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User:starblubber (468466) starblubber
Name:Propaganda + Control Of The Public Mind
Website:Winnipeg Punk
Location:Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Bio::: Shed Blood For What They Each Believe ::

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Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds!


One day a man saw a butterfly shuddering on the sidewalk locked in a seemingly hopeless struggle to free itself from its now useless cocoon.
Feeling pity, he took a pocket knife, carefully cut away the cocoon and set the butterfly free. To his dismay it lay on the sidewalk, convulsed weakly for a while, and died.

A biologist later told him, "That's the worst thing you could have done! A butterfly needs that struggle to develop the muscles to fly. By robbing him of the struggle, you made him too weak to live."


Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated than that.
It is opening to or recieving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.


All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

[.What I really want to say I can’t define.]

Memories:2 entries
Interests:150: akira kurosawa, anarchism, ani difranco, animal rights, anti-racist, apocalypse now, army of darkness, art, art of war, b movies, backpacking, band of brothers, big flaming pile, bob marley, body art, body modification, bubble tea, buddhism, burning spear, camping, canada, celtic punk, confucious, csi, cuddling, cute girls, deliverance, democracy, democratic socialism, donnie darko, dropkick murphys, empire records, folk fest, folkfest, fraggle rock, freedom, freedom of speech, friends, graphic design, halloween, halo, hardcore, horror movies, human rights, idealism, intelligence, ireland, irish, jamaica, jfk & the conspirators, johnny cash, kaput and zösky, kissing, law, linton kwesi johnson, love, mafia, mafia style, making out, marine biology, mixed shows, monty python, mountain climbing, mountainbiking, movies, music, mythology, ninja, nosferatu, one nite only, oz, patio lights, pearl jam, philosophy, photography, pirates, platoon, politics, psychobilly, psychology, punk, punk shows, rancid, rastafari, reclaim the streets, red dawn, reggae, rockabilly, rocksteady, rooftops, samhain, scarface, scotland, scottish, sex, shows, six feet under, ska, ska shows, ska ska ska, skateboarding, smurfs, snowboarding, social democracy, social distortion, socialism, society, soulmates, soya milk, spiderman, stan rogers, star wars, steel capped records, summer, superman, surfing, survival, tabla beats, tattoos, the afterbeat, the beatles, the forks, the slackers, the transplants, trailer park boys, transcona, true love, umfm, uncommon valor, undergrads, untalkative bunny, vampires, vietnam war, war movies, web design, werewolves, winnipeg, winnipeg folk festival, winnipeg punk, wisdom, world conquest records, world history, world issues, world politics, ww2, xavier rudd, youth brigade, zelda, zombies, . [Modify yours]
People282:0bscured, 0narcissistic0, 0x0frumz0x0, __plasticgreen, _cherriberri_, _killedbyfuck_, _oxymor0n_, _prettyugly_, _sliptothefloor, _systemfailure_, _teamboo, _unspoken_words, _wonderwoman_, adiabaticonduit, agentneedles, agliophobia, aileenjellybeen, ali_g_m, allusive, anarchist_blood, angrygerbyl, annakatana, anteup, avrinder, bad_kittie, badlydrawnman, badnewschic, ballet_baybi_x, batzie, billybob002k, bitchesloveme, blainthemono, blinkybear, bloody_penny, boll_weevil, bootlaceddoll, booty_grl, boyz_lie, briandebaser, britneyw, brittyandacity, bubblegirl_kris, burntsquirrel, canticle, casts_a_shadow, chalicerae, chantella, chris_disregard, cityonfire, close_the_door, cookie_face, courseoutline, cozytears, cracklin_water, creamflirtjenny, crossed_hearts, cuntracula, dawnee, daynastate, dead_rock_star, deadbrat, deadbreathing, deceptapimp, diabolicnerd, discountmonocle, disengage79, doodlewang, dreybeta, drunkwith40oz, elevatorbones_, endorsing_angst, equivocated, evancory, eyexmeetsxeye, face_less, fakefrowns_, fatal_rage, fear_in_motion, feministblowjob, femme__, filthy_poison, fivefootfury, fuchsia_groan, germwarfare, ginsberg_blow, glittergashes, good4sule, gothadelic, greenvibe, gregmilkacrowe, gutttrottt, heavens_inferno, helfrozen, hellbaby, hezeda, history_is_bunk, holiday, how_loathsome, i_typedformiles, ieatbabieso_o, ilikebum, imperfected_x, imyourvirus, infernobushishi, instantmusic, its_me_alicia, jessicaxrabbit, judge_me_, junepanic, justmoe, justyna, kikaiji, kippyhiller, kiwirudegirl, laurelthesmurf, lesiloo, lidvelvet, limers, lipscantgo, lisavestheday, lost_at_4am, loveintheory, low_charge, lowerfour, m_e_g_r, madamerotten, madison_prep, maggie_jean, make__out, mandiemoo, mar_lena, martinishake, mattgillies, meggs_51, metalissogood, miapattern, milesbetween, mishakal, missi0nhill, missjillian, mofo_4132, monamourx, ms_absinthe, murdering_eden, my_livejournal, necromaniac, nephelite, nettiecamper, next_tuesday, nicoleptic, nuts_and_bolts, o0obadkittyo0o, obtenpander, oceansinruins, odessa_who_rox, ohmiamorx, onedrum, operation_liz, opt_anarchy, owbowmow, paperbagprinces, paperheartkid, pashit, paxilstar, peppertron, petrifiedtrust, photoboothx, pinkcilicone, pinkcupcake9, pinkseashell, pix3lated, playgirl86, pnkmittendkittn, pocketed_stars, poetryisme, porno_safari, pretty____pink, profshacklegack, psycho_steff, psychokiller_, puke_head, punkdreams, punkibrewster, purrdurr, queensugar, radiantangel, rainbowfeathers, rated_pg13, ratedx, rather_be_bones, red637, replica_reject, retroprojector, rhyscreed, riseup, rottenbuisness, rubberman, safetydeposit, saphi, sarah_jane, saturns_rose, saucy_21, savannah7, selphine, sexystacey, she_cant_let_go, shor_tee, shortyrox, sickofsadness, silencefashion, simeka, sinikalragdoll, sink_or_swim_, sinktoswim, skina, sludgebucket, slug_named_god, smooth_stace, so_robotic, specialkay, spruce_girl, stand_in_line, starblubber, starsraindown, stephaniespins, stephi_wephi, stephs_revenge, stupidelbow, sugarsmacks21, sus_b, synchronica, synder_hella, taemy, tamaratangle, teenagechaos, terminal_288, the_runaway_, therecoverymatt, theregoesmygun, thirdwavegrrrl, thoughtsofchaos, tiffernickel, tigerbat, tim_recovery, timemachine, tiredxxeyes, tresideddie, trimily, trixi666elf, tryntolive, tts_geek, twistedlollipop, tyleropoly, vintagelust, vivanco, vivaxlove, w1ndex, wanderbymistake, wellreadmenace, whitestripdvine, whoo_whoo_dilly, whyarentyoudead, winter_skies, worms_listen, x_amm0_x, x_emo_lemon_x, xbadxweavex, xbled_dryx, xencerradox, xfreakyxfairyx, xlittlexmx, xnoodleboyx, xobsequiousx, xsneakerx, xteddybearx, xwatchyoudreamx, youngandinsane, yourtypicalname, youstupidgirl, zizim, znarfbunga, zombie_a_go_go
Communities23:1fish_2fish, brandon_mb, i_heart_ska, lj_maintenance, news, oakbankxcore, punkmp3s, reggaevibration, ska, ska_ska_ska, stomp, theharlots, thepiratestory, traditionalska, winnipeg, winnipeg_dorks, winnipeg_metal, winnipegphoto, winnipegprogact, wpg_soulseek, wpg_tapetrading, wpgfolkfestival, wrathnetwork
Mutual Friends:225: 0bscured, 0narcissistic0, 0x0frumz0x0, __plasticgreen, _cherriberri_, _killedbyfuck_, _oxymor0n_, _systemfailure_, _teamboo, _unspoken_words, _wonderwoman_, agliophobia, aileenjellybeen, ali_g_m, anarchist_blood, angrygerbyl, annakatana, anteup, avrinder, badlydrawnman, badnewschic, batzie, billybob002k, blainthemono, blinkybear, bloody_penny, boll_weevil, booty_grl, boyz_lie, briandebaser, britneyw, brittyandacity, bubblegirl_kris, burntsquirrel, canticle, casts_a_shadow, chalicerae, chantella, chris_disregard, close_the_door, cookie_face, courseoutline, cozytears, creamflirtjenny, crossed_hearts, cuntracula, dawnee, daynastate, dead_rock_star, deadbrat, deadbreathing, deceptapimp, diabolicnerd, discountmonocle, disengage79, doodlewang, dreybeta, drunkwith40oz, elevatorbones_, equivocated, evancory, eyexmeetsxeye, fakefrowns_, fatal_rage, fear_in_motion, feministblowjob, femme__, filthy_poison, fivefootfury, germwarfare, ginsberg_blow, glittergashes, good4sule, gothadelic, greenvibe, gregmilkacrowe, gutttrottt, helfrozen, hellbaby, history_is_bunk, holiday, how_loathsome, i_typedformiles, ieatbabieso_o, ilikebum, imperfected_x, imyourvirus, infernobushishi, instantmusic, jessicaxrabbit, judge_me_, junepanic, kikaiji, kippyhiller, kiwirudegirl, laurelthesmurf, lesiloo, lidvelvet, limers, lipscantgo, lisavestheday, lost_at_4am, low_charge, lowerfour, m_e_g_r, madamerotten, madison_prep, maggie_jean, make__out, mandiemoo, martinishake, mattgillies, meggs_51, metalissogood, miapattern, milesbetween, mishakal, missjillian, mofo_4132, monamourx, ms_absinthe, murdering_eden, my_livejournal, necromaniac, nephelite, nettiecamper, next_tuesday, nuts_and_bolts, o0obadkittyo0o, obtenpander, odessa_who_rox, ohmiamorx, onedrum, operation_liz, opt_anarchy, owbowmow, paperbagprinces, paperheartkid, pashit, paxilstar, peppertron, petrifiedtrust, pinkcilicone, pinkcupcake9, pinkseashell, playgirl86, pnkmittendkittn, poetryisme, porno_safari, pretty____pink, ...
Also Friend of:8: ashutrin, lashexmullet, memojuez, mohiakan, nicotineheart, punksbbvds, rainbowsrtasty, united_skins
Member of:17: 1fish_2fish, brandon_mb, i_heart_ska, oakbankxcore, punkmp3s, reggaevibration, ska_ska_ska, stomp, theharlots, traditionalska, winnipeg, winnipeg_dorks, winnipeg_metal, winnipegprogact, wpg_soulseek, wpg_tapetrading, wpgfolkfestival
Account type:Free Account

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