Materialism and Murder [entries|friends|calendar]
blessed precious

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woooo [08 Feb 2005|11:13pm]
Who forgot she had to work tonight and thus didn't show up for her shift until she got a call from Emily?

Yours truly.

Bed now. Homework in 5.5 hours.

Today was exhausting.
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stole this from a girl who doesn't know me anymore [06 Feb 2005|06:14pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | ciara ]

& because I'm too lazy to update about Convention 2005, which rocked so hard:

If you've ever done what's listed, put an "x" in the parentheses.
(x) snuck out of the house
( ) gotten lost in your city
(x) saw a shooting star...
(x) been to any other countries besides the united states
( ) had a serious surgery
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas
(x) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
( ) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
( ) done drugs
(x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose [more like french fries]
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
(x) made out in an elevator...
(x) swore at your parents
( ) kicked a guy where it hurts
( ) been in love
(x) been close to love
( ) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
(x) broken a bone...
( ) been high
(x) given someone a bruise
( ) skinny-dipped
(x) skipped school
(x) flashed someone
(x) had oral surgery
( ) saw a therapist
( ) done the splits
(x) played spin the bottle
( ) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
(x) bitten someone
( ) been to Niagara Falls
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) crashed into a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
(x) been fired
( ) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(x) stole something from your job
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(x) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to Europe
(x) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) saw someone die
( ) been to Africa
( ) Driven over 400 miles in one day
(x) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) Thrown up in a bar
(x) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
(x) Been moshing at a rock show
( ) Been to a moto cross show
(x) in a bathing suit taken photos of yourself
( ) been in an abusive relationship
( ) lost a child
( ) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
(x) tried killing yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(x) Love someone or miss someone right now
(x) bored

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[04 Feb 2005|07:04am]
[ mood | german! ]

Hooray! German Convention '05.

Don't worry Heike, I'll make sure our food fight tomorrow at lunch succeeds better than last year's. ;) And I'll spreche some badass Deutsch for you. AAANNND I'm not getting in a car wreck this year! Natalie Detlef will be traveling in the back of the line. Hahaha.

I have to go pack and get dressed now. Need to get to school to help Frau with our banner. Yep.

Have a good weekend everyone! I'll write when I can (probably Monday).

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[02 Feb 2005|11:34pm]

Man, do I feel like shit.

And Monday I start looking for another job. Again.
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importante [01 Feb 2005|10:44pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | eminem - just lose it ]

Danielle's Varsity soccer schedule for Brookwood & South games.

thurs 2-17 7:30 @ south
mon 2-21 5:30 @ brookwood
wed 2-23 5:30 @ brookwood
tues 3-1 7:30
sat 3-5 5:00
fri 3-11 5:30
fri 3-18 5:30
thur 3-24 5:30
thur 3-31 5:30 all at south and then
fri 4-15 5:30 @ brookwood
tues 4-19 5:30 @ south

I might have to drag Tobi to the March 24th game if he hasn't left for Florida (I think they leave the next week, though. Sometime around the 30th).

Real update later. Just needed to save that somewhere. Bed now.

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[31 Jan 2005|08:47pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | mitch hedberg ]

I'm looking at Homecoming pictures from last fall. There's one on Chenda's webshots page where we're all at Jessi's house and I'm sticking my tongue out while "posing" with Calvie.

That picture makes me laugh so much just because Calvin's laughing in it. The same thing will happen while we're driving around: Calvin will do something stupid/funny and I'll be amused and start laughing, then he'll look over and see ME laughing & then HE'll start laughing. Oh goodness.

That is reason #427 why I love Calvin and being his best friend.


It's been over a year now. Going back and reading all those entries with Calvin and my infatuation with him is so amusing. I can't believe how much I liked that kid (or any of the other guys for that matter).

Things have changed. Mostly for the better, but it took the worst pitfalls to get here!

I just want to take the time to say
I love you:
(funny how all those are women) & happy be-late-ed birfday, Chenda moni. ;D You're legal for Ian now!

Aaaah. Sleep now. :B

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brilliant decisions mean getting iced in [30 Jan 2005|04:48pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | 50 cent - disco inferno ]

I went to see "Into The Woods" Friday night. It was pretty good; very amusing. For all of you who didn't see it: you suck. Rico was the best... even though he died in the first act. Bah. He made the most badass wolf ever. After that, it stopped sleeting so I went to Calvin's to wait for him to finish at work. He got home around 1. Danielle called me around 11 and said she couldn't come over, so I was lonely for the 3 hours I was at Calvin's before he got there.

I watched his pr0n and then parts of Conan O'Brien and "Tarzan" on the Disney channel. I was pretty drunk, too. So of course I was singing along to Phil Collins during Tarzan and I even went outside and tried to do the Tarzan call. Softly. I understood people were sleeping. So yeah. Calvin got home and we watched "Club Dread" which was... absolutely dreadful. Blahblah. Went to sleep about 4 while watching Chris Rock on HBO. I woke up around 10 because Calvin's alarms kept going off. He called Corky's and Jimmy said not to go in. I called Gary and he said he'd call me back once he heard from Kristi on whether we were opening or not. I continued reading Tess of the d'Urbervilles and passed out on the couch around 11. Gary called back and said have a wonderful day off, see you tomorrow; Danielle called and then Calvin woke up. We ordered pizza and it took 2 hours to get to his apartment. By then it was about 2. We ate pizza, Bradie called Calvin (from her boyfriend's house..), and then Calvin & I decided to pick up Danielle. We both took quick showers and chiseled the ice off his car. x_x I cut my hands open multiple times! It was so much fun! Har.

BEING STUCK IN A ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW LIKE THE BACK OF YOUR HAND IS NOT A GOOD THING. At least all you people had HOUSES with lots of places to HIDE from other people! I was not that fortunate! If I wanted to hide from Calvin, I'd have to go sit in my block of ice of a car.

We picked her up and went to Blockbuster, which was PACKED, got two movies and went back to Calvin's. Finished those by 11 and I was asleep by 12 because a) I was bored and b) Calvin was watching stupid shit on TV. Woke up this morning at 8:30, took a shower, and went to work to open the store after thawing my car. I was done by 2.

I'm talking to Tobias on AIM. :)
seiteki Steph: Sleep is good. :-)
Tobi: Ja ich weiß
seiteki Steph: Ich liebe schlafen. Haha.
Tobi: Ich auch aber ich liebe auch essen
Tobi: Aber man sieht es zum glück nicht
seiteki Steph: Haha! We both love to eat and sleep. This is great.
seiteki Steph: We're going to get along well.
Tobi: Yes I think so
Tobi: But you don't look like you eat much ;-)
seiteki Steph: I do. Lol

Awww. I love this kid already. He's like a male, German version of me! Hooray!

Dammit. I left my book at Calvin's. *siiiiigh* Gosh..

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entertainment [28 Jan 2005|05:32pm]
I'm going to go see "Into the Woods" tonight because I couldn't see it last semester for some reason or another.

That should keep me occupied until Calvin gets off work and then we'll see what happens from there. I don't know why but Calvin's been amusing the hell out of me lately. It's not flirtatious, it's just... Calvie. It's nice. I'm enjoying every second of it.

That was pointless and dumb and a waste of your time, just like everything else I write. Yay for sleet.

Oh yeah, and I'm writing an Absurdist Play. It's fun. Calvin and Bradie were my muses. How ... odd.
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hooray; been gone for a week [26 Jan 2005|08:11pm]
[ mood | hopeyoudietilyou'redead ]

I haven't updated in a long time. I've been busy as hell. Doing what? That's a good question.

Mostly I've been at school or work or trying to finish my homework. I got my hair cut Friday, worked all day Saturday & most of the day Sunday. Then I worked ... Monday. And haven't worked since. I work tomorrow.

Yesterday was the second Germany trip meeting. The cost is expected to go up another $250-500 because our economy blows. I'm thrilled. I have a payment of $500 due in two weeks. I'm glad I started saving my money when I did back in May. And tax returns... I'll be getting about $800. Not to mention my savings bonds I haven't touched since I got them in December (I should find those). I have to find my birth certificate and go get a passport by next week. I might have to do that Friday or Saturday.. are the Post Offices open Saturdays? Nevermind - I'm working all day again. Bloody hell.

I've started talking to Tobias via email. He seems like a normal kid, which is always good. His english is pretty good. I find myself trying to type simple words and sentences so he'll understand. I also sent him a list of ebonics just for shits and giggles. We'll see how that works out.

I worked out with Carrie and Hal today. It was fun, I enjoyed it. I burned about 300 calories and then gained them all back by eating McDonald's with my last $3 until tomorrow. Hooray for being fat and poor! And then Calvin insisted I go with him to see Bradie at Bruster's. Man, that was fun. It inspired me, though, to write a sort of Absurdist play. I know, I'm a huge dork. But I think if I can keep getting inspired, it should turn out OK... as far as absurd plays turn out. After that, Calvin bought blinds from WalMart; unfortunately, we didn't check to see if the box had already been opened, which it had, and there were no mounting materials. So he just left the stuff on his counter and we sat down to watch TV (well, I read for Euro). Bradie called Calvin while I was there about an hour ago, so I went ahead and left because he said he was gonna call her right back after the movie was done. Well, I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of staying through the rest of that godawful movie ("Chasing Liberty" or something) and so I just picked up and left. Got a little agitated at Calvin, though. Don't know why, yet. Probably because he's making himself miserable by chasing after Bradie when she's obviously got some serious issues to work out on her own. Oh well. His call.

I'm effin tired. I'm gonna go keep reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles so I can stay ahead of the game and probably pass out within the next hour.

Did I mention how much I hate my life today? And it's not even Thursday! (Usually I only hate life this much on Thursdays because Thursdays in general suck and I have a sneaking suspicion that tomorrow will definitely blow veryveryvery hard. Especially at work.)

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[17 Jan 2005|10:35pm]
All I have to say is: D'oh.

I'm seriously freaking out about college right now. I keep telling myself I shouldn't be, but I am.
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time to shed some weight [14 Jan 2005|05:43pm]
Both emotionally and physically. :D

I'm so proud of myself. I ran for a whole mile today and then I cycled another 3 1/2. I can't wait to get my legs/ass/stomach back into shape. I was gonna go over and do some upper-body stuff but there were really big men over by the free weights and that scared me a little. Sooo.

Emotionally: I think it's funny how people I know have seen/run into Melissa more times than I have in the past 6-8 months. Someone came up to me the other day and said they saw Melissa around and that she looked like microwaved hell. I wouldn't know, she still doesn't seem to care that I wouldn't mind hanging out with her for a bit every now and then; maybe feed her a cookie while I'm at it.

I have to get my hair cut before next Tuesday night. This is going to be tricky. Or maybe I really ought to wait until post-Pageant to chop my hair off ala Natalie Portman in "Closer." Meh. I think I'll wait. Getting Nikki to cut my hair is way more important than actually getting it cut. So.

My abdomen is really sore from doing crunches Wednesday. We'll see if it deters me from doing any tonight. My arms are OK, so I'm gonna go back to doing push-ups.

Being smoke-free is Godly. I really shouldn't encourage other people's habits or help them get cigarettes (coughcough) but... I understand the habit. Which makes this a predicament/paradoxical situation/quite confusing. Meh. We'll see. Dinner time.

Mmm. Salad!
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ahahahaha [12 Jan 2005|05:30pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | muse - hysteria ]

I'm Gonna Marry Briana! )

That's awesome. It made my day.

Actually, finding out we're eating at Ruby Tuesday for my mom's birthday made my day. *vomit* I guess I should get dressed and start typing up our "playlet." I'm so gay in it, it's not even funny. That's the first thing I told Danielle, too. "HEY GUESSWHATI'MGAY." She laughed and was like, "Why aren't you gay for real..? *pout*" Hahaha. I love her, she's so awesome.

I wish I wasn't so fat. Need to fit into a size 6 dress in a month. GGggaaaah.

And then there was the most badass play ever ) It's about lesbians trying to break it to Dear's parents, Sir & Ma'am. Rock on. No smoochy scene, however, seeing as how it's Chenda and all. Hahaha. W00t.

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prom rant #1: it's not yet time to panic [10 Jan 2005|09:19pm]
[ mood | i can't even begin to tell you ]
[ music | cats playing out in the loft; my, they're a loud bunch ]

It's January aaannnd it's almost halfway done. Like a cake. Baking in the oven. But if it actually took 31 days to bake a cake, who would want to go through the trouble of baking one in the first place? Therefore, no more cake. Which = sadness. Because cake is good. Especially Manz's chocolate birthday cake. Mmm.

Anyway, I was getting at the fact that this time last year, I had a prom date already secured. Granted, he's a flaming "I Like it Up the Butt" type now, so I don't know if I should even count prom as a real thing. Goddamn I was a bitch that night. But he deserved every second of it because the fucker almost went back to New Mexico with my credit card and he didn't pay me back a freaking penny of what he owed me. (He owes me about $300. I did the math.)

Too bad I never got him to write down an agreement on him paying me back. I'm such a shit. I'll never make that mistake again.

I digress again. I'm actually thinking that by the time AP Exams roll around at the beginning of May, I'll be prom-date-less and won't attend my senior prom. But, when I really think about it, I'm not worried because there are so many other things I can do that night if I don't have a date. (And no, I will not be attending if I do not have a date. Going "with friends" is miserable because all you fucks will have dates and I will be the proverbial fat one in the corner with a Snickers bar and Diet Coke(tm).) I could throw my own "Fuck the 2005 Senior Prom" party - at Calvin's of course - and just get down with friends that night, for example. Formal wear not optional, kinda like Jessi's Homecoming party. It would be a fun excuse to get dressed up and get shitfaced. Ooorrrr I could piss around until midnight and then we could all do a bonfire thing and stay up/out all night in a sort of camping environment.

I don't know why I'm even thinking about this. Prom = 5 months away(ish). I have more important things to think abou-- wait, no I don't. So, there we go!

And now for something completely unrelated. Calvin & I are on good terms, still. Despite our drunken screaming fights, slamming doors in each other's faces, and harsh words, there's something underneath our surfaces that seems to be able to overlook everything and keep us together. It's a totally weird and to-a-T Love-Hate Relationship. I hate to love him and he loves to hate me. It's rather confusing, we've both admitted, but at least we're confused (beyond all belief) together. And somehow, that's more comforting than one of us knowing what's going on while the other one still can't figure it out. I'm actually enjoying being confused, but I doubt I'd be OK with it with anybody else.

I'm OK with being confused with Calvin because we know each other so damn well: I can tell he's upset the second he lets his clutch out a certain way if he's driving; he knows I'm upset when I'm hiding it with a smile; he knows he can tell me to not clean his apartment but I'll do it anyway; I know he hates metal against teeth and he knows I hate when paper products screech together (like cardboard box flaps); we know exactly what the answer is when we haven't asked the question; the list goes on and on. I can't quite tell yet if it's the perfect relationship or not. I mean, of course it isn't, because there's always something missing that we dare not even try to test out. We don't want to get intimate with each other for various reasons; not to mention we can't get intimate with each other for one main reason: a cute little blonde girl that plays soccer, hosts like a badass, cares for the both of us equally, and keeps up at parties with the rest of us. Because, however, we don't want to get intimate with each other, it should cancel that factor out. Thus, the situation of not being able to tell if it's the perfect relationship or not.

Now, to learn to control my spouts of jealousy and need for attention. It's all good; these things come with time. Sooner than later, I'm sure. ;)

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she's 16 for fuck's sake [09 Jan 2005|10:23pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | a myriad of songs stuck in my head ]

What would you do if your best guy friend told you that you weren't allowed to get jealous if he were to be all over a girl the next night and, promptly after the talk, was all over you? And even told you that he thought of you the night before when his favorite Dave Matthews song came on..

Get jealous, right? Especially when it turns out your friend isn't going after the girl you thought he was going after. It's a new piece of ass, who's 16 or 17, he can't quite remember which. He told me she meant nothing to him only an hour or two before he sat there and expressed how much he liked her and why he was getting pissed that Manz was cock-blocking. Hmmm.

I'm sure the reasons I didn't get totally trashed last night involved a) me puking an hour into Manz's party, b) me wanting to leave very badly, & c) Brad couldn't take care of me if I had a mental breakdown. The first hour of Manz's party was fun because there was table-dancing and lots of cute guys. Once they left, however, and Calvin was all over whatsherface, things went downhill. Quickly. Manz kept drinking and got completely bipolar and called people and left verbally abusive voicemails. I called Jeff around 1 to see if he would come get me from Calvin's, but he didn't answer his phone. I then called Robbie around 2 and he said he'd be there in a bit. He got there at 3:45 and we left although Calvin expressly told me I shouldn't because I was the only one there that he cared about. Funny way of showing it while he's all over some other chick & completely ignoring me. Anyhow. Around 5:30 Robbie and I went back to Calvin's after taking one of Robbie's friends home by the Mall of Georgia. We drove through 2-foot-visibility in the fog last night and almost hit a deer, which was standing in the middle of Satellite Blvd. Scared the shit out of both of us. That was the first time I almost died in 24 hours.

The second time I almost died was today when a fuckhead decided to just STOP in the middle of Pleasant Hill. Just come a complete stop so the car behind him slams on his brakes, which makes me slam on mine. Fuckers.

I digress. Robbie and I got back and had to crash on the floor in the front hall again because there was absolutely no place else to crash. It was nice having someone sober to cuddle with, especially a huge sweetheart like Robbie. And especially because there weren't any fucking blankets left (although I found one next to Calvin's bed this morning that wasn't being put to use & Brittany was sleeping on top of another quilt, dammit). The most amusing parts of the night involved Calvin beating Manz with a pillow in the face until Manz woke up and stopped snoring. The kid snores like a goddamn moose. And then Robbie and I talked about me being a Star Wars freak and being tempted to grab the bars of soap from the shower and beat Manz with them.

I cleaned up the booze; well, most of it. It took me an hour and then I crashed on the sofa at Calvin's until about 3pm when Gooch showed up to clean... except there was nothing left to clean but the carpet, which won't get cleaned until later this evening when Calvin decides to finish putting his stuff away. Worked tonight. Cracked jokes with Calvin to get my mind off last night. But now that I'm sitting here alone in the dark, my mind is somewhere between contemplating the things he said to me this weekend, mostly last night, when we were alone in his room during the party (before I left), my AP Euro I didn't read, and the paper I have to write for Collins before 6th period tomorrow.

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in the dark of the matinee [07 Jan 2005|07:02pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | franz ferdinand - jacqueline ]

My life is super-boring as of right now. Went back to school on Wednesday the 5th. Nothing has happened since.

So terribly bored it's not even funny. And I miss going out almost every night. Being confined to a house makes life worthless. Gah.

And I'm the queen of sweeping generalizations, so there.

Man, apparently calling me back in a few minutes means I'm gonna forget I even said that and not call you back. Fun stuff.

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KILLER WAVE wipes indonesian coastal cities off the map [29 Dec 2004|10:06pm]

NO NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY AT STEPH'S THIS YEAR. Are we clear, niggz? I mean, fo' serious.  I'll be out partying and shit allllllll night loooooong.  Yeah.  And I'm being safe about it.  Sorry for all who aren't 18. :/  I KNOW, IT BLOWS. But you'll all be 18 soon 'nuff. Tru dat.


I don't know why I'm so ghetto right now. I'm just tired/awake which is a bad combination. Very bad.  I have to get dressed now & go see my lovely dyke Danielle.  She's the greatest girl ever; she bought me a Napoleon Dynamite shirt that I'm sure everyone'll have by the time we get back to school.  SECOND SEMESTER ONE WEEK AWAY. Graduation - FIVE MONTHS. HOLY CHEESE, BATMAN.

Tis all! I'm OUT like a LIGHT, bitches.


PS - Ian & Chenda write PS too much.


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i lost my brother [28 Dec 2004|02:40am]
Not even kidding. He called me around 12 & needed a ride home because he a) didn't have a car and b) couldn't drive even if he did have one. So, I told him I'd call him about 1:30, but "Spun" didn't end until about 1:50. I left Calvin's with Robbie & called Mike and he didn't answer his phone. I started over to Mont Claire, where he said he was earlier, but he didn't answer the next several times I called trying to find out where exactly he was at. So I left him 3 voicemails in hopes he'd get them.

I need to sleep now in case he calls me back. I have to work at 9:45 tomorrow. Fun shit.

I hope Mike's safe somewhere.

[Edit 9:10AM] Mike called at 4:45 this morning. He told me where he was and I went to pick him up, knowing very well when we got back, the dogs were gonna be having shitfits and barking up the walls. I was right. I managed to sneak back in the house, in a winter coat, scarf, and PJs, without running into a parent. I don't know if the same was for Mike. But whatever, they should thank me that I went and got his sorry ass.

This, kids, is why I don't make a habit of drinking & why I do NOT do drugs and never WILL do drugs.
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[27 Dec 2004|03:02pm]
$130 spent. $200+ to put away in savings.

I got a new pair of jeans. Size 11. Makes me wanna kill myself, except they look really fucking good, so.. I guess that's all that matters. Tons of shirts. I got about 4 new tanktops, a layered shirt, 4 long-sleeved shirts/sweaters.

Gold's Gym opens next week (supposedly), so I'm excited. Time to work off all this pooch and get my sexy legs back.

Work tonight 5-9. Meeting with Kurt. Should be funtastic. Tis all.
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another one breaks the 3-day rule. i think we should just toss that out the window. [26 Dec 2004|10:13pm]
Robbie text messaged me while I was at work. And then he called me, because I didn't respond, most likely. But he didn't leave a message.

I got the strangest call tonight. Someone from a private number called me (twice) and the 2nd time, I answered, but there wasn't anyone on the other line. So I hung up. Whatever.

Made over $40 tonight and only had like.. 4-5 tables. Sweetness.

I am so tired.

Shopping tomorrow. What.
(If you'd like to attend you know muh numbah; I'm just hitting up Kohl's & Goody's for the most part. Maybe Old Navy. Nothing too fancy.)
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dreaming of a rockin xmas [25 Dec 2004|06:11pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | bush - mouth ]

That hat rocks. It is by far the best thing (besides a huge wad of cash & the leg warmers Carrie bought me) I've received this year. Not to mention I look cute in that picture for some reason.

I just finished painting my nails bright, shiney red. It amuses me because I'm typing and it's like, " SHINEY!" so it's a double-whammy.

Might be hanging out with teh Calvie, Danielle, & co. tonight. We'll see. Maybe Steven can come over.. humm. I still need to see Mr. I'm a Marine Peter. Yeayuh. No party with Lil Jon tonight. Also not getting raped tonight. Both good things.

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