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User:mattgillies (145539) mattgillies
Website:i am freekboy
Location:Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
AOL IM:AIM status mattgillies (Add Buddy, Send Message)
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"But if crying and holding on
And flying on the ground is wrong
Then I'm sorry to let you down,
But you're from my side of town
And I miss you..."

I'm... me I guess... I think, I breathe, I cry, I bleed and somehow I get up the next day and do it all over again.

I eat paper.

I had a sidekick. Then she turned on me too.

I loooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeee ramen. it helped me fall in love once...

I don't actually have all of the chat programs above; Instead, I use Trillian which has them all built into one.

I have a terrible habit of trying to save people... like the song says, I can not save you... I can't even save myself.

Above all else, I love.

Rules for the game of life:

1-Don't play games with other people's hearts

2-Always question religion wether you believe it or not.

3-Think for yourself, foo !

4-Weird does not mean bad

5-Respect yourself or nobody else will.

6-"Don't read beauty magazines, they'll only make you feel ugly"

7-Don't starve yourself to lose weight, you're probably good looking the way you are.

8-Women can be beautiful even if they don't way 98 pounds (45 of which is their breasts)

9-Maybe size does matter but there are more important things

10-Never do anything when you're drunk that you're not sure you'd do if you were sober

11-Open your eyes and truly look at the world


13-Learn to be truely alone without freaking out
(then tell me how)

14-Look beyond what a person is and see who a person is.

15-Don't give up on yourself, life must get better than this


17-Don't stop no matter how out of tune you are

18-Make something beautiful and show it too the world

19-Find somthing meaningful

20-Don't be afraid to cry


22-Hatred is a virus

23-Beauty comes from inside

24-As crazy as the world may be, as out-of-control as it may seem, you hold your own life in your hands.

25-Treat each other with peace, love and respect. (Remember PLUR people!)

The Weather in Hell

These Days - Nico

I've been out walking
I don't do too much talking
These days, these days.
These days I seem to think a lot
About the things that I forgot to do
And all the times I had the chance to.

I've stopped my rambling,
I don't do too much gambling
These days, these days.
These days I seem to think about
How all the changes came about my ways
And I wonder if I'll see another highway.

I had a lover,
I don't think I'll risk another
These days, these days.
And if I seem to be afraid
To live the life that I have made in song
It's just that I've been losing so long.
La la la la la, la la.

I've stopped my dreaming,
I won't do too much scheming
These days, these days.
These days I sit on corner stones
And count the time in quarter tones to ten.
Please don't confront me with my failures,
I had not forgotten them.

30 Seconds - Tracy Bonham

For every stone, there’s a rock waiting for someone’s head
Hear it come, and you wish you had two heads
30 seconds, 30 seconds
Sell half your soul and you realize that you are
No one, no one
No one, no one

For every star, there’s another one that’s fading
Fading away, hating every bit of life
30 seconds, 30 seconds
One day of sun and the rest, you’re spending as a
No one, no one
No one, no one

Outta my way
Outta my way
Outta my way
Before you know, you’re outta my way
Outta my way
Outta my way

For everyone, there’s another one that’s stronger
So out you go, like the trash that you drug in
30 seconds, 30 seconds
Paving the way for the ones that made you feel like
No one, no one
No one, no one

Outta my way
Outta my way
Outta my way
Before you know, you’re outta my way
My way
Outta my way

White Town - White Town

I can’t understand
After everything that we planned,
How you could turn around to me and
whisper goodbye. Well I’ve been dropped before
But not so high off the floor
And I just can’t seem to pick myself up
again. If it’s something that I said
That made you feel this way,
Then I take back every word from the first
hello, But most likely I know.
Your parents said baby no
And the boy you told your friends about
just had to go. Well it’s a white town
with green trees. And nothing in love is free
So if it’s not worth fighting for It’s worth nothing at all.

What rating is your journal?

Terror Alert Level

"I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air, that progress made under the shadow of the policeman’s club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave." - H. L. Mencken

Interests:91: 42, anime, aphid, autumn, aviation, be-300, be300, beautiful things, beeos, beshell, biking, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, bpd, bratmobile, bubble tea, candy, chocolate, cigarettes, cinema, cold and broken hallelujahs, composing hallelujah, computers, cupping, dancing, dead man walking, depression, dinosaurs eating people, drama, emocore, epod, evangelion, exploits, fall, falling apart, falling from grace, falling softly asleep, falling to pieces, fighting ninjas, film, finding myself, freekboy, fruityloops, get your war on, hackers, heavenly creatures, hsu and chan, kid loco, kurt halsey, love, marble arches, megazeux, metric, music, ninjas, orbital, others finding themselves, pod, poetry, prozac nation, rachelle waterman, ramen, reading, ready or not, restaurants, schizophrenia, scientology, self mutilation, sheep, smores, stalking people, star wars, suicide, suicide nation, the baffled king, the donnas, the fifth, the fourth, the major lift, the minor fall, the new pornographers, the pixies, theatre, travel, truth, victory marches, winnipeg, writing music, yello, you tell 'em steve-dave, zombie nation. [Modify yours]
People81:108, 1337_493n7, 1899, _chords, _paperface, ali_g_m, annotated_alex, broken_hearts, burned_n_scared, cameliawood, candiedyams, cattchan, chance, cherryxpie, crackerhead, diseased_ovary, djspunkylobster, doggleduck, dolphin04, festeringsoul, folkypunk, gothadelic, hamlettwisty, heather_morris, hildaface, hypostatization, inventwords, julisana, junubee, killer_raincoat, kittybean, kryptyk_skrawl, littlecreep, lordlucan, lostsheep, lucifer_6669, marktheshark, mightymullet, mike_badguy, misscreation, n00dleboy, napalmkismet, nonnaear, onoe, oonachild, pandorasboxers, phoenixelement, pieni, polaroidpose, princesscurly, puppet_freaksho, refreshed, revjim, rigamortis666, rubydomestica, samantha16, seishin, silencefashion, snyperwolf, starblubber, starfire_hero, sweet_kisses, tannabalooka, tates, tatterlace, tel_lindar, thefunkyskunk, tiene, tjernobyl, vash, weevis, weirdcookie, whiteshadow, wickedinnocence, wouldb_dramatic, xbigcheese, xelysium, xlolita_complex, zoltanis, zowie105, zoyamarie
Communities19:asimpleword, brokensceneboys, candyforninjas, datavein, dearasshole, fiar, fourth_world, geeks, gotroot, idm, infosec, itsecurity, kill_them_all, love_lies_here, massknowledge, politicsforum, protege_moi, sanitaria, winnipeg
Mutual Friends:80: 108, 1337_493n7, 1899, _chords, _paperface, ali_g_m, annotated_alex, broken_hearts, burned_n_scared, cameliawood, candiedyams, cattchan, chance, cherryxpie, crackerhead, diseased_ovary, djspunkylobster, doggleduck, dolphin04, festeringsoul, folkypunk, gothadelic, hamlettwisty, heather_morris, hildaface, hypostatization, inventwords, julisana, junubee, killer_raincoat, kittybean, kryptyk_skrawl, littlecreep, lordlucan, lostsheep, lucifer_6669, marktheshark, mightymullet, mike_badguy, misscreation, n00dleboy, napalmkismet, nonnaear, onoe, oonachild, pandorasboxers, phoenixelement, pieni, polaroidpose, princesscurly, puppet_freaksho, refreshed, revjim, rigamortis666, rubydomestica, samantha16, seishin, silencefashion, snyperwolf, starblubber, starfire_hero, sweet_kisses, tannabalooka, tates, tatterlace, tel_lindar, thefunkyskunk, tiene, tjernobyl, vash, weevis, weirdcookie, whiteshadow, wickedinnocence, wouldb_dramatic, xelysium, xlolita_complex, zoltanis, zowie105, zoyamarie
Also Friend of:62: __zardoz, alisniceass, alystikal, amyliscious, anjhe, blueroo, boosh_koosh, cadetralphie, candiedust, cassxrocksxyou, caz181613, cheerbunny, cheeseiskeen, cherry_pez, claudia, clockwork_heart, cozgal, crumpled_sheets, deepspiral, destinys_fool, distortion, drowningxdollie, farfie18, freakcutopen, frosty_lover04, gayjesus2004, goinginsane, hagfish, hentaiguy, heretolinger, hiddendreams, ikari, instantmusic, istoleyourpie, jennisess, juniperbrze, junkie_7, koolkid, l3onia, lordofchaos, mcdux, mercifuldeath, mikii, molly2dope, orange2003, paperheartkid, poisonbubbles, princessaqua, purged2, recentlydead, sandman00, schlenk666, shasta_mcnasty, sucker_for_love, suckpump, sweet_escapes, tamazalak, thatdamncat, what_hearts, xlbgirlx, xxemkayxx, xxvanessa
Member of:64: 4saken, answers, anti_ana, anti_riaa, antiwar, asimpleword, borderline, brokensceneboys, c64, canadian, candyforninjas, commentwhores, customers_suck, datavein, dearasshole, electronicmusic, endless_empathy, everyone, fiar, fourth_world, fuck_everything, gayfaggotinc, gaz_membrane, geeks, girfans, gotroot, hurting, i_saw_a_squirrl, idm, impending_doom, infosec, invader_zim, irken_empire, itsecurity, kill_them_all, knobgeeks, kurt_halsey, lj2600, love_lies_here, lyric_xchange, massknowledge, music, nerds, or2600, orbitalized, phreakers, phreaking, pocketpc, politicsforum, potatochips, powerpuffs, protege_moi, readyornotfans, religion, sanitaria, shockmesane, stayawakewithme, surrealistgames, the_doors, true_dreamers, winnipeg, wpg_tapetrading, wtcdisaster, zimdoomydoom
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