

never really did interact with
don't seem to be on livejournal anymore
have not been so nice to me
who I question why they really are reading my journal
and so on.

I trust that nobody will take any offense.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions or concerns or if you think we should continue to be LJ friends.

Also, if anybody else would like to remove me, please go ahead!

As an aside, for anybody new: my profile states: please comment on one of my public posts if you would like me to add you to my list.
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tonight !!!!!!!! [Dec. 25th, 2004|02:35 pm]
[mood | horny]

For those looking for something to do tonight...
The Vatikan, 1032 Queen St. W.

Saturday December 25th presents X-MAS ABSINTHE
DJs DemEntia & Steven spin goth / industrial / alternative / requests
Doors 9pm, no cover, all ages. *last Absinthe event*
Drink specials courtesy of as a thank you for your support over the last 5 years. Also featuring Absinthe and that hard to find Red REV.

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Satyricon [Dec. 24th, 2004|10:02 pm]
You may have read in the papers:
"Two touring musicians with the Norwegian black metal band Satyricon are scheduled to make a Christmas Eve appearance at Old City Hall via video after being charged with giving a fan a date-rape drug and sexually assaulting her in a tour bus following a Dec. 15 concert."
full toronto star article

This concert took place at Funhaus.

A Norwegian journalist had actually emailed TG earlier this week (or maybe last week) and asked us if we knew anything or knew anybody who knew anything, as they were going to air later that day and wanted more info from Toronto people. I wrote back and said I hadn't heard anything, as at that point I hadn't.

I was looking at the stats for and noticed a huge spike on Tuesday Dec 21 which I guess is the day the story first broke wide into the mainstream media. I looked a little deeper and saw that a total of 958 hits came in via a search for key words funhaus toronto, some combined with norwegian. Add that to the regular number of hits, an additional 816 (beyond the 958) search queries were not logged which could also have been related. That is a lot of hits.

we don't actually have much information up on Funhaus, other then the clubs page and their current and past event archives.

A yahoo search for Satyricon rape yields what I assume are lyrics: "We shall Piss on your graves, kill your women, rape your daughters and torture your soul until eternity ends "

Utterly charming.

We posted a news item on on Dec 19th about drugs being used as a weapon in sexual assault, which was spurred by other recent events, but the warning would also be very valid in this case.
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