Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "shows".
397 matches:
- 1962 - The Girl Upstairs
- 515_crew - 515 creW
- 55north - 55 North
- __allister - allister fans
- __neon - __neon
- _brandnew - We Appreciate Brand New!
- _brighteyes - BRIGHT EYES
- _friends_only_ - Friend
- _good_grief_ - Good Grief
- _my_only_hope_ - Amber
- _patent - patent pending fans
- _scenery_kids - _scenery_kids
- _strawberryrock - The EviL Strawberry Community
- _whatdoyouthink - what do you think?
- a_boy_named_oi - the bold and the beautiful.
- afirockers - AFI Rockers
- allaboutbrandon - We love Brandon
- allthatsleft - All Thats Left Fans
- allthingsemo - all things emo
- alt_cincy - the other side of cincy
- alunderground - Alabama Underground
- am180 - Grandaddy
- amoeba_music - Amoeba Music Community
- an_farewell - The Nightmare continues here....
- angrymob - Central Coast Scene
- anotherhourlost - Another Hour Lost
- anti_elitist - contre d'elitism
- anti_kerrap - Anti Kerrap! Life Is Lame, Every Wednesday
- anti_manson - Anti Marilyn Manson
- armyofmekids - The Army of Me Kids
- as_dawn_falls - As Dawn Falls
- assuckattheprom - nova/dc rock kids
- atlantamusician - Atlanta Musicians
- awardshowjunkie - Award Show Discussion Community
- awikatchikaen - je suis un chauffeur de va-a-an ..
- azunderground - Arizona Underground
- azyardsale - AZ GARAGE SALES
- badasskitties - The Badass Kitties
- band_aids - Miss Penny Lane
- band_promo - Band Promotion
- bandclassifieds - I want to Rock
- bandstalkers - band stalkers anonymous
- bayareamusic - bay area music
- bergencounty - cool bergen county people unite
- bert_is_sex - Seems like your better half said it all.
- bfbc - B.F.B.C.
- bhamreview - Bellingham and western Whatcom county
- bind_the_fabric - Connections in an Isolating Age
- bitchcore - bitchcore
- black_bandaids - Soaked.
- bleeding_juliet - Juliet Is Bleeding
- bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
- boldandbeautifu - Bold and the Beautiful fans unite and discuss!!!
- boston_bands - boston_bands
- boyfans - boy the band
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- boywunder_fans - You're like a 12-guage shotgun
- broward_florida - Broward County Residents
- button_whore - +for those who love buttons+
- c_dos_run - C:/DOS/RUN
- calocalbands - calocalbands
- cflrockshows - Central & North Central Florida Show Connections
- chat_kids - chat kids
- cheeseheads - cheezy_does_it
- chicago_party - chi-town
- chicago_punk - Chicagoland Punks
- chicagoindie - chicagoindie
- chicagoljbash - LJers Invading Chicagoland
- chicagorockers - Chicago Rock Scene
- chrisholifields - the followers of chris holifield.
- cky_alliance - The Unofficial CKY Alliance Community on LJ
- claim_a_comm - Claim a Commercial!
- cleveland_indie - cleveland indie rock
- cocker_spaniel - English and American Cocker Spaniel Lovers
- cold_army - The COLD Army
- coldarmy - COLD ARMY/HEATHER
- columbus_scene - Columbus Ohio Music Scene
- comeonturnitup - its all about me, me + me
- commoneffect - common effect kids
- cookiesandboys - çøØkie§ + ßo¥s
- crazyclaims - Crazy Claims
- crotchcrew - CROTCHxCREW
- crucialxninja - Crucial Ninja Crew
- cruelirony - sabrina . jaime . bffl
- curvaceousxcore - shake it
- custom - Kelly is dumb
- damngoodmusic - the music of rocking out
- davey_havok - davey havok (and all things afi) community.
- daytonahardcore - daytona beach
- dc_makes_us_cry - Dashboard Confessional
- deadfaktory - The Dead Faktory
- dealerkids - Dealerkids
- denver_harbor - The SD band that rocks you
- detroit_local - detroit local
- dexterdanger - Dexter Danger
- diablotones - Diablotones Fans
- distortbeauty - [db]
- diytilwedie - Lady Pirates and Scavenging Scoundrels
- doodlesontherun - You can't catch me, I'm a slick Doodle Girl
- drivethrurecord - Drive-thru Records Fans
- dropabeat - .: Drop A Beat :.
- drumkids - LJ percussionists
- dynamicwomen - P. Shaw Area Consultants
- eastendgirls - East End Girls
- easton_kids - Easton Kids Community
- elitistxcore - Cunty McCuntScab
- emo_eastpa_kids -
- emo_sob_stories - emo_sob_stories
- emoindiepunk - Emo boy meets Emo girl
- emoindustrial - your beats make me cry
- engulfedbysound - Engulfed By Sound
- eriepa - erie pa
- expectantmother - expectantmothers
- f_a_t_l_y - Fans Against Teenies Like You
- fake_docs - reclaiming the early nineties
- fannish_icons - Fannish Icons
- fashion_sex_usa - fashion_sex_usa
- fashionformonks - Give me what you got!!!!
- fashionsnobs - snobby mcsnoberson
- fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
- fashionxcore - moshing, fighting, good hair...
- fattiemcfat -
- fewpies - The Few
- filewhorez - filewhorez
- firesiderats - Rats of the Fireside Bowl
- fivepointstar - FivePointStar
- flamingwords - Flaming Hearts and Flaming Dreams
- flickerstickers - | Flickerstick Fans |
- floridasucks - Pave The Everglades!
- fly_girls - ***Fly Girl Community***
- for_sell - Sell your stuff
- foxy_fiends - Foxy Fiends
- fracturedstart - The first and only Fractured Start Community
- frenchkicks - Nick, Matt, Josh & Lawrence
- fucking_shows - Fucking Shows
- fuckpunks - Punks Suck
- fuckuturn - kid dynamite (and beyond)..
- funcore - FUNxCORE
- fxckyoucrew - x fxck you crew x
- gallery_unique - Gallery Unique
- garbage_freaks - garbage
- gaypunkbois - Gay punk bois Community
- gayxscenexkids - breaking the stereo type
- getswiped -
- gig_pics - Gig Pics
- gilmore_girls - Gilmore_Girls
- girlsinhardcore - girlsinhardcore
- go_go_calypso - The Girl In The Cage
- guesswhoimet - Guess Who I Met?
- guitargrrls - Guitar Grrls
- guysinhardcore - for hardcore lovers.
- gxc - the geekcore community
- harryconnickjr - All About Harry Connick Jr.
- hartsfield - .Hartsfield.
- hc_festivals - Hardcore Festivals
- hellpaso - hellpaso
- herishim - Official HIM Community sanctioned by UniversalJFRC
- hideyourhead - Overempathisers Anonymous
- himster - HIM fans
- hipsters - you wanna be hip & stylin, babe it's too damn late
- hoburgers - ho's up, pimp's down.
- hothotheat - [fashion.fight.pause]
- houston_music - Houstonian Music Fanatic
- hrctothecore - Sorry About Tomorrow
- i_heart_gf - greyfield's only hardcore fans
- i_may_look_emo - we break skulls, kind of.
- icontalent - Icon Talent: People with Icon Talent
- idontloveyou - heart is on the floor.
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- imintoyou - your makeout buddy
- indexcase - IC
- indiexiankids - we heart God
- isthatafact - yeah, huh?
- its - Thespians
- jamieisalush - All About the Ongoings
- jello_jesus - Anal Anarchy
- jenandsue - The Adventures of Jen & Sue
- jerry_cantrell - Jerry Cantrell
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- just_got_wicked - Cold
- kansascitymusic - kansas city / lawrence area music events
- keyxwestxpunk - KEYxWESTxPUNK
- kill_rock_stars - KRS Records
- killrecover - Recover music
- killtheseuglies - The Uglies
- ktown - Kenora
- lamemc68 - music snob blah blah
- legendaryclutch - legendaryclutch
- leisure_rocks - The UNOfficial Community for Leisure Fans
- lesmiz - Les Miserables Community
- less_than_jake - Less Than Jake Fans
- li_events - LI_Events
- lipstickparty - lipstickparty
- ljmaine - LiveJournalists From Maine
- ljnh - LiveJournal New Hampshire
- llbnf - [a new misery]
- localbands - Local Bands
- localxshows - NW-FLYERS.
- london_bar - London bar
- louisianametal - Louisiana Metal
- loveindierock - Rock Music's Fan Club
- lyndsaydiaries - fans of the lyndsay diaries
- mable54 - We Actually Write Here
- madhattan_trig - up-to-date urban dwellers
- mary_prankster - Mary Fans....UNITE
- massemo - Massachusetts Emo/Punk/Hardcore kids
- masshardcore - Massachusetts Hardcore
- mcr_fans - Like Phantoms Forever, OXXOOXXOO
- md_music - Maryland Local Music
- mdpunk - Tri-state Punks
- meatxedge - mXe
- memphismusic - Memphis Music
- mexi_punx - Beaners
- mi_punks_unite - michigan streetpunks unite
- michikids - Michigancore
- mindlessbrats - Mindless Self Indulgence Junkies
- minnesota_music - Record it, Live it, Love it
- mn_shows - Minnesota Shows, Concerts, and Events
- moc_neworleans - makeoutclub new orleans
- montevallo - University of Montevallo
- morecore - drain motherfucker
- morerockthanyou - like totally way rad dude
- moretolifethan - we see
- moshpituk - Gigs in the U.K!!!
- movie_claims - Claim A Movie
- movie_nazis - Movie Nazis
- murdermurder - cretin kids.
- music_murmur - news of the noise
- musicbiz - MusicBiz
- musicobsession - Music Fanatics
- musicwriters - Music Writers
- musicxchange - Van Goghs Music Trade
- nachos_4_lunch - The Donkey
- nerd_whores - nerd whores
- newengland_hxc - East Coast Hardcore
- newenglandpunx - New England Punk
- newpaltzjunkies - We Love New Paltz!!!
- ninja_x_crew - Ninja Crew
- no_apologies - homeslice
- no_depression - no_depression
- nokesvillecrew - down with the nvc
- non_losers - WE RULE YOU DROOL
- nyc_scene - nyc_scene
- nycpunks - NYCPunk
- nysfieldband - New York State Field Band
- ocean_avenue - There's a place on ocean avenue...
- ocska - ocska
- oh_sugar - radXcore
- ohgeez - Getting Local
- ohio_needs_rock - Boy, do I feel like being a rock star today.
- onlyundiesclub - OnlyUndiesClub.Com
- ourmemphis - OURMEMPHIS
- outcastpix - punk, goth, freak, nerds, dorks, pic hoes
- over_it_rocks - Over It
- pa_showlistings - PA Show Listings
- pantlesssociety - The Pantless Society
- partyposse - vince ff and the party posse
- pensacolascene - Gulf Coast Music
- pgmg_paramour - a musical inamorato
- pinheadnation - NJ Musician Classifieds
- pink_ink - Write Before You Think
- pinklacesquad - PLS
- pinkxcrew - PinkXCrew
- plattsburgh - plattsburgh rocks
- poll_fever - Poll Fever
- promusicians - Professional Musicians
- punk_parts - Punk Parts
- punkinbuffalo - Punk in Buffalo
- punkmart - punkmart!
- punkpersonals - Tragic Autumn Ends
- punkrawkdotnet - Punk Rawk
- punksnotdead - PunksNotDead
- punxrus - save our scene.
- queerneworleans - Queer New Orleans
- random_exchange - Random Exchange
- rather_be_hated - We Don't Care
- realityshows - Reality Shows
- reclusepunk - Cute Without The E
- reconstructing - <3
- reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
- reviewfetus - Review Fetus
- revis - Revis
- riotgrrlhangout - Riot Grrl Community
- rise_and_shine -
- robot_is_sweet - ROBot_is_sweet
- rockin_beats - Art and rock 'n roll
- sanantoniomusic - San Antonio Music
- sassyscenesluts - Dead dead dead
- savainahscene - thats a good ass hip hop group
- saveourscene - Save Our Scene TODAY!!! a musical and politcal org
- scary_kids - Scary Kids Scaring Kids Community
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- scenexcore - sceneXcore
- schardcore - Hardcore Message Board
- screamxcry - i scream i cry im lonely ill die
- scsu_ct - Southern Connecticut State University
- sd_larp - SD_Larp
- seattle_events - Seattle Happenin's
- seattlescene - Seattle & Music
- second_priority - Second Priority
- self_promotion - Self Promotion
- sendmeasmile - send me a SMILE!
- sex_is_popular - looking for some action
- sfs - Soundless Filthy Samurai's
- shamelessplug - Check me Out
- shastaroman - Stoopid
- shemadethis - She Made This
- shoegaze - shoegaze
- shorthairmetal - SHORT HAIRED METAL KIDS.
- show_goers - Show Goers
- singlesbar - The Singles Bar
- singlexedge - poison free with no one to love
- skeetown - Skee Town muthafuckas!
- slothxcore - ima be a sloth fo' life
- sme_utw - Sloppy MeatEaters fans
- sneakerswskirts - sneakers with skirts
- socal_punk - Socal_punk
- socal_snobbery - SoCal Elitists
- sofla_veg - .hot and uncarnivorous.
- soflarock - south(east) florida ROCK!
- soulfood - fans of Soul Food, the Showtime series
- soundandfury - Bedford Fans
- southflcomunity - South Florida Community
- spectaculera - IL Circo ~
- split2ndchance - Split Second Chance
- splitcheck - :your:mom:wants:to:know:
- spongeybob - Spongeybob! Community (Spongebob Movie Nov. 19th)
- spu - Seattle Pacific University
- starting_line - the first, the only, the official TSL community!
- stronghopes - simple people complcated minds
- stylishdeviants - Sub-cultures Unite!
- sugarbleach - Dead Community, Vacant City
- suki_desu - suki desu
- swampscene - Hampton Roads Music Scene
- sweatshirtmafia - THe SWeaTSHiRT MaFia
- sxepunkerz - sXe punkerz
- tampabayscene - The Tampa Bay Scene
- tandscom - Tegan & Sara
- tbay_grrls - Grrls
- the_armada - Big Spaceship Gang!
- the_eyeliners - the eyeliners fans
- the_front_row - the front row
- the_sas - SkAnKiN LoVeiN iS ALL wE GoT~!
- theactionindex - anna karina
- theatre_geeks - Theatre-Geeks
- thebus - The bus came by and we got on...
- thefallchildren - The Fall Children
- thegangsallhere - dropkick murphys
- thegreasepit - The Grease Pit
- theguestlist - Music Thumpin
- thekanakabunyip - vilano quansa
- themusic_scene - Scene Armada
- themusicbiz - The Music Business Community
- thenegatives - the negatives
- thepityparty - The Pity Party
- thereacharounds - The Reacharounds
- theredteam - The girls of the Red Team
- thindarkline - Thin Dark Line Fans
- thirdeyeblind - Starring Down the Sun
- thugxcore - .:thugXcore:.
- thunderbaybands - #thunder_bay_bands on dalnet
- tightpants - boys in tight pants
- torontoartists - Toronto Artists
- tour_dates - On Tour
- tradepunktapes - punk rock tape traders
- trickdames - Trick Dames
- truantdistilla - distillers posse
- tv_shows - everything we watch!
- two_tenxcrew - 210xcrew for life
- urbansound - URBANdog
- used_addicts - the used fiends
- useyourheadset - .useyourheadset.
- va_punk - virginia/ dc punk
- vagina_secrets - _____ vagina ; secrets
- veganxatlanta - veganxatlanta
- vegasgrand - Vegas Grand
- videogamewidows - ignorance is bliss?
- virgin_core - the pure communtity
- washegonians - Washingtonians and Oregonians ages 15-25 unite
- wayne_scene - we ARE the scene
- weedsucks - sXe people
- weezernerds - Weezer Nerd
- werockmilwaukee - ¡Rock Milwaukee!
- whatisthis - don't get mad at me
- whoresofmahopac - whores of mahopac
- whyarewesohottt - WHY ARE WE SO HOTT.
- wny_indie - Let's make a scene!
- x716x - x 7 1 6 x
- x_grrrls - for straightedge girls
- xboysinmakeupx - The Boys your Girlfriends Warned You About.
- xgwinnettx - we own you
- xnhdcx - We are better than you
- xnpcx - North Phoenix Crew
- yousuckeggs - Random Bands Rock
- youthenergy - .:Youth Energy:.
Interested users
The following users are interested in shows. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
437 matches: